"The underworld is dangerous. I'm not even sure I can escape unscathed. You don't need to follow me to the underworld this time." Locke turned and said to Ning Tianjiao.

Ning Tianjiao nodded, knowing what he was capable of.

"Then you should be careful all the way, but I think there are few people in the world who can keep you who evolved again after being tempered by the blood of your ancestors. I am also gathering all the dwarves in the kingdom of giants during this period to create artifacts together! Concentrate on doing great things!"

"With the backing of the Titans, no dwarf tribe dare not disobey the command, with the help of their skills, coupled with the endless magic materials in the warehouse, each of my ideas is finally no longer a castle in the air, this time I want to build Unleashed the supreme artifact that surpasses the scepter of the god king—the Demon God Soldier!"

Locke said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to it, your name will eventually be engraved on Hill's calendar."

"Then I'll go first, and I'll be back soon." Locke waved his hand, turned around and embarked on a new journey.

The Titans behind them watched, and they felt that a powerful man was slowly rising

"Mary, wait a minute, I'll be back soon."

Leaving the kingdom of giants and going further down, Locke suddenly looked back at the huge and glorious atrium and said to himself.

Where he is now, no one has ever reached the atrium in history, and only the gods descended. Locke felt that he might be the first human being to reach such a depth in the world tree.


One after another strange sounds echoed in the dark world. Compared with everything outside the world, Locke may be relatively thin and weak, but his eyes were bright, and he turned around in vain, scanning the surroundings to spy on monsters with domineering eyes.


Locke yelled loudly, his body shook, and a gigantic figure like the ancestor giant appeared behind him in an instant, shining brightly, illuminating all the ghosts and ghosts!

This giant phantom looks like him, and its eyes are like a bright sun. Frightened people outside the dark world fled in embarrassment. No monsters dared to spy on them. They felt the breath of "king" from this little human.

Locke clenched his fists and raised the corner of his mouth, "Is the sixth talent the power of a titan? Now my power should be able to crush the artifact alive."

So where do we go next?

Locke looked up to the dark distance, a terrifying and strange underworld was ahead, but Locke was impatient, he wanted to quickly unravel the confusion in his heart rather than completing the seventh trial first, so he suddenly turned and walked towards the opposite of the underworld.

He must first find the Divine Tree of Destiny mentioned by Teacher Shepherd. This is the supreme power that even the gods cannot touch. It will guide his way forward and make him no longer confused.

Just turned over a few mountains and crossed a few rivers.Just scared a few beasts, and subdued a few demons.

Locke sighed: "Why are there so many monsters and monsters?"

Sure enough, because he was free from the shackles of the world's laws, there are all kinds of strange monsters. He used his fists along the way to prove the greatest truth in the world: the sky is big and the earth is big, and the fist is the biggest.

Those who didn't know who dared to block the way, all turned into corpses under their feet.

Finally, after walking for a few miles, Locke found a branch of the World Tree that looked like a mighty dragon. He knew that his destination was approaching, so he moved a little faster. Gradually, Locke keenly smelled a scent of fragrance in the air.

Taking a deep breath, the fragrance was refreshing, and all the cells in Locke's body jumped up, "This should be the fountain of life under the tree of fate."

Locke frowned, and kept running quickly along the direction of the fragrance. At this time, he was in a strong figure, like a monkey, shuttling between the complicated bushes.

Old vines, dead leaves, and silt finally pushed through layers of bushes, and Locke saw the fountain of life overflowing with endless vitality.

Not far from the fountain of life, a 2-meter-high sacred tree stands quietly beside the spring.

This sacred tree is very different from other tree species. It takes the thoughts of sentient beings as its root, takes root in the past, and flourishes in the present, while the branches representing the fate of everyone in Hill spread to the future.

Locke also saw a young goddess with beautiful blond hair sitting quietly under the tree, leaning on the tree of fate with her arms on her side, her expression was peaceful and calm, as if she was sleeping.

"Huh? Why are there two other goddesses?"

Locke's eyes were brilliant, his eyes traveled through time, and he saw a girl with the same appearance in the past, but younger, who accompanied the tree of fate.

He raised his head again and looked at the future where the branches spread. There was also a blonde goddess with a mature and graceful face guarding the tree of fate.

"Past, present, future? Trinity." Locke seemed to see through something.

And as if awakened by the outside world, the Goddess of Fate, who is now sleeping sideways on the body of the Tree of Fate, slowly opened her eyes, her long golden eyelashes fluttering, and as she woke up, the two goddesses of the past and the future instantly transformed. Flowing smoke for the phantom into the present body.

Based on the present, we can look back on the past and look forward to the future.

"you are?"

Seeing the boy in front of him clearly, he opened his eyes, and after waking up, the blond goddess opened her red lips and asked in doubt.

The place where the tree of destiny takes root is like the moon in the water, or the flower in the mirror. It is out of this world, and without the guidance of fate, even gods and kings will not be able to find it.

How could this young man with an immature soul find him?Could it be that he is a person favored by fate?

Chapter 257 Peeping into fate, death ending

"Honorable Goddess of Fate, to disturb your sleep, I came here for one thing."

Locke bent slightly in front of the Destiny Tree and asked. Vivian opened her eyes curiously and looked at the young man in front of her. She slowly got up from under the tree. She asked:

"Where did you come from? And why?"

How long has it been since her sister Yaoyao, who was the only one who accompanied her, left, and she is alone here, enjoying her loneliness. Every time she dreams of traveling the world with Alice, her uncle and others in a carriage when she was young, that This period of time was the happiest time in her life.

This has become her best memory now, supporting her to guard the tree of fate lonely.

Locke's eyes turned, thinking what the master said, he said: "I came from the atrium to complete the two trials set by the master, and I just came here to inquire about the future."

Perhaps thinking that the goddess of fate would not agree easily, after all, this is the deepest secret about fate. Seeing that the blond goddess frowned as expected, he hurriedly continued:

"My master said, as long as you bear his name, you will naturally promise me to spy on fate once."

"Oh? Who is your master?"

Vivienne couldn't help but took a small step, and immediately asked, her golden eyelashes fluttered, her long-silent heart was pounding, and she already had the answer in her heart.

"I don't know the exact name of the master, but he claims to be a prankster."

Locke scratched his head in embarrassment, and continued: "Actually, Mr. Shepherd has never called me an apprentice. It's just because he taught me since I was a child, so I called it that on my own."

"He, how has he been these years?" Vivienne's cherry lips moved slightly, and she immediately asked tremblingly.

"It seems that Mr. Shepherd also left a romantic debt back then." Seeing the goddess of fate asking nervously, Locke muttered in his heart,

"The teacher has been very good these years, and I know very little about him. Teacher Shepherd is shrouded in the biggest fog in the world. I can't see through him. He is always mysterious and mysterious, but I think no one in the world can understand it." Can hurt him."

"It's been so long and you haven't come to see me." Vivian murmured to herself under the tree.

After that, she asked a lot about Teacher Shepherd. Locke was helpless. He didn't know much at first. In order not to anger the goddess of fate, he had to ask for help, so he could only tell them one by one.

After a long time, Vivienne returned to the topic. Her golden pupils looked at the young man carefully, with deep eyes, not his real body, but the past and future.

"I didn't even teach her and me so carefully back then, so let me see how miraculous your fate is."


The sacred tree of fate behind which lives depend on each other shakes the branches of the future. Under Locke's curious eyes, the lush branches diffract into an endless web of fate, weaving the fate of all lives.

The blond goddess turned around, searched carefully, and stretched out two fingers to twist a much thicker thread of fate than others. Vivienne looked down and traced the boy's past.

She saw that since birth, there had been a mysterious man with infinite radiance all over his body guarding the outer door, and all ghosts and monsters dared not approach him.

The birth of Locke symbolizes extraordinaryness, and since he was a child with infinite strength, he has started a magnificent life.

Nemean Lion, Hydra, Nine-Colored Deer

Before he was an adult, he had already completed a series of shocking mythological trials. Even with Vivian's critical eyes, he couldn't help but open his cherry lips, very surprised.

"Is the destiny of countless human beings gathered in the atrium? Beyond the king of conquerors and the king of heroes, has the strongest man in human history been born?"

This time, Vivienne didn't dare to look down on the young man anymore, and she looked forward along the line of fate, but in an instant, the bloody wind and the stench of blood made the goddess want to vomit. She saw that there was a torrent of blood behind the young man. Shadow, the future is an endless sea of ​​blood!

The titans, the gods and the ten thousand races under them floated at the feet of their respective corpses. The future of the boy is endless slaughter and endless war!This is beyond all horror battles so far!


Vivienne's chest rose and fell violently. She took a deep breath, knowing that it was because of her own strength that she couldn't see clearly the specific future of this young man.

The future is always changing, and if I say a word to the boy now, it will completely change his future. Vivienne is the goddess of fate, but she can't even see through her own destiny.

"For his sake, I can give you a chance to spy on your destiny, but you have to be careful, this will overturn your worldview and change your life. There are too many messages about the future, you have to stick to your heart and not get lost. "

Vivienne tilted her head slightly, and her bright golden hair fell down, which was more beautiful than the sunset glow in the sky.

Maybe this young man can see his future clearly by peeping by himself.

Hearing the promise from the goddess of fate, Locke was overjoyed, and he hurried forward and asked:

"My Goddess, can you help me find the fate line of a human woman named "Mary"? I want to see her future."


Vivienne looked over in bewilderment, such a precious secret was not placed on herself, but to spy on others.

"You have to think clearly, there is only one chance to change your destiny."

Locke nodded, and said firmly: "It is precisely because this is the only one-time secret, so I will use it in the most important place."

That being the case, Vivienne can only find the fate line named "Mary" in the endless web of fate. In the atrium, there are many people with the same name, but there is only one that is close to Locke.

"I see."

Vivienne's eyes lit up, and soon another thin red line that was pulled from Locke's fate line and tightly entangled him, Vivienne laughed, and she turned her head to look at the boy with a smile:

"Your name is Locke. You actually want to see the future of your lover. Although you are impulsive and reckless, I appreciate it.

That's right, kid, I like you. A hundred years ago, I was also a human being. If you raise the banner of rebelling against the gods in the future, I will also help you at that time. Let's forget the final cause and effect. "

Although Goddess of Fate promised to help her, Locke was so anxious that he didn't listen to her words at all.

His eyes looked nervously at the thick fate line that symbolizes himself, and the slender red line wrapped around it, and asked nervously:

"Goddess of Fate, what is Mary's future like? Is she happy and safe all her life?"

"Ha ha."

Vivian chuckled twice, flicked the red thread with her green fingers, and played the music of fate. In an instant, the light and shadow flickered, and the future scene about Mary appeared on the branch of fate.

Suddenly, Locke held his breath, more nervous than his life-and-death bloody battles. He fixed his eyes on the future picture on the tree of destiny, not daring to miss a single bit.


It seems that the relevant pictures involving Locke will be unstable and blurred. Vivienne and Locke looked carefully, and saw that Mary's life at the next moment was divided into two completely different fates by Locke's actions.


Locke swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously, and first looked at the fate line where he went out of bounds and married Mary. On this line, Mary married him after he came back, and the two lived happily together. Soon after, she gave birth to a lovely daughter for herself.

The happy picture of a family of three made Locke envious in this world for a while, but Locke suddenly frowned, and the good times didn't last long. As time went by, the hunt and persecution of the Church of the Gods became more and more serious, and the Gods also personally descended to deal with him, who had been hiding for a long time. predators.

He couldn't hide it anymore, and with an order, he officially raised the flag!

Gather remote humans who have escaped the control of the church, as well as revolutionaries who have been hidden in the city-state for generations, and revolt on the same day, officially kicking off the world war against the gods!


This battle is so terrible, not only humans and gods, but also other powerful ethnic groups such as Titans, dragons, elves, etc. are involved. On the first day of the uprising, Locke, who was full of stubble and mature and stable, killed himself !

In order to save millions of humans who were deliberately designed as bait by the gods, he entered the trap of the gods alone!

In this battle, the space collapsed, the laws exploded, and the immortal real body was killed by the gods. Locke saw it. On that day, his eyes were blood red, and he killed a true god with a punch. Beat him into blood foam!

On this day, the sky was stained with blood, and the rebel army headed by Locke officially began to fight against the God Realm. People of insight continued to resist in the rear. The team became bigger and bigger, and other ethnic groups that had been oppressed by the gods for thousands of years also joined them.

However, the God Realm has a profound background, has accumulated many magical materials since the birth of the world, created powerful artifacts and puppets, and killed other powerful people wantonly. A titan who stood up to heaven and earth also fell, and there were even white gods of faith. Let the army participate in the battle, and let the biggest advantage of the rebel army become empty!

This battle didn't happen overnight. The tall Locke's body was stained with blood all day long, and he had been fighting continuously since the first day of the war.

However, one day, the gods discovered his family, and when the powerful God of War personally attacked him, he captured his wife and daughter and threatened him to surrender, and even promised him the position of "God of Human Beings".

In the future, he looked back covered in blood, and behind him were strong men who believed in him, not only humans, but also other tribes such as Titans and dragons.


Locke yelled in pain. The next moment, his wife and daughter were brutally crushed by the God of War before his eyes, and the sky was stained red with blood!

"No! No! It's impossible! I don't believe this is my future with her! There must be something else!"

At this time, under the God of Destiny Tree, Locke roared with red eyes!

He quickly looked at the other treetops on this fork, but the fate line ended, and the ending was similar. As long as Locke and Mary were together, they would be implicated in the war no matter what, and would always fall into the hands of the gods.

The tragic death of his wife and daughter kept flashing in front of Locke's eyes, his eyes became more and more scarlet, and the restless blood that had swallowed the blood of the Titan's ancestors boiled even more, and his anger burned to the sky!


Vivian sighed, she didn't expect this to happen in the future.

"The result of this branch of fate is already doomed. No matter what the process is, the end of death cannot be avoided in the end. Now we can only look at another point of fate."

Hearing the advice of the goddess of fate, Locke, with red eyes, finally stopped searching obsessively. His bloody eyes moved away from the death tree branch, and looked nervously at another completely different fate branch.

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