The origin is the same, it still started when he went out of bounds, Locke returned to the atrium, and returned to the original

Chapter 258 The treasured thing, keep it at a respectful distance

This fate forked, Locke returned to the atrium to see Mary again, but he refused cruelly, and the two separated, and the red line of fate separated, and they were no longer entangled.

In this life, after losing the last family shackles, Locke devoted himself to the battle against the gods. After letting go of his hands and feet, he was even braver than another fate line!

At the feet of the floating corpses of powerful gods, colorful blood stained their bodies, and in the end he even slew the ancient main god with his hands, and he became the strongest godslayer.

He saw Locke in this world. On the treetop at the end of this line of fate, the background was a million corpses lying on the oars bleeding, and at the end of the battlefield, he confronted a tall, majestic and majestic king of the gods.

However, Locke's eyes are not on the terrible enemy in the future, but looking for Mary's figure. He saw that Mary married an ordinary wealthy businessman after leaving Locke. In order to avoid years of wars, the family chose to retreat to the deep mountains and old forests.

Although the living conditions are not as good as before, the family is safe and sound, and they also gave birth to a pair of children, and they are healthy and happy in their later years.

"What is cherished should be respected and kept at a distance?"

Vivienne said with emotion, she looked at the boy who didn't sign up, and asked, "Then what is your choice?"

After watching two completely different life trajectories, Locke raised his head with bloodshot eyes and asked, "Is the fate line on the tree of fate a definite future?"

Vivian said indifferently: "People are always willing to believe in a bright future, but on the contrary, they are unwilling to believe in a bleak future. The Divine Tree of Destiny bears the imprint of all the creatures in Hill's world. It is a future derived from existing data. You can take It is regarded as the strongest destiny brain.

Although the future is changing at any time, no matter where the lines of fate diverge, they will eventually converge together. I can see it. "

Vivienne's golden pupils looked directly at the young man, "All the fates of the humans in the atrium from birth to the present have gathered on you. Driven by fate, you will eventually fight the king of gods, and no one can intervene in this battle.

The giant representing the old order, the god king Yule who is a hybrid of the gods, and the human Locke who is the new order, your battle will determine the fate of the world of Hill.

If you fail, the fate of mankind will be destroyed. It may be exterminated by the gods, or it may be divided and raised. Like a pig, knowledge will be cut off. You only need to provide the power of faith to the gods. The dark age of mankind will come, and this Once it will last until the end of the world. "


Locke clenched his fists, this is the point of fate, it is not his life or death that decides, but his lover Mary.

After a long time, Locke, who seemed to have matured overnight, said hoarsely:

"Thank you Goddess for your guidance. There is no confusion in my heart. Now I am not only for myself, but behind me there are human beings who believe in me, and even the wishes of the martyrs who died for freedom in the past. Hope is in my hands. Come on, I won't let them down."

After all, Locke smiled in relief, the smile was very bright, and there was no more haze. This was the last smile of his boyhood. Locke turned around, waved his hands to the back, and stepped into the darkness ahead, with firm steps and no hesitation.

Seeing the back of the young man leaving without hesitation, Vivian suddenly raised her mouth and whispered:

"Uncle, you have really cultivated a great person this time, the God King has an enemy."

Even letting go of the treasures that are more precious than life and death, what else in the world can stop him?


Time froze at this moment, the blond goddess under the tree of fate watched the boy leave, the boy's slightly immature face was resolute and stable, his footsteps no longer hesitated, and his back was resolute.


At home on Earth, the Genesis in Jiang Ping's hand flipped automatically to record this moment.

Sitting at home, Jiang Ping said to himself, "It's a very human being who does extraordinary things."

Throughout the history of the past and the present, didn't the great men who opened up a new era also experienced hardships?Not to mention other things, the great man in modern times alone experienced the pain of losing his wife and son?

Outside the dark realm, the young man who had finally lost his confusion in his heart walked freely and freely in the darkness. Although he was still alone, he was very firm and unrepentant. After finding the answer on the tree of fate, his temperament has undergone an earth-shaking transformation.

If you were still young and confused before, but now you are free and unrestrained, and there is no obstacle in the world.

The strange beasts who were spying one after another couldn't help but retreat, not daring to peep at the boy.

A safe journey, a dangerous world journey, is a great way for Locke today. Now that he has transformed, he has an indescribable temperament, which is really daunting.

The dark underworld rejects all living beings, even the king of gods, but this time an uninvited guest ushered in. Locke saw the deep and dark underworld in front of him with a single jump. His eyes were dignified. The underworld originated from the beginning of this era. Created by the King of Heroes.

Since the queen of the underworld returned to the throne a hundred years ago, there have been more strong roads of the undead line in the world. This is the foundation of all worlds and completes the cycle of the world tree.

Locke slowly walked into the edge of the underworld, opened his mouth and roared: "Human Locke, dare to come to see the queen of the underworld."


The voice was loud and clear, constantly echoing in the underworld, and even caused ripples on the walls of the underworld. One by one underworld beasts awakened in the underworld, and in the deepest core, all the underworld powerhouses with complete consciousness turned their heads in vain. out of bounds.

"Where did this boy come from? With such a loud voice and such a strong man, could it be that he was sent by the God Realm?"

A fat chaiqun cat muttered, it scratched its head with its fluffy cat paws, seeing other "colleagues" still thinking about it, it had mischievously disappeared.

"Big cat, don't be naughty, maybe the other party is not an enemy of the God Realm."

Seeing that Fat Mao was going to be funny again, a handsome man in black said hurriedly.


The man responded with unruly meows. The man was helpless. This fat cat is Hill's number one assassin. Except for the queen's order, no one can control it. ", they completely regarded themselves as their superior masters.

The ripples in the underworld kept shaking with Locke's words. Locke frowned and looked into the depths of the underworld. The strong in the underworld are not welcome. Could it be that he wants to force his way?

But already having the most terrifying God Realm as an enemy, and adding the unfathomable Underworld, how can you win?

In vain, even Locke didn't react, and saw that there was no space fluctuation in front of him, and a tiny black space crack suddenly appeared!

Locke is proud of it, and the terrible intuition honed in countless lives and deaths has not reacted. From the space crack, there is a fat, fluffy cat's claw. The cat's claw is sharp, sharper than any space artifact , has been swiped in an instant.

At this moment, the space froze, Locke's eyes widened, and the oldest blood on his body burned, and two divine fires burst out instantly from the depths of his eyes, and just as the cat's claws passed across his chest, Locke bent back, The whole person turned several somersaults, narrowly avoiding this lore blow!


I don't know what kind of material the cat's claws are made of, but it has scratched Locke's immortal golden body in an instant. Locke knelt down on one knee, paying attention to everything around him. Jin Guang's blood flowed out from it.

Locke squinted his eyes, his eyes kept scanning around, and said:

"Could it be the seniors from the underworld? The junior humans are not from the God Realm, nor are they your enemies. On the contrary, we still have the same enemies. We can resolve any conflicts if we have a good talk."


A cat meowed in the void, and a fat chaiqun cat appeared around Locke from time to time. It stretched out its scarlet tongue and licked the blood on its paws. When it licked, it was like a flash of lightning flashing across the small area. The head, the cat's eyes turned sideways, it said:

"Tsk tsk, what a delicious blood, boy, you are human, why is the blood so delicious? It even surpassed the God of War in the God Realm, and only under the God King, this is the first time I have received such delicious blood. With my pickiness In my eyes, the taste of blood I have tasted in my life is only second to the king of gods!"

Chai Qunmao clicked his tongue, and couldn't help but carefully lick the remaining blood on his paws.

Locke narrowed his eyes, did the fat cat leak information that hurt the God of War or even the King of God? !

The underworld is indeed unfathomable, and its strength even surpasses the kingdom of giants!Otherwise, the god king would not be able to sink his halberd into the sand, and he fell a big somersault here.

This fat cat alone made his hair stand on end. All the energy in his body was concentrated, but he couldn't find its figure. It was really scary and weird!

Even though Locke has gone through countless life-and-death battles and completed impossible trials one after another, he is secretly shocked that such a strange and terrifying powerhouse is indeed a product of the underworld.

"Cat, don't be naughty. This human being originated from the atrium, without any aura of the gods. I can see the fate of the atrium humans gathered in him."

A melodious voice came from the underworld. Hearing this voice, the fat cat withdrew its paws and rolled its big eyes. It seemed that it was still trying to figure out if it could get more blood from this human.

"Queen of the underworld, I am Locke. I came here to complete the seventh trial by my master's order, and obtained the reverse scales of the three hell dragons that are the guardian beasts of the underworld."

The sixth trial is in the kingdom of giants, and the seventh trial is in the even more terrifying underworld. Locke knows that the problem is not to obtain the reverse scale, but to get the approval of the queen of the underworld. The real purpose of this trial is to gain the support of the underworld and fight against God boundary!

"Hehe, what a big tone, you actually want the reverse scale of my guardian beast of the underworld, who is your master, you have such courage?"

A melodious chuckle came from the dark underworld, as if the queen of the underworld was laughing at his overthinking.

"I hope the queen is also the master's confidante."

Locke was sweating profusely and thought, this is the underworld. He is sure to break through the encirclement in the kingdom of giants, but he is not sure to retreat in the underworld.

Locke bit the bullet and replied: "I don't know the origin of the master's name taboo, he only told me that he seems to like to play pranks."

After a pause, in order to increase his persuasiveness, Locke immediately said:

"The Goddess of Destiny seems to be an old teacher with me. For the sake of the master, she even deduced the future for me."


When the two key words "prank" and "goddess of fate" were mentioned, the queen of the underworld suddenly became energetic, seemingly curious, and she immediately asked:

"Has your master ever mentioned about me? Did your master ask you to visit me when you came this time?"

"Ah." Locke's words froze, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart. He was an honest boy, so he could only bite the bullet and answer:

"No, the master didn't mention your name, he only asked me to fetch the hell dragon's reverse scale."


Hearing this, the Queen of the Underworld was obviously upset, "Come in, and tell me about your master. How has he been in recent years?"

"Hiss—it's that sentence again."

Locke was stunned, for some reason, he had a sense of déjà vu, as if he had the same thing not long ago.


A door to the underworld engraved with the destination of all souls slowly opened, and Locke stepped in. The fat cat still looked at him with a strange smile—although its mouth was always smiling.

The darkness along the way did not stop Locke's divine eyes. He saw that the undead who died in other worlds were slowly walking along a fixed route. He even saw many familiar figures on it. All the famous figures in history are among them.

Who can escape death?Even the gods can't escape, and now borrowing the power of faith is just to prolong life, and in the end there is still death.

The ferocious bone beasts fused from different beasts are walking slowly, and Locke is walking under them. The bone beasts are too huge!

Locke looked up curiously, guessing the life form of the bone beast.

"What a bold human being. Few people in the world can possess such courage alone." Deep in the underworld, a man in black said.

"Hmph, what kind of human beings are not cultivated by the old master, so they are naturally extraordinary."

The three hell dragons moved their necks unhappily, and approached Queen Alice's lap in a flattering manner, intentionally changing to be cute and cute, to be a standard "Licking Dragon".

Heh heh, really, if you cultivate your disciple well, why do you want to find it bad luck?

As it gets deeper and deeper, the consciousness of each death beast becomes more and more clear, and its strength becomes more and more terrifying. When stepping through the sea of ​​red flowers, Locke lamented that the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are.

Waiting on the shore for a while, a small boat came slowly. Locke thanked the ferryman and boarded the boat without fear.

This soul ferry boat has countless legends in the atrium ballads, even the gods are guessing, after all, it is the only artifact that can cross the Styx.

The black water was sparkling, and Locke sat on the only boat that could cross the river and slowly approached the deepest part of the mysterious underworld.

Going upstream, he soon saw a mighty black gold throne in the distance, on which sat an extremely beautiful goddess, with three thousand white silks fluttering slowly, giving her an inexplicable aura.

On both sides of the steps under the throne, there are strange ghost beasts guarding them. The ferry boat docked. Locke landed on the shore and slowly climbed the steps, one step at a time. He solemnly bowed to the queen of the underworld, and then repeated the greeting. What the goddess of fate said.

——I don't even know the name of the master, so I keep saying it, helpless.

This is the real thought in Locke's heart, but he wants to ask others, and thinks so in his heart, but he says everything he knows.

After a long time, the white-haired queen on the throne frowned and said, "Is that all?"

Locke bit the bullet, "The master did not ask me to bring you a message."

Seeing that the Queen of the Underworld frowned again, Locke reacted instinctively, and continued, "Naturally, Goddess of Fate didn't have any words for her."

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the queen's tightly locked brows relaxed, and she said with a smile:

"Young man, what do you want?"

Chapter 259 Beyond Life and Death

"Your Majesty the Queen of the Underworld, what do you think of the current situation in Hill?" Locke asked.

"You bear the fate of mankind, and you will have a decisive battle with the gods in the future. Do you want me to fight with the underworld?" Alice tapped the handrail with her fingers, and asked straight to the point.

Locke nodded and said, "Yes, as far as I know, the God Realm is also eyeing the Underworld. The God King has made many attempts to win the power of the Underworld and control the fate of Hill's creatures from birth to death.

We have the same enemy, the kingdom of giants has formed an alliance with me, and when my banner is unfurled, we will counterattack the upper realm together! "

"It's so bold."

Alice smiled and said, "But the underworld is different from other worlds. This is the world of death, which bears all the evil and death above. This world is neutral. No matter how upside down it is, you can't move rashly here.

This is the foundation of the Great Realm. If something goes wrong, it will affect the order of the Five Realms, and even Lahier's mother. "

Locke frowned. He didn't expect that the queen of the underworld didn't want to make a move, but the underworld does have a lot to do with it. It's not a simple kingdom of death, but it also plays a huge role in helping the World Tree recycle.

Not to mention other things, the underworld alone was born, and after the queen returned to the throne, the world tree became stronger, and more and more powerful people were born in the world.

"You have come from a long way this time, although my underworld cannot help, but I can give you a gift."

"What gift?" Locke asked curiously, what does he still lack now?

Alice stretched out her slender fingers, and pointed her fingertips at the quiet River Styx not far away. She said:

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