Players fell one by one. He has been dormant in the dark for so long, almost forgetting his human identity. Now he can finally complete his first thought when he entered the game:

"Let the outsiders taste the power of technological iron fist!"

"The protagonist of this generation of humans has formed an alliance with the Titans, which is unprecedented since the creation of the world." On the forum, Kusaka Haruka looked at the alliances on the video and sighed.

"Extraordinary people do extraordinary things. This is the first step to change Hill's world. Although there are only two of them now, they will surely stir up chaos!" Obi also replied.

"Big Brother Tianjiao, I support you to overthrow the gods! Revolution!"

"Give me revolution or give me death!"

At the Giant's Palace, humans and Titans laughed, and the Frost Giant stretched out his hand and said:

"Humans, the demon weapon you showed just now is based on my family, but I see that the core requirements of this artifact are very high. If so, I will help."


The Frost Giant's hand reached into the unknown void, and quickly pulled out a fiery red meteorite that was constantly erupting flames.

Boom boom boom!

With the appearance of this flaming meteorite, the whole world was reflected in a fiery red, and the scorching breath enveloped everyone. They even felt that the laws of this place had changed, and everything was respected by fire!

This meteorite was still beating vigorously as if it was alive. Locke stared at the fiery red meteorite in the hands of the Frost Giant with a serious face. What is this thing that can change the laws of the world!

"This, is this the heart of the oldest giant?!"

Ning Tianjiao stared at the fiery red meteorite in the giant king's hand, and asked tremblingly.

This is the treasure that any blacksmith in the world would dream of. The titans themselves are stronger than the gods, and their hearts are the best driving source for artifacts!

Looking at the fiery red meteorite, sadness flashed in the eyes of the Frost Giant King, as if recalling the past a long time ago, she gently raised her hand and sent the fiery red meteorite to Ning Tianjiao.

"This is the heart of fire left after my husband's fall. It represents the most original fire in Hill's world. The violent power it contains is enough to support your demon soldiers. I hope you will not live up to the reputation of the giant of fire. I think he also wants to fight the gods again."

Ning Tianjiao stretched out his hand tremblingly to take over the heart of fire, which was still full of vitality. This was the heart of Jill, the giant of fire in the old gods era in Hill's calendar!It symbolizes one pole of earth, water, wind and fire!

"I will fulfill my mission!" Ning Tianjiao promised solemnly.


Elder Ivan wanted to say something, but the Frost Giant raised his hand to stop her. No one can change what she decided.

The Frost Giant turned his head to look at Locke and said, "Human, since you have obtained the Badge of the Great King and been respected and recognized by our race, the original No.1 prize should also be given to you."

"The patriarch is not allowed!" Elder Ivan finally couldn't help dissuading him this time!

The Heart of Fire may only be of commemorative significance, and it is of no practical use to the Titans, but the first prize was originally prepared to train the next generation of the strongest!

"This is the last pot of ancestral blood in the world. It can break all kinds of boundaries and even make you stronger! Now, is it really going to be given to this human being?"

"Needless to say, the covenant has been signed, I believe in this human being." said the Frost Giant.

"Thank you."

Locke handed it over, he had already guessed that this might be a treasure that would make him reborn, and that it could be said to be the blood of the ancestor by the ancient titan, and it could also have an effect on the giant king, so long as it was the blood of the ancestor giant who was the source of everything!

This sixth trial, the harvest far exceeded his imagination!

Chapter 255 Endless Treasure

"Is this the last pot of Titan's ancestral blood in the world?" Ning Tianjiao looked curiously at the black magic pot in Locke's hand.

The ancestor giant, known as the ancestor god, is the first creature conceived by the world tree, which is equivalent to Pan Gu in the prehistoric world.

It can be said that everything in the world, including the heaven and the earth, is related to them. Even the weakest mice and even bugs contain strands of blood fragments of the ancestor giants.

"I didn't expect that after such a long time, there are still ancestral blood left. This is a treasure that even the king of the gods would be tempted by." Locke embraced the magic pot, and he didn't expect the Titans to be so generous this time. If it weren't for the deterioration of the situation, the giant Wang would not be so generous.

"Humans, I want to remind you that the ancestral blood is extremely overbearing. If we take it directly, even our Titans will explode. We need to absorb it in a special way." Elder Ivan said, looking at the magic pot reluctantly.

Immediately, Locke asked how to fully absorb this precious ancestral blood. Elder Ivan led the way with heartache. Along the way, the Titans lowered their heads and widened their eyes, watching this human being "robbing their most precious treasure" Walk".

The awakened Yuer also has complicated eyes. The ancestral blood that was originally reserved by him is now swallowed and absorbed by foreigners. His skills are not as good as others, so what?

After the three of them walked to a corner in the Giant City, Elder Ivan stopped and pointed to the stone pot in front of him.

"You need to jump into it, boil water with high heat, pour in the ancestral blood, and slowly swallow and digest it in the stone pot. Remember, this is combined with external application and internal administration, so as to achieve the best effect."

The corners of Ning Tianjiao's mouth twitched. As expected of the Titans, they were really rough and simple, and they used such rough methods to absorb precious ancestral blood.

If it is in the atrium, it is estimated that a tube of ancestral blood will be drawn first, and thousands of experiments will be done to find the most suitable method, and slowly and carefully absorb it.

Locke nodded, and quickly went not far away to lift a large bucket of clear water. Ning Tianjiao helped light the fire below. The stone pot soon became red and hot, and the 2-meter-high bucket fell down.


The clear water was boiling hot in a blink of an eye, and Locke took off all his clothes and jumped into it. Ning Tianjiao struggled to hold the black magic pot, feeling a little excited.

"Can this human with such a small body absorb ancestral blood? It won't be exploded." The titan, who was peeping from a distance, muttered sourly.

"It's been so long, the ancestral blood must be sour." Some Titans also said so.

Ning Tianjiao next to the stone pot almost laughed so hard that he couldn't hold the magic pot. This trip to the Titans subverted the image of giants in his heart. They are stupid big people with a single muscle, and they can't eat grapes, so they say grapes are sour.

"Let's get started, the clear water in the stone pot is already boiling." Elder Ivan reminded from the side.

It has to be said that Elder Ivan is still very hardworking. Even though he was unwilling to donate the ancestral blood to foreigners, the patriarch ordered him to complete the task wholeheartedly.

Ning Tianjiao nodded, and began to carefully move the lid of the magic jar.

Boom, it was like the opening of fine wine that had been dusty for many years. The moment the magic pot was opened, a mellow and rich fragrance wafted along with it, and Ning Tianjiao accidentally sniffed it.

The refreshing fragrance made his whole head feel dazed, and he wobbled and couldn't stand still. Elder Ivan was still worried about the baby, so he quickly bent down and picked up the magic pot himself.

"I'll still come."

Elder Ivan, with a sharp mouth and a tofu heart, said that he really couldn't bear to see the last jar of ancestral blood being ruined.

"Then there will be Elder Lao."

Inside the stone pot, wrapped in boiling water, Locke thanked.


In Elder Ivan's stable hands, a wisp of ancestral blood was poured into the magic jar. Ning Tianjiao looked curiously, and saw that the color of the original ancestral blood was as dark red as the most common human blood.

The difference is that, at a glance, he saw giant phantoms, dragons, elves, and dwarves from this wisp of blood.

All ethnic groups that existed in Hill's world, whether extinct or not, all flashed in this ancestral blood, all-encompassing, all in it.

This wisp of ancestral blood fell into the stone pot, and immediately dyed a large pot of clear water red. Locke seemed to be swimming on the sea of ​​blood, his whole body was flushed, and his immortal body was trembling slightly. He gritted his teeth and let out a thud. The whole person has sunk into the stone pot.

"The will is good. The ancestral blood can help you break through the inherent blood and return you to the most ancient and original state, but in this process, it is more uncomfortable than a thousand cuts." Elder Ivan commented with the magic pot.

Sure enough, the success of such a talent is not without reason, not only the talent is excellent, but also the will is amazing.

Elder Ivan didn't say it before, and he planned to make this human being make a fool of himself. The previous Titan absorbed the blood of his ancestors and took special analgesic poisonous herbs.

"Come again! I can already feel that my body and blood are undergoing earth-shaking changes, and my strength is still growing. It's incredible." In the stone pot, Locke said excitedly while diving into the sea of ​​blood.

Elder Ivan naturally continued to fall slowly, and he said with emotion:

"After you absorb this pot of ancestral blood, your strength will at least increase tenfold! With strength alone, you are enough to dominate the titans and crush the gods, but you must not be proud.

do you know?Hill The greatest power in the world is not our Titan King, but the God King of the God Realm! "

Elder Ivan's face turned cold, "Not only does he possess the power of Titans and gods, but he has devoured pot after pot of ancestral blood in the last era, until his body evolved to the extreme, and his power is so powerful that the world cannot tolerate it." , just let it go, you still have a long way to go."

Hearing this, Locke's face was heavy, and he sank into the stone pot again to temper his real body. This time his talent will evolve again

"Lock, you are training here, I will go to see the Titan Treasury first."

Ning Tianjiao, who was free, couldn't bear the thought of the titan treasures accumulated for several epochs, and followed a four-armed titan to the distance.

"It's been so long. Although the Titans don't pay much attention to magic materials, they must have collected countless treasures. My steel torrent plan is about to succeed!" Along the way, Ning Tianjiao's heart was pounding.

If there is one ethnic group that is the richest in the world of Hill, it must be the gods, and apart from the gods, it is natural that their contemporaries, the Titans, rank second!

The four-armed giant leading the way touched his head, wondering why human beings love things outside of them so much. Don't their fists smell good?Isn't it beautiful?


Soon, the four-armed giant kicked open the door of the warehouse, and a cloud of dust rushed in. Ning Tianjiao hurriedly covered his mouth and nose. Time to look at the treasures of the Titans for thousands of years.

"Cough cough!"

Being too anxious caused him to cough. When the dust cleared, Ning Tianjiao's expression froze, and he even hiccupped in fright. There was only one thought in his mind:

"This is a fortune."

Ning Tianjiao walked into the warehouse quickly, looked left and wiped right, "Xing Luoyu, the real bone of the god, the phantom scale of the sky"

Pieces of prototypes of artifacts that had only been seen in ancient books were randomly thrown away. The giants were very casual, and when they found spirituality, they brought back and threw them in, and some were victories in battles with the gods.

Suddenly, Ning Tianjiao stumbled and stumbled, his eyes lit up, a black hill was quietly piled up in front of him, even the dust of thousands of years could not resist its mystery and depth.

"Meteorite, the best magical material for protective gear, and the armor of the God of War is made of this material. I didn't expect there to be a hill here! I found the material for casting the Demon God Soldiers!"

Ning Tianjiao said excitedly, he opened his thugs, closed his eyes, and quietly enjoyed the most wonderful moment of his life. There is nothing happier than a blacksmith seeing endless magical materials and letting himself ask for them.

The blueprints shown to Locke at that time were no longer unattainable dreams, but products that could be caught off guard!

"The world is in my hands!"

Ning Tianjiao's eyes seemed to spew out flames, he clenched his fists tightly, revolutionizing the world is just around the corner!

Chapter 256 Past, Present, Future, Trinity

"It's rich, Tianjiao boss is really rich, so many treasures are free to ask for, I now suspect that the real protagonist is him."

On the forum, some netizens excitedly said that such a godsend opportunity is simply the protagonist in the story.

"Having been dormant in the dark world for so long, have you finally seen the light? 300 years ago, Mr. Xianyu wrote myths in Yinsong Mountain. Now it's the turn of Mr. Tianjiao to show his grand plans. I sincerely wish you success this time."

"Congratulations Tianjiao, so many materials are enough for you to create new artifacts."

Yaoyao also came to congratulate her and said, "It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Before, what restricted Tianjiao was the materials. Otherwise, after such a long time, he would not have only created these few artifacts. Now that the Titans are behind the funding, what worries does he have?"

"Gollum, Gollum."

The blood in the stone cauldron kept bubbling, Locke closed his eyes and immersed himself in it, his originally muscular body was already glowing with golden light, after being tempered by the blood of his ancestors, Locke’s real body had been reborn several times, and now he was so powerful that I couldn’t believe it !

He felt that he could break the chain of laws and break the constraints of time and space!

But Locke is not proud, because he knows that there is a person who has reached such a state before the last epoch. No one can tell how strong he is today.


When the last drop of the ancestor's true blood dripped down, Locke opened his eyes in vain, and phantoms flashed in his eyes, the secrets of gods, titans, dragons, elves, humans, and all races emerged one by one in his eyes. The world of gods, the strange world, and the kingdom of giants all emerged!

Heaven and earth are hidden in the chest, and all things are born in the skeleton.

Locke let out a long cry, like a whale swallowing the North Sea, an eagle hitting the sky, and swallowing all the blood in the stone pot. In an instant, he soared into the sky like lightning, overlooking the common people.

Not far away, the titans looked over with complicated eyes. Who would have thought that in this fighting contest, a sudden human would come out on top and be baptized with ancestral blood in one fell swoop?

"Congratulations, Locke, now you have created the strongest foundation in the world." Ning Tianjiao was also awakened by the change, and ran from the warehouse to congratulate.

After Locke landed on the ground, he was already dressed as soon as he turned around. He cupped his fists and thanked the tall Elder Ivan:

"Thank you elder for your careful cultivation."


Elder Ivan sighed with a complex expression. He didn't know whether he was happy that a remarkable being was born in his hands, or sad that he had made an outsider.

"Lock, do you still want to go to the underworld to complete the seventh trial?" Ning Tianjiao asked.

Locke nodded and cast his gaze to the lower world.

"It's not just a trial, I still have the last puzzle in my heart. If I can't find the answer, I won't be able to devote myself to the battle with the gods. No matter what, I have to solve the puzzle so that I can be free hang!"

"Why do you ask for the underworld?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Elder Ivan's face changed, and he quickly dissuaded him:

"Since the return of the queen of the underworld, the order of the underworld is stable, and the death of creatures is orderly. In the underworld, no creatures are allowed to enter, and even the god kings are driven out. The underworld is neutral, which is the foundation of many worlds. Where do you want to go to experience? "

"A teacher's order is hard to break. Every trial is to test what I lack." Locke said.

"Who is it that can become the master of this evildoer like you?"

Elder Ivan shook his head, and started to walk towards the other Titans, intending to take the opportunity to give them a good lesson and let them know their shame and be brave.

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