Such a powerful God Realm is guarded by countless loyal angels who are not afraid of death, and Hill is invincible. Yuer is sure that the rule of God Realm will reach the end of time!


The God King suddenly frowned, the most incomprehensible thing in Hill's world was the "God of Joy and Mischief".Over the years, he has used the authority of the God Realm to search for it, but he still hasn't found any clues, which is about to become his inner demon.

"Could it be from the Chaos Sea?" The God King cast his eyes in the direction of Chaos

Chapter 228 What is a dream 【Subscription】

In the atrium world, human city-states are planted with holy banners of gods, saints in white robes spread the gospel of the Lord, and there are often heavily armed holy soldiers patrolling solemnly.

Occasionally, someone would report that the neighbors believed in foreign gods. At this time, the holy army would attack quickly and ruthlessly capture the traitors, and then drag them to the square, where they would be burned at the stake under the watchful eyes of the villagers.

"Mom, why do we have to believe in gods?"

The three-year-old Locke is much stronger, with chubby little arms, a piece of cloth wrapped around his waist casually all day long, shaking the elephant and running around recklessly. Once again, he accidentally saw the burning in the square, and he asked his mother suspiciously.

Mom's expression changed drastically. She looked around nervously to see if anyone was eavesdropping. She hurried forward and covered Little Locke's mouth.

"Son, don't tell anyone what you said, or I'm worried that you will be the next one to be burned at the stake, silly boy."

Little Locke still looked puzzled. He didn't know why he had to be baptized by the priest of the Holy See when he was born. He believed in the church he belonged to since he was a child, and he had to pray and pray every day.

The child is always full of curiosity about everything. Since his mother could not answer his doubts, Little Locke ran to the back mountain of the village. It is said that it was the shepherd who named him.

"Uncle Luo, I'm here to see you again."

Little Locke, who was only three years old, ran to the back mountain by himself, and everyone in the village took it for granted, because this child was really strong, and no one worried about his safety.

"Little Locke, are you here again?" The shepherd greeted with a smile, "But this time I can't let you bully my sheep."

With the arrival of Locke, the flock of sheep was in a commotion, especially the leader of the male sheep, which was bigger than a yak, let out a "baa" and quickly ran away with four hooves.

The last time I wrestled with this little brat, it was sent flying, and even its horns were almost broken.

"Uncle, why do you think we have to believe in the gods in the sky when we are born?" Little Locke ran to the shepherd and asked.

The shepherd looked up at the sky, knelt down and touched Locke's head.

"It wasn't like this 300 years ago, Little Locke. Many people's hearts are not strong enough, so naturally they need a kind of sustenance, and the strongest gods in Hill are undoubtedly the best choice."

Little Locke stretched out his hand and touched his head with a vague understanding, and said softly:

"I think it's good to believe in myself. If I grow up, I will definitely not believe in any gods."


Hearing this sentence, the shepherd became curious, and asked with a smile:

"So cute and brave little Locke, what dream do you have? What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up?"

This sentence stumped Locke. He beat his head and thought for a while, walking around on the lawn, suddenly he suddenly realized and said:

"If I grow up, I want to be a brave warrior like Uncle Dahl!"


The shepherd smiled, "Little guy, I will ask you the same question again in three years, and please answer me again then."

Little Locke nodded, and ran home in a hurry, his carefree appearance was like a free wild horse.

Soon, three years later, Little Locke, who had experienced many things, went to the back mountain to ask the shepherd again.

"Uncle Luo, after so long, I feel that my dream has changed."

The six-year-old Little Locke is already as high as an adult's waist, especially with a fat face like a baby, and his whole body is jointed. He looked at the shepherd three years ago and said:

"Now I feel that I don't want to be a warrior anymore. Although I have invincible supernatural power, no matter how strong I am, I'm just a reckless man. I want to become the lord of the city! Command all the people in the giant city, gather all the young warriors, and defend myself dignity and wealth!"

The shepherd had the same smile as three years ago, and he laughed again:

"Little Locke, you now have divine power no weaker than that of a monster, and you often help your mother with things in daily life, but I think you are not mature enough now, maybe this dream is not the real dream in your heart.

Or three years later, when you come to tell me the real answer, I think that by then, you should be able to determine the goal of your life. "

Little Locke touched his head in confusion, thinking that this answer should be what he wanted most, but why did his uncle still think it was only temporary?

Time passed quickly, Little Locke grew bigger and bigger, his natural supernatural power was amazing, he once wrestled with the strongest mang ox in the square, and finally the mang ox was thrown down by him forcefully.

Since he was eight years old, he has participated in the dark fighting competition in a small town not far away, which is full of a group of desperadoes for money, but in less than a year, Little Locke broke through the fighting arena.

Whether it was a desperate bloody warrior or a crazy monster, they were all convinced by his chubby little fists.

And every time he fights in the arena, there is a girl of his age cheering for him off the field, and sometimes little Locke will suffer setbacks and failures.

But for some reason, when he turned his head and saw the smile and encouragement of the little girl next door, his whole body was ignited with fighting spirit and courage again.

"Mary, this trophy is not mine, but shared by both of us! Without your support and encouragement all the way, I could not have come this far!"

When the teenager Locke held up the highest trophy in the ring, he swore an oath to everyone in the arena, and the girl Mary's joyful smile froze. She never expected that his childhood sweetheart, Locke, who grew up with him, would say such provocative words.

In her heart, Locke's head is like his muscles, all tendons, even if she hints frequently, he is always busy training and studying.


The girl Mary screamed, and Locke happily hugged her by the waist in front of the public, celebrating their victory.

Suddenly Locke frowned, quickly put Mary down, took her hand and ran away, only to see a heavily armed patrol outside the gate, rushing in, and they were hunting for the recently famous "Strong Locke".

In the back mountain of the village, after three years, the nine-year-old Locke climbed the mountain step by step. Now that he has gone through many incidents, he is no longer the little chubby man he used to be. Perseverance.

The children of the poor families are in charge of the family early, and the children of the Zhongting world are almost sensible when they are ten years old, and some girls will even get married in two years.

When Locke climbed the mountain, he saw the shepherd just like the past, and the shepherd happily herded the flock of sheep that would never grow up.

"Uncle, I think I already have the answer. This should be my lifelong dream."


The shepherd waved his whip and said in surprise, "Then, little Locke, please tell me your current answer."

"I want to give up everything and spend the rest of my life with Marian. I don't want to be a soldier or a general anymore."

Locke's face was resolute and solemn, and he didn't look like he was joking at all. This was indeed a dream he had been thinking about for a long time, and this dream was worth his whole life to practice.

Chapter 229 The First Trial

"Is that girl beautiful?" The shepherd asked slowly, "Is it more than your ambitious dream?"

As if recalling the gentle smile of his childhood sweetheart, Locke said with a smile that he didn't even notice:

"No, in terms of appearance, she is just ordinary. There are many young ladies in the city who are more upright and beautiful than her, and her knowledge is far inferior to the trainee female pastors in the church, but in my heart, she is more beautiful than any girl."

Childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, this is the most beautiful love in the world.

"My child, I see that you are still a bit confused in your heart. You don't know whether you can protect the safety of that girl's life and give her a lifetime of happiness." The shepherd made a suggestion.

"Cross one mountain after another in the east, in the deepest part of the darkest and most terrifying Nemea forest, there is a terrifying giant lion there, my child, you are almost ten years old, take its head as a ten-year-old gift. "

"I believe this trial is just the beginning, because when you complete this first trial, something will definitely change in your heart."

Locke didn't believe it. He firmly believed that his fists could break through everything. Although this trial was dangerous, he didn't think he could get any unexpected gains.

Soon Locke went down the mountain. He bid farewell to his mother and Mary. Under the worried eyes of the two, he set out fully armed with a bow and arrow on his back and a long sword around his waist.

"My child, let's start your magnificent heroic journey in your life. You are born extraordinary, and you are destined not to be as peaceful and happy as ordinary people." On the back mountain, the shepherd watched Little Locke leave.

Locke's pace was very fast. Along the way, he tamed wild horses and cheetahs. With their help, he kept approaching the terrifying Nemea Forest. Along the way, he often encountered Holy See patrols.

In order to avoid more troubles, Locke chooses to retreat with them. He is indeed brave and wise, and the obstacles along the way will not stop him in the slightest.

But during his travels, he found that many people in the city-states were living in difficulties. They obviously couldn't even eat enough to eat, but they were skinny and prayed to God. He was confused and slowed down unconsciously.

And when he passed a forest and encountered a hermit human village, Locke understood the whole story.

This village is the descendant of strong human beings who were unwilling to be controlled before the gods ruled the courtyard.

"It turns out that a long time ago, there were no gods on our human heads. For the great Lahile, all things are equal, but because the gods are in charge of the strongest power, they can wantonly kill and oppress."

Locke roared and ran on the barren plain, wantonly releasing the confusion and depression in his heart, and the fastest Zilei Fengbao on the mainland was also running on the plain.

However, this time the leopards were dumbfounded. Their amazing dynamic vision looked at the territory like a gust of wind.

Where did this human come from?Run faster than them?

The more he knew, the more confused Locke became. He felt that he should do something, but he didn't know where to start.

The long journey allowed him to make many friends, and the name of "Dili Locke" gradually appeared on the lists of the various Holy Sees.

"Boy, I advise you not to enter the great forest of Nemea. The king of the forest is invulnerable to swords, guns, water and fire. It is said that it is the product of the taboo experiment of the gods back then.

I don't know how many strong men prepared the best swords and spears to challenge, but they didn't come out of the forest in the end. It is said that the giant lion of Nemea didn't even show a blood spot! "

When he heard Locke asking for directions, an old man persuaded him like this, thinking that he was another bold bounty hunter.


Locke murmured and continued to enter the forest. The old man shook his head and felt that he was going to die. How could he kill a magical beast that could not break through the defense?

The great forest of Nemea was dark and terrifying, and human bones were exposed from time to time. The death crows in the sky followed Locke, preparing to eat some more bones after the king of the forest finished eating.

Suddenly, a huge black figure leaped out from the edge of the dark grass. Locke looked at it intently, and it turned out to be a magic wolf with the same color as the surrounding ones, so he was not found.

However, in the face of the blow that the demon wolf had accumulated for a long time, Locke directly took out his secret weapon against the giant lion of Nemea.

Hearing a loud bang, the wolf attacking head-on turned into meatloaf in an instant. Locke casually shook the big stick in his hand and continued on his way. The death crow in the sky was a little dumbfounded.

As Locke got deeper and deeper, more and more monsters kept attacking. Locke subdued all of them, but he also wondered why there were so many mutated monsters in this big forest, all of which were ugly and ferocious. .


When he walked into the depths of the forest, Locke heard a loud noise like thunder. Just as he wondered if it was going to rain, he suddenly discovered that the thunder was coming from this majestic giant lion like a hill in front of him!

Locke was fearless, he quickly put on his bow and shot an arrow in the distance, the arrow was like light, Locke's archery skills were superb, and he accurately shot the giant lion between the eyebrows.

The thunder suddenly stopped, and the giant lion, which was as tall as three adults, woke up in vain. It opened its huge pupils, and there was a blood-stained opening at the corner of its mouth:

"Another dying human? This time you are so young, you have already lost your only chance to win."

"Big guy, are you awake? My arrow just now was just to remind you, but it seems that your fur is really invulnerable." Locke threw the bow and arrow away, and provocatively said.

The giant lion's eyes narrowed in an instant, "The human children nowadays are more courageous and fatter than me!"


The giant lion is huge, but its body is extremely agile, and a male lion directly beats the rabbit to kill Locke.

In an instant

Locke suddenly felt as if a mountain was pressing down on him, and the already dark sky was completely dark, and a terrifying beast king came to kill him!

However, Locke is not just a strong and reckless man, he is also wise and extraordinary under the teaching of the shepherd teacher.

Locke rolled sideways, dodging the blow of the giant lion in an emergency. The giant lion was too big, and under the same agility, it was not as fast as the thin human being. He took advantage of the giant lion's back to expose himself.

Locke's eyes flashed, his arms swelled, and he pulled out the long sword around his waist. With a roar, he slashed at the neck of the giant lion. He wanted to have an owl's head!

However, the giant lion glanced dismissively out of the corner of its eyes, and didn't even want to make any defenses. It only heard a bang, and the long sword broke immediately.

"Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved." Locke sincerely praised.


The giant lion turned its head, devouring tiny human beings like devouring the world with its bloody mouth. Locke stepped on both feet, and the whole person had already retreated rapidly.

He flicked the broken sword with his right arm, and the broken sword instantly turned into a stream arrow and shot at the giant lion's eyes with great precision.

However, even the eyes of the weak point of the monster are still not bad, and the stench of the terrifying giant lion is disgusting, Locke turned over and hurried away again.

"Sure enough, it's still needed."

Locke holds a blood-stained big mallet in his right hand. This big mallet is bigger than others, but Locke looks very relaxed holding it with one hand.


The giant lion was puzzled, sharp swords and knives are useless, but this blunt weapon can still hurt it?

The giant lion roared and rushed forward, but soon it learned what "one thing falls one thing" means, not that its body is indestructible, and that it is invincible if its defense is not broken.


As if a titan was forging iron, deafening bangs came from the deepest part of the Nemea forest, causing the death crow to spread its wings in shock. This is the first time it has seen such a frightening human being and such a terrifying scene!

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