"Have you found out what they are trying to do?"

"According to the informant's report, the player currently known as "Long Shao" is protected by the army layer by layer, and even the daily food and water have to go through several inspections, which is several times stricter than usual!

The informant boldly guessed that there seemed to be a special research force stationed in Long Shao's villa, and they probably wanted to conduct a comprehensive scan to see if Long Shao's body had been affected. "

The commander opened his eyes with deep eyes: "Let me keep an eye on their every move! By the way, use funds to bribe a few more people in the villa. Don't be stingy about servants and housekeepers!

As long as they can get enough harvest, it is guaranteed that their family will immigrate to Americo and live a lifetime of wealth!In addition, spend more money to those public intellectuals, let them stir up the situation and deliberately fan the flames. "

The commander-in-chief started the usual old routine again, but I have to say that although the routine is old, the effect is very good. The "Legend of the Dragon", which was screened all over the world and played crazily 24 hours a day in China, was suddenly posted on Weibo. A well-known well-known publicist asked:

"Currently, the blockbuster blockbuster is being screened all over the world, but the leading actor, Long Shao, has not been seen in public for a long time. He is imprisoned! He is subjected to various cruel experiments to observe his body data, and he is not allowed to be free!"

Some brain-dead fans followed and shouted: "No freedom! No democracy! We want to see Long Shao!"

The movie was already popular, and the leading actor became the hottest star in the country. Being ignited by this fuse, coupled with someone behind the scenes fanning the flames, gradually, a slogan "Rescue Young Master Long and give him back his freedom" rose up on the Internet.

Young Master Long was depressed when he accidentally saw it at home. He didn't say anything himself. Why isn't the emperor in a hurry and the eunuchs in a hurry?Well, it seems to be another country's old routine.

Soon Young Master Long came out relaxed and comfortable, his face was flushed, and he announced to everyone with great vigor:

"I'm fine. Although the movie's popularity exceeds my imagination, my focus is still in the world of "The Wilderness", so it's normal to rarely show up in reality. I'm free and don't need others to worry about me. Be careful not to be caught by someone with a heart. use."

After all the parties said that, the incited crowd naturally calmed down, and the courier knocked on the door of several leading clowns who were secretly determined to stir up trouble.

"Young Master Wang, your body data is very good. You can't see it from the body that was depleted of wine and sex before. Even from the data, your body cells are very active."

A respectable middle-aged doctor adjusted his glasses and said that in his hand was the latest data report on Long Shao's body.

"Really?" Long Shao stretched his waist, "Every time I enter the game, I always feel refreshed. It's not a state of exhaustion at all, but I'm immersed in it. The longer I play, the more energetic I am!"

Speaking of which, Long Shao couldn't help rubbing his hands, already wanting to join the fierce prehistoric battlefield immediately.

"Grandson, don't worry." Seeing that Young Master Long was going back to the house to play games immediately, his grandfather hurriedly dissuaded him, and he looked at his grandson carefully.

"How about it? With the help of the country's propaganda, you are now a superstar sought after by people all over the world. Do you feel any difference?"

Long Shao smiled wryly: "To be honest, for me now, all the fame and wealth on earth are worthless, so it's better for me to obtain a spiritual treasure in the prehistoric world.

As for the beliefs of the people on Earth, anyway, I didn’t notice it in reality, but for some reason in the game these two days, I felt that the dusty Golden Immortal level was a little loose. I don’t think it’s a coincidence!

The belief on the earth cannot be applied to the environment of the Dharma-ending era, but it can be applied to me in another world along the connection between the dark and the dark. It is a pity that I don’t know how much it takes to break through the dimension of time and space. "

Long Shao opened his mouth with a lot of meaning, his grandfather and the middle-aged doctor looked at each other, and had some thoughts in their hearts.

Soon Long Shao couldn't wait to enter the prehistoric world, time is money.

Who knows how much the "Brown time" of the difference between the two worlds will change in a short period of time on the earth. If one wakes up and the Conferred Gods are over, it will be hard to cry.

"It seems that the faith on Earth is essentially the same as the power of faith in other worlds. It can have an imperceptible magical effect on individual beings. This is the power of faith that even the gods of Hill are fighting for. It must contain deep fan!"

At this time, another well-known researcher in a white robe looked at the image of Long Shao just now on the camera and said.

The chief on the other side nodded, "Did that little fellow lie just now?"

The researcher looked at the data in his hand and the look in Long Shao's eyes during the replay, and shook his head.

"I'm not lying, the environment of the earth is a bit special, the power of faith can only shuttle between reality and fiction, and feed back to the characters in the game world."


The chief couldn't help but regretfully said that this experiment has attracted the attention of many bigwigs, and they just want to see if the mysterious power of faith can bring extraordinary dawn in this world of great controversy.

Now it seems that Dawn is still there, but it is still in a different world

Jiang Ping is observing the changes of Long Shao in stealth at places that cannot be scanned by electronic ultraviolet rays, and above the sky that cannot be detected by drone micro-radars. This test of faith is also very important for his enlightenment.

"Somewhat effective." Jiang Ping raised the corner of his mouth.

The popularity of the movie has caused billions of people on earth to recite Long Shao's real name, and the mysterious power of faith shuttles between reality and fiction, but in the hands of Jiang Ping's Genesis, he intercepted part of it.

Not much, just 99. The remaining one percent is the real power of faith left for Long Shao. Even this has benefited Hong Huang Long Shao a lot, and the long-lost realm barriers are breaking down.

"The catastrophe of the prehistoric world is slowly advancing, and the gods and monsters are fighting each other. How is the world of Hill now?"

Thinking so, Jiang Ping's figure was blurred and he set foot on the return journey.

Chapter 227

When the prehistoric blockbuster starring Long Shao hit the world and harvested the power of belief, the All Heavens Forum was also discussing this global popularity phenomenon day and night.

"The conditions are the same, why didn't other players make movies?" Someone was puzzled.

Players from the heavens looked at it and laughed. Will people who have entered the prehistoric world and Hill world covet the prestige and wealth of the earth?For them, the different world is the real world!

But in any case, the popularity of the prehistoric world is unprecedented now, but under this circumstance, there are also a few people who still pay attention to another world.

"Yaoyao, are you still there?"

"I'm still alive." Yaoyao embraced peace, "But it's been a long time with Vivienne in the dark world, and I want to go back to the atrium world."

Time flies, although the earth time has only passed two or three months, and has just entered mid-autumn, but the time of the heavens and the world is not equal.

Those who follow Hill's world know that Hill has undergone a lot of changes since the goddess of death in the underworld returned to her throne, and a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

It's a pity that Haruka Kusaka only chose to return to the atrium in the center of the world now, and everyone can only understand Hill's current situation through Obi on the other side.

"Vivian, then I'm leaving." Ri Xia Yao shook his hand with a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

Wearing a bright golden robe, Vivienne's red lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but was swallowed in the end. Vivienne finally smiled in relief:

"Sister Yaoyao, let's go, you are my only true friend in Hill's world."


Haruka Haruka was puzzled, she looked to the other direction in the darkness, "What about Alice? Didn't you all grow up?"

Today's Vivienne has grown up after a hundred years of experience. She is no longer a girl who is reckless.

And in the time of weaving and sorting out the web of Hill's fate, she also witnessed the past, present and future. Now her temperament and figure are solemn and mature, more goddess than any goddess.

Vivienne looked at the direction of the dark underworld with complicated eyes. For a hundred years, although they were at the bottom of La Hill, the two were at opposite poles.

"She and I are destined to be sworn enemies."

Haruka Haruka was puzzled. Although there were signs of it when she traveled the world, now that Vivienne said that the two of them were not in harmony, she still felt weird.

"Could it be that Vivian saw something?" Haruka Haruka was thinking wildly, was it because of their love, their own ideas, or both?

"May you find your destination under the guidance of fate." The golden goddess Vivienne finally smiled and gave Rixia Haruka a blessing of fate.

At this point, Haruka Kusaka also began his journey back to the atrium.

"Is it 100?"

Jiang Ping, who returned home, let out a sigh of emotion. He stretched out his hand to catch a withered yellow leaf. Looking up, the old tree had already withered yellow leaves. A gust of autumn wind hit, making people hug their bodies. The autumn wind chills.

"There must be a break."

Jiang Ping stepped back into the house and sat on the sofa to slowly flip through the first century, only to see a burst of mysterious and unusual power of faith shuttling through the pages, dazzling like elves of light.

Jiang Ping threw 99% of the power of faith intercepted from Long Shao's mouth into the Lahil tree in the middle of the sea of ​​chaos.

This force seemed to be the best nutrient, and it shook the huge and boundless world tree slightly, as if it had taken a big tonic pill, the greenery was full, and the branches swayed.

The three worlds on the branches exude cheerfulness, and the two dark worlds under the tree are also dancing.

This strange phenomenon puzzled some of Hill's top experts. On this day, everyone in Hill World felt that the air was extraordinarily fresh, and for no reason, they felt much happier.

tick, tick

Drops of rain fell, and in this small city in the atrium, farmers were hurrying along in straw hats or coir raincoats. Occasionally, horses neighed, and the wheels of the wagons splashed drops of water.

At this time, on the street, a man wearing a gray straw hat hurried to the side of an ordinary stone house, sheltering from the rain under the simple eaves.


Suddenly there was a cry of a baby in the room, and a middle-aged woman who gave birth was vaguely heard saying happily,

"It's born, it's born, what a big fat boy, mother and child are safe!"

The man hiding from the rain outside the door was full of stubble. He seemed to be middle-aged, but he was still young. At this moment, his brows twitched, and he was also surprised that he happened to be hiding from the rain here, and unexpectedly met a baby who was born.

"It's terrible, let me guard the gate to deliver the baby." The man said to himself.

With a sound of gada, the simple door of the stone house opened, and the midwifery woman appeared with a newborn baby in her arms. She looked at the man guarding the door in surprise.

The woman suddenly laughed again, and after greeting the child's mother, the woman carried the newborn baby to the man and asked:

"Warrior, you are welcome to protect this little guy from birth. Since you and him are so destined, please give him a name."

According to ancient legends in the Hill World, when a child is born, resentful spirits and ghosts may come to invade. If there is a strong person guarding the door at this time, protecting the baby from all outside intrusions, then the child's future will be extraordinary, and the future will be bright!

In particular, the stronger the gatekeeper, the stronger the child's potential. There are even noble lords who have children born, and they will pay a lot of money to ask the priests of the Holy See to guard them.

Although it is a nonsense legend, the farmers would rather believe it than believe it.

The man looked at the baby with a little surprise, and saw that the newly born little guy had an unusually strong body, and his two white lotus-like arms were as chubby as a man with Michelin tires.

This little chubby baby curiously opened his dark eyes to observe everything in the world. As a newborn, he was very curious about everything in the world, and everything was mysterious.

The big round eyes looked at the man in front of him curiously, and yelled "Yi Ya, Yi Ya".

The baby instinctively twisted its body, struggling to get rid of the midwife's embrace. Bai Ou opened her small hands and wanted to pounce on the man, as if she wanted him to hold her.

"Since he was so naughty and bold, this kid has a limitless future." The man smiled and stretched out a finger to tease the restless baby.

This chubby, white and tender little boy stared at this finger with big eyes, his lips were wide open, a trace of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the small white lotus hand stretched out, five short fingers tightly grasped this finger.

Needless to say, the baby's clenching power is really strong, which surprised the man hiding from the rain.

"He was born with supernatural power since he was a child, so let's call him Rock Fergus. He must be strong and powerful when he grows up."

Fergus means "strength" and "courage" in the Hill language.

"Rock Fergus? Good name, little guy will call you Locke from now on." The woman teased the child happily, and immediately turned around and went into the house to announce the good news to his mother.


Seeing that the toy that was finally acquired flew away, the cute baby stared with black eyes wide, and kept flapping his hands, obviously struggling, but it seemed to be waving thanks to the uncle who named him.

The man also smiled and waved at the baby, "Little guy, next time I see you, I hope you grow stronger. See you soon."

With the birth of the child, the light rain in the sky has stopped, only drops of rainwater from the eaves dripping onto the puddles on the ground, making the sound of "tick, tick".

The man put on his straw hat and turned to leave. There was a smile under the shadow of the brim of the straw hat.

"Is it the birth of another hero? I hope this time it can bring greater changes to the world of Hill, and complete the great achievements that the King of Heroes and the King of Conquerors can achieve.

But little guy, this time you are greeted with the most difficult challenge in the world. Can you complete it? "

Afterwards, as if he thought of "only great strength can produce miracles", the man smiled even more happily and walked away.

On the Immortal Throne of the Supreme God Realm, the God King Yuer is going all out to restore the authority of the God King. Since the disappearance of the Holy Sword of Original Sin, this is a symbol of his invincible force, but it was almost defiled by the river Styx in the battle of invading the underworld a hundred years ago !


The God King opened his golden eyes, and his eyes scanned everything in the God Realm, as well as the two worlds below. Only the two dark worlds blocked by the Atrium Realm Gate blocked his sight.

"Hmph, after all, I will belong to the leader of the God Realm!"

In the past hundred years, the God Realm is not as arrogant as before. The gods have a sense of crisis. With the help of the essence of the new era, they will strengthen themselves step by step. As in the past, they can only be used for experiments, and the technology of transforming artifacts and creatures with the power of faith , has now matured.

Although many appalling monsters appeared in the God's Taboo Experiment, the gods still transformed this divine technique into a more mature and perfect one. Now a main god has borrowed the power of faith to forge an exclusive divine envoy.

God King Yuer is no exception. Just at this time, a handsome angel came from the gate, exuding warm holy light, wearing a white robe, with snow-white twelve wings growing on his ribs. He bowed slightly to pay respects:

"My lord, the Lord of the Worlds, Belinda, the queen of the gods, is asking to see you outside the door."

The king of gods nodded, and looked at his favorite creation with satisfaction. The power of the holy light emitted by this twelve-winged angel was no worse than that of the ancient main god!

If you don't borrow the authority of the main god, it is estimated that his combat power can be equal to that of the main god!

Over the years, with the spread of the glory of the gods, the atrium, even the strange world, and the kingdom of giants began to be slowly influenced by the gods.

Whether it is Avril, the goddess of life, or the power of the frost giant Myr, they are constantly being eroded by the gods.

In particular, the biggest enemy of the gods, the Titan giants, was constantly hunted down by the gods. The Frost Giants led the Titans to counterattack several times, but they were all killed by the endless army of angels.

With the potential to squeeze the human beings in the atrium, those who follow will prosper, and those who go against will perish, even if there are occasional outstanding figures similar to the children of the times.

As long as there are signs of it, it will either be killed by the gods in advance, or it will be brainwashed and incorporated from a young age, and it will become the sharpest sword of the Holy See to eradicate foreign enemies.

Even the god king can occasionally see the auras and destinies representing the human beings in the courtyard continuously flocking to the gods. Over the past hundred years, they have become stronger and stronger!

"The power of the God Realm has surpassed that before the catastrophe caused by Gilga." The God King said proudly. As for his strength, it is more than twice as strong as it was a hundred years ago!

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