Chapter 230 I want women and the world


Even Locke, who was born with supernatural power, was exhausted and panting for a while. At this time, he was in a mess, his fists were bloodstained, and the hammer hit the back, and the club broke. He was riding on a giant lion and continued to bombard with his fists!

At this time, his clothes and equipment were also in dilapidated condition.

Locke sat cross-legged on top of the giant lion. The terrifying king who was once invulnerable had already died of hemorrhage from internal organs. A stream of black blood mixed with internal organ fragments flowed out from the mouth of the terrifying blood. Even when it died, its eyes were still filled with deep horror.

But at this time, Locke was thinking about what the giant lion said before he died, "Is it also the product of the experiments of the gods?"

Locke jumped off the giant lion's corpse, looked at himself in ragged clothes, and recalled the indestructibility of the giant lion's fur, Locke immediately wanted to peel off its fur.

However, even though Locke has the power to tear everything apart, he has no effect on the giant lion's fur. Locke remembered a story that the shepherd once told him.

That is a philosophical question about "spear and shield".

He often called the shepherd his teacher, because Locke learned a lot from him.

Locke, who came back to his senses, set his eyes on the claws of the giant lion

When he successfully peeled off the giant lion's fur, Locke was also hungry, so he simply lit a fire in the depths of the forest, and the food was the flesh and blood of the Nemean giant lion.

This is the territory of the king of the forest, and no one dares to offend. Locke grilled and ate it with peace of mind. He has eaten a lot since childhood, and this time it was after another life-and-death battle.

Gradually, he devoured the tough flesh and blood of the giant lion. Since it was so difficult to bite, he simply swallowed it!

Locke's belly was like a black hole, and he unknowingly ate up the giant lion on the small mountain pier. He didn't know if the lion meat he ate turned into energy and disappeared. He touched his round belly and was satisfied. I found a rock to sleep on.

The bonfire reflected Locke's sleeping face. He was still a teenager, and he was still smiling in his sleep, as if he had a good dream.

Several pairs of bloodthirsty eyes appeared in the darkness of the Nemea forest, but at this moment the owners of the eyes were all trembling, hoping that this fierce god would leave here tomorrow

The next day, when Locke appeared outside the big forest in the fur of a giant lion, everyone was frightened. At first, everyone thought it was the king of the forest who had come out of the mountain. Lion fur as a trophy!

Someone once opened his mouth to buy the fur of the Nemea giant lion at a high price, but Locke ignored it and put on the giant lion's fur and ran home like a lion.

The lion is dead, and no monster dared to provoke him along the way. Occasionally, some people saw Locke running wildly on the avenue, and thought it was a big lion.

Gradually, as Locke ran faster and faster, he found that after eating the flesh and blood of the giant lion, his great strength seemed to evolve again, his body muscles were indestructible, and he also awakened his own talent: the power of the earth.

All the way, there was no one, no beasts disturbing, when the mother and Mary saw Locke, they didn't even know him.

When Locke returned to the village, he put on a lion's skin to meet the shepherd in the back mountain for the first time. He was afraid that the mysterious teacher would suddenly disappear one day.

"Teacher, I'm back. This trial is a bit challenging."

Locke dropped the giant lion skin on his body casually, "If I hadn't used the wisdom you taught me and relied on brute force alone, I believe it would not have been so easy to complete."


As Locke threw down the skin of the hideous Nemean giant lion, the flock of sheep grazing on the mountain were frightened and screamed and ran away. The lifelike giant lion was too terrifying!

The shepherd looked at Locke's spoils with satisfaction. He looked at Locke and asked with a smile:

"So Little Locke, what have you gained from this first trial? Is your dream still to live the rest of your life like an ordinary person? Your life has just begun, and this is a decision that will change your destiny."

Hearing this, Locke's eyes were deep and complicated, not at all like a child who had just turned ten years old. He looked at the red sunset in the distance, and replied after a long time:

"It turns out that the first trial you gave me, teacher, the real enemy is not the Nimir giant lion, but the people and things along the way."

Under the witness of the setting sun, Locke said with determination:

"I want women and the world!"


Seemingly satisfied with Little Locke's answer, the shepherd laughed heartily. This was the first time Locke saw him laughing so happily for so long.

"Not bad, Little Locke, you finally understand a truth."

"When you were three years old, you wanted to be the bravest warrior. When you were six years old, you knew more about yourself and wanted to be the city lord who commanded an army. At nine years old, you wanted to spend the rest of your life with your lover. Everything is in your hands."

"The world is as big as the heart is. The best warrior in the world? The peerless king? The farmer with a happy family? The brave man who has never appeared before?"

"Why not the most powerful and noble world king on Hill?"

The shepherd looked directly into Locke's eyes, and his words completely stunned Locke.

"Be a dreamer and you can be whoever you want to be."

The shepherd spread his hands and ignited the fire in Locke's heart. No one in the courtyard has ever dared to say such a rebellious thing!

Locke, who considers himself powerful and extremely talented, at most only wants to use his own force to command a territory and protect the safety of those around him.

But at this time, the teacher told him that everything is possible, even the supreme god king who is above the clouds can be pulled down by him!

"I, can I do it?" For the first time in his life, Locke doubted himself.

"The future is only in your hands. This is destined to be a long and difficult challenge. Are you willing to accept it?"

On the back mountain, with the setting sun behind him, the shepherd asked the boy.

The young man gritted his teeth and turned his head to look towards the direction of the village. There was everything he loved there. For his dreams and to change the fate of mankind, he was fearless of death and challenges, but sometimes some people were more important than his own life.

Thinking of the doubts he had since he was a child, as well as what he has seen and heard along the way, the girls and teenagers who were brainwashed by the church and were arrested in the church, Locke's eyes were ignited, and he said slowly and firmly:

"I am willing to accept, please teach me!"

Hearing the answer, the shepherd sat on the rock and laughed.

"Little Locke, you need to complete the nine most impossible trials in the world, so that you can be qualified to challenge the strongest existence in the world.

You have completed the first Nemean giant lion, but this is only the beginning of your heroic journey, and your life will be full of challenges and dangers.

I just hope you can remember this sentence: "Never forget the original intention, and you will always be there." No matter how difficult and long the road is, as long as you keep going, you will eventually reach your destination. "


The young man nodded firmly. When he agreed, he was ready for everything. The risk equals the gain. This is the fairest law in the world.

"When you hammered down the giant lion of Nemea, the already terrifying natural power of the giant lion is even more powerful. Your body is already invulnerable, and magic is ineffective, but like the giant lion of Nemea, you are still a body of flesh and blood inside. .

The second trial is to kill Hydra, a hydra living in Lake Lena. She is the elder sister of the giant lion of Nemea and is also a test subject of the taboo of the gods. If she finds out that her brother was killed by you, she must Will go mad with revenge.

So, Little Locke, you have to hurry up, the poison of the hydra is the most poisonous in the courtyard, although your body is immortal, but the inside is still very fragile, if you are bitten by her, you will die. "

"It's just a trifle."

Locke waved his hand indifferently, turned around and went down the mountain, ready to start the next even more terrifying trial.

Chapter 231 One Sword Twelve Kills

"Lock, are you busy recently? Why do you think you're ignoring me a little bit?"

On this day, Locke, who was sitting on the ground and cutting arrows, was suddenly questioned by Mary, and Locke turned around and explained with a headache.

In order to complete the second trial as soon as possible, he not only started to collect information about Hydra, but also trained to create an artifact to kill her.

However, Locke knew in his heart that these were all excuses. When he was equally busy before, didn't he also have time to spend with Mary?

He didn't even realize that after making the oath and completing the nine impossible trials, he instinctively began to stay away from Mary.

"Mary, be careful in the future. I'm going to go on a long trip again recently. If there is a holy army from the Holy See searching for it, don't say that you have anything to do with me."

As Locke grew up, the legend of his strength, and the beheading of the Nimir giant lion not long ago, has attracted more and more attention from the Holy See.

It's just that this place is remote and the power of the Holy See is very weak, but as Locke grows step by step, there should be no shortage of people from the Holy See here in the future.

"Are you going out again?"

Mary was worried, "Why do you have to challenge the most powerful monster in the world every time? With your strength, it is enough for the rest of your life."

"Don't worry, it's just another journey."

Locke reassured Mary indifferently, but in fact the preparations this time were preparations he had made all his life, because Hydra was too dangerous!

Soon after bidding farewell to Mary, Locke embarked on the journey again. This time, the bow and arrows he carried were all cut by himself, and they were extremely strong and not corroded by poison.

All the way in a hurry, the same scenery, different mood.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a big lion running wildly on the road. Gradually, legends about the giant Nemean lion spread in the small area of ​​the atrium.

Some people say that it broke free, ran out of the Nemea forest, and killed and devoured the outside world wantonly.

But others say that the truth is that someone single-handedly hunted down the invulnerable Nemean lion, and someone walked in its fur.

Lena Lake in the other direction from the Great Nemea Forest is surrounded by a poisonous swamp with green bubbles. A huge monster with nine terrifying snake heads stands in the middle of Lena Lake.

"Is that fool in Nemea dead?"

Hydra vomited a snake letter, and began to contact her younger brother through the blood in the dark. She and Nemea both had the same father.

However, after a while, there was still no response from the other side, and Hydera's slender green eyes glowed with a cold light. This younger brother never dared not respond to him, and he admired him the most!


The Hydra spit out nine snake letters, and moved her huge body angrily and began to swim out of the territory. She wanted to go to the big forest herself to see who dared to kill her brother!

"Hydra is out hunting!"

There was a commotion in the small town of Kaunuo near Lake Lena. Farmers fleeing in a hurry looked up and saw a huge black shadow approaching quickly outside the small town, with nine ferocious heads dancing around!


The hydra screamed, and the huge figure shot out like an arrow. With a crash, it broke through the city gate in an instant, and the nine heads danced wildly, devouring all the people, horses, and cows that could be seen!

The Hydra is terrifying, it has already devoured hundreds of people in a short period of time, especially the poisonous saliva drooping from her has caused poisonous pits to appear on the corroded ground.

The people who splashed it watched in pain as they were corroded into bones, and finally turned into a pool of blood!

"Help! Hydra is going crazy, it's going to massacre the city!"

The people fled desperately in a panic, and no one dared to fight back. This is the nine-headed demon god!


Suddenly, three rays of divine light flashed across the sky, and before Hydra could react, the three rays of divine light shot into her three heads with incomparable precision!


The Hydra immediately roared in pain, the huge body of the snake could only be hugged by ten adults, at this time she moved in pain, and the city wall collapsed even more, in an instant, countless people were instantly turned into pulp by the sweep of her snake tail .


Like an exploding watermelon, these three arrows were shot by the Hercules, and they were even more terrifying than any exploding fireballs. The three heads of Hydra exploded directly!

"who is it?!"

Hydra went crazy, her blue eyes were dyed red, she slaughtered and wreaked havoc in this city, disturbing all people and animals!

"Naughty beast, don't even think about being murderous!"

A figure wearing a lion's skin rushed towards him from a distance, and the smoke and dust billowed all the way. He rushed towards him like a fearless lion king.

Seeing this enemy, Hydra's movements stopped for an instant, her blue eyes were fixed on the mighty lion skin, there was no need to look for it, it was this man who killed her brother and stripped Nemea's fur!


The hydra screamed, and the nine snake necks danced wildly. She rushed forward like the wind, trying to torture this madman to death with venom!

Facing the menacing attack of Hydra, Locke stomped his feet hard, and the whole person had already run out of the city. Fighting in the city would inevitably hurt innocent people. He needs an unmanned battlefield!

The hydra screamed and chased after him, she will kill this human being!

"Could it be that the one who appeared just now was the legendary warrior who killed the invulnerable Nemean lion? The legend turned out to be true!"

The surviving people looked in shock at Locke, who was wearing a lion's skin and running wildly.

"But the hydra is the giant lion's older sister. Not only is it the strongest in the court of venom, but it is also extremely tenacious in vitality. It is even more difficult to deal with than her younger brother!"

People in the chaotic city were talking about it, and one of the priests wearing a white sacrificial robe flashed his eyes, and he was already planning to report the warrior.

call out!

Locke turned around and bent down to shoot arrows again while running wildly. This time, the Hydra was alerted, and she moved the snake body very quickly. However, Locke's archery skills are superb, even superior to his other skills.

No matter how the Hydra dodges, the arrow precisely blasted a head again in the end!

However, after succeeding, Locke was not relaxed, but his face was full of dignity, and he saw that the three wounds that had been blasted earlier had grown six new heads at this time!

"Hiss! Ignorant and arrogant human beings!

I am an accidental product of the gods, an immortal hydra, no matter how many heads you decapitate, I will be born again! "

The hydra screamed, and with a flick of the huge snake body, the space was crackled and exploded, and the cyan snake tail was like a whip from heaven, and it swept towards Locke fiercely!

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