Ning Tianjiao cursed secretly from below, thinking that the fire dragon crocodile in the sky was also violent. This new artifact is so terrifying, and the destructive power of these strange small stones fired is so terrifying, it directly pierces its scale armor engraved with cumbersome magic patterns !

Even if it wasn't for the vibration of its soul and the violent lava power in its body, the stone hit on the face just now could break to the core!

Bang bang bang bang

Ning Tianjiao is so British, of course Rixiayao wants to record it. At this time, holding the fire unicorn in one hand, holding the butt of the gun under his armpit, and violently pressing the trigger with the other hand, the strong and strong Ning Tianjiao suddenly made Rixiayao feel a sense of humor. Inexplicable sense of sight.

It was a distant memory. It seemed to be a disc that was unintentionally picked up from my father's collection when I was a child. It seemed to be called "Second Blood".

On the forum, everyone is eagerly waiting, whether it is celebrating the success of a generation of Tianjiao, or waiting to see his failure jokes are all waiting for the battle report from the front line.

As soon as Yaoyao went online, she was immediately urged.

"Where is the artifact? What exactly is the artifact? As for being so mysterious? It's not some untrained girl!"

"Tell me first if you succeeded? Regardless of whether you are strong or not, as long as you forge an artifact, it will prove that the career of a generation of Tianjiao Hill for so many years is not in vain!" Someone kept urging Yaoyao.

In the face of many inquiries, Yaoyao directly uploaded the latest picture of Tianjiao shooting a gun. Ning Tianjiao, who took off his shirt and has a six-pack belly, is holding this AK47-like fiery red flaming gun, roaring at the dragon and crocodile coming from the sky Roaring!

Countless flaming bullets bursting from the fiery red muzzle broke the darkness, connecting Sky Fire Dragon Crocodile and Ning Tianjiao together, with only a fiery red line between them.

Seeing this photo, everyone was silent. Although I knew that the artifact created by the generation of Tianjiao must be different from Hill's native artifact, who would have thought that his brain would be so big?Everyone on the earth who surfs the Internet is familiar with this artifact!

"No, isn't this t the ak47?!! Legend has it that the super weapon that has killed the most people on earth in history! Don't think that I don't recognize a generation of Tianjiao who has added a layer of fiery red paint!" Finally someone broke the silence silence.

"Is this the artifact made by Tianjiao? It is really fierce and fierce! It can be seen that the aura of domineering is undoubtedly leaking! But isn't it based on your analysis that the world's technological products can't be manufactured in the big world of Hill at all?" A netizen named Tengtian Mariko asked a curious question.

"Because of this, a generation of Tianjiao spent a hundred years developing and forging this artifact that combines the earth's military crystals and alien magic power." A netizen named Zhuge Shi seemed to see through this picture of a generation of Tianjiao holding a gun and roaring towards the sky. a lot.

"He proved to the world that his path is not wrong! Just from this photo, we can find that the core of magic power must come from the butt of the gun with strands of magic lines flashing.

Although it looks the same as the ak47 in reality, the principles of the inner magic circle must be quite different. This is his exclusive artifact!

And I'm sure this is just the beginning!Just like when Xianyu believed in conferring gods on Yinsong Mountain back then, a generation of Tianjiao will embark on a brand new path that belongs only to him! "

His speech awakened countless people, and soon someone zoomed in on the picture, and saw strands of cumbersome lines flashing past at the position of the gun stock held by Ning Tianjiao, and these lines intertwined, and finally converged on the fiery red muzzle of the gun !

"Sure, brother, you have such sharp eyes, you can see through most of them at a glance." Someone praised Zhuge Shi's sharp eyes.

The senior boss Obi also appeared: "This friend of Zhuge Shi is right. We just watched Ning Tianjiao create this artifact based on the ak47, but in the past hundred years, he did not know how many times he tried it. And personally forging it personally, this is the harvest today!

Only those who have actually been to other world players know that whether it is another world or the earth, the reality is cruel, and if you want to achieve something, you must pay a price!This is the truth no matter which world exists! "

"Yaoyao, where did the monster that Tianjiao is fighting now come from?" Some people wondered how such a powerful monster came to the gathering place of the dwarves.

"In the crater just before, I was alarmed because of the birth of the artifact, and now I am fighting with Tianjiao. Tianjiao said that the artifact will see blood, and I don't have to do it.


In the kingdom of giants, on the top of the volcano, Ning Tianjiao held the gun stock under his armpit, held up the flaming red unicorn gun body, held the gun stock with his left hand, and pressed the trigger with his right hand, like a flamethrower spit out flames from the muzzle, crazily flying towards the sky roar!

Da da da da! !

The sound of bullets being ejected was endless. At this time, Ning Tianjiao had a ferocious face, his face and arms were bulging, and he roared and shot towards the sky. The dwarf master had never seen a leader like this. He seemed to be swearing to the sky at this moment that he had a backlog. 300 years of repression!Let out your madness!

bang bang

The scales of the fire dragon crocodile fired by the flame bullets splashed, and strands of natural lines were pierced instantly, and the bullets pierced into the flesh and blood one after another.

"hold head high!"

The fire dragon crocodile roared, and a pair of bloodthirsty red eyes were already fiercely looking at the little one who kept provoking him. It didn't expect that it would suffer such a big loss by accident!

However, even if it is an artifact, it depends on the user. Why is this artifact held by a weak human who is not even a legend, and why is it so threatening to him? !

The fire dragon crocodile swung its tail, the thick and ferocious crocodile tail drew a perfect arc in the gloomy sky, and hit the people on the ground like a magic whip!

It seems that before it moved, Ning Tianjiao had received some kind of information from Huo Qilin. He jumped ahead of time, and his whole body jumped ten meters away. The flames came and swept the giant forging table into a mess, but in fact it didn't have much effect.

The sharp bullets are still shooting at it!Especially the weak spots on the dragon's head, such as the eyes and the center of the eyebrows, were shot crazily. The fire dragon crocodile roared continuously, and strands of steaming blood left from the dragon's head, and its red eyes became more and more fierce!

Finally, it seemed that it couldn't bear it any longer. After a roar, it opened its bloody mouth suddenly, regardless of being shot into the inside of the body by the strange artifact at this time, a burst of black and red lava fire spurted from the abdomen!

Before the fire dragon crocodile sprayed out the energy column, Ning Tianjiao had already seen its abdomen glow, and he yelled, "Get out of here!"

He had already jumped to the distance one step ahead, and Ning Tianjiao's eyes flashed. This is definitely the strongest blow of the dragon crocodile, but it is also his weakest blow!

Thinking of this, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and quickly took out an 8cm long, black-gold armor-piercing bullet. This bullet was an experimental product before, and it was the killer weapon prepared for this artifact!

This armor-piercing bullet is not only forged with artifact-level materials, but also has strands of interlocking magic patterns intersecting the whole body. With the experimental black powder hidden inside the bullet, this super armor-piercing bullet can definitely cause fatal damage to Charmander crocodiles. threaten!

"Tianjiao, run away!"

Ri Xiayao anxiously reminded him in the distance, Ning Tianjiao suddenly raised his head and looked at the red neck of the fire dragon and crocodile. The bracket sticks out in vain, just revealing the empty space for loading bullets.

When Ning Tianjiao cast this divine weapon, he naturally also considered not only the infinite bullets made from the core of the divine weapon, but also the killer weapon that kills the enemy with one blow!The power of guns in the modern society of the earth comes from every terrible bullet!


Ning Tianjiao ignored Ri Xiayao's reminder, and quickly reloaded the bullet. The next moment, the huge fire dragon crocodile in the air spewed out a terrifying pillar of lava fire!


A terrifying pillar of fiery red light with a diameter of one meter fell from the sky. With a bang, the giant forging platform was completely destroyed, and waves of lava heat rushed to the surroundings. The primary target was Ning Tianjiao who was holding a fire unicorn!

This place seemed to turn into a sea of ​​flames in an instant, and the extremely hot lava made this place melt continuously. Several people here even felt that the earth was sunken several layers.

In the eyes of the dwarves watching from a distance, the giant forging platform on the top of the mountain disappeared completely, and there was only a sea of ​​flames, and even the fire dragon crocodile spewing flames and lava in the sky continued to erupt!Desire to live forever!

"Boss and the others will be all right?" Some dwarves said worriedly.

"Don't worry, the leader's artifact has been casted. Didn't you see that the dragon crocodile was being pressed and beaten by the leader just now?!"

The prestigious dwarf captain immediately reassured everyone, but his brows were still worried, so what about the artifact?In the hands of a user who is not yet a legend, such a horrifying record is already shocking. The leader's new artifact is really terrifying, and now I can only pin our hopes on the leader's few friends!

On the top of the volcano, a sea of ​​flames is recreated here, and the fire dragon and crocodile in the air are about to spew out their anger at this time. The magic power of the huge body surges, and the lava flames are erupted desperately, and they will not stop until they kill the provocative people below.

Seeing that Ning Tianjiao was in crisis, he had no chance to make a move, and could be killed at any time, Ri Xiayao finally couldn't help but make a move.

"No Style Returning to the Sword!"


Like the Milky Way pouring out of the Nine Heavens, and the divine sword suddenly unsheathed, Vivienne never knew that Sister Yaoyao, who had always been called a sister to her, was so clear and beautiful in swordsmanship. The power of the divine weapon contained in the divine sword itself!

The Milky Way Sword Qi spread for 300 meters, shining brightly on this place, and the fire dragon crocodile, which had roared into the sky in an instant, seemed to sense the threat to itself from this technique. With a flick of the crocodile's tail, the entire huge body has already dodged in an emergency.


The bright and fierce [-]-meter sword energy passed by the fire dragon crocodile, and a deep gap appeared in the cut ground.

However, this blow was originally to help Ning Tianjiao, to help him escape from danger, and to create a chance for him to win. When the fire dragon crocodile was at a standstill, its huge blood-red eyes caught a glimpse of the embarrassed human holding up a strange artifact. There seemed to be something on the artifact. A small mirror reflected a ray of light.

I saw Ning Tianjiao squatting, his legs slightly bent, the muscles in his hands swelled, and he was holding the flaming fire unicorn tightly. At this time, the shape of the fire unicorn had changed.

It turned out that a scope shot out from the flat body of the gun. The small lens was only the size of a coin, but it was such a small lens that consumed Tianjiao's efforts for ten years!

From choosing the right lens material, to developing the material ratio to create a composite, I was asking many masters to find out what kind of magic array can match the gun body, how to automatically aim, and analyze the distribution of magic power around it. It seems simple. The single lens contains his hard work!

"Fire Qilin Death Strike!"

Following Ning Tianjiao's stern shout, the whole body of Huo Qilin began to flash with fiery red light. Ka Ka, the magic power flowed, activating every part of the entire artifact.

One after another mysterious runes bloomed from the glazed red gun body, and a cumbersome magic circle instantly appeared in front of Ning Tianjiao, and this magic circle had never appeared in the atrium or even in the entire Hill!

The runes in the cumbersome magic circle are constantly beating, and the numbers are changing at the same time, gradually calculating the surrounding magic power, wind power, and environment, and the information of the fire dragon crocodile that the scope is facing is constantly being calculated. In the eyes of the dwarf master, a Red dots continued to flash out from the giant Charmander crocodile.

"This is?"

After taking back the Excalibur, Rixia Yao pursed her lips and looked solemnly at the tedious and changing magic circle that appeared in front of Ning Tianjiao. She had a premonition of something.

Vivienne didn't understand a little, but Alice and the dwarf master looked at the form of the new artifact without blinking at the same time. When they saw the magic circle inspired by the erupting fire unicorn, the dwarf master trembled and said:

"A new type of magic circle that has never appeared in the world of Hill. This artifact of the leader is beyond our imagination! With this artifact alone, his name will be recorded in the Hill calendar forever."

Jiang Ping, who has not changed color since he came here, is also looking at the fire unicorn who has activated the death form with a smile at the corner of his mouth at this time, "Not bad."

Vivienne looked at the uncle in surprise. She didn't expect that the uncle would praise others like this. Jiang Ping thought that Ning Tianjiao would achieve something before, but he didn't expect it to take so long. Maybe his path is like this. He has been dormant for more than 200 years and silent for 200 years. Over the years, the artifact he built was only the beginning!

Although it looks like a slightly cumbersome magic circle, it contains Ning Tianjiao's understanding of the Hill world and the earth world. The beating numbers of this magic circle represent all the changes around. The red dot just symbolizes the final blow of this fire unicorn artifact!

This artifact that embodies Ning Tianjiao's century-old efforts has not failed him, and Jiang Ping is full of admiration, not because he agrees with the power of the artifact, but because of the people who made it!

"hold head high!"

His soul trembled for no reason, as if he had a premonition of a life-or-death crisis. Regardless of the female human beings who threatened him, the Fire Dragon Crocodile suddenly turned to look at Ning Tianjiao who was engrossed.

At this time, the huge magic array is measuring the information of the whole body of the fire dragon crocodile. When the fire dragon crocodile turns its head, thousands of Hill numbers continue to jump rapidly, and finally freeze in one frame. The mysterious and cumbersome magic array is attributed to the small scope below .

Ning Tianjiao held the fire unicorn very solemnly, saw the center of the scope with his right eye, and gently pulled the trigger!


It was as if a rocket had popped out, the violent sound made Vivienne and Alice couldn't help but close their ears tightly with their hands, and Ning Tianjiao was also shocked by the force of the counterattack, and the ground under his feet was shattered into several pieces. .


A metal bullet mixed with black and red flames traced a trajectory in the air, killing the giant Charmander crocodile at a speed that neither the naked eye nor the spiritual sense could catch.

The huge blood-colored eyes of the dragon crocodile shrank, as if it felt the horror of this blow, and the magic power of lava surged all over its body. In an instant, its entire huge body seemed to turn into an energy creature similar to pure energy, and its whole body was surrounded by monstrous flames.

However, this blow is destined to exceed its imagination. This is a killing blow that has never appeared in Hill's world!In the name of the god of death, who can escape the blow of the god of death?

No matter how desperately the Charmander Crocodile struggled to move, under the shocked gazes of Vivienne and Master Dwarf, the metal bullets that had been fired turned automatically in the air and slid across the path in the air, as if they were constantly correcting themselves!

Under the terrified eyes of Fire Dragon Crocodile, the bullet that was not caught by his own consciousness was killed in an instant, and his bloody mouth that was not completely closed due to the eruption of lava was just pierced by the bullet!


This bullet, which contained Ning Tianjiao's hard work, finally penetrated into the body of the Fire Dragon Crocodile. Compared with the huge body of the Fire Dragon Alligator, it was obviously just an insignificant small bullet, but there was a loud noise inside!

More importantly, the location where it exploded is the most important part of the dragon crocodile!This is the core of its magic power, and it also contains all the vitality of the body!

hold head high--

With a desperate roar, the fire dragon crocodile's entire body soared into the sky. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, before it reached the highest point, the violent explosion inside the body became louder and louder, and finally there was a loud bang, and the whole body exploded. A huge void was blasted inside.

All kinds of black and bloody things fell like rain, and the ten-meter-long Charmander crocodile fell from the sky in vain like a plane that had let out fire, with a loud noise as the ground shook.

The fire dragon crocodile with a whole body of sulfur red has smashed a big hole on the ground, drips of black blood flowed from its mouth, and an unbelievable expression remained in its huge eyes.


Ning Tianjiao sat down on the messy ground, his hands and legs were trembling slightly, this was not because he was afraid afterwards, but because he was shocked by the counter-shock force of the fire unicorn!

Even relying on inner vision, Ning Tianjiao felt that his muscles were strained and his bones were shattered!

Huo Qilin was held in his arms, the gun handle was stuck on the ground, wisps of hot smoke came out from the hot red gun muzzle, with a few clicks, Huo Qilin automatically exited from the death form.

Looking at the dwarf master and Haruka who were worried about him, Ning Tianjiao, who was embarrassed by avoiding the chasing of the fire dragon and crocodile, suddenly smiled brightly. "Cool".

She still couldn't stop calling up the system interface to take pictures as souvenirs. At this moment, Ning Tianjiao was sitting on the ground with Huo Qilin leaning against him. He stretched out his thumb and hugged them with a smile at the corner of his mouth.


At this moment the screen is sealed.

Haruka Haruka still uploaded the picture of the generation of Tianjiao after the war. First, it was the chaotic battlefield. Just looking at the picture, everyone felt the intensity of the battle. Looking at the scorched land, it was almost turning into lava.

The giant forging platform that was originally strong and unbreakable has also become history, and it has all been reduced to rubble. The engraved magic patterns have been worn away, and strands of fiery red lava flowed out from the messy rubble.

The picture of the fire dragon crocodile bleeding, the ten meter tall fire dragon crocodile is no worse than the giant dragon, but the fiery red scales covered with glazed flames are shot into black holes, and black blood is constantly flowing out of them. , How many bullets did Ning Tianjiao throw?

Anyway, everyone looked at the photo posted by Yaoyao. He held up the fire unicorn and roared towards the sky. The tongue of fire continued to spew out from the fire unicorn without stopping for a moment.

"Um, is this dead?"

Some netizens didn't think it was enough, and thought that Ning Tianjiao and the super monster that came out of the volcano would have to fight for [-] rounds, and finally succeeded with the help of everyone. They didn't expect that they had already slain the dragon.

"Tsk tsk, I can't see that the generation of geniuses who are men of science are so fierce. Holding the ak47, they just squirt. Look at this tendon, there is still a young and weak boy who has just entered Hill's world What does it look like? It’s even more like a soldier king than a soldier king!”

Someone called up the photos taken by a generation of geniuses when they first entered the world of Hill. Such a comparison makes them look like two completely different people.

The young man who was young back then is now muscular, and his temperament has been precipitated by the years. Just by looking at people, he knows that he is stable and reliable. His originally fair face is now full of determination. In reality, in just a few months, as players, they have experienced a life longer than the earth.

Just looking at these photos, you can know how exciting and regretless the life the players have experienced in Hill World.

No wonder players are always in a hurry every time they go offline. When someone laughs at them for playing the game for a long time, the players all say: "There is another world waiting for me."

Just looking at his temperament has already undergone such an earth-shaking change. At this time, no matter whether a generation of Tianjiao can still enter the game world, everyone believes that he will definitely be able to walk on the road of life even on the earth by relying on the hundred years of experience in Hill's world. peak.

"Hey, to be honest, I'm sore. Just looking at the comparison photos of entering the game, I'm just full of lemons. Even if I can't get any extraordinary abilities, this journey to another world alone is the most precious treasure in life. It's a pity that I didn't have the chance. "

Someone told the truth, and many netizens said: It is true.

The keyboard man who was slammed by everyone before and sacrificed an unknown number?

Look at the six-pack abs in the photo, look at the bulging and exploding biceps, and check the eyes, the opponent is indeed someone who can kill him with a single punch.

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