"Um, to be honest, the last time I said so many bad things about the generation of Tianjiao, it was indeed because of my envy, jealousy and hatred. Now look at the muscles of the boss, and the many faint scars left behind. It seems that the generation of Tianjiao is here. Hill World is playing wonderfully."

In the end Yaoyao finally released Wang Zha. Everyone looked at them and saw rubble all over the place. Most of the cheeks of Tianjiao were blackened by volcanic ash, but the corners of their mouths were raised, and they were smiling happily.

He fell to the ground, with the embarrassment and exhaustion after the great battle on his body, the fiery red flaming fire unicorn gently leaned against his body, wisps of smoke and dust emerged from the muzzle of the fiery red gun, lingering and drifting towards the sky, he stretched out his right thumb, smiling for the camera.

"So handsome."

Some people instinctively said, maybe Yitianjiao's face is just average, and there are far more handsome fair-skinned poets in the world of Hill, but everyone still thinks that he is really charming at the moment, this is the voice of admiration instinctively.

"Big Brother Tianjiao is almost becoming a fan of you. This photo is enough to become a famous scene in the game "Heaven and Myriad Worlds". I think Generation Tianjiao is really attractive."

A straight man sighs, if there is such a legendary experience in life, what more can a husband ask for?No regrets in this life!

"Famous scene? It's a good suggestion. Players can take pictures to commemorate it. Netizens in our forum will collect and organize it, so that they can appreciate the flavor of the tip of the iceberg in a different world."

Obi appeared this time, and his speech seemed to be a reply to the previous Keyboard Man:

"You are wrong. We are not playing games, but experiencing another longer life. If we just regard entering the "Heaven and Ten Thousand Realms" game as a mentality of playing, then this player must have left the game long ago."

The forum was bustling with people, and besides expressing envy and longing as usual, the netizens could only reminisce about the pictures taken by the players over and over again, and Yaoyao, who posted the photos and reported the results, had already gone online .

The night was full of darkness, only a few faint rays of light leaked from the sky, the whole world seemed to be dark, the crackling sound of the bonfire broke the tranquility of the night, and the simple and honest dwarves who had migrated to the distance had already packed up their business and moved back to their hometown.

"One, two, three, up!"

The dwarf master led the strong dwarves of the family to the top of the volcano, borrowed the rough crane created by the leader to hang the huge dragon crocodile on the strange-shaped "four-clawed mechanical beast", and slowly pulled it back to the camp.

"Hey, it's going to be rebuilt again."

The dwarf master felt sorry for the giant casting platform that had been completely destroyed, and the dwarf apprentice next to him comforted:

"This time it was built better! The leader has forged the artifact, so naturally he will build a stronger and more powerful forging furnace in the future!"

Ning Tianjiao, with an unconcealable smile on his face, entertained Ri Xiayao and the others. It happened that the meat of the dragon crocodile was delicious, and the dwarves directly cut the crocodile tail into pieces of round meat with a big knife and put it on the fire. barbecue.

Seeing this, Ri Xiayao felt strange for a while, and Ning Tianjiao asked curiously before saying, "Um, I just think this meat looks so much like comic meat."

The smell of the meat was overflowing, and the dwarves were drooling one after another. They had never tasted this kind of rare or even superb monster meat!This time, thanks to the leader's blessing, I was able to taste such a delicacy!

Vivienne didn't gnaw at the meat like before, but put her gaze on the static fire unicorn curiously. Seeing this, Ning Tianjiao smiled and handed the fire unicorn to the curious Vivian.

"Play whatever you want, just be careful not to point the gun at yourself or others."

Vivienne hurriedly nodded excitedly, and stretched out her hands curiously to take it. At this time, the fiery red fire unicorn had dimmed, and the thousands of magic lines that appeared when shooting before had been silent, but a thin line of fire that flickered from time to time revealed it. extraordinary.

Vivienne has never seen an artifact of such a shape, no matter in the ancient books or story books, and she witnessed the appearance of the fire unicorn showing its supernatural power not long ago, and it can make users who have not yet been promoted to the legendary realm , successfully killed an epic-level super monster, which simply exceeded her imagination!

In the world of Hill, there are many powerful artifacts, and the top ones are the Deviation Sword, the Scepter of the King of Gods, etc. As for the Holy Sword of Original Sin, it is beyond the specification, and it is generally not included in the ranking of artifacts.

But no matter how powerful the artifact is, it needs the user to provide magic power, so that it can exert its powerful power and awaken the inner law of the artifact, but this artifact is beyond common sense!

"Could it be that this was also created by the void information obtained by their foreigners?" Vivian blinked, constantly guessing,

"With this artifact, maybe I can also fight legendary and epic demons."

Vivienne recalled Ning Tianjiao's previous actions, holding the body of the gun with her left hand in a dignified manner, with the butt of the gun resting on her shoulder blade, her right index finger lightly placed on the trigger, and aiming the muzzle at the black sky.


The small mouth opened, simulating the sound of the bullet being ejected from the sheath, Ning Tianjiao smiled, the artifact recognized the owner, and now this little girl can't really ejaculate.

After playing with it fondly for a while, Vivienne inadvertently caught a glimpse of Alice on the left with the same curious expression out of the corner of her eye.

Her heart moved, Alice had been depressed since she went down to the realm, and now her face finally returned to her usual expression.

"Alice, come and play with this new type of artifact. I have never seen such a magical artifact in any history books or story books. Not only is its shape weird, but its power breaks Hill's common sense. bottomed out."

Facing the fire unicorn that was enthusiastically handed over to her, Alice blinked. This little friend of hers had never been so generous, taking the initiative to share such a precious treasure with her.

Gently taking over the domineering fire unicorn, Alice repeated what Vivienne did just now, except that she was a little more careful.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping, who was sitting silently watching, thought to himself: "Could it be that children or teenagers in every world like this kind of gun weapon?"

"Uncle, why don't you take a look at it? It's such a miraculous artifact. No matter who holds it, its destructive power is equally terrifying. I even think that even a three-year-old child can pose a fatal threat to a legendary master. "

As if seeing Jiang Ping's gaze, Vivienne leaned forward as if offering a treasure, muttering, "It must be much more powerful than the artifact you gave to the children back then."


Jiang Ping smiled, shook his head and didn't say anything. Ning Tianjiao, who was opposite him, said with a little embarrassment:

"What a mysterious existence the God of Joy is, how can I show my shame in your hands with my little skill."

Hearing this, Jiang Ping said:

"There is no need to be modest. This new type of artifact is indeed an outstanding work worthy of your pride. Its appearance is enough to change the history of artifact casting. It can even change the pattern of Hill's world as long as you have enough magical materials and master forges."

As soon as these words came out, Alice, who was stroking the fire unicorn, suddenly stopped, and the others were also shocked.

The mysterious Luo Er actually gave Fire Qilin and Ning Tianjiao such a high evaluation.

Ri Xiayao's eyes were surprised, and he smiled at Ning Tianjiao: "Don't worry now, even Luo Er praises you well, he is an existence comparable to the king of gods, and his vision is definitely not bad."

"I think what Uncle said is right." Vivian stared at the fire unicorn without blinking, "This artifact is too scary. Before it was born, I never knew that people who were two or three lower realms, Will pose a deadly threat to the strong.

After all, there is not only a gap in strength and magic power between the two, but also an all-round gap in sensitivity, consciousness, etc., and it broke my inherent thinking. "

"It's a good thing that the gods can't spy on this world, otherwise, this terrifying artifact that can be copied and defeated by the weak will definitely be destroyed, and even you, the producer, will be permanently sealed in the God Realm.

If you don't obey their order to help the God Realm to forge, it will definitely be completely wiped out from the root. "Vivian raised her eyebrows, pointing slightly.

What if a thousand top epic epic powerhouses under the gods each hold a fire unicorn?The flaming bullets formed a metal barrage, and it is estimated that even the upper gods will fire, and they may fall!

"I think that if the manufacturing method of this artifact is spread, the people at the grassroots level may be the first to cause huge casualties." Alice looked at the fire unicorn in her hand with a little worry.

Vivienne frowned. This was not the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last time. Alice was once again diametrically opposed to her point of view.

"After all, due to the limitations of materials and skills, only a very small number of artifacts can be produced, and according to its production method, it can produce convenient inferior products.

Even if the power is reduced by a hundred times, and it cannot analyze the intelligence of the strong, it will be "popular" in the mainland in an instant because of its convenience and low requirements for users. "

"Originally, there were many conflicts in the world of Hill, especially in the atrium, which has been fighting for years. Kings, popes, and generals have tried their best to increase their military strength. They will never let go of such a convenient "killing tool", Fire Qilin It will become the weapon that kills the most creatures in the world of Hill!"

Alice solemnly handed the fire unicorn to Ning Tianjiao gently. Her heterochromatic double face was so solemn at this time that even Ning Tianjiao felt a burst of awe.

Next to him, Haruka Kusaka opened his lips slightly, but he still didn’t say anything. What Alice said was right. The birth of ak47 has become the most terrifying weapon that has killed the most human beings in the history of the earth. A full 42 people are killed by guns every year. It is a veritable "soul". Long class killer".

"Ha ha"

Faced with this serious question, Ning Tianjiao chose to laugh. He looked around at the dwarf brothers who were happily eating barbecue and drinking fine wine.

"I don't have any interest in leaking it on purpose. Let the people in the courtyard have a fire unicorn, and I don't want to cause more killings. After all, I don't want to be killed by thousands of resentful spirits when I sleep at night. As long as I can protect myself and the tribe."

Everyone smiled, and they were not discussing this serious topic. Ning Tianjiao, who can forge such a magical weapon, naturally has his own ideas. He is the person most familiar with the power of this replicable killing weapon in the world of Hill.

After a night of nothing, on the second day, Jiang Ping had already driven the steed, carrying thick dragon crocodile meat and three people, and continued to drive down under the eyes of Ning Tianjiao and the dwarf masters.

Chapter 193 Alice's Wandering in the Underworld

During the long journey, the axle turned with a rattling sound, and the wheels crushed the pebbles on the ground, but they couldn't crush the loneliness in the girl's heart.

Gently opening the curtains, I saw that the outside world was dark, and the cold air was getting thicker and thicker. This meant that they were getting closer to the destination of the journey, and there was still a touch of sadness between Alice's brows that could not dissipate.

Vivian on the other side was as cheerful as ever, but sister Yaoyao also expected something, and the smile on her face disappeared a lot.

Affected by this, Vivienne, who was enjoying herself alone, also froze her smile, as if she had expected something. Recently, she leaned forward and acted like a baby to the young man driving ahead, causing the driver to murmur:

"How old is a girl, and she still acts like a baby like when she was a child."

Having said that, he still rubbed the girl's bright golden hair with a smile like he did when he was a child.Directly kneading Vivienne's dignified hairstyle into a bird's nest, the girl still resisted like a child with teeth and claws.

For some reason, Alice looked at this laughing scene with complicated complexion, thousands of thoughts flashed through the different-colored pupils, and finally the corners of her mouth slightly turned up, and thousands of thoughts were all in a smile.


At this time, the carriage was out of bounds, and it was getting closer and closer to the dark and deep bottom of the world tree. The ground under the feet became more and more black and red, as if it was stained black by the flesh and blood of monsters and people.

The spirit deep in the center of Ri Xiayao's brows was twitching uneasily, his eyes flashed, and a series of vaguely conscious remnants shuttled between the sky and the earth, and from time to time they even approached the carriage.

The strong horse is not afraid of anything. Before, it was proud and arrogant. It always felt that it had seen many important events, and had confronted the strongest in the world of Hill.

However, at this time, as the cold wind with the shards of the wraith blew past, the unusual brown-red horse felt creepy, and its footsteps unknowingly slowed down.

In the carriage, Vivienne also felt that the chill was getting heavier, and she couldn't help tightening her sleeves.


Suddenly Haruka Haruka spoke strangely, and saw Alice on the opposite side with a serene posture, and a series of ambiguous resentful spirits were flying around her kindly and in awe, instinctively wanting to get close, but in the end they could only be afraid. Fly around.

As if inspired by the wraith, the hideous scar on Alice's left face seemed to come alive, exuding a terrifying and dark aura.

But the right face is as white as jade, even more beautiful and white than the real goddess, exuding a holy and bright divine aura, but the completely different temperament is perfectly integrated on her body, making the remnant spirits flying all over the sky want to get close Yet in awe and fear.


It seems that he disliked the slow speed of the steed, so the driver in front of him hurriedly drove away this dishonest steed. After all, so much meat is not for nothing.

Haruka Haruka looked forward curiously, only to see ghosts flying around outside, turning this avenue into a path of ghostly death, the tangible and intangible ghosts shuttled through all things at will, not paying attention to mountains, rocks and carriages.

Facing the mysterious driver in front of him, all the confused ghosts seemed to meet the same kind, and they all spun around him obediently.


Relying on the bear heart and leopard courage given by the owner, the horse galloped wantonly on this dark avenue with all four hooves. It seemed that it had given up on itself and was not afraid of disturbing the powerful and bloodthirsty vengeful spirits. The carriage chattered in the silent dark world The voice gallops at full speed.


Ri Xiayao started to take pictures to commemorate. After all, the journey to the underworld, this section of the road, there is currently no image data on the forum. If she really encounters an accident, the information left behind can also guide the way for latecomers.

On the forum, Yaoyao kept uploading photos of the ghost scene along the way. As the surrounding scenes became darker and darker, everyone knew that she was coming soon!

At this time, not only the masses of melon-eating people, but also a number of big players showed up one after another, cheering for Yaoyao.

The dark loli who hadn't shown up for a long time, who had been reading ancient mythology books, appeared, "Yaoyao accept it from the air, this is the Phoenix True Fire that I have cultivated for thousands of years! It has the miraculous effect of purifying the dead and rebirth from the ashes! ( Phoenix Spitfire jpg)”

Long Shao, who was brainwashed day and night by experts arranged by his family, was not to be outdone: "Look at my power in the world! Zizi, the Dragon King sprays water expression pack."

A generation of Tianjiao and Obi also appeared one after another: "The underworld is dangerous, we still have to be more careful, there is nothing we can do, it's better to go first."

This time, the photos taken by Haruka Kusaka are all top-secret information of the world of Hill. After all, the border is strictly guarded. Besides, who would go to the death world to seek death?

There are also netizens who always feel weird looking at the pictures posted by Yaoyao’s live broadcast, “Why does it feel so similar to the popular live broadcast haunted house? But this is the live broadcast of the world of death. To be honest, we are also quite curious about what the underworld that has never been seen looks like. .”

The fiery atmosphere of the forum was completely different from Yaoyao's horror and darkness in Hill's world, but it made her uneasy feel at ease. After all, there are so many people supporting her on the earth, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Not to mention the fiery forum, Hill World, all the way ghosts howling, all spirits dancing, and finally the carriage arrived at the destination of this trip.


Along the way, the galloping horse stopped suddenly, and the carriage gradually stabilized. The three people in the carriage poked their heads out of curiosity.

In an instant, the pupils of the eyes tightened, and the outside world has completely turned into a haunted realm of ghosts. Thousands of dead souls are drawn along the branches of the world tree in the underworld, forming a sea of ​​ghosts with thousands of horses and marching towards the dark world ahead.

Right in front of it is the dark underworld known as the taboo of creatures. At a glance, even the slightest cold light has been swallowed by it.

Law, light, and vitality are all buried in the darkness. It is impossible to see clearly what is hidden in the dark underworld here. Just by looking at the army of ghosts in the outside world, one can guess how many undead there should be!

"Look, this should be another big battle in the atrium." Vivienne suddenly stretched out her finger and pointed at the army of ghosts floating in the sky.

Haruka Kusakata and Alice looked up, and in the boundless stream of ghosts, there were tens of thousands of souls with the same aura, and the leader relied on instinct to condense the general's armor that covered his body with the power of darkness.

"Hey, how many innocent creatures have been buried in the underworld in the never-ending war?"

Alice sighed, this time her eyes were no longer hesitating, but determined a certain kind of determination.

"Let's go."

Jiang Ping in front glanced at the endless sea of ​​ghosts, and reminded them. The corners of Alice's mouth curled up, she looked at her uncle solemnly, and nodded with a smile.

Following Jiang Ping's urging, Vivian's heart sank, as if she had sensed something. Seeing Alice lifting the hem of her clothes to continue getting into the car, Vivian pursed her lips, feeling that it would be too late if she didn't say anything, she finally spoke:

"Uncle, this time is the end of the journey? Are we going to part too?"


Hearing this, Haruka Haruka sighed, but didn't explain it. It would be more appropriate for Luo Er to speak.

The young man still had a smile on his lips as always, he gently took off the straw hat on his head, and put it on the perplexed Vivienne's head.

Looking at the now slim girl, Jiang Ping felt that time flies, the little girl back then has grown to a height comparable to his own.

"There is no banquet in the world that never ends, no matter how far away the journey is, it will eventually reach the destination one day."

A gleam of sadness flashed in Vivienne's eyes, she raised her white hands and instinctively grasped the brim of the straw hat. Vivienne remembered the luxurious banquets her father held when she was a child, and she had fun with many children of the same age.

But always at the most exciting time of the game, as the singing stops and the music ends, the parents take their children and start to leave in the carriage one after another. I can only stay at the entrance of the hall and watch them go .

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