"Hehe" Yaoyao chuckled twice and began to break the news, justifying the name of a generation of Tianjiao.

"You may not know that Tianjiao is very low-key, just like a real science guy, he doesn't show off his achievements without much fanfare.

If I hadn't happened to meet him this time, I wouldn't have known that he actually forged an artifact, and he was about to be born soon! "

It's shocking to say that everyone has seen artifacts before, but in the great world of Hill, there are only a handful of artifacts made by powerful people below the god level, and every case is recorded in the history books!

"An artifact? A generation of geniuses can actually create an artifact? Doesn't it mean that the materials needed for an artifact are hard to find?" Some netizens who laughed at him before still couldn't believe it.

"More than 200 years is enough for him to find suitable artifact materials. After all, he is not alone, but what kind of artifact do you plan to forge this time?" Someone asked curiously.

"Is it a new artifact? And it was forged by humans, Tianjiao. It seems that neither I nor everyone has ignored you."

Obi replied that he felt that the generation of Tianjiao might belong to the type of accumulation and accumulation, unlike the previous players who made bold moves and soared to the sky.

Yaoyao: "I don't know exactly what kind of artifact it is now, and Tianjiao deliberately kept secret and didn't tell me. The artifact is about to be born. He is now watching closely, and he doesn't even have time to break the news offline. It should be his time now." The most important moment of Hill's Path!"

"No wonder I didn't see him go online, so I was keeping an eye on Huohou." Only then did everyone know why they didn't see the appearance of a generation of Tianjiao.

"Yaoyao, there may be changes in the birth of the artifact, you have to be careful."

As if thinking of something, Obi reminded in time that no matter it is the world of Great Desolate Immortals or Hill's fantasy world, disasters are bound to happen when artifacts are born!

"Well, don't worry, even if there is any abnormality, I can't do it, isn't there still Luo Er.


Everyone hurriedly made a fuss, telling Yaoyao to live broadcast the birth of the divine weapon, to see what the generation of Tianjiao is selling, what kind of divine weapon it is, and what catastrophe there will be.

"After all, they are people from Earth, and their thinking and thinking are a bit different from people in Hill's world." Someone thought so.

"Is it an artifact cast by the people on Earth? How will this change the world of Hill? Will it break the current situation?"

In a dark and damp basement, a young man with frowned eyebrows held an expired dry bread in his hand and a cigarette butt he had just picked up. He took a deep breath and then looked at the table intently. The map of the five realms of the world tree put together by tape, fell into deep thought:

Why is the city-state of Atrium difficult for the people everywhere? People’s lives are in dire straits, and their thoughts are completely controlled by the church. What is the next step for the development of Atrium?

Why is the true god so powerful, and so many people call him dad? If I enter the world of Hill, how can I free the atrium world from the control of the gods?How to handle the relationship between the atrium and the God Realm?Each problem requires his quick thinking and decision-making.

Suddenly, there was a violent knock on the door outside, "Open the door and check your temporary residence card."

He held his breath in horror and remained silent... until the footsteps outside gradually moved away, and his powerful belief stood up again. He quickly adjusted his mood, and entered the next thought with enthusiasm, ready to prepare for crossing the other world at any time. Prepare.

However, the door was slammed again, and the young man who hadn't showered for several years was covered in cold sweat.

"Mary next door, if you don't pay the rent today, get out tomorrow morning,"


The young man whose online name is "Zhuge Shi" sighed, a penny can't beat a hero.

He looked around the dark basement of only 40 square meters, and saw that the walls were densely pasted with materials filled with prehistoric worlds and Hill worlds, analyzing the morphological intentions of powerful beings, and because there was no money to print, Dedicated to depicting the precious and important images recorded in a clear and different world.

"Even if you are full of knowledge and have the ambition to swallow the world, if you can't enter the heavens and worlds, it is hypocrisy and worthless!"

There was a violent knocking sound outside the door, as well as an angry curse from the landlord, which made the young man feel a little headache.

Heroes are useless!

After a night's rest, Haruka Haruka took the curious Vivian and Alice up the mountain, and under Vivian's stalking, the uncle was also pushed up.


Before approaching the giant forging platform, there were waves of heat waves, and the raging flames made the place a fiery red, even the salamanders that lived in the crevices of the volcano escaped far away.

Accompanied by a dwarf master, Ning Tianjiao, who had already taken off his shirt and showed off his explosive muscles, was already staring at the sea of ​​fire in the middle of the giant forging platform without blinking. The forging table sizzled.

The arrival of Ri Xiayao and others did not attract his attention. All his energy and spirit were staring at the ups and downs of the utensils in the sea of ​​flames. From time to time, he clapped his hands with gravity to activate the magic lines on the forging table to control the fire.

"This artifact?"

Standing on tiptoe, Haruka Haruka seemed to see the general appearance of the artifact in the sea of ​​fire, and his mouth twitched slightly, with a strange expression on his face. This artifact seemed familiar on Earth, but he had never seen it in the great world of Hill.

"Is the birth of the artifact? Really looking forward to it."

Vivian also leaned forward curiously, and the dwarf master advised her to be careful of the flames. At this time, the sea of ​​fire was boiling, and a wave of fire rushed to the sky. Vivian, who had just moved forward, was ashamed for a while, and the bright gold had been burned. coke.

"Bah bah bah."

After spitting out a burst of fly ash, Vivienne no longer dared to go forward. She glanced at Alice who was quietly staying beside the uncle, her eyes turned, and she also started to lean back.

"Uncle, what are you looking at?" Vivian found that the direction of uncle's gaze was not the lava of the forging platform, but the flame crater not far away.

"It's nothing, it's just that the birth of this artifact may cause a little trouble." Jiang Ping said softly.

Upon hearing this, the dwarf master immediately stepped forward, "This human saint, did you just say that there will be a change in the crater?"

"There is no need to worry. You have already moved your people to a distant place. This is not a bad thing. Just to test the power of this artifact, the newborn artifact will also see blood."

Hearing this, the dwarf master's heart turned. He looked at the legendary female human who seemed to have a good relationship with the leader, and then set his sights on the divine sword on the girl's back. What he thought was that it would be difficult later. A leader friend will definitely make a move, and she is safe enough to help with her artifact.


Hot sweat dripped on the forging platform, and the extremely hot flames sprang out like flaming snakes, like ten thousand snakes spitting out their letters, competing for each other. Gradually, the flames became more and more violent. In Ning Tianjiao's eyes, strands of divine Level laws began to intertwine, constantly condensing and brewing something.

As the strange artifact in Taichung's sea of ​​fire became clearer and clearer, the surrounding temperature rose a lot, and the few people watching became nervous. At this time, Ning Tianjiao, who was in charge of the overall situation, was also staring at his painstaking effort without blinking.

At this time, not only the people on the top of the volcano are waiting eagerly, but also a member of the dwarf tribe led by Ning Tianjiao in the distance is waiting and watching. This is an artifact that determines the fate of the clan!

On the forum, Yaoyao first uploaded the place where the artifact was forged, and Ning Tianjiao who was engrossed in staring at the artifact without blinking. temperament.


The increasingly hot atmosphere was depressing. Ning Tianjiao, who was staring closely at the forging platform, suddenly yelled loudly. The next moment, with a slap of his right hand, magic power crazily poured into the huge magic circle engraved in the giant forging platform.

In an instant, the top of the volcano seemed to be lit up with starlight. A huge mysterious magic circle with a length of [-] meters was centered on the giant forging platform, spreading to the entire volcano, devouring all the violent fire magic, and continuously transporting it to the center of the forging platform.


Flames billowed and lava boiled. At this moment, not only was the forging platform like a boiling hot pot, but in the eyes of Jiang Ping and Hixia Yao, the crater not far away was also continuously boiling, energy was being crazily extracted, and the volcano had also changed!

Ang~~! !

A terrifying beast roar sounded from the top of the boiling volcano. Listening carefully, there were actually two sounds!And these two roads are not in the same position, everyone cast their eyes on the giant forging platform in surprise, and then looked at the crater not far away.


An artifact with a strange shape, which has never been seen in the atrium or even in the big world of Hill, rushed into the sky from the sea of ​​flames, and the fiery red light shone brightly all around. The dark races such as the demon spiders in the cave also felt it.

The fiery red light beam piercing through the sky broke through the darkness, but a terrifying figure with a height of ten meters rushed out of the boiling crater!

"This is?"

Seeing the sudden change, at this moment the artifact was born, Ri Xiayao frowned, his right hand was already on the hilt of the sword, and he wanted to strike horizontally, but unexpectedly, Ning Tianjiao stretched out his hand suddenly.

"and many more"

He glanced at Haruka Haruka who was puzzled and continued to explain: "The birth of an artifact requires blood, and I will deal with it!"


Ri Xiayao looked at the uninvited guest with a pair of clear eyes solemnly, just looking at the fierce aura is enough to have the strength of an epic level!

This is probably a super monster that has lived in the volcano for thousands of years. I can only rely on the divine sword to be sure, otherwise I will lose!If Ning Tianjiao is not in charge of fighting, how can he be confident?

However, seeing Ning Tianjiao's incomparably solemn expression, Ri Xiayao nodded, let go of his right hand, and took a few steps back.

At this time, the monster that rushed out of the crater was close at hand, and the terrifying fiery red air wave had already rushed in. Ning Tianjiao looked at the fiery red beam of light on the forging platform with joy.

The top of the beam of light is the alien artifact that is only one step away from completion!Without further ado, Ning Tianjiao quickly took out the core of the most critical artifact that had been prepared.

Ning Tianjiao took out a ruby ​​like a fiery red heart, and he shouted loudly:


In an instant, this ruby, which was only the size of a fist, soared into the sky, and the new artifact that flew out of the forging platform also rushed towards it with a roar, as if it couldn't wait to meet it.

"This is?" Rixia looked at the fiery red orb that Ning Tianjiao took out in surprise, and she felt the powerful aura of a super monster from it.

"This is the heart of the blood-scaled flame-eyed unicorn!" The dwarf master said excitedly!


The artifact and the unicorn heart collided in an instant. The two were not impervious to fire and water, but rather complemented each other. At the moment of contact, wisps of true god laws emerged from the surface of the artifact, permeating the unicorn heart, constantly surrounding and swallowing it.

The fusion of the two is fleeting, and the core returns to its position in an instant, and a wave of violent air that only belongs to the god level rushes out of the air!

This place seems to have surrendered a cloud bomb, breaking through the gloomy dark clouds in an instant, and the flames and waves centered on the volcano peak, shining a light for [-] miles!

"hold head high!"

Feeling more and more uneasy, the super monster has already killed it desperately, and only then can everyone see its specific appearance.

This monster, which was killed from the lava at a depth of one thousand meters in the crater, was ten meters long. It was covered with fiery red scales. Its head was like a giant dragon, but its body was like a lizard with four legs. It was terrifying and huge. It's extremely stressful.

"Fire Dragon Crocodile!"

The dwarf master explained the origin of this super volcanic monster. As it approached, a thick sulfur smell filled the air, and everyone felt nauseated.

"Beware the smell is poisonous!"

The dwarf master anxiously reminded everyone that this dragon crocodile has been sleeping in the lava sea of ​​fire at the bottom of the volcano for thousands of years. Today, the artifact was born, and it has extracted too much volcanic magic power, which also made this monster uneasy. Now it is here to destroy the artifact. No matter how bad it is, take the artifact back to your lair!


This Charmander crocodile looked forward strangely like two huge ruby ​​eyes. He felt that the magic power of the sleeping place was being crazily drawn. As soon as he was born, he realized that there seemed to be an artifact born, and he immediately killed it.

But why does this artifact look so weird?There is no similar shape in the inherited ancient memory!

Shaking his head, no matter how weird it is, this is indeed a true artifact, and the god-level aura permeating it makes him shudder!It's even stronger than the artifact breath I've encountered before!

Charmander Crocodile swept the few people below, it was still relatively cautious, first to see if there were enough strong men to threaten itself, at first glance, there were only five humans and one dwarf, the strongest was legendary!

hold head high!

The fire dragon crocodile flicked its tail excitedly, and the thick and powerful crocodile tail flicked heavily in the air, crackling and smashing the space, and bursts of empty explosions sounded here!

At this time, the complete fusion is complete, and the fully formed alien artifact has fallen from the sky into the hands of the dirty Ning Tianjiao. He strokes the surface of the artifact with his rough hands excitedly, and it is difficult to maintain his composure!

"Finally! Finally!"


The fire dragon crocodile in the sky had already killed it wrapped in lava flames. Ri Xiayao hurriedly reminded Ning Tianjiao, and even stepped on his feet, wanting to draw his sword again.

"No, mere monster, why do you need your help!"

Ning Tianjiao calmly told Ri Xiayao to stop. With the forging of the artifact, he seemed to have broken the impenetrable barrier of the realm. He was completely refreshed and had begun to advance!

He held the new artifact tightly with both hands, stepped heavily on the ground with both feet, pointed the artifact at the fire dragon crocodile that had been killed from the sky, and with a roar, announced the true name of the artifact:

"Fire Qilin!!"

Da da da da!

As the artifact's real name was recited, it seemed as if the law had been activated, and the whole body was flaming red. Although it was only one meter long, the destructive aura it emitted made any living being tremble.

Strands of fiery red streamers emerge from the surface of the artifact, and a ferocious unicorn thorn dripping blood is made like the sharpest fangs of a divine beast, proclaiming its sharpness to the world, and the unicorn thorn is just a secondary weapon, and the fiery red muzzle above emits a breath of destruction!

It is exactly the fire unicorn forged based on the ak47 that has killed the most people in history!

At the position of the fire unicorn gun stock in Ning Tianjiao's hand, infinite magical power erupted at this time. The heart of the blood-scaled unicorn with flame eyes provided violent energy. After being compressed and condensed by the cumbersome magic circle engraved on the artifact, as Ning Tianjiao pressed the trigger, a burst of fiery red bullets Burning flames to kill the charging dragon and crocodile!

Chapter 192 The Killing Artifact That Changed the World

Da da da da da! ! !

Continuous gunshots rang out on the top of the volcano. Master Dwarf, Vivienne, and Alice all opened their mouths wide, pressed their ears with both hands, and looked at the attack method they had never seen before in disbelief.

"Is this a thrown weapon?"

Vivienne has seen many types of weapons, but she has never seen such a weird artifact, nor has she seen such an attack method.

"An alien artifact?! This is a new type of artifact created by the leader. The requirements for the master have been reduced to the extreme, but the power is so amazing and terrifying!" The dwarf master's eyes were frantic, and he looked at the fire unicorn in Ning Tianjiao's hand madly. This is the weapon. final goal.

"Uh..." Haruka Kusaka was a little speechless, so I can rest assured now.

Ning Tianjiao held the gun tightly with both hands, and the butt of the gun was tightly leaning against his shoulders. With the frenzied shooting, not only the muzzle of the gun was slightly heated, but also his whole body was constantly backed away by the shock force.

Even so, a burst of fiery red lines extended from the muzzle of his gun, breaking the tranquility of the darkness, and caught the dragon crocodile in the air by surprise!

The sharp and violent bullets hit the Charmander Crocodile in a daze, smashing its protective scales with a bang bang bang, traces of hot lava blood seeped out of it, and when it dripped to the ground, it even corroded the rock like lava .

Especially when the flaming bullets hit its eyes, it was even more frightening. It quickly twisted the crocodile's head, and the bullets hit the scale-covered face.

"It's really thicker than the city wall!"

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