What's more, the leader has frequently made weird inventions before, and this time he has consumed a lot of magic materials. He obviously wants to forge a "alien artifact" that has never appeared in the kingdom of giants, or even in the world of Hill!


The flames surged, and the strange artifact was ups and downs in the hot purgatory sea of ​​fire, and the extremely hot flames were entangled in all directions, engraving the god-level laws for this artifact, taking its essence and discarding its dross.

The already blood-red red lotus-blood iron smelting is even more red-glazed, even in the sea of ​​flames, it can't hide its magnificence. At this time, in the eyes of the dwarf master, this alien artifact is full of god-level laws, and everything is perfect. It all belongs to the divine weapon itself, and it is only a little short of the last fire to soar into the sky, creating another divine weapon for the great world of Hill!

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

Ning Tianjiao said with a smile, telling others to calm down and not panic, but his heart was pounding in his chest, and his rough hands that supported the giant casting platform were trembling slightly.

After all, I am now approaching the lifespan limit of the holy rank. If I don't succeed this time, it is impossible to have so many magical materials to recast the divine weapon!

That means that the game that I played for hundreds of years will come to an end, and all my painstaking efforts will be in vain!In the end, it may be like some people on the forum sneered, leaving without success!

Every time a big event comes, Ning Tianjiao takes a deep breath, gradually suppressing the surging excitement in his heart, and when he looks at the magic weapon in the huge casting furnace again, he is calm, his hands are steady and not trembling.

"It seems that every time a new artifact is born, it will cause changes?"

Ning Tianjiao's heart moved, and he remembered the vision of the birth of the artifact recorded in many ancient books of the dwarves. This should not be accidental!

The dwarf master nodded sadly, "It seems that because of the rules of Hill's world, the more powerful the existence, the harder it is to be born, no matter whether it is a person or a thing, it will be cursed!

More than 300 years ago, Master Magni was at the peak of the current legend. He exhausted his life's efforts to forge the artifact snow-white keel silver boots on a terrifying night of thunderstorms.

However, before the artifact was completely born, there was a bang, and the thunder of destruction directly descended from the sky to destroy the keel and silver boots. Not only that, the artifact was born, visions of heaven and earth, and more powerful creatures came! "


The violent volcano under his feet shook, and Ning Tianjiao frowned. Was it because his artifact was about to be born that he rioted?Does that mean that the day the artifact is cast, the volcano will have a vision?

"It just so happens that Yaoyao is going to bring the extremely mysterious Luo Er with him, and under his witness at that time, no matter whether it is a natural disaster or a catastrophe, everything will be sure!"

Ning Tianjiao's eyes flashed brightly, with this golden thigh at that time, what accidents and catastrophes are he afraid of?

"My lord, do you want to make some preparations in advance?"

The dwarf master reminded Ning Tianjiao that what he had warned before was that he was afraid that the king would be "young and vigorous" and step into the backward path of the previous failed masters.

"Don't worry, I have planned for a long time. The date of birth of this artifact will not exceed ten days! You don't need to worry about it, but let the clansmen retreat ten miles first, and it is best to climb to the top of the peak to prevent the volcano from really rioting!"

Ning Tianjiao was confident, but he was more worried that the clansmen at the foot of the mountain would be affected by the birth of the artifact.

Although I don't know where the leader's inexplicable confidence comes from, Ning Tianjiao's prestige over the past century is not vain. The dwarf master walked down the mountain quickly, intending to inform the tribe to retreat first during this time.

The more you go down, the colder and darker it is. It seems that the light above does not shine here. The strong horse is driving the carriage. After taking a few slaps from Vivienne, it is much more honest and is not crazy anymore. Although it is still galloping now , but the rear compartment was much more stable, which made Vivienne proud and felt that it was better to train it by herself.

"Sister Yaoyao, the scenery around us is getting more and more desolate. We haven't even seen a strange beast for a long time. We should be approaching the kingdom of giants. Where is your friend now?"

Vivien asked curiously, opened the curtains, the surrounding scenery was dim, and the whole world seemed to be dark, just like the rainy sky in the atrium world, it was no longer bright and green as before, and even if there was nothing, she felt that the surroundings were much moister and stickier. Feeling uncomfortable for a while.

Probably thinking of meeting her companions, Yaoyao chuckled, "A friend of mine is waiting eagerly under a flaming mountain."

This sentence reveals a lot of information, "Could it be that sister Yaoyao and the others can use the void to communicate?"

Vivienne guessed in her heart that it was difficult to ask questions after all. After thinking about it for a while, she still felt that the foreigner who even the gods could not understand was beyond her ability to guess, so she simply put the puzzle behind her.

Vivienne turned her head slightly, and glanced at the corners of her eyes unintentionally. Alice, who was a little unusually quiet, seemed to be outside the world of the atrium, and Alice became more silent.

A pair of daunting heterochromatic pupils are always looking forward in a daze. Following the direction of the eyes, one can see a mysterious and unusual, but extremely calm and reassuring black figure in the shaking of the veil.

"Peng Peng!"

Suddenly the carriage shook violently, and before Vivienne could recover, she quickly held on to the pole with both hands, and she looked up angrily, "Little Hong?! Why are you so misbehaved again!"


Da Ma, who is very strong and has 16 yuan abs, howled wronged. Even if he refuted Vivienne's words, he was helpless about his own name.

With a figure like her, if she was known by her peers as "Little Red", she would have no face to live in the world of Hill. Look at this muscular body that makes horses daunting, she is simply the best stallion in the world!


Aware of the huge steep and uneven mountains ahead, Vivienne finally stopped scolding the horse. At this time, the carriage was slowly moving upwards, and the ground under her feet was no longer the branches of the World Tree or the road made of ancient vines, but the gray road. mountain road.

"This is the Luoshen Mountain Range in the Kingdom of Giants. That means we have reached the site of the ancient Titans? As long as we pass this mountain, we will reach the Kingdom of Giants?!"

Vivienne has seen this legendary mountain range since childhood, but never imagined that one day she would set foot here in person.

"Sister Yaoyao, come out and have a look, we are almost at the kingdom of giants."

Vivienne blushed with excitement, and hurriedly beckoned to share with her sister. She inadvertently glanced at Alice, who was frowning and sitting quietly, with a ray of sadness between her brows that could not dissipate. After a little hesitation, she still spoke:

"Alice, we are going to the kingdom of giants soon, you should also come out to get some fresh air."

Vivienne's words brought back Alice, who was wandering in the sky. After a little hesitation, she got up and opened the curtains, and went out together.

The desolate and stretching mountain road, gray gravel and red gravel are intertwined, maybe this is not a road at all, it is inaccessible, and coupled with the closure of the two worlds, no living beings set foot on it.

Fortunately, this horse is extremely powerful, and it is not afraid of the steep terrain. Although the gravel under its hooves is uncomfortable, it is slowly moving forward. Looking around, the Luoshen Mountains stretching for thousands of miles are gray-white in color, but there are many blood-colored peaks in them.

It is said that the lower realms of the gods were dyed red when they were attacked by titans and fell.

There is not a single monster in such a vast mountain range. Haruka Kusaka clearly sensed that the energy here is much stronger than the outside world, but he did not find any birds or beasts, not even a single green grass or a small tree, only countless Gravel paved the mountain road.

In the dark sky and the desolate mountains, only this carriage was traveling alone, and they felt as if they were the only ones in the world in a trance.

"It's so lonely."

A slightly complicated voice came from the carriage, and Vivienne and Haruka Hixia turned their heads in surprise. It was Alice beside him who spoke. The color of deep loneliness.

Vivienne's lips parted slightly. I don't know why Alice was uncharacteristically saying this sentence that she didn't know how to say, or since her uncle said that she was going to the underworld, Alice has been different.

Vivian blinked. After all, they grew up together. She said slowly: "Aren't we still here? You are not the only one in the world."


Alice sighed, not knowing what to think, she glanced at Vivienne who was kindly comforting, smiled but didn't say much.

"Is our carriage really the only one here? The kingdom of giants has not been banned, so how come there are no dark monsters coming out?"

Haruka Haruka looked around and couldn't help but continue to take pictures, as if he wanted to find out if there were any hidden monsters in the Luoshen Mountains.

However, there is no grass growing here, and the mountains are lifeless as if they are cursed. Even if there are monsters that sneak out of the world unintentionally, they will starve to death.

"It's not just us."

The young man who was driving silently in front of him opened his mouth in vain, Haruka Haruka Haruka looked at him in surprise, his legendary consciousness was like the waves on the surface of a lake, and he glanced around instantly with the center between his brows as the center.

However, the mountain is still a mountain, the sky is still a sky, the desolate and lonely gray mountain range has only the sound of wheels and wheels crushing gravel, there is no breathing of any living beings, not even the sound of plants swaying.

Plants also breathe, but the realm is too low to be aware of it. On a larger scale, even the world breathes.

The corner of the driver's mouth twitched, and he said with a slight smile: "The biggest creature is under our feet."

The three people in the carriage suddenly looked down. The endless Luoshen Mountains were desolate and boundless. There were no birds and monsters. Only the dim blood red dotted the world. At this time, there was a creature at their feet? !

"Difficult, could it be?!"

Vivienne's eyes widened, as if a bolt of lightning struck her mind, and she thought of the legendary stories often mentioned in story books.

The ancient Titan was lying on the ground and sleeping, time flies, sun and rain, wind and rain, endless dust covered his huge body.

Gradually, human beings built houses and lived on it, giant trees grew vigorously on it, and the green grass was shaded. His sleeping body has turned into a hill, which is no different from the surrounding.

"It turned out to be a giant titan!"

A look of surprise flashed in Hixia Haruka's eyes, and he snapped photos to record that part of the endless Luoshen Mountains was transformed by Titans!

Looking at everything around him, Haruka Kusaka was even more frightened, "Even if there is only a part of it, this is definitely not transformed by an ordinary titan! It must be the strongest among the giants!

And he sleeps here, and it should be the same duty as the patron saint of the atrium, to guard against the invasion of the gods of the gods! "

The gods have placed patron saints in the atrium world, so why wouldn't the Titans warn at their door?It's just that the Titan's body is too big, and it hides very deeply, sleeping directly on the only way this giant country must pass.


It seemed that the conversation in the car was overheard by the big horse. The horse felt its hooves go limp at this moment, afraid that the ground under its feet would suddenly split open, and a terrifying bloody mouth opened directly, swallowing him, including bones and flesh !

Titans are the greatest natural enemy of all monsters!Not only is the strength terrifying, the meat and energy that needs to be obtained are thousands of times that of other creatures, and they are often greedy, and they treat a group of people as snacks.

Peng, Peng

The horseshoes galloped, splashing gravel, leaving behind a cloud of gray-white smoke, the horse galloped wildly, trying to escape from the Titan as soon as possible, the three people in the carriage looked left and right, wanting to see the undulating mountains around them. The part of the sleeping titan.

"That rounded short mountain peak should be the head of the giant titan. Looking at the slender mountain below him, it is precisely the neck connecting the torso and the head."

"Huh? Why are there two opposite oval-shaped peaks here, like human beings?"

Vivienne pointed to the two parallel elliptical peaks in front of them, and they were currently shuttling between the valleys of the peaks.

"Could it be?" She glanced at Sister Yaoyao's sizable breasts, and Haruka Haruka shivered in vain, and instinctively pulled her clothes tightly with both hands.

Suddenly her eyes lit up, and she looked into the distance with her eyes. She stretched out her finger and pointed, "The slender and straight mountain range in front should be. This Titan should not be a female, but a male."

Hearing what Sister Yaoyao said, Vivienne quickly looked in the direction of her fingertips, and Alice also looked up curiously.


The horse spit out its bright red tongue to dissipate heat, and strands of brown-red mane drifted away with the wind. It only felt that its four hooves were soft, and the pressure from the giant Titan under its hooves was too great!

After a burst of galloping horses, the horse finally passed the Luoshen Mountains. Fortunately, no giant woke up and wanted to take it as a snack.

"Is this the distinguished guest that the boss is going to welcome?" Not far from the Flame Mountain, there were two or three dwarves gathered, and the leader was a human twice as tall as the surrounding ones - Ning Tianjiao.

The carriage in the distance approached slowly, and the dwarves were talking about it. This is a distinguished guest from the atrium world. The leader greeted him personally. It is said that he seems to be a friend from a hundred years ago.

"Isn't the gate of the realm closed? How can they still come in and out?" Some dwarves whispered, not knowing how the carriage arrived.

"Long time no see Tianjiao."

A young human woman with black hair came out of the approaching carriage, about 18 years old, and a hundred years hadn't left any marks on her body, and her eyes were still as clear as before.

Seeing the old friend again, Ning Tianjiao also smiled, "Long time no see, I was in contact with the forum before."

In fact, this was the first time the two met. How could they meet after a world apart?

Not only this person, but there are two other beautiful figures in the carriage. Among them, the one with blond hair looked around curiously, and his eyes lit up when he saw the dwarves welcoming him.

The other white-haired man was silent, not showing much excitement.

"Are you God Luo Er?"

Ning Tianjiao carefully glanced at the young man who was driving, Jiang Ping nodded, and under the guidance of the dwarves' enthusiastic shouting, the group slowly drove towards the gathering place of the dwarves.

"Why does it look a little messy here?"

Arriving at the temporary camp, Rixia looked around at the dwarf aunt who was peeping curiously, and there were obvious traces of migration on the ground during this period of time.

Speaking of this, Ning Tianjiao smiled wryly. He pointed to the burning flaming mountain not far away, "Did you see that flaming mountain?"

Rixia Haruka and Vivienne looked curiously. The raging flames and the hot breath of the lava from the violent volcanic eruption seemed to be able to reach here. maximum.

"That is?"

Rixia Haruka pointed at the top of the volcano curiously, she seemed to sense something, and a god-level breath was brewing in it.

"This is the masterpiece I want you to witness." The corners of Ning Tianjiao's mouth raised, he couldn't wait to show off to his long-lost companion.

"With more than 200 years of accumulation, this artifact is about to be born!"

"Artifact?" Vivienne opened her mouth slightly, "I have only seen in story books that masters of the dwarves have forged artifacts by chance. It seems that now your skills have reached the peak of forging, enough to match It is comparable to the highest peak dwarf master in history."

This evaluation is not low, but a dwarf master said, "It is not so much that the leader's current forging skills have reached the level of our ancestors, it is better to say that he has found another way and blazed a new path. No worse than any master in the history of Hill!"

The leader is human, and the dwarves have always been proud of their skills, but now they admit that the skills of this human leader surpassed their ancestors!This made everyone even more curious.

"A brand new way?" Alice said to herself.

After some rest, Haruka Kusaka also knew that the artifact made by Tianjiao was about to be born. In order to avoid the movement of the volcanic eruption, the dwarves migrated here.

On the forum, Yaoyao finally posted a photo of her and a generation of Tianjiao.

Yaoyao: "(▽) After a hundred years of meeting, Tianjiao has strengthened a lot."

As soon as the photo was posted, the eagerly awaited people on the forum quickly clicked in, and at first glance, Yaoyao was still as fresh and beautiful as ever. Her appearance might not be top-notch and beautiful, but she still had a sense of heroism.

On the other side, the man with his hands on his chest is covered in bronze. After a hundred years of experience in the kingdom of giants, the originally weak and handsome little white face is now full of a mature man's breath, like a man in his thirties. His body is full of muscles. sense of power.

"Tsk tsk, Tianjiao, it's not that we haven't seen your photos back then. We didn't expect that the handsome boy back then would evolve into the muscular guy you are today.

(??)" This netizen clicked his tongue, in such a short period of time in reality, a person's figure and temperament in the game have undergone such a huge change.

"Looking at the bulging muscles all over this body, I think I should be able to punch my sis out with one punch, and I will never dare to laugh at you again in the future! Adults don't remember villains, woo woo woo~~"

This is a person who laughed at a generation of Tianjiao before, but now he feels guilty when he looks at the muscles full of strength.

Obi also appeared: "Congratulations, now there are only a few of us left in the world of Hill, we have the opportunity to meet and support each other."

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