Countless people lamented that the god passed away again and returned to the highest heaven. The bard joked: Maybe the god of luck is just taking a nap.

Unexpectedly, everyone sneered, "How can the god still sleep? Do you think he is the same as us?" People shouted and cursed.

The gods naturally live in a huge palace made of gold, drink endless fairy wine, and are served by countless beauties all day long, watching the ups and downs of the world.

On this day, a certain continent deep in the ocean suddenly began to shake, and an earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded from the ground ten thousand meters deep.


A domineering sound shook the peak, countless rocks rolled down from the top of the mountain, and the startled birds and beasts fled.

The extraordinary monsters lurking in every corner of the continent also fled, forming waves of beasts and rushing towards the ocean, as if some great horror had been born on this land!

"An earthquake?"

The human kingdoms on the mainland were stunned.

On the largest and strongest continent formed by the collection of the original central land, the face of a strongest royal saint suddenly changed drastically, and his eyes looked solemnly into the depths of the distant land.

"It is impossible to appear in this world with such power, and the ancient king is not even one-tenth of that!" With a heavy face, he began to send a letter to summon the most powerful people in the mainland.

"Did the god come to the world? The breath is so evil, it seems that the birth of a god!"

The devouring ants all over the world suddenly stopped working, and even the stupid worker ants realized that such a terrifying existence had been born in their own group.

"Has the king been born?" A trembling ant queen asked tremblingly.

Two beams of red light rushed into the sky, broke through the vast land, and illuminated the world. The high-altitude clouds were also scattered by the two beams of red light, and the entire original world was even faintly shaken.

Shocking, weeping ghosts and gods!It doesn't get any better than this!

The earth was [-] meters deep, and a humanoid creature less than two meters tall looked away. His whole body was dark, and countless mysterious patterns flashed across his armor from time to time.

Even the most proficient university scholars can barely recognize one or two, and these two are the mysteries of the ancient human race, and some are even top-secret exercises passed down by the king.

Among them are the talents of the strongest monsters such as giant dragons and Behemoths. They are all engraved in the shell of this newborn creature, gathering the essence of all races.

The mysterious creature looked at his mother sternly, his eyes seemed devoid of any emotion, he was a born king, the strongest creature ever in this world!

The bloated belly of Queen Ant Bertha had been dug open.There is no doubt that this masterpiece is what he has just made.

Bertha looked at her son wearily and relievedly, and she smiled.

"My child, you are even more perfect than I thought. You have gathered the talents of all races into one body, fused with the most precious treasures bestowed by gods, and even the heavens and the earth can't bind you!

You are the ant king Beiou, you will lead me, lead the devouring ants to sweep the world and devour the world!Accomplish what I failed to accomplish! "

The words of the queen ant were so shocking that there were ripples in the void, and a series of illusory lightning appeared out of thin air.

The ant king glanced coldly, and with a wave of his hand, the void seemed to be flattened by him, all the thunder and lightning visions, and all the roars of gods and demons disappeared.

Before the ant queen was shocked by the ant king's supernatural power, she suddenly felt a pain in her lower body. Bertha looked down, her body was separated, and her head was being pulled up by the ant king with one hand!

"For? Why?"

Black blood dripped from the corner of Bertha's mouth, and she looked at the newborn ant king in disbelief.

The ant king looked at his mother without any emotion in his eyes, "You don't need two kings to devour ants!".


Bertha's head fell to the ground, covered with dust, and Bertha suddenly understood why the Ant King made a move.

The child born by himself has been engraved in the depths of his genes to obey his orders, so it is impossible to have the idea of ​​killing himself.

The ant king is the supreme masterpiece of devouring ants, and naturally he also brought the ruthless killing of devouring ants to the extreme.

The ant queen Bertha suddenly felt relieved, she stared at her son quietly, the scarlet blood eyes of the ant queen did not show any strangeness, as if in his eyes, nothing could move him.

Two generations of kings, two generations of protagonists just looked at each other quietly, the old king was dying, and the new king was full of vitality, with all-powerful combat power.

A samsara stare.

Bertha suddenly thought of her newborn self at that time, full of ambitions, lurking and saving in the depths of the earth, waiting to dominate the world.

The current Ant King is so similar to his original self.

"I was you, you will be me."

Bertha suddenly sighed, "Be careful of another god-given treasure, the Spear of Destiny. It is the only weapon in the world that can threaten you. You must find it, devour it, and raise the spear of rebellion against the gods!"

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the ant king, although it disappeared in an instant, he did not expect that the ant queen could tell herself the last flaw before she died.


The ant king Beiou crushed the queen ant's head with one foot, and the fragments and blood splashed all around. In his eyes, the queen ant's body, which had been tempered for millions of years, was no different from tofu.

"You still have the possibility to create another me."

After a long time, this voice sounded in this dark city.

In the third dimension, Jiang Ping was sleeping soundly, when suddenly a burst of white light shot out from between his brows, Genesis flew out, the pages of the book rattled and turned without wind.On the second page, each handwriting automatically appeared.

In the original calendar, in the new century, the ant queen Bertha devoured the slate of truth, brewed for a hundred years, exhausted her life's knowledge, and gave birth to a collection of essences from all races.

Beyond the limits of the world, the most evil, evil and powerful ant king, Ant King Beiou, was born, shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods.His mother ant queen was also killed by him himself.

ps: Please recommend tickets, there are really few recommendation tickets, the seedlings need to be taken care of, there will be a third update at 8 pm

Chapter 25 The Ant King's Divine Might (Please collect and recommend tickets)

When he woke up, before Jiang Ping could clean himself up, he suddenly noticed that the original world had changed.

Turning to Genesis to watch, Jiang Ping was a little stunned,

"The ant queen Bertha, who has ruled the world for millions of years, is dead? Did she die of old age, or was killed by her own son, the ant king?"

The scene of the birth of the ant king recorded in Genesis is simply unprecedented. Even the world's original strongest creature, the divine tree Rahil, did not make such an evaluation.

Regardless of eating breakfast, Jiang Ping felt that looking at the situation in the original world, is the newborn ant king really so fierce?

The queen ant really gave herself a big surprise.

At this time in the original world, wars were raging everywhere, and the continents were crying. As soon as the ant king was born, he summoned devouring ants from all over the world to meet his natural king.

"It turned out to be a super soldier born by the ancestor himself, but this is too powerful! It is beyond common sense!"

A pilgrimage queen trembled.

In an instant that is hard to detect with the naked eye, the ant king Beiou has already taken off the head of the loud ant queen.

The ant king flicked his right hand violently, the blood of the queen ant splashed, and the other fighters trembled in fright.

"Who allowed you to speak? Who allowed you to evaluate the king?"

Tens of billions of devouring ants knelt down together, "King!"


They stared wildly at this king who was as powerful as a god. The ant king easily controlled the entire ant clan with his absolute strength.

Such a huge action of devouring ants cannot be concealed from human beings. As early as in the ancient records, the ancestors specially marked the danger of devouring ants in red.

It is the enemy of all races and a pest of the world. Even the ancient era was destroyed because all races fought against it.

The powerhouses of the human race thought that another great ant queen was born, but who would have expected that such a terrifying ant king would be born!

According to the report of Fengshenlong, a special supervisor, before he died, tens of billions of ant tribes bowed down to the central ant king. His brilliance was so powerful that even Fengshenlong at an altitude of [-] meters could not look directly at it.

And the moment he stared at the ant king, Fengshenlong had already fallen!Report information through the highest alchemy communicator before dying.

"God to die for me too!"

A white-haired king said in despair.

However, the human race and the ten thousand races will not sit still. With the latest communicator, called by the strongest kingdom on the original central ancestral land, the human race and the ten thousand races form a sacred original alliance and march towards the continent where the ant king is located!

Thousands of boats compete for the current, and thousands of sails are flying.

A search of powerful warships led the strongest fighters to the Ant Continent, and the sea seemed to be divided by a huge fleet.

In the sea along the way, powerful sea beasts jumped out from time to time to escort the fleet and guide the direction.

In this battle, not only human beings, but also powerful people from all races came to help. All this seems to be the reappearance of the scene of the ancient era.

"The last war caused the collapse of the supercontinent and the collapse of the world. The world fell apart and was no longer one. This time I am afraid it will be better than before!" an old king of the Tianma tribe sighed.

This time the expedition went smoothly, the sea was calm along the way, and even the wind direction was favorable. The original half-month journey was miraculously shortened by half.

The strong man of all races sighed: "Even the world is helping us, this time the devouring ants will definitely die."

The soldiers on the battleship were also elated, excited about the upcoming battle, only the top fighters felt faintly uneasy.

Even if the world is helping them, how terrifying will the enemy be this time?

The war was about to break out, and before the arrival of the warriors of all races, the groups in the vicinity of the sea checked the basic information.

Devouring ants also vigorously developed water ants in the new era, and the groups near the ant continent were almost wiped out.

The two sides did not have the slightest temptation, and the most powerful expansion broke out as soon as they came into contact.



Cannon fire blasted the sky, and smoke filled the entire continent. Tens of thousands of powerful warships surrounded the continent and carried out cover-type artillery bombardment. All kinds of powerful alchemy explosives were blasted out like free money.

The strong men of the ten thousand races lamented the richness of the human race, and the warriors also lamented that the stingy big shots were too generous this time, and even took out all their capital.

The devouring ants were also bombarded with heavy casualties, and countless ant clans were blown to pieces.

The entire continent was flattened by 30 meters, but it was also filled with corpses of ant colonies within a few minutes.

The location of the Ant King in the center was besieged even more wildly. Not only the fleet cannons on the sea, but also the Aeolian Dragon carrying pilots in the sky dropped thousands of explosives within one minute.

Among them are mixed with armor-piercing bombs specially developed to kill superpowers.

After half an hour of bombing, the sea was covered with thick fog.The entire continent has changed, devastated.When the smoke dissipated, everyone found that there were not many ant colonies on the mainland, and they continued to emerge from the ground.

And at the center of attention of countless people, a black figure stood like a god and demon, unscathed!

At this moment, in the imperial palace of the distant continent, countless strong men fell in a daze.

Such intensive artillery bombardment did not harm him at all!


The devouring ants began to counterattack, flying ants overwhelming the sky attacked, countless metal ants marched on the ground, and occasionally there were sporadic ant heroes.

The elite warriors of the human race also led the strong men of all races, boarded the mainland and started shopping with the devouring ants!

The cruelest melee combat takes place instantly on the battlefield.

Ant King Beiou watched his clansman fight coldly, completely motionless, without the slightest desire to make a move.

"Catch the thief first to capture the king!"

Led by the most powerful saint-level powerhouse, a special attack team pierced through the battlefield and slowly marched towards the central ant king.

Outside, Jiang Ping took out the pancake fruit he had just bought, drank boiling soy milk, and sat on the sofa to watch the battle.

"Oh, the gap is really too big."

Jiang Ping shook his head, the outcome of this battle was already doomed.

In one day, in just one day, the Holy Primordial Alliance Expeditionary Army led by the human race was wiped out!

None of the saint-level powerhouses who led the team survived!

In the base camp deep in the ocean, the strong human race looked at the transmitted message with horror.

In this battle, the Ant King didn't make a few shots at all, but every time he made a shot, he destroyed everything.

Destroy the leader battleship with one blow, and kill a saint-level powerhouse with one move.

"This, is this still a creature? It is simply a god-like combat power!"

A grand maester trembled.

The others were also silent, deathly silent, the Ant King's fighting power weighed heavily on everyone's hearts.

"If we surrender? Can the devouring ants give me a way out? No matter how cruel and harsh the conditions are, I will accept them, as long as the group can continue!"

After a long time, the voice sounded, and the grand maester said bitterly:

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