"The devouring ants are bloodthirsty, devouring everything, and don't give other creatures a chance to survive, otherwise it would be impossible to establish the alliance of ten thousand races in ancient times and now!"

The Grand Master paused and continued: "If devouring ants could accommodate alien races, the world would have been ruled by them long ago!"

The faces of all the people present were pale, anyone here would shock the outside world if they went out and stomped their feet, but at this moment, they felt that the future was dark, and the deepest despair welled up in their hearts.

Gradually, the sobbing sound echoed in the room, and the sound became louder and louder, so that the outside guards were stunned.

Under the huge crisis of genocide, these big men couldn't bear it anymore.

"Such a bloodthirsty group, such a terrifying ant king, why didn't the gods send down the punishment of heaven to destroy it!" a royal doctor said desperately.

When all hope is lost, people begin to pin their hopes on the gods.

Unexpectedly, these words suddenly ignited the Grand Maester's heart, he raised his head abruptly, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes,

"We still have hope! The Ant King's fighting power is against the sky, and his defense is even more shocking. If the only weapon in the world that can hurt him is the legendary Spear of Destiny!"

Everyone's eyes brightened. Although the Spear of Destiny had disappeared for a long time, it was a glimmer of real hope after all!

What's more, with the accumulation of all generations gathered over the years, especially the posthumous work of One Piece King Lu Fei, the position of the Spear of Destiny has been shrunk.

A king wearing a giant dragon imperial robe suddenly stood up. He is Jingshan, the king of the Sunset Empire, the strongest in the central ancestral land, and also the leader of the Holy Primordial Alliance!

Although his combat power is not the strongest in the world, he is the most powerful person in the world!

"Send messages to the major kingdoms and ethnic groups, use all means to find the news of the Spear of Destiny, and urgently recruit all civilian ships to salvage the sunken ship!"

He paused and continued: "At the same time, find the strongest human being, Gai Feng, who has disappeared for a long time, and invite him to come and see this king! This is the only hope!"

ps: Please recommend a ticket, sincerely

Chapter 26 The Way of Heaven is So Unkind!

The battle ahead will inevitably be known, and the entire primordial world will be like an earthquake!

The powerful expeditionary fleet was wiped out, and the ant king was as powerful as a god.

The bloodthirsty and greedy devouring ants are notorious.

For a time, there were wailing sounds from countless continents, all spirits wept, and the whole world was filled with heavy sorrow, and the devouring ants were marching every moment.

Every day, it was reported that the continent was captured by devouring ants, and the entire huge continent was bleeding and drifting. The devouring ants did not accept surrender, they devoured everything.

Any creature on the continent was eaten up, and then the queen ant produced a steady stream of soldiers.

Wherever the devouring ants passed by, no creature survived, the dark army of ants covered the sky and the sun, quickly encroaching on the land, and there were more and more lifeless dead deserts.

Jiang Ping clearly saw from the outside world that in just three days, 50% of the mainland had turned into a desert of death, and even most of the ocean had been invaded by ants.

"Tsk, devouring ants is too ruthless. Devouring consumes such resources, and the self-circulation of the whole world is broken!"

Jiang Ping couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Every world has the power of self-circulation, and the current behavior of devouring ants is to draw fire from the bottom of the pot. In order to reproduce and fight, destroy the potential of the world, this is the way of magic!


Jiang Ping looked in surprise at a certain continent that was about to be destroyed.

"Great God of Creation, you created the world, created the sun and the stars, and now the cruel devouring ants are destroying all races. Your most devout believer, I implore you to send down divine punishment to destroy them!"

In front of a huge statue as white as jade, tens of thousands of people knelt down and worshiped. They clasped their fingers together, praised the Creator God, and offered him the most devout prayers.

On the periphery of the crowd, tens of thousands of ferocious beasts couldn't help but bow down and praise the Lord of everything.

On the battlefield tens of thousands of meters away, devouring ants are constantly attacking the city and cutting down the land. The most elite defenders can't resist, they can only delay time, and some soldiers are even desperate to stop themselves!

Jiang Ping from the outside world has a serious face, "The power of faith is really mysterious, and it can be accepted by me across two realms."

Facing the emergency situation of dying at any time, there are many fanatics in the short period of time when they pray to themselves.

However, although he received the distress message, Jiang Ping did not plan to destroy the devouring ants. In the original world, everything was created by himself. Giant dragons, human races, and devouring ants are all equal. In his opinion, no one is more noble than another among all races .

Even though he liked the human race more, he didn't take action directly, he just gave them seeds.

The final development is also in their own hands. If the human race is also exterminated after receiving the divine revelation, they will not take action.

Tens of thousands of races are about to be extinct, but the devouring ants rely on their own step-by-step latent development to get to this point. Who knows the loneliness of the queen ants lurking in the dark for 10 years?

At this moment, why did he take action to destroy the millions of years of accumulation of devouring ants?

Ten thousand races are indistinguishable in my own eyes!From the moment he first created the world, Jiang Ping was ready.

Heaven is not benevolent, and treats all things as cud dogs.

This sentence suddenly came to Jiang Ping's mind.Isn't what I'm doing now the same as the way of heaven?In other words, he is the Heavenly Dao of the original world!


Countless screams on the mainland recalled that the devouring ants that broke through the city entered the crowd, and countless creatures were beheaded by the devouring ants, and then transported to the rear to be devoured by the queen ant!

"God, why don't you manifest yourself? Are we not pious enough?"

A bishop vomited blood and stretched out his right hand unwillingly to caress the statue, while a soldier ant coldly raised his sickle behind him.

In less than half a day, there was no life left in this continent, all creatures were slaughtered, even the vegetation was devoured by the queen ants, and the precious ores contained in the land were also excavated. There is one more dead desert in the world

The news of the fall of the mainland kept coming. In just a few days, the leader of the alliance, Jingshan, had all white beard and hair. The only good news was that Gai Feng, the strongest human race, joined the alliance as soon as he heard that the devouring ants had reappeared in the world.

In the past few days, the wisest people in the entire world were called together, and with the accumulation of thousands of races, and the information left by One Piece King Lu Fei, the disappearing location of the Spear of Destiny was continuously narrowed.

"This is the last place! If there is no place here, then we can only speculate from the thousands of ancient books again!" The Grand Scholar said in a low voice, looking into the depths of the sea.

Jing Shan opened his eyes tiredly, gritted his teeth, and said, "Save!".

This is the only hope!With the power of thousands of races, it is enough to compete with the devouring ants, but the ant king is too scary!His appearance directly broke the balance of the world!

Others on the battleship are also looking at the sea in despair. The land ahead is constantly being invaded. Is there still time for us to find the Spear of Destiny?

"It's time for the artifact to be born!" A firm voice broke the silence, and when everyone looked around, they saw a middle-aged man with a firm face.

His aura is not strong, but it makes everyone dare not underestimate him, because he is the peerless powerhouse Gai Feng who has been invincible all over the world and has been invincible in the world for 50 years!

Soon the shipwreck relics in the deep sea were being salvaged one after another. Although there were many rare treasures and even ancient relics among them, there was no joy in everyone's heart.

Suddenly, a dilapidated wooden box that was riddled with holes and leaked to the outside world was salvaged.

"It's so dilapidated that any good things are rotten." A soldier muttered.

Unexpectedly, Gai Feng strode forward at this time, he stretched out his hands to gently caress the rotten wooden box, just like stroking the most beloved lover.

"Could it be?"

Everyone looked excitedly, and Gai Feng couldn't help his heart surging, he reached out tremblingly to open the rotten wooden box.

The wooden box was originally a precious wood, but after being soaked in the deep sea for thousands of years, it had already decayed. Gai Feng passed through the ashes and sawdust with his right hand, and finally touched the contents of the box!

The moment his fingertip touched it, Gai Feng knew that this was the god-given treasure they were looking for, and also the Spear of Destiny, a weapon inherited by the human race!

Gai Feng held the spear tightly, and raised the spear wrapped in ashes with his excited right hand, "The human race is saved! The ten thousand races are saved! The world is saved!"

The voice of this peerless strong man who had suffered countless lives and deaths in his life trembled, everyone in the boat stopped breathing, and the soldiers who were salvaging also stopped, and countless eyes stared blankly at the spear in Gai Feng's hand.

Wipe away the ashes with his left hand. Under the sunlight, the silver light looks extraordinarily dazzling, and everyone can't help but marvel at its beauty and holiness.


A sharp gunshot resounded through the sky, straight into the sky, shaking all the ashes covering the gun body, this gunshot seemed to be its announcement to the world!

It has not rotted for millions of years, and it has stayed in the depths of the sea for tens of thousands of years without adding any scars, as if time has no effect on it.

"1.8 meters long, the whole body is silver, the material is unknown, everything is indestructible, and everything is indestructible! That's right, it is the legendary artifact, the Spear of Destiny!"

The grand maester knelt on his knees, holding the spear with trembling hands, this artifact that had disappeared for thousands of years was finally born!

After careful research by scholars, everyone was relieved at this time.

"The human race is finally saved, this king is by no means the last emperor!" Jing Shan raised his white-haired head, tears streaming from his eyes.

"The Spear of Destiny is imprinted with the spirits of many human kings, and only those who are recognized by it can obtain the inheritance of nine generations of human kings!" Gai Feng suddenly said.

Everyone hurriedly asked him if he was recognized by the artifact, and the corners of Gai Feng's mouth couldn't help but frowned, "It will take at least three days to accommodate the inheritance of the King of Kings!"

Everyone was shocked. At this time, the battle situation was at stake, countless continents were devoured, and the queen ants continued to produce elite soldier ants. At this time, the world of 80 was occupied by devouring ants, and there were still three days left!

The leader Jing Shan waved his hand: "Contact the leaders of the ten thousand clans, as well as the frontline generals, and stop the devouring ants at all costs! This king will go to the battlefield immediately and personally supervise the battle!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his imperial robe violently, and left straight away. The leader Jing Shan's eyes were extremely firm at this time. The most terrifying thing was that he had no chance of winning. As long as there was a glimmer of life, it would change the future.

This battle will determine the fate of the human race, the fate of all races, and the fate of the world. Gai Feng even vaguely felt that the luck of the whole world is constantly pouring into him, and the realm that has been stagnant for 50 years is beginning to loosen!

What's more, if the long-lost artifact can be found this time, it may be that the world is helping!

"Those who have gained the Tao will be helped a lot, but those who have lost the way will be given little help. The Ant King is cut off from the world, and he will never get the world!" Gai Feng looked towards the distant battlefield.

In a dark palace millions of kilometers away from here, the Ant King suddenly opened his eyes, looking coldly at the location of the Spear of Destiny.

"Interesting, could it be that the Spear of Destiny was born?"

"Will the World War I be decided? Really looking forward to it."

Jiang Ping and Ge You lay paralyzed on the sofa, pouring happy water into his mouth.

"Do you want to adjust the time and save this battle for tomorrow? After all, this is the final battle, and it's coming to an end soon." This was Jiang Ping's most sincere thought.

Listen, how unkind is the way of heaven!

ps: Everyone, guess who the original world will belong to?Everything is already doomed.

Chapter 27

Time flew by, and the entire original world was constantly being eaten away by devouring ants. Jiang Ping felt waves of sadness and pain from the origin of the world.

And falling into the hearts of native creatures in the original world, they feel pain in their hearts.

"This is the pain of the mother of the world! We are all her sons, and the devouring ants will go against the law, and even the world will be destroyed!"

Within five days of the birth of the ant king, 80% of the creatures in the world were slaughtered and destroyed, with millions of dead bodies and bloodshed for thousands of miles. It is impossible to describe the original tragedy!

The originally prosperous continents have no life, tens of billions of creatures are destroyed by devouring ants, and the powerful groups that have existed for millions of years have disappeared one by one. Beamon, Chimera, Pegasus, and the evil octopus have disappeared forever.

On the frontline continent, tens of millions of allied forces are here to stop them with the determination to die. They are either the hermit powerhouses of the human race, or the only remaining members of the ten thousand races, and they are led by Jing Shan, the leader of the Holy Alliance!

"Today, there are no enemies here, and there is no distinction between high and low. Tens of thousands of years ago, our ancestors fought a decisive battle with the enemy of all living beings, the devouring ants, and the ant colony was defeated!" The leader Jing Shan looked around the allied army.

"Today, we will also repel the ant army. This is a just battle! Justice must win!"

"Justice shall prevail!"

"Justice shall prevail!"

The audience shouted in unison. At this moment, there is no distinction between the enemy and the foreign race, only the heart of defending the home and the country. Behind them is the last ancestral continent, and the seeds of all races are behind them!

Soon dense black soldier ants appeared on the shoreline. Before the soldiers arrived, the sound went first, and countless sharp sounds pierced the space.

Thousands of warriors hold their spears tightly, even in the face of an irresistible and terrifying enemy, they are fearless in their hearts!At this time, all fighters who can play will play.

The old and young people who really couldn't play gathered together, they prayed devoutly, and worshiped the huge statue of the creator god with the most awe.

"Great God of Creation, please bless the fearless fighters ahead, under your guidance, we will defeat the enemies of all beings and save the world."

Countless believers prayed devoutly, and the power of faith poured out from them and merged into the statue of the Creator God

The battle ahead is about to break out, and the tens of billions of ants are attacking like rotten ones. Their figures are so terrifying that the sea, land and air are all dyed into a black tide.


One after another alchemy firearms roared, but the devouring ants suffered too much from it, and they also evolved similar ones.

The strange-shaped ant species were slowly pulled out by the soldier ants. Their bodies were so bloated that it was difficult for them to move without the help of others, but their mouths were so huge.

This is the special unit of artillery ants developed by the queens after the catastrophe!

The gun ants are specially made by the queen of ants to study alchemy firearms and imitate the principle of explosion. In fact, there are still many improvements.

The ant queens wanted to wait for this unit to be perfected, and then slowly start to invade again, but they didn't want the birth of the ant king to break the world's balance in one fell swoop!

The gun ants continuously swallowed the ore fed by the worker ants, fused and ignited through their huge abdomen, quickly opened their big mouths, and shot out huge fire balls from the bloody mouth.

The fire ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, and fell into the coalition army with a bang, followed by fierce explosions!

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