This artifact is not only powerful, but also represents the divine right of the monarch. It is a weapon passed down from ancient times. Whoever gets it will be the chosen one! "

Everyone was fascinated by what they heard, but the businessman obviously still didn't believe it. The young man immediately asked, "Did the archaeological teams of the major kingdoms find anything?"


The middle-aged man let out a long sigh: "As far as I know, the major kingdoms are hopeless. Many people say that it has disappeared in the long river of history, but many people are convinced of the existence of this artifact!"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, everyone felt heartbroken. Is this artifact with endless legends really still in the world?Does this artifact really exist?


There was a decisive sound suddenly from the carriage, and everyone looked strangely, and found that it turned out to be an unattractive young man.

The young man's appearance was ordinary, like everyone on the street, but he was a little different from other sentient beings. The young man was clearly here, but everyone didn't feel anything before he spoke.

The middle-aged man looked at the young man strangely, as if wondering why he was so sure.

He continued: "According to Tulla, a chief royal doctor who spent his life searching for artifacts."

It turned out to be Tula!Everyone pricked up their ears. This is the most intelligent doctor in the millennium. He has visited dozens of kingdoms and all known continents in his life.

"Tula said to all his disciples before he died: Do you want the Spear of Destiny? It is in the depths of the ocean! I searched for this artifact all my life, and finally found that the last record of it was in a ship in the catastrophe!

And Tula's words also made countries strengthen their naval construction again and compete for maritime hegemony!Whoever gets the Spear of Destiny will become the king of the world! "

The Age of Discovery was opened because of Tula's last words. Everyone stared wide-eyed. No wonder the kingdoms have been exploring sea areas more and more intensely over the years. It turned out that the reason was to find this legendary weapon.

"Tut, tut"

The young man is naturally Jiang Ping who went down to earth, and he never thought that the cause of this great age of voyages was to find the Spear of Destiny.

The secret story told by the middle-aged man made everyone in the carriage excited, and the journey was no longer boring. The young people were even more restless. They just wanted to jump out of the carriage, run to the coastline, and participate in this era of great treasure hunting.

A little boy about five or six years old jumped out of his mother's arms.

"Just wait, I will travel all over the world to find the Spear of Destiny, and I will be King of One Piece!"

As he spoke, he clasped his chubby little hands tightly in front of his chest, his eyes were extremely serious, and no joke could be seen on the baby's fat little face.


Hearing the children's jokes, everyone in the carriage laughed happily, even the groom in front laughed, and Jiang Ping couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

The air in the carriage was suddenly filled with joy.Everyone thinks that he is childish and ignorant of the dangers in the world.

The boy looked at the laughing crowd strangely, and looked back at his mother in confusion. Did he say something wrong?

The young woman hugged the boy in her arms with a smile: "Lu Fei, treasures are not so easy to find. Otherwise, there are so many people for so many years, why can't they get anything."

The boy still looked serious: "That's because they can't do it, I'm sure I can find it."

There was another burst of laughter in the field, only the boy didn't laugh, his baby fat face was full of seriousness.

Jiang Ping smiled and stroked the boy's little head, "Where there is a will, there is a way. You said it is not impossible to find the treasure."

The corner of the boy's mouth lifted into a smile, and the collagen on his cheeks pressed his big eyes into a slit.

Finally someone recognized it, why did everyone think I was joking?How annoying!

The carriage slowed down slowly, the destination had been reached, and everyone got out of the car one after another, ending the journey of the story.

The boy waved to Jiang Ping reluctantly, and the young woman tugged several times before the boy turned his head and left.

There is no never-ending banquet in the world, and before leaving, Jiang Ping gave the boy a small gift.

The boy let go of his little hand, only to see a verdant green leaf in his palm, and the young woman looked at this leaf curiously.

The leaves are like the common exotic trees in the mainland, and the interlaced lines converge into a mysterious pattern. Even if they are picked for many days, the leaves do not turn yellow at all, but are still green and full of vitality.

"This little gadget is really chic." Mom couldn't help but praise.

The boy held it carefully, as if afraid that the leaves would fly off.

The wheel of history is rolling forward, what he doesn't know is that a magnificent life is about to begin, and this leaf will accompany him throughout his life, allowing him to escape countless storms, pointing the light for him in the depths of the endless ocean, and finding his way back.

Chapter 23 The Life of One Piece King Lu Fei (please collect and recommend tickets)

Along the way, Jiang Ping found that different species of trees have obvious similarities. He keenly discovered that there may be a common soul among different species of trees in all parts of the world.

"Is it you? You have transformed into all things, and returned as one after a long time ago." Jiang Ping was thoughtful.

There were bursts of roaring sounds from the dock in the distance, and the large alchemy ship carved with the appearance of strange monsters was slowly approaching.

There are all kinds of huge sea beasts in the depths of the ocean. These sea beasts inherit extraordinary blood and have their own uniqueness, so each big ship is equipped with the latest alchemy cannon.

Time flows slowly. Over the years, a young man has been traveling all over the world. Those who are interested find that every time he appears, the local exotic trees will sway with the wind and look very happy.

And sometimes this young man will always leave some small gifts, and the lucky ones will rise in the wind after receiving the gifts, and their lives will begin to change drastically.

Or salvage ancient relics in one voyage, or make a fortune in business.

Gradually, the legend about Jiang Ping began to spread in the world. Among the poets in the streets, this mysterious young man is Bell, the god of luck.

And the most dazzling among these rumors is One Piece Lu Fei!

When Lu Fei was young, he met the God of Luck and was blessed by the God. From a young age, he sneaked out to sea and became a sailor. He used his personal charm to pull out a team within a year.

His Golden Dragon has left countless deeds. It is equipped with twelve dragon cannons, and the keel is poured with the blood of the sub-dragon, which integrates the highest alchemy technology.

In addition, he led the crew to explore many continents, and he condensed the technologies of the major kingdoms in one ship. It can be said that the Golden Dragon is the essence of the age of great navigation.

One Piece Lu Fei's greatest achievement is traveling around the world!

He started sailing at the age of 25, and finally returned to his hometown after 32 years. He left home when he was young and the eldest returned. There were only a few brothers who were originally in the same family.

He traveled all over the world. After the cataclysm, Lu Fei was the first to completely explore the new world and draw a map of the new world!This achievement alone will make him engraved in the history of mankind forever!

It is said that on the day of his return, the sea boiled, and thousands of waves rose on the sea to welcome the return of Neptune. Tens of thousands of auspicious sea beasts surfaced to offer blessings to the legendary Neptune.

The human kingdom was shaken, and the king personally greeted him at the pier.

There are huge crowds of people on the pier, the noise is deafening, everyone has a look of shock on their faces, they are all waiting for this moment in history!

"I saw it! I saw the Shenlong!"

A loud shout ahead completely ignited the entire pier. Princes, nobles, lords and knights, and common people stood on tiptoe to watch at this moment.

A majestic and majestic dragon-shaped flag was particularly dazzling.

A vigorous middle-aged man raised his sword in his hand, and the brilliant sunset shone on him. At this moment, he is the king of the world!

The crowd instantly boiled up, the screams of countless girls and young women pierced the sky, and the hot-blooded men danced wildly to release hormones!

However, what no one saw was that One Piece King Lu Fei was holding the green leaf pendant around his neck tightly with one hand.

In more than 30 years of dangerous adventures, I have never encountered any monsters and ghosts. If it weren't for this strange object given by a mysterious person when I was young, I would have been buried in the deep sea and lost in the endless sea.

Lu Fei looked back lonely, and glanced at the ocean behind him, "I have traveled all over the world and swam thousands of mountains and rivers, but I still haven't found you?"

It's a pity that this sentence was buried in the celebrations all over the floor

In the year 3658 of the new history of mankind, a generation of legendary navigator Lu Fei was born. He had an adventure at a young age and received a treasure from the god of luck. After thirty years, he successfully returned to his homeland, proving that the world was once a round place, which is as incomparable as the ancient records. two.


Looking at this historical scene, Jiang Ping smiled in the crowd. He slowly turned over the Genesis, and the second page was updated again.

In the original calendar, in the new century, Lu Fei, the King of One Piece, had an adventure as a young man. In order to find the lost inheritance weapon, the Spear of Destiny, he traveled to every corner of the new world and drew the first world map of the new world, but finally found nothing.

"Not every effort will be rewarded." Looking at the words "nothing in the end", Jiang Ping said calmly.

He looked at Lu Fei in the center of the crowd. He was at the pinnacle of his life at this time, and each of the characters who could be recorded in Genesis had a major impact on the world. There was no doubt that Lu Fei was the protagonist of the Age of Discovery.

"Looking hard for the treasure, but you don't know that the treasure has already been obtained by you." Jiang Ping suddenly smiled as he looked at Lu Fei, who still had regret on his brows.

Lu Fei seemed to have noticed something, he turned his head suddenly to look in Jiang Ping's direction, but there was no one in the distance.

"Is it my illusion? I always feel like I just saw the god of luck I met when I was young." Countless crowds came, and Lu Fei could only let go of his doubts for the time being.

Jiang Ping crossed the two realms in one step, and yawned loudly. This time he went down to earth in person for an extra long time.

Jiang Ping hurriedly washed up and slept. As the God of Creation and the Creator, he still has the great task of creating the world, so he still needs to take care of his body.

Jiang Ping lay down, but the time in the original world did not stop. One Piece King Lu Fei is indeed full of adventurous blood. After settling in his hometown for a few days, an endless stream of visiting people broke through the threshold. He greeted his men and prepared supplies to go to sea again.

Many aristocrats are depressed. Wealth, fame, and strength. One Piece King Lu Fei has all the beautiful treasures in the world. Why does he still rush around in dangerous waters?

Lu Fei has traveled all over the world for more than 30 years, and he has not found nothing. He has gradually made up a lot of lost ancient human history.

He found that the god-given treasure runs through the entire history of mankind. In the depths of the ocean, he once salvaged ancient murals tens of thousands of years ago. The dream was inspired by the gods. period.

However, in the last mural, the Spear of Destiny was handed over to his subordinates by the last human king. The human king suppressed the earth and fell to buy precious time for the retreat of the human race, but the Spear of Destiny has already been brought out!

Lu Fei felt that he was only one step away from this legendary weapon!

However, when it comes and goes, it is the same force, and when it is shipped, the hero is not free.

After successfully circumnavigating the world, he seemed to have exhausted his life's luck. In the following decades, although he returned with a rewarding experience every time he went to sea, he never made an inch of clues to the Spear of Destiny!

After all, it is not yet time for it to be born!

Fifty years later, the Sea King who used to be famous all over the world is old. Lu Fei is gray-haired, and his muscles are already weak. He no longer lives up to his bravery.

For so many years, he has already married and established a family full of children and grandchildren. He took a deep look at the home behind him, left behind the treasure of green leaves that affected him, and began to gather the only remaining brothers to embark on the biggest and last ultimate adventure in his life!

"Grandpa, woo;'Д`, your body is already terminally ill, why do you still have to go to sea!" His most beloved grandson came to persuade him crying.

"Ha ha"

Lu Fei laughed loudly, and lovingly picked up his grandson who was hanging on his feet, "Fei'er, you have to know that grandpa has been indomitable all his life, and he never bowed his head when he met many monsters and ghosts. Rather than letting me die of illness on the bed, it is better to kill him." me!"

Lu Fei gently put down his grandson, stretched out his white cloak behind him,

"Set sail!"

Looking at the group of old brothers who have been with him for decades behind him, he laughed loudly: "Let us old guys start the last big adventure of our lives!"

All the old crew members came here voluntarily. Looking at the captain who had led them for decades, they looked around and laughed wildly. How could they be able to follow such a king?

Under the bright red morning sun, full of laughter, the glorious Golden Dragon slowly sailed into the depths of the ocean, never to return.

The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone.

Sailors who went to sea many years later always said that they saw Shenlong wandering in the depths of the ocean.

The legendary One Piece King Lu Fei led his heroic warriors to fight against the terrifying sea beasts. Some people say that One Piece found the long-lost god-given treasure at the last moment.

Under the guidance of the artifact, he drove the Shenlong, led a group of brothers, and entered the heavenly realm along the endless and brilliant road to heaven.

"Is another protagonist of the era gone?"

A faint voice came from the depths of the earth.

Chapter 24

The rabbit dies and the fox is sad. She used to be the overlord of a generation. At her peak, she ruled 70.00% of the world.

But now it is just a candle in the wind, and the fire of her life may be extinguished at any time.

Finally, the ant queen Bertha seemed to have made up her mind. The fall of the new generation of protagonists touched her deeply.

Only by detached, from mortals to gods, can the fire of one's own life be continued. The queen ants stared quietly at the slate of truth again.

Ten thousand years of research has yielded nothing. During this long period of time, she has tried every method, including fire and water flooding, underground magma, and deep sea pressure.

Even in order to corrode the slate, she once asked the army to find the most poisonous substance in the world. After merging thousands of poisons, she soaked the slate with the blood of the world's most evil and poisonous.

However, thousands of attacks did not leave a trace on the stone slab!

This tiny move alone almost made the queen ant feel desperate.

"Only God can fight against God!"

Bertha closed her compound eyes, and slowly pushed the stone slab into her stomach with her black four legs.

Soon the stone slab was completely swallowed by her, and the queen ant began to lie dormant again, and when she woke up again, she would be shocked!

Jiang Ping, who was sleeping, never expected that the pot would come from the sky while people were sitting at home.

Instead of staying at home and waiting to die, the ant queen even planned to make a big news.

Time flies, and many years later, the land is prosperous and prosperous. The deeds of One Piece are still echoing in the streets and alleys, inspiring countless young people with aspirations to go to the ocean, and the major and powerful ethnic groups have also begun to trade with the major kingdoms of mankind.

But unfortunately, during this period, the stories about the god of luck were much less, or even extinct, and most of the stories that were circulated were made up by ourselves.

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