The tip of the needle versus the wheat, Xeon Fist vs Spear of Destiny!

The moment the two came into contact, two waves of energy visible to the naked eye collided first.


An earth-shattering explosion appeared between the sky and the earth, and the guards of the Chinese army and the king of the people were blown away. Regardless of the bloody backlash, the two sides collided again with a loud shout!

As if the curtain was lifted by this blow, countless battles broke out all over the world in an instant, and it was like a single spark that could start a prairie fire.

The catastrophe of the era entered the high dynasty at this moment, the whole land was full of murderous aura, and the smoke of war was everywhere.

The sound of cannons, muskets, blade clashes, roars, wailings, and countless sounds together form a sound of extinction, playing the road of death for all living beings.

The origin of the world emits bursts of murderous breath, which infects the consciousness of creatures again, making them even more crazy. The queen ant's eyes turned red, and she sent out all the elites with the hole cards. She even left the base camp and returned to the surface to personally command the army.

All people among the ten thousand races are soldiers, and all human races who can take up arms participate in the battle. They can decide when the war will start, but they cannot decide when the war will end!

The center of the battlefield is the most intense, and the eight god guards themselves have exceeded the limit of this world, even the kings who have been sacrificed by the sacred tree are still worthy of competition.

Fortunately, a divine guard was killed by a sneak attack before, otherwise their pressure would be even greater!

The powerhouses on both sides are beyond the scope of the world. When their energy collides, the earth is full of potholes. In addition, the sacred tree that suppressed the earth disappears, the center is unstable, and the entire supercontinent begins to shake faintly.

However, the top creatures in the life-and-death battle are not aware of the vision at all. They devote themselves to the battle and devote themselves to killing the enemy.

Jiang Ping is an outsider outside chess, and he immediately noticed something was wrong.

Jiang Ping looked away from the fierce battlefield and took a closer look, only to find that the problem was serious.

In the depths of the ground, as the energy received becomes more and more intense, the entire earth is like a biscuit about to burst, and the core of the earth is like boiling hot water, rising continuously, and there is only one chance before it will completely collapse.

The supercontinent is already under unimaginable pressure, not to mention the death of the sacred tree that suppressed the center of the world, the earth can no longer be peaceful!


The King of Humans roared, his whole body became one with the Spear of Destiny, and once again had a head-on encounter with the Divine Guard of the Chinese Army.

At this time, the two top powerhouses have been seriously injured, but they will not wait for the two sides to fight again.

The two top powerhouses suddenly looked at the ground with changed expressions, and at the same time shouted in unison:

"Get out!"

Before the two parties could figure it out, tens of billions of creatures suddenly felt the ground swell under their feet, and then instantly burst out monstrous flames, countless hot magma burst out, and began to devour them regardless of the enemy or us!

For a while, the armies of both sides were frightened by this turn of events.

"Could it be a volcanic eruption?" An ancient king looked at the magma strangely.

However, the human king shouted with a pale face: "It's not a volcanic eruption, it's a supercontinent collapse! Everyone immediately put down everything in their hands, gather together, and rush to the high ground!"

The human king's voice resounded throughout the vast battlefield, and the devouring ants didn't care about chasing and killing the enemy. They also began to tremble instinctively, and the expression of the ant queen Bertha suddenly changed.

She immediately called the rest of the guards back to defend, and the ant army didn't even care about leading them. After all, she didn't die, and everything could be done again. After a while, another army was born. If she unfortunately fell, the devouring ants would exist in name only.

In this crisis of annihilation, the queen ant felt that she was the same as when she was born, just a little one who could be crushed to death with a single finger.

She thought that she was about to climb to the top of the world, control the supreme power, become the lord of the world, and sit on an equal footing with the creator god. Seeing this scene of annihilation, the ant queen laughed at herself:

The supercontinent collapsed and the world was turned upside down. No matter how many troops he had, he was still a drop in the ocean and vulnerable to such great power!

ps: Special thanks to Endless Demon Soldier and Ning Que, two book friends for their reward and encouragement, thank you!

Chapter 21 The catastrophe of heaven and earth, a new era

At this time, Jiang Ping was like watching the blockbuster 2012, or the collision of heaven and earth, and the entire original world fell into a desperate situation.

The continuous eruption of volcanoes caused the instability of the earth's crust, and the land began to split one after another. The seawater of the endless ocean frantically rushed to the cracks, like water dragons turning clouds and rain, making the cracks in the earth bigger and bigger, and the distance between the land fragments became farther and farther away.

The sea water swept across the land, and countless creatures were submerged by the huge waves in an instant. The king and the queen formed a team to resist this catastrophe.

In the face of such world powers, no matter how strong they are, they are useless. The five surviving guards rushed to the queen ant's place immediately.

The countless armies behind them were submerged by the rushing sea water, and there were countless casualties for a while, and the earth was full of mourning.

The seriously injured king ordered the human race to take refuge with a pale face, but this catastrophe was too sudden and too fast!

Tens of millions of people died within half an hour, and many of them were the best of the extraordinary.

"Human King, hurry up and leave! You can't leave if you don't!" A human warrior advised.

Human Wang Qi suppressed the earth with a pale face. Once he left at this time, the earth would fall apart in an instant, and everyone here would not be able to leave.

The King of Humans handed the Spear of Destiny to the warrior with great care, "Take the weapon of inheritance, and lead the clansmen to leave quickly!"

The others wanted to persuade them again, but the king of men had already made up his mind, not to mention the scene at this time would not allow them to hesitate.

Hundreds of thousands of lives are lost every minute.

On this day, in exchange for precious time for the human race to retreat, Wang Qi, a member of the Nine Generations, suppressed the earth for two hours with his seriously injured body, and finally turned into an immortal monument, which was swallowed by hot magma and sank deep into the earth.

Jiang Ping could see that the king of this last generation was no weaker than any previous king. Even after death, he still stood upright in the middle of the earth, refusing to lower his proud spine.

The fiery red magma ocean, the floating fragments of the earth, and the thousands of creatures running for their lives, this standing figure is particularly eye-catching. Jiang Ping has mixed feelings for a moment, and he knows that he may never forget this scene.

Genesis updated the log again, the original calendar, the end of the Middle Ages, the war of all races, the sacrifice of the sacred tree, the collapse of the supercontinent, the collapse of the sky, the collapse of the world, and the disunity of the world.

The human king died for nine generations, and the devouring ants lived underground for a long time, suffering heavy losses, and never regained their former glory.

Tens of thousands of races withered, and the remaining creatures that survived by chance were divided into every corner of the world, surrounded by endless oceans, no matter how difficult it was to communicate, the civilization regressed, and the world entered a new chapter.


Jiang Ping closed Genesis fiercely, closed his eyes and savored the glory of this era. There is no doubt that the Middle Ages was extremely brilliant, and his gains far exceeded the sum of the previous eras. Clearing energy feedback.

Although it wasn't long today, Jiang Ping felt as if he had visited the magnificence of an era, and he couldn't help but close his eyes and meditate.

Gradually he fell into a dream, and in the dream he saw Wuma once again when he was young. At that time, he had just received his divine enlightenment, and he was full of energy. In the end, he always wanted to see himself again in his later years, but unfortunately he still didn't show up in the end.

At that time, Jiang Ping thought that Wuma, the king of the first generation, even a hero of the generation, would have to ask himself the way of longevity at the last stage of his life.

This time, in the dream, Jiang Ping realized that Wuma just wanted to thank himself, and at the same time, he wanted to ask himself whether he had completed the task he had given him back then.

Looking at the phantom in front of him, Jiang Ping nodded with a smile even though he knew it was just his dream:

"You exceeded my expectations. I only gave you seeds, let the seeds germinate, and turned into a towering tree is your achievement. Without you, there would be no future masters of the earth."

Hearing Jiang Ping's answer, Wuma Xuying was relieved, satisfied and turned into countless light spots and dissipated in the darkness.

Later, Jiang Ping also saw Lian Shan, or other kings of ten thousand races. Most of them were the strongest in the Middle Ages, or the top wise men in other fields. They all left a heavy stroke in the history books. essence.

Jiang Ping looked at it for a long time and waited for a long time, but in the end he didn't see the little guy he wanted to wait for.

Thinking of her several nirvana in the past, Jiang Ping thought deeply.

The rooster croaks and turns white.

As the sun appeared to shine on everything, Jiang Ping woke up feeling refreshed all over his body, as if he had boundless energy in his body. Jiang Ping stretched out his fingers and pinched it out of thin air.


Suddenly there was a sound explosion in the air, after absorbing the catastrophic energy at the end of the Middle Ages, Jiang Ping evolved again, and he couldn't help smiling, "This time the feedback is much richer than before, it seems that not only more creatures died this time, The quality is also high."

This is just a feedback from the catastrophe of the era. If a world enters its old age, how much surprise can the catastrophe bring to oneself?

With good hopes for the future, Jiang Ping didn't care about eating, so he hurried to see how the original world is now.

If you don't see it, you don't know it. You are shocked when you see it. In the original world, the ocean divides the land. After the collapse of the supercontinent, the world is no longer one. The fragments of the continent are like small islands floating in the endless ocean.

Powerful ethnic groups were divided one by one, the greatest advantage of the human race disappeared, and the Ming Dynasty began to regress. Many people were left on different continents, and it was difficult to meet each other throughout their lives.

The overlord of the land back then, who ruled the glory of the supercontinent, built a 900-meter statue of the God of Creation, the king of all races, and all kinds of alchemy weapons beyond imagination, can only be recalled in the distant history of murals.

When history becomes stories, stories become legends, and legends become myths.

Almost everyone thinks that the supercontinent is just a myth and legend, and the Creation God is the imagination of ancient humans.

The kings who dominated the world back then have long since disappeared in the years!

Even the Spear of Destiny, the weapon of inheritance, disappeared in the great migration of that year. How does this make modern humans believe in the distant history?

Jiang Ping narrowed his eyes, and began to search the world with the divine power of creation.

Immediately, every corner of the sky and the earth appeared in Jiang Ping's eyes, and streams of data poured into his brain. If Genesis did not help, in this short moment, the huge amount of information would make his head explode.

Jiang Ping saw the Spear of Destiny lying quietly in the sunken ship deep in the ocean. It seemed that it was lost in the chaos of the year.

The material of the Spear of Destiny itself is actually very ordinary. It is just a spear made by Jiang Ping casually, but it contains a trace of divine authority, so it is indestructible and indestructible.

"The Spear of Destiny has fulfilled its historical mission"

Looking at the spear in the depths of the endless ocean, Jiang Ping did not intervene, allowing it to reappear in the world and shine brilliantly.

Perhaps it is a beautiful result to disappear in the long river of history so forever.

"Huh, the ant queen Bertha hasn't died of old age yet?" Jiang Ping cast his eyes on the slate of truth, and found a wonderful scene.

At this time, the ant queen was covered in scars, her body was old and decayed, and she exuded a breath of death.A pair of cloudy compound eyes stared at the slate in front of him.

This research lasted for another few years, and as usual, the Queen Ant had no results at all. She survived the catastrophe at the end of the Middle Ages, but she still couldn't escape time.

She has tried various methods of prolonging life, and even found and developed the long-lost longevity medicine formula by herself. However, after living for so many years, she feels that death is only one step away from her!

"I'm really not reconciled!" The ant queen flashed unwillingly, and then laughed at herself: "Maybe I am the longest surviving creature in the world now."

Under the impact of the catastrophe, the devouring ants were also divided into countless pieces. In addition, the ant queen Bertha was getting older, and the ant clan that had been suppressed by her broke out, and ant queens appeared in pieces of continents.

With the passage of time, Bertha has long lost her fertility, and even the queens don't know that the oldest ancestor is still alive, but the queen Bertha is unwilling to die of old age, so she has been struggling.

She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep again, preserving what little life she had.

Chapter 22 The Era of Great Voyage (seeking collection and recommendation tickets)

Jiang Ping continued to inspect the world, and all the secrets of the original world were revealed in his eyes.

Among them he found a very strange thing.

It is a very common thing that a strange tree species grows in all corners of the world, but this tree species is obviously different from the native plants of the original world, because it is the tree species of the divine tree Rahil!

In the past, there was only one kind of different tree called Rahir, but now the corners of the world are full of this kind of big tree.

It is not tall, and it does not contain a trace of extraordinary energy, but it has become the undisputed leader in the local area. In order to explore this anomaly, Jiang Ping decided to go down to earth in person.

The refreshing aroma of wheat refreshes the heart, and a carriage is slowly driving along a wide dirt road.

"Tsk, I heard that the wheat seeds we are planting now originated from the ancient king!" A young man in the carriage said.

"What kind of king, in my opinion, is just a myth and legend. The source of the five grain seeds is mysterious. After several mutations and selections, it is obviously not the credit of one generation." Another businessman in his thirties retorted.

"It can't be said that. Recently, the archaeological team of the Tulip Kingdom excavated the ruins of the city thousands of years ago in the depths of the ground.

There are still seeds of vitality in it, and the alchemy blueprints in it shocked the adults of the kingdom. I heard that the Tulip Kingdom plans to build a big ship again. "A middle-aged man with an obvious background spoke.


Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the people in the carriage gasped. The Tulip Kingdom is not far from this continent. There is only one layer of Heiring Strait between the two. Obviously menacing!

This era is the age of great navigation!

The many continents are separated by the sea, and there are constant disputes between kingdoms.

Especially in recent years, following the call of the kingdom, countless people have rushed to the depths of the ocean.

Every day new continents are discovered, every day undersea relics are discovered and salvaged, sea routes are opened up, and trade between different continents continues, exchanging materials and knowledge with each other.

After the disaster, people rebuilt the civilization, and the continents are still enjoying the civilization dividends of the ancient ruins.

Every time a new relic is excavated, the human kingdom will gain a lot, so the continents are devoted to exploring the ocean. So far, the world map has not been drawn, and no one can tell if there are lost continents in the depths of the ocean.

"Actually," the middle-aged man continued:

"The god-given treasure in myths and legends, the Spear of Destiny may really exist."

With one word, everyone was stunned.

"It's just a poet's joke." The businessman obviously didn't believe it.

There are too many legends about this artifact. Some say it is an artifact left by the God of Creation, some say it is a treasure forged by heaven and earth, and some say that this mysterious spear is the crystallization of ancient civilization.

Various legends praise its mystery and power.

These fairy tales are familiar to everyone in the carriage, and they grew up listening to them.

"As far as I know, in the ancient murals that have been excavated one after another, there are scenes of a huge god bestowing three treasures. The most important task of the archaeological teams in each kingdom is to find clues to the Spear of Destiny.

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