Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7873: Fight for the gods!

Before, Lin Xuan and Xiaobai quickly explored and collected a lot of crystals.

However, those are all individual crystals, which add up to several hundred yuan.

And now, he has made even greater discoveries,

There is a divine vein ahead.

This is the mineral vein of Shenjing.

There are countless **** crystals inside.

This divine vein is twenty li, and the number of divine crystals contained is very large.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

He displayed his peerless magical powers, played six worlds, and wanted to collect this magical vein.


Under the earth, there was a terrible roar.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan used the Six Worlds in advance, otherwise, this voice would definitely be heard.

Will alarm other people.

Lin Xuan was surprised,

Xiao Bai said, "There are other monsters."

Lin Xuan understood, it should be a guardian beast.

After all, a divine vein possesses too much power, enough for a strong person to cultivate here

Lin Xuan didn't do anything again, waiting for the strong man to appear.

This was indeed a monster, a monster that Lin Xuan had never seen before.

It has a human shape with purple wings on its back and three feet on its forehead.

A pair of eyes are also blooming with purple light.

From a distance, it looked like a purple bug.

He roared and rushed over quickly, his arm waved fiercely.

On the arm, there was a metal light like a blade.

Cut it all down with a single knife.

Lin Xuan sneered. It seemed that the opponent was also very strong.

Just try his martial arts body.

Lin Xuan waved his fist and slew towards the front.

With a bang, the physique of the two collided in the air, as if two artifacts were dueling.

The monster beast was shaken and withdrew, making an angry roar.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Are you kidding me?

His physique has been sleeping in the crystals all the year round, how much power he has received, and how strong his physique is.

In addition, his bloodline is extraordinary, from the ancient times.

What can he do, the human in front of him?

Isn't it incredible?

He roared, and the purple scales on his body bloomed with monstrous light.

Groups of purple flames surrounded him, and his two arms danced together, like two heavenly swords, killing them.

The power is much stronger than before.

Lin Xuan sneered, using the Martial God Body, and cooperating with the Martial God Art, opened up and contended.

Every duel is a collision like an artifact.


After several hundred strokes, Lin Xuan punched the opponent's blade to pieces.

Another trick, smashed the opponent's body to pieces,

This monster screamed and wanted to escape.

Lin Xuan let out a cold snort, "Where to escape?"

With a wave of his hand, he displayed the martial arts body, a peerless kendo.

Thunder Dragon flash.

On the palm of his hand, the Thunder Dragon phantom appeared and rushed over in an instant.

The monster stopped in mid-air, its body turned into a blood mist.

Lin Xuan waved his hand to disperse the blood mist, and then he began to collect the divine veins below.

Put the whole earth away,

An abyss appeared below.

And the divine veins had been received by Lin Xuan from the six realms, in the world of heaven.

carry on.

Lin Xuan is happy, wondering if there is a second vein?

He flew towards the distance,

Not long after flying out, he frowned.

He felt that there was a lot of aura between heaven and earth, even some, extremely scary.

Almost close to the true **** of the peak,

Obviously, other strong people are coming.

Lin Xuan felt the familiar breath.

For example, the Heavenly Sun God Clan, Sky Swallowing God Clan, Demon God Clan, etc., all have strong people coming.

The action is so fast!

In addition, Lin Yixuan also felt that the power of Taixu Dragon Palace was coming.

Even, he could sense that many people had a big battle.

Obviously, those people are also fighting for Shenjing.

Lin Xuan did not join the battle, nor did he attack those Protoss.

He still cooperated with Xiao Bai and continued to search.

In the next two days, Lin Xuan collected a few hundred crystals.

On the third day, they unexpectedly discovered a divine vein again.

This time, there are 30 miles of Shen Vein.

The number and strength are more than the previous divine vein.

Lin Xuan was delighted: "Great."

He is ready to do it.

But at this moment, there was a roar from far away: "Stop it."

From a distance, with a black light, it flew over quickly, turning into dozens of figures.

They stood between heaven and earth, and the man who took the lead, wearing a battle armor, was mighty.

He looked down and exclaimed: "It's actually a divine vein! Haha, our luck is really good."

"There are still people from the Dragon Race!"

"Don't care, just one, not to be afraid."

"Even if he is strong, so what? Two fists are harder than four hands."

Those powerhouses in the sky talked about it, completely neglecting Lin Xuan.

In their eyes, there is only one divine vein.

Lin Xuan also raised his head and looked at the sky.

The people he discovered were from the Heaven-Swallowing God Race with powerful divine power.

These people are actually trying to get the idea of ​​divine veins, they are really looking for death.

He said coldly: "Leave quickly, I will forgive you not to die."

Hearing this, those people from the Sky-Swallowing God Race were all dumbfounded.

What did the other party say?

The other party is threatening them and forgiving them not to die.

"Hahahaha, this kid is too arrogant, right?"

"A mere disciple of the Dragon Clan, dare to be arrogant in front of us, really looking for death!"

"Destroy him."

One of the true gods of the Sky-Swallowing Protoss, UU read with a cold snort.

With a big hand sticking out, the palm of his hand turned into a whirlpool, and he immediately moved towards Lin Xuan and killed him.

Want to swallow Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly.


A dragon roar, a Thunder Dragon phantom, split the whirlpool.

The man retracted his palm, his face was ugly, his palm was split in half.

He said: "It turned out to be a genius!"

so what?

Another person sneered: "No matter how genius, can you withstand our cooperation?"

Together they used their strength, the vast divine might, descending from the sky.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, ready to do it.

But at this moment, Xiaobai said, "Oh, there is a strange beast below."

When he heard this, Lin Xuan was taken aback.

He remembered.

When I was collecting the first divine vein, I met a powerful monster.

He still relied on his tyrannical martial arts body to defeat it.

This second divine vein is more terrifying than the first.

The monster beast that wants to come here to guard is even more powerful, right?

Thinking of this, he had a plan to pit the swallowing gods.

He shook his body and turned to leave.

Even escaped. In the sky, those strong men of the Sky-Swallowing God Race sneered when they saw this scene.

Calculate his interest.

"I already said, how could he be our opponent?"

"No matter how strong he is, he can't resist our strength."

These people sneered again and again, not paying attention to each other at all.

The leader is a woman, her name is Tunyun.

She said: "You are guarding all directions, don't let anyone disturb me."

She shook her body and turned into a black cloud, drifting downward.

It seemed that he wanted to swallow the entire divine vein completely.

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