Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7874: Only do wedding dress

Boom boom boom boom!

The heaven and the earth rolled, and the divine veins were completely covered by black clouds.

Those people around were extremely excited when they saw this scene.

They can all get a large amount of crystals.

"Get rich."

In the void in the distance, Lin Xuan looked at this scene and sneered: "Extremely stupid!"

The black cloud in front rolled.

Tunyun swallowed the entire divine vein and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, in the divine veins, some extremely terrifying power came.

The screaming voice sounded: "Who would dare to attack me? Get out of me."

The black whirlpool seemed to swallow everything.

However, there were still some attacks that pierced the vortex and injured Tuanyun.

what happened?

The guardian Protoss powerhouse, when they saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded.

Someone attacked!

who is it? Is it the dragon boy from before?

They looked for 4 weeks,

However, no figure was found.

No, it's the power coming from the divine veins.

"Senior Sister Tunyun, are you okay?"

A series of exclamations sounded.

Tun Yun originally wanted to resist, but that force was too strong.

In the end, she could only spit out the divine vein and push it far away.

The black clouds recondensed, forming a figure.

Many cracks appeared in the opponent's body, and bones appeared in some places.

Tunyun's face was ugly to the extreme,

She was injured.

With anger in her eyes, she stared at the front.

I saw in front, one after another, red figures appeared.

Those are bees, red bees, only the size of nails.

However, it was extremely terrifying, overwhelming, as if it turned into a burning cloud.

He rushed over quickly and enveloped the people of the Sky-Swallowing God Race.

"Damn it, get out of here."

"A mere monster beast, dare to be our enemy."

The people of the Swallowing God Race roared again and again.

However, these bees are indeed very scary.

Although they killed some, they couldn't stand it. There were really too many.

For a while, they could not be completely wiped out, only passively parry.

The war broke out completely, earth-shaking, black whirlpool, enough to swallow everything.

Some people in the distance did not dare to come close when they saw this scene, for fear of being swallowed by this whirlpool.

What a great bee.

Lin Xuan was also surprised when he saw this scene.

Then he smiled again: These people really deserve it.

He was in a stunned figure, and he displayed his Xing Zi Jue, and his speed was extremely fast.

It was like the same divine sword, splitting the world, and instantly came to the top of the divine vein.

The big hand reached out and turned into two heavenly dragon claws, instantly grabbing the divine veins, turning around and leaving.

"Damn it, let go of the veins."

"you wanna die."

"Dragon boy, you are dead."

"You dare to pit us."

There were roars, and Yunyun roared with anger.

However, she couldn't fight back. The bees surrounded her and kept piercing her body.

She was really mad,

Before, she felt that the other party was afraid to run away.

Want to get there, the other party is taking advantage of it.

Everything they did was done as wedding dresses.

This feeling is maddening.

Some bees also killed Lin Xuan,

They also didn't allow Lin Xuan to take away the veins.

Lin Xuan laughed and put away his divine veins.

Facing the bee's attack, he was not afraid of it.


The bees hit him, as if hitting the gods, they were all blown away.

Lin Xuan’s martial arts body is extremely powerful,

Before Lin Xuan only cultivated, Shen Jue was the first.

Today, after practicing to the second level of the Martial Arts Art, the Martial God Body has also entered the second level.

Both the attack power and the defense are much stronger than before.

These bees, in a short time, could not break his martial arts body.

But Lin Xuan waved a big hand, and shed a black flame.

These are the fires of hell, extremely terrifying, and immediately enveloped these bees.

In a moment, the bees turned to ashes,

Lin Xuan's figure turned into a flash of lightning and left completely.

Only left, the swallowing gods roaring in the distance,

They swore that they would never spare each other.

Lin Xuan was not afraid of this threat.

He has many enemies, how old is the other party?

Next, Lin Xuan was ready to shoot again.

Two days later, he stopped, frowning tightly.

He found that in the past few days, the number of warriors who came in was 10 times as much as before.

It seems that all major clans are constantly sending warriors.

Again, like before, it is impossible to secretly collect the **** crystals and seize the **** veins.

Basically, every Shenjing found, there will be a battle.

Forget it, Lin Xuan didn't make another move, but stopped.

Find a safe place and prepare to practice.

I had collected thousands of divine crystals before, plus two divine veins, the harvest was really great.

If this is known to the powerhouses of other Protoss, it might be so excited to vomit blood!

Lin Xuan directly sat in the divine veins and began to practice.

Boom boom boom boom,

The dragon's aura in the body rolled.

Lin Xuan's martial arts body, blooming with a monstrous light, fully display the martial arts decision.

Between breathing and breathing, with mysterious power.

Even Lin Xuan now speculates from time to time, Shenlong breathing method.

It was the breathing method he encountered in Shenlong Valley.

He only observed it for a while, but it was already deep in his mind.

He found that Shenlong breathing method seemed more mysterious.

Lin Xuan asked Xiaobai to help, staring at the movement outside.

Once there is a shocking vision, you must call him.

After half a month,

Suddenly, a earth-shattering roar came from a distance.

Without Xiaobai shouting, Lin Xuan was immediately awakened.

He opened his eyes, their eyes were like divine swords, cutting through the void.

It seems that a real treasure has appeared,

Lin Xuan waved his hand and put away his veins.

He rose into the air and flew towards the distance.

This half-month of cultivation has increased the fairy Taoism in his body.

It used to be 10.5 million channels, but now it has increased to 11 million channels.

Thanks to these veins.

The light on one of the divine veins dimmed a lot.

There was even a short section that turned directly into waste rock.

The power inside was absorbed by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuanhao didn't care, these divine veins were meant for people to absorb, what he wanted was strength growth.

Taking a deep breath, he flew towards the distance.

He speeded up.

It's not just him, there are countless figures in all directions, flying towards the vision that day and earth.

They knew that the real treasure appeared,

Must seize the treasures inside.

There, there is a mountain range that opens up to the sky, and half of the mountain is surrounded by clouds.

This vast mountain split in two.

From inside, a mysterious light danced out.

And around this mountain, there were countless gods and shadows.

They are very distinct, divided into many areas according to different sects and families.

Tianyang Protoss, Sky Swallowing Protoss, Demon Gods, Xuanbing Protoss, and Taixu Dragon Palace.

In addition, there are large and small sect families, as well as some strong people.

All eyes fixed on the split mountain range.


Someone kept flying in the distance, and among them was Lin Xuan.

After Lin Xuan arrived, he stared at the mountain.

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