Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7872: Seize the opportunity!

In the next instant, everyone disappeared.

The two elders of Qinglong joined forces to form a formation that enveloped the Quartet.

Sealed the whole world.

Can hide it for a while is a while.

People from other Protoss will find out later, they will have one more chance.

In the distance, two monster beasts turned around and left when they saw this scene.

They spread the news,

Their strength is also below the peak.

They also want to enter.

Only when countless powerhouses come to contend with the dragons will they have a chance.

The speed of the two monsters was very fast, and the news spread in all directions.

Soon, those people of the Wild Ancient God Race were stunned.

Some ancient tribes and some immortal people were also shocked.

Countless people flew towards the land of Kyushu.

the other side,

Lin Xuan and the others entered the mysterious world of flowers.

Sure enough, there is another world inside.

When they reappear, they have already arrived, in the vast void.

At the foot are endless mountains.

The laws of heaven and earth here are not the same, with a strong pressure.

The power of everyone here is suppressed by about three levels.

However, they don’t care.

Everyone is suppressed, in fact, it has no effect.

They were extremely excited and looked around.

"Let's act separately."

Long Yin said in a deep voice.

Xue Nu and others rushed into the distance.

Zhen Jiuzhong glanced at Lin Xuan and snorted coldly.

He didn't make a move either, now he wants to seize the opportunity.

These days of the dragon clan, either teamed up or acted alone, they quickly flew into the distance.

Shui Yi and Huo Yi, they flew over and said, "Crazy God, let's join hands."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "No, I am going to act alone."

After speaking, he gave the two a jade pendant.

He said: "If you encounter danger, you can crush this jade pendant."

"If I can sense it nearby, I will help you."

After the fire one and the water one took over,

They also took out a jade pendant and gave it to Lin Xuan.

Then they left.

Lin Xuan also flicked, and flew towards the distance.

He entered, among the vast mountains below, the next moment, he looked around.

When he found that there was no human figure, the light of reincarnation burst into his eyes.

At the same time, he summoned Xiao Bai and said, "Little guy, I'm up to you next."

no problem

Xiao Bai held the cornucopia, her big eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

He pushed the cornucopia and looked at it for 4 weeks. Then, he turned into a flash of lightning and rushed forward.

After dozens of seconds, they stopped in a valley.

Xiao Bai buckled the cornucopia directly on the ground.

In the next moment, the ground cracked, and a fist-sized stone flew into the cornucopia.

This is God Crystal!

And it is very pure, there are no impurities in it.

A fist-sized divine crystal possesses great power.

Not bad harvest.

Lin Xuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then he and Xiao Bai continued to act.

After a stick of incense, he stopped again. This time, Xiaobai's cornucopia bloomed with light.

I received two more crystals, and the sum of these two crystals is half the size of a table.

Lin Xuan was ecstatic.

It seems that there are many **** crystals in this world.

Little guy, keep working hard.

Xiaobai looked disappointed: "Why don't you have something delicious?"

He hoped that he could find a little spiritual fruit, magic medicine and the like.

The next day, all they found were **** crystals.

133 Shenjing, made a fortune.

Lin Xuan was extremely excited,

He could feel the power inside.

Lin Xuan took out a few pieces, put them in his hands, and began to absorb the power inside.

Today, he has 10.5 million fairy tales.

It is estimated that after absorbing these **** crystals, they can increase some more.

"Little guy, speed it up. Next, I won't look for ordinary crystals."

Lin Xuan knew that it would not take long for more people to come.

Whether it is from the Dragon Palace or from other gods.

Once he arrived, it would be impossible for Lin Xuan, so unscrupulous, and Xiaobai to shoot together.

Therefore, he has to hurry up.

Xiaobai nodded and continued to use the cornucopia, flying towards the distance.

On the other side, the strong of Dragon Palace arrived first.

The powerhouses of Dragon Palace, after receiving the news, went immediately.

They first sent a group of people to meet with Elder Qinglong and others.

The remaining people are still gathering.

They will continue to send masters.

The first group arrived, there were thousands.

After they reunited with the elder Qinglong, they went to see you.

Elder Qinglong said: "Anyone below the peak can enter."

"By the way, the older ones, release the clone first, and see if there is an age limit?"

Several gray-haired old men shot out their clones.

They are all over 10 million years old.

Their clones went in unharmed, and they laughed.

Elder Qinglong said: "It seems that there are only restrictions on cultivation."

"This is a good thing for us."

"Hurry in. The 49 little guys before have already gone in."

The first group of strong men rushed in quickly, with thousands of people.

Before long, the second group of strong people came again, this time, it was a few thousand people.

However, before they entered, more figures appeared in the distance.

The people of the Protoss are here.

In addition, there are some strong immortals coming.

Among them, the most powerful is naturally the few ridiculous ancient gods.

Tianyang Protoss, UU Reading Swallowing Gods, Demon Gods, etc. are all here.

The elders of the Dragon Palace knew that they couldn't hide things.

They did not conceal or resist, but put away the formation.

They said: "Mysterious world, there are restrictions on cultivation level, and the pinnacle true **** cannot enter."

After hearing these people from the Protoss, they tried it, and they found that the people in the Dragon Palace were true.

They said: Let the people below the peak go in, hurry up.

Groups of strong, disciples, and geniuses entered one after another.

At the same time, the true gods at the peak are curious studies.

Where is this sacred and the world created?

In the mysterious world,

Void swayed, and powerful figures emerged one after another.

Every member of the Protoss has sent thousands of disciples to come, adding up to tens of thousands.

In addition, there are ancient tribes, and some other family sects.

The number of people who came in this time was very large.

No, they came in.

Zhen Jiuzhong and others looked up at the sky.

They could feel that one after another powerful force swept over.

The number is beyond imagination.

do not worry.

Xue Nu said: "In our Dragon Palace, there are also many powerful people. Go, go and join them."

Lin Xuan naturally felt that the arrival of those strong men was indeed a lot.

However, he didn't care,

Compared to the time in Tongtianhe, it is still a lot less.

It was hundreds of millions of creatures who entered the Tongtian River at the beginning.

In the end, most of them fell and were killed by the demon.

Now that this came, it was not enough to shock him.

He looked at the mountains in front of him with a smile on his lips.

He unexpectedly discovered a divine vein!

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