Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1119: Advisor of Stockshen

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Early the next morning, Yang Cheng helped her old waist and got into the car. Andrew couldn't help but smile when he observed Yang Cheng grinning in the rearview mirror.

Yesterday, he personally sent Yang Cheng and Cheryl to the hotel. Naturally, he knew what happened last night, especially when combined with Yang Cheng's current state, the brain was more comprehensive.

Yang Cheng glared at him angrily, and muttered, "This woman is too crazy, this is terrible~"

Last night, Cheryl, like a hormone, kept asking for it frantically, regardless of whether Yang Cheng was dead or alive. In the end, Yang Cheng accepted her fate and could only lie on her back and let others do it. Her aggrieved mood couldn't use words. description.

Hansen thoughtfully took a bottle of warm milk and handed it to Yang Cheng, "Boss, fresh milk from the back kitchen of the hotel."

Andrew added weirdly, "Yes, I have to make up protein."

Yang Cheng didn't bother to pay attention to him, this guy, didn't hit the house for three days.

After taking a few mouthfuls of milk, I don't know if it is the psychological effect or the milk really has the effect. Anyway, the area above the waist feels a lot more comfortable.

"By the way, after I left last night, how are Adam and Roth's progress?" Yang Cheng remotely fell back on his back, half-lying down, and asked comfortably.

Hansen laughed inexplicably, "Unexpectedly, after the auction ended last night, Adam and Roth spent the night together before returning to each house. If Adam works harder tonight, it won't be a problem to win. ."

Yang Orange curled up her mouth, "Yes, this kid is a talent, remember to prepare the tools for sneak shots."

Andrew rushed, "Boss, I opened a royal suite in the name of Adam at the hotel you stayed at last night. The cameras have been properly installed, all of which are pinhole-level, and they cannot be detected without a special detector. And the pixels are very high."

Yang Cheng nodded in satisfaction, "Everything is ready, but the east wind owes it to Roth's bait."

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng called William and asked him if he was interested in watching a good show, but William replied that he wanted to bring the baby at home and didn’t have time to come out. Yang Cheng just gave up, and he could return after dealing with Roth. New York.

. . .

As soon as he returned to the manor, Carson greeted him and said, "Master, Tottenham boss Mr. Joe Lewis called and asked you to have dinner."

Yang Cheng was a little surprised, "Joe Lewis? Why did he suddenly remember asking me for dinner."

Carson didn't answer the call, waiting quietly for Yang Cheng's decision.

After hesitating for a while, he said to Carson, "I just came back from London and I am too lazy to run again. You call back and invite him to the castle for me."

Yang Cheng guessed that the old guy still wanted to persuade himself to speculate on pound sterling. Yang Cheng's opinion was that it was okay to follow him and drink soup. If he was the main force, he could only send two words, "Fuck you~"

First, he is not a gambler, second is not a small retail investor, and third is not low-key enough. Foreign exchange speculators are the most taboo to appear frequently in the media. It is easy for people from a country to hate you. Soros's sniping on the pound was a warning.

Now that I have such a good relationship with William, I have repeatedly given favors to the Queen's family again and again, just to speculate on foreign exchange and put all the favors into it? This transaction is too cost-effective. Yang Cheng would not do it anyway. The Swiss franc fry last year was an exception. After all, the entire Wall Street was in action. Anger, you can't pour anger on him alone.

But can the UK be the same as Switzerland? Regardless of the fact that Switzerland holds a large amount of hot money, but in front of Britain, one of the five gangsters, the deterrence is like a child. Yang Cheng can not fear Switzerland, but cannot but fear the United Kingdom. The old gangsters play a rogue. Can't help.

What's more, Britain is the retreat he chose for himself, how could he take the initiative to cut the retreat.

And if he is asked to give the funds to others to operate, he is not at ease. Therefore, if he has to do something to make a fortune, he would rather start with precious metals such as gold, at least he can let go of his hands and feet to operate casually.

When Lewis urged so urgently, Yang Cheng felt that he was a bit on the top. He was not like a senior player in the foreign exchange market at all, but more like a fledgling small retail investor. Generally, such small retail investors have two mentalities:

One is the gambler's mentality-this kind of human nature is a good gamble, betting wins or loses, either hits a hit, or bankrupts. Such people will become very scary with repeated success;

The second is the ostrich mentality-this kind of person is stupid and lazy, not enterprising, and when there is a chance to make a fortune, he doesn't even know what it is, just follow the trend of others, or be deceived by others or by dogs.

Yang Cheng feels that Lewis is now a combination of these two mentalities. Not only wants to make a fortune in the coming wind, but also is not confident about himself. He has to drag people to join the group, holding to make a profit together and lose money together. The mentality, in short, is not peaceful.

He is a little confused. No matter what, Joe Lewis has been a figure in the world for dozens of years. Although he has not been famous in the foreign exchange market, he should not make such low-level mistakes that only newbies have. Did he encounter something? Trouble, need to bet this one?

After thinking for a long time, it seems that only this kind of reason can make sense.

But this has something to do with Yang Cheng's wool? Joe Lewis' life and death Yang Cheng really doesn't care.

But he didn't expect that this old guy is 80, and his legs are neat. After making the phone call with the front foot, the back foot will be there, less than 2 hours apart. In other words, it is almost that Carson finished the phone call and the other party was from London. Starting off, at this speed, Yang Cheng was terrified to watch.

The more eager Joe Lewis was, the firmer Yang Cheng's mind was to refuse to partner.

However, Yang Cheng suddenly had some other ideas. Brexit will have the greatest impact on the entire financial market. If you have to pick the'most', apart from your own currency, it will be'gold'. .

In the international market, the basic pricing unit of precious metals is the US dollar per ounce, and the US dollar is the largest safe-haven currency. It is precisely because of this that changes in the strength of the U.S. dollar directly cause the price of precious metals to fluctuate.

As a commodity, gold exists in the market. Its price is directly linked to the U.S. dollar and is also directly priced in the international market. In theory, gold and the U.S. dollar are negatively correlated. A rise in the U.S. dollar corresponds to a fall in gold and a fall in the U.S. dollar. The rise of gold.

The relationship between the price of gold and the British pound and the euro is exactly positive. That is, when the British pound and the euro rise, the price of gold will rise closely thereafter. Brexit will inevitably produce a domino effect, and gold must be one of the most implicated financial products. First, as long as the timing of entry is right, the profit earned will not be much less than that of speculating the pound.

However, precious metals including gold can only be regarded as a kind of safe-haven currency, or a means of safe-haven investment. When there are catastrophic events such as wars and economic depressions, precious metals such as gold and silver can be very good. Hedging means to achieve value preservation.

But in the era of peace, precious metals do not have value-added attributes. This value-added means that they will not actively create value, rather than ordinary digital increases.

For example, people can obtain financial returns and gain value appreciation by investing in a certain company or a certain project. However, investing in a gold bar will not become two pieces. It is still a gold bar. This is the attribute of precious metals. .

Therefore, it is okay to make a short-term quick cash, or buy some physical gold and put it in the basement as spare funds. However, if you want to hold it for a long time, you can count on the dream of how many times your net assets can be doubled through gold. Don't do it.

Of course, for others, the high risks faced by short-term investments are not a problem for Yang Cheng. He has already confirmed that Brexit will cause the British pound to plummet, and the global hot money buying gold will lead to a short-term surge in gold prices. Up.

Standing at the door watching Joe Lewis’s car taxiing from a distance, Carson led the servants in two rows, the number of which was different from William’s visit, but to show respect, he still sent more than 10 servants to greet him.

At the same time, a footman was appointed as Joe Lewis' personal footman in the North Sea Manor.

The car stopped Carson stepped forward to the car door and greeted the elderly Joe Lewis, but looking at his full energy, it seemed that he was 80 years old.

On the other side of the car door, a middle-aged man came down at the same time. He looked too hard to describe. Anyway, a ugly word alone is not enough to describe, but the momentum of that body cannot be concealed.

Yang Cheng simply greeted Joe Lewis, and then cast her curious eyes on the ugly man.

Joe Lewis introduced, "This is Price, a consultant of Berkshire Hathaway, who studies foreign exchange trends all the year round, and is Mr. Buffett's most powerful man."

"This is Jason Yang."

Regarding Yang Cheng, there is really no need to introduce too much. With his popularity in the global business community in the past two years, at least he is a celebrity in the industry. If you don't know it, it is definitely a deliberate humiliation.

Obviously, the ugly man Price, who looks extremely ‘outstanding’, does not make such a low-level mistake.

Yang Cheng also took a few points towards Price. To become a member of Buffett's think tank, there is no doubt about his ability, and he must be respected accordingly.

"Mr. Yang, I'm here uninvited, so I don't want to be offended." Price apologized first.

Yang Cheng shook hands firmly with the other party, and said sincerely, "Mr. Price is too polite. Just call me jason. Your arrival is the glory of Beihai Manor."

Joe Lewis obviously didn't really want to visit the manor. Seeing that Yang Cheng and Price had finished politely, he quickly urged, "Jason, why don't you find a room to sit down and talk?"

In front of Price, Yang Cheng decided to give this Pai Yao a little bit of face and smiled, "Of course, Carson, go to my private living room and bring some drinks to both of you."

All the way to the small meeting room in the corner of the second floor, Lewis couldn't wait to rush the people after the servant had finished drinking and refreshment.

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