Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1120: Golden cube

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The three were seated, the servants all retreated, and Carson stayed at a position not far from the living room, waiting at any time.

Joe Lewis drank the fragrant black tea and opened his mouth, "Jason, how did you think about the plan I mentioned to you last time?"

Yang Cheng smiled indifferently. Compared with Joe Lewis's anxiousness, he looked very calm, sipping the tea soup unhurriedly, and glanced at Price, who was sitting upright. Then he said, "Very well. Sorry, my funds are relatively tight. I recently acquired a national brand company from country Z, which occupied a large amount of my working capital. It is difficult for me to have spare capacity to exert my strength in the financial market."

No one can hear it, but this is obviously a decline.

But Joe Lewis ran so far and came to Shaudson from London not to listen to Yang Cheng's refusal.

Anyway, he was already mentally prepared, no matter what Yang Cheng said, he would show the utmost sincerity or bait to lure Yang Cheng to board the boat.

But Yang Cheng is so good, how can he not guess what Joe Lewis is thinking?

So he didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and instead looked at Price and asked, "Mr. Price, compared to foreign exchange, how do you think I start with gold?"

His question not only caught Lewis by surprise, but it also stunned Price. He then looked at the two of them playfully, thought about it, and said, "I was a college teacher and was valued by Warren. I am proud to join his team, so any ideas I have must be based on being responsible for the company and Warren.

As far as I know about Warren, he would not have any interest in gold. "

No change could be seen on Yang Cheng's face, it seemed that this answer had been in his expectation.

Buffett is undoubtedly the only investment guru who has become the richest man entirely through investment, but he is actually not interested in profitable gold, and he must be surprised when he changes to other people.

But Yang Cheng's calmness made Price unpredictable. Does Yang Cheng also know Buffett very well?

Yang Cheng doesn't know much about Buffett, but when he was bored, he read celebrity biographies and forced himself to instill chicken soup for the soul. Among them, Buffett's life is the most he has seen.

The old stock **** has said more than once in public or private occasions: Investors should not blindly invest in gold. Buying gold is worse than buying stocks.

Being able to become a member of Buffett's think tank will naturally not deviate from the boss's purpose, so Yang Cheng is not surprised by Price at all.

With doubts, Price asked back, "Mr. Yang is going to fry gold?"

Yang Cheng neither admitted nor denied, "It's just some discussion. I like to study problems with masters like you."

Price couldn't help smiling. The biggest wish of academic experts in this life is to stay in history, otherwise why would he give up his school job and join Buffett's team? money? Perhaps it is one aspect, but the professor level of the Ivy League University in the United States makes a lot of money. If it is only for money, he has more ways to do it. Why follow Buffett? Isn't it in the name of other stock gods?

Fortunately, people are also people who often spread knowledge to the world's richest man, but they won't be dizzy because of Yang Cheng's small flattery.

However, in view of Yang Cheng’s good attitude, Price is prepared to say a few more words, “I admit that the recent performance of gold is very eye-catching. Given the major events that may occur in the next few months, gold will become the most flashy in the eyes of global investors. Bright items.

It's me. I prefer to choose a farm, a stock, or an apartment or similar assets. If you have studied economics, you should know that these are the real interest-earning assets.

To use Warren’s example: If aliens see that the people on earth value gold so much, they may want to break their heads without understanding the reason. The gold is dug out from the ground in Africa or other places, then melted into shape, and then punched. In the end, it was put in the underground vault, and it was necessary to spend money to find someone to protect it around the vault, but for any purpose at all, it might be considered a function to look good when piled together? "

Price's joke amused Joe Lewis, who was a little depressed, and Yang Cheng laughed a little in cooperation.

Price saw that the atmosphere was good and opened the chatterbox, "You know, the value of gold or precious metals is unpredictable. No one can guarantee that gold will always make money, but from now to the future, I can guarantee that Coca-Cola will definitely make money, and Warren will take over. Wells Fargo Bank will also make a lot of money. The stocks of these outstanding companies are like having a hen that keeps laying eggs, and gold is like a hen who can’t lay eggs, just sitting there. I have to keep eating."

Yang Cheng smiled. Price said that gold needs to be eaten. It means that the huge amount of gold requires insurance and storage costs.

Price added, "You can melt all the gold mined in the world which is a gold cube with a length, width and height close to 21 meters. Then you have two choices. One is to have This golden cube, the second is to sell this golden cube for money at the current price of gold, and this money allows you to buy everything, hey, listen, I’m talking about all, not a part of American farmland, oh, In addition, 10 shares of ExonMobil will be added, and another $1 trillion in liquid cash will remain.

Dear Jason, and Joe, for yourself, which one would you choose? Which one will generate more value in the future? "

Price is like returning to a university class. He is giving a vivid finance class to his students, but the two students he faces, even a fraction of his net worth, can knock him to death.

But this does not prevent him from using his own humorous language to continue this extraordinary finance class.

"Anyway, I would definitely not choose the golden cube. I would choose to add all the arable land in the United States to ExonMobil and one trillion in cash.

why? Let’s do some calculations. According to the current gold price, the market value of this gold cube with a length, width and height close to 21 meters is approximately US$7 trillion, which is almost equivalent to a third of the market value of all US stocks.

Is this a good choice? After all, not everyone knows ExonMobil. One option is to own a third of the U.S. stock market, and the other option is to own a very large golden cube. This golden cube can do nothing but shine with golden light and make you I feel like I have a vault that is difficult to move.

What else? Every time you want to buy something else, you have to cut a piece of gold with a cutter, and then run to the store and smash it at the other person: ‘Hey, take it, I’m going to buy your store. ’

Then you will be sent to the hospital as a neurosis. "


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