Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1118: With performance (2)

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"Mr. Yang? I am Kate's best friend Roth Hanbury. It is an honor to meet here."

Yang Cheng shut her mouth subconsciously, then pretended to be blankly stunned, and then whispered, "I only know one Kate, who is the one I know?"

Roth Hanbury tucked up her curly hair, no awkwardness, and nodded as usual, "Yes, Duchess."

Yang Cheng's reaction was very logical, especially the change from seeing strangers' defensiveness to facing acquaintances, very natural, "It turns out to be Kate's friend, no wonder it's pretty."

It is not easy to wear flattery, especially if this flattery comes from a successful person.

Hearing Yang Cheng's compliment, even though he knew it was a polite flattery, Roth still felt very comfortable, and his mood became much better.

"Mr. Yang really can talk, is it the only one who will come today?" Luo Si's fainting movements became even greater, and the large white greasy area under the collarbone almost flashed blindly.

"Call me Jason, Roth is Kate's friend, and that's my friend."

There was a pause before answering the next question, "I came by myself, and it happened that there was nothing wrong today, so I wanted to come out and go around."

Roth smiled politely, and couldn't wait to turn his gaze to Adam, the gentleness was enough to melt all the hard things in the world.

"This gentleman, I'm sorry, but I ignored it when I was chatting with Jason. This is my mistake." Roth showed his charm as much as possible, and at the same time did not forget to use the man's favorite tone to draw closer.

What tone? Naturally, it is the kind of tenderness, and it is easy for a man to raise the tone of protection and conquest.

Tianxia Bitike is a family, and the tricks are the same. Don't belittle anyone.

When the two were talking, Adam always kept a standard smile in order to show his good qualities, and his face almost twitched. The **** woman finally remembered herself.

Adam slandered in his heart, but the gentleman replied, "Don't say that, beautiful ladies will never make mistakes. I am not proactive enough and should be more proactive in introducing myself.

Of course, I hope it is not too late.

My name is Adam. I work in a real estate development company and have close cooperation with Mr. Yang’s group. "

After Adam's introduction, Roth instinctively looked at Yang Cheng, as if trying to verify the truth of the words.

With this purpose, Yang Orange would lose the chain. Seeing Luo Si looked over, he nodded naturally, "Yes, Adam is an important partner of Yuanshan Capital in the UK. He himself is also a very good businessman. Our cooperation is very good. happy."

The credibility of what Yang Cheng said must be much more credible.

Roth didn't actually suspect it, she was only developed a habit of skepticism since she was a child, so much so that now even knowing a friend is suspicious.

Fortunately, she didn't think much about it. Just instinctively, she was still very happy when she heard Yang Cheng's confirmation. At least it proved that Adam's excellence was not a fake.

"It's nice to meet Adam. Just call me Roth just like Jason. I have the opportunity to have dinner together in the future. I know a very delicious private restaurant." Roth invited.

Adam didn't engage in push and pull tactics. That kind of trick was useless to deal with the experienced Roth. Instead, using the most direct and domineering way to conquer this extraordinary woman was the most correct answer.

Therefore, Adam did not hesitate at all, and responded happily, "No problem, but it is very ungentleman to let a lady treat. Please allow me to invite me to dinner. How about tomorrow? Which restaurant I will make a reservation."

Adam promised to call it one simply, and he didn't worry about which restaurant was too high-end, he couldn't settle down, didn't he still have Yang Cheng!

Roth was very touched by Ya's spirit of not forgetting the gentleman at the time, unlike the old man in his own family, who, relying on his status as a marquise, was able to serve everything.

Although she knew better in her heart what kind of urination the so-called gentlemen in Britain are, but she would not refuse any gentleman's behavior.

The two set a date for tomorrow night’s date in a few words, and did not ask if the other party had a significant other. Anyway, Luo Si never mentioned the fact that he was married, and Adam pretended to be the fifth king of diamonds, as if It was determined that Roth was a single nobleman.

Yang Cheng smiled a little bit awkwardly beside him. He was completely an outsider. The light bulb could at least serve as a light, but he was useless at all, and could only drink alcohol to hide his embarrassment.

Fortunately, he has a thick-skinned face, and it is enough to be comforted to witness the breakthrough progress of the mission with his own eyes. Embarrassment is embarrassment, and it is a lot of meat.

At this time, Cheryl, who came back from greeting some old friends, naturally took Yang Cheng's arm and smiled politely at the handsome guys opposite Adam and Roth, and then ignored the surprised expressions of others, just like A clingy little fairy bewitched Yang Cheng, "It's so boring here, why don't we go out for a drink?"

Yang Cheng's thoughts moved. Adam's task is going well. He doesn't need to stay to cooperate. Anyway, there are no lots that impress him in today's auction. Why don't you go and revisit Cheryl? It seems more interesting than staying and being a light bulb.

Seeing Yang Cheng hesitated, Adam proactively said, "Mr. Yang, as a gentleman, how can you bear to refuse an appointment with a beautiful woman? Rest assured, I will take care of Miss Hanbury."

The implication: I have no problem here, let's go boldly.

Since this is the case, Yang Cheng is not long-winded, and after simply saying goodbye to the two, he left the museum with Cheryl. As for where to go? Isn't that nonsense, there are hotels in London, who knows which one they choose?

However, looking at Cheryl's state of being a bit alcoholic, it is probably the principle of proximity.

After Adam and Luo Si watched Yang Cheng leave, they looked at each other and smiled, seeing the same emotion in each other's eyes, and their ambiguous eyes met in the air, rubbing a spark of love.

The two sat down at the table where Yang Cheng was sitting before, and the waitress was invited to ask for two glasses of wine, and chatted with old friends who had known each other for many years.

"By the way, Adam, I just accidentally heard the conversation with Jason. We just finished a wave of cooperation? It seems that the gain is not small?" Roth didn't directly ask how much he made, let alone in the upper class, even in the private sector. It is also a very taboo topic.

But a woman always has the right to be willful. She just wants to know more about Adam, how can she know better? Of course, it is necessary to understand the scale of his company, his net worth, etc. Otherwise, how long is his brother?

Don't get me wrong, Roth is not a superficial woman. What she cares about is the status brought by her wealth. Conquering a successful man is far more fulfilling than winning a handsome boy without money!

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