In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 80: Prepare dried fish for your cat companion

Husband Feng was all fired up, "Of course it sprouted, so I have the shame to scold you. If you hadn't raised hundreds of evolved rats in territory No. 2, my potato seedlings wouldn't have been gnawed by rats!"

Detecting a yellow light snake, Xia Qing pressed the intercom button in a very happy mood, "Eighty-six evolved rats entered territory three from territory two and chewed up a solar panel and wires. In order to clean up the evolved rats, I used I asked for help with 700 points and used 150 rounds of ammunition. Please ask Territory No. 2 to compensate for my losses.”

Hushi Feng immediately followed, "You also have to compensate for the losses in my territory. If you don't pay, I will sue you at the administrative hall of the safe zone!"

Tang Huai ignored Hu Feng and asked Xia Qing angrily, "Eighty-six rats, how could you use 150 rounds of bullets?"

Xia Qing pressed the button, "The marksmanship is not accurate."

Two people were bitten to death by evolutionary rats in the territory, and Tang, who himself was whipped three times, cursed sarcastically, turned off the intercom, bared his teeth, and tried to get up from the bed.

Tang Heng came in with water and walked quickly to help him, "Brother, are you in need of urination?"

"There's no rush." ​​Tang Huai pushed his brother's arm away and climbed up, gritting his teeth, "I'm going to dig up mice!"

Tang Heng persuaded in a low voice, "Brother, Captain Xu hasn't left yet."

Tang Huai scolded angrily, "Whether he can leave or not is none of my business! If he hadn't come to my territory to release rats, how could I have been injured like this?"

 “Brother, this territory belongs to the eldest lady.”

Tang Huai…

 In Territory No. 4, Zhao Ze walked out of the house on crutches and arranged for people to cut vegetables and change dressings.

 In Territory No. 6, Kuang Qingwei was lying down eating elm leaf cakes, listening to his beautiful young wife sneer at Xia Qing for being a big fool.

In Territory No. 5, Qi Fu, whose arm was clamped by a splint and hung around his neck, said with emotion, "Xia Qing was a ruthless person when she was in the construction team. No matter how tiring the work was, or how many injuries she suffered, she would not say a word. With a loud voice, she is even more ruthless now that she is out of the safe zone and **** by herself.”

Qi Fu’s wife Yuan Yan speculated, “Has Xia Qing’s endurance also doubled?”

"No." Qi Fu was very sure. "She was sweating all over when she was in the construction team, and her arms and legs were trembling."

Yuan Yan was stunned for a moment, "It's not easy for a woman to do what she does, and it's also admirable."

After the great evolution of Blue Star creatures, single women who do not rely on men for support and live decently until the tenth year of natural disasters are worthy of admiration.

"How many of us have found it easy to live so far?" Qi Fu took the last puff of his Evolution cigarette and stood up, "Let's go to the fields and lift up all the fallen seedlings."

Xia Qing turned off the walkie-talkie, chopped the red-light snake into pieces, threw it into the water to feed the fish, put the two edible snakes in a bag and took it with her, and then pulled the weeds along the way to check the evolution of the weeds transplanted to the farmland outside the shed. cotton.

These cottons have grown to more than two meters high, and the buds growing out among the dense branches and leaves are eye-catching.

Xia Qing poked the cotton with a stick and confirmed that the cotton had not evolved the ability to attack, and decided to keep them under observation for a while.

The "Planting Encyclopedia" says that after cotton is destroyed, there is still a 10% chance that cotton will bloom and grow. Xia Qing kept the cotton and bet on this 10% possibility.

 After returning home, Xia Qing stuffed the newly caught edible snakes into the wooden box where the snakes were kept, and then stuffed the caught insects into the snakes. Here, there are already more than a dozen edible snakes of various sizes. In order to maintain good health and promote physical evolution, Xia Qing ensures the best diet within his ability, both in the past and now. With snake meat and bamboo rat meat, of course she wanted to eat it with meat and vegetables.

 Have you ever told Zhong Tao not to eat snake meat? It was just to avoid being polite to him and push him back and forth because of a snake.

 After breakfast, Xia Qing began to clean up the weeds in the yard.

The root system of the grass is very developed. When the grass is pulled up, the roots will bring up a large piece of soil. When the soil is shaken off, the roots of the grass left in the soil are cut off, and when it encounters rain, it becomes another grass. So not only the grass must be burned, but the grass roots and soil must also be burned.

Although her body was still hurting, Xia Qing quickly pulled out the weeds in the yard and dried them on a bamboo shelf. Then she opened the garage door and took out the mini-tiller, and hung up a cylindrical roller made of stone.

 The next step is to smooth out the bumpy yard after pulling out the grass.

The boss of the sheep was in the co-pilot, and Xia Qing was the driver. One person and one sheep used the mini-tiller to pull rolling stones weighing several hundred kilograms. After flattening and compacting the yard, Xia Qing drove the mini-tiller back to the warehouse.

After leveling the yard, Xia Qing went to the living room in the middle of the second floor of the small building, sat on a bamboo chair, made a cup of hot tea and drank it, then hummed a tune and sat by the French window, picking spinach seeds one by one.

 Spinach seeds are about the same size as mung beans, but they are not round, but flat on both sides and pointed at one end, and the shell is very hard. Spinach seedlings can shoot their seeds as bullets and explode with powerful attack power because of the hardness of their seeds. If she hadn't been wearing high-quality protective clothing, she would have been shot into pieces.

How can a weak spinach seedling be so explosive? Because this is the Blue Star after the great evolution of life, all kinds of weird things can happen.

Green light spinach's ability to survive in the tenth year of natural disasters probably depends on its powerful explosive power and the hardness of its seed shell.

 Picking spinach seeds from the dry soil mixed with small clods and stones is a delicate job, but for Xia Qing, who is very patient, picking spinach seeds means relaxing and resting.

 After spending more than two hours picking out all the spinach seeds in the soil, Xia Qing harvested a total of 2,830 spinach seeds.

There are a total of fifty-two green spinach plants in the terraced fields, including fourteen male plants with only male flowers and thirty-eight female plants with both flowering and seed production. Xia Qing had counted before that the number of seeds on each female plant was between eighty and one hundred and two, which meant that she should have harvested three thousand to four thousand five hundred spinach seeds. The remaining more than a thousand seeds were smashed by hard objects when the spinach seeds exploded, and may still be hidden in the soil or other places.

 Go and look for it, you should be able to find some.

Xia Qing soaked the spinach seeds in non-polluted spring water for more than an hour, then fished them out and dried them in the sun to eliminate the effects of soaking in rain.

After cleaning the ground, Xia Qing stared at the clean spinach seeds on the balcony in trance. It took two minutes before she remembered that she had killed two big fish in the rain.

Taking out the sealed bag, after testing, it was found that both fish had red lights. Xia Qing washed the fish, sliced ​​them, dried them, and kept them for his second companion, the little milk cat.

At noon, when the inspection team passed by on patrol, Xia Qing used a stick to stick the still-vibrant sticky pumpkin vines that evolved and the potato vines that blossomed and released poisonous gas and handed them over, asking them to give them to Zhang San, and exchanged them from Zhang San. Return one hundred large sealed bags.

Xia Qing asked Tan Junjie for advice, "Team Tan, not only do these potato seeds have red leaves and a slow growth rate, but they also have a high probability of aggressive evolution. Please tell the base."

Tan Junjie nodded, "We have already reported it. Is your injury really a problem?"

“I can still hold on after taking medicine.” Xia Qing asked, “Team Tan, how many casualties have been caused by the aggressive killing of potatoes?” (End of Chapter)

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