Chapter 81 Yi Element Detector

Tan Junjie directly reported the number, "I don't know about other places, but the number of casualties in the northern part of the safety zone alone reached ninety-four."

This number of casualties would be inconspicuous if placed in a safe zone with two million people, but it would be quite shocking if placed in a territory with only a few people.

According to this casualty ratio, the number of casualties in all territories must be at least 300!

The seeds distributed by the planting center should have been strictly screened. How could aggressive zombies evolve on a large scale and injure hundreds of people?

Xia Qing stood behind a tall and dense grass wall, weeding and listening attentively. Sure enough, she heard Su Ming mutter, "The Tang family must bear the main responsibility for causing such heavy casualties."

Tang Zheng, the daughter of Tang Zhengrong, deputy director of Huisan Base, works in the management of the safe zone planting center. Was she the one who released the evolved potato seeds?

The Tang family is the scourge of Huisan Base, it’s better to get rid of it as soon as possible.

 In the afternoon, Xia Qing accepted Luo Pei's invitation and went over to visit with three green lantern cucumbers.

It has been more than two months since Luo Pei moved to Territory 3 for treatment. He only contacted Xia Qing twice when he was reading the contract and signing the contract, so he just sent a message asking Xia Qing to come over, and Xia Qing immediately agreed.

In the rain this time, Xia Qing killed more than a dozen evolved rats and broke an aggressive evolved potato seedling with a gun. He felt the benefits of using a gun firsthand, and became more eager to learn marksmanship.

If she could learn one-tenth of Luo Pei's skills, she wouldn't be injured all over.

Xia Qing went to the basement and was surprised to find that the living room was empty, with only two folding chairs and a small table left.

Luo Peixian, whose face was still slightly red, was concerned about Xia Qing's injuries and said, "Take these medicines back and use them."

"Thank you, Brother Luo." After Xia Qing took the medicine, Luo Pei asked her in detail about the injury, and then reminded her seriously, "In addition to shooting skills, you also need to improve your reaction speed and learn to dodge attacks."

After explaining to Xia Qing the methods and essentials of practicing to improve the body's reaction speed, Luo Pei earnestly warned, "After human evolution, the reaction speed has generally doubled. Many ordinary soldiers in the army have received professional training and their reaction speed can reach the third level of evolution." Human standards. What they can do, you, as an advanced evolved person, should do."

Xia Qing raised her chest and raised her head, "Brother Luo, don't worry, I will definitely bring my speed up to the level of a third-level evolved human."

 “At least level four.”

Xia Qing raised her head higher and her voice became louder, "Yes, level four!"

The more Luo Pei looked at this student, the more satisfied he became, and his voice became softer, "You must also pay attention to rest and recover from your injuries before practicing again. In the middle of next month, I will take you to Mountain No. 49 for field practice."

Xia Qing advised, "Let's wait until the poison in Brother Luo's body is cleansed before going into the mountain. Why is this house empty?"

Luo Pei explained the reason why he could no longer hide here for treatment. "Place No. 2 released a large number of evolutionary rats to attack Land No. 1 the afternoon before yesterday because they suspected that I was in Land No. 1. In order to conceal the true purpose, they also attacked three adjacent areas in other directions. A few evolved rats were released in the territory. Bearded Front sent his team to help you clean up the evolved rats too quickly, which made them suspect that they had entered territory three. Later, they released a large number of evolved rats into territory three, so I can't stay any longer. Okay, I’ll move back to Territory No. 1 later.”

There is a spring in Xia Qing's territory No. 3, and it will be troublesome if the Tang family is targeting it.

Xia Qing did not expect that the evolved rats were deliberately released by Territory No. 2. She clenched her fists and said, "Brother Luo, were the rats released by Tang Huai?"

"No." Luo Pei told Xia Qing the information he had found out. "It was Xu Pin who came here with the evolutionary rats before the rain. Tang Huai should not have known about it in advance. In this evolutionary rat attack, Tang Huai's losses Not too small either.”

Xia Qing frowned and said, "Brother Luo, we have to find a way to solve this serious problem in Land No. 2 as soon as possible."

Luo Pei nodded, "You can recover in peace, we are working on a solution." Tang Zhengsu was Xia Qing's enemy, and Xia Qing often considered how to undermine the strength of the Tang family or the Sufeng team.

 Now, she really has some ideas, "Brother Luo, I have an idea, I don't know if it will work..."

 After chatting about the Tang family, Xia Qing asked about the spring water used for Luo Pei’s treatment, “Will the spring water used for Brother Luo’s subsequent treatment be transported through the underground passage?”

Luo Pei discussed with Xia Qing, "My current water consumption has been reduced to a quarter of the initial level. I only need to get water every three days. After I returned to Territory No. 1, the water was ostensibly delivered by helicopter, but in fact it was delivered by helicopter." Is it okay for Wei Chengdong to go around to your territory from No. 49?"

Xia Qing was puzzled, "Isn't it more convenient to go through this passage?"

Luo Pei explained, "With the presence of evolutionary rats, we can no longer keep this passage. Not only the passage, but also the basement here has to be filled in."

Xia Qing understood, "Brother Luo suspects that they have brain evolved rats?"

Luo Pei nodded, "Even if there are no brain-evolved rats, they still have ways to manipulate rats. If you see a rat again, kill it directly. Be sure to pay attention to personal safety. If you can't handle it, call Hu Feng over."

"Okay." Xia Qing nodded and remembered, explaining the purpose of his trip, "Brother Luo, does he have an instrument that can detect the content of Yi elements? I would like to exchange one with you. You can use spring water or green vegetables."

Although Xia Qing owes the Qinglong Team 800,000 points, these points can be paid off with a month's worth of spring water. The Qinglong Team is not in a hurry to let her pay it back, and Xia Qing is not in a hurry to pay it back, and continues to trade normally with the Qinglong Team.

Luo Pei didn't ask why Xia Qing wanted the Yi element detector, and agreed without hesitation, "The detectors in the laboratory on the second underground floor haven't had time to be shipped out yet. I'll explain to you how to use them first, and I'll let you know when it gets dark." Dong will help you move over."

As the name suggests, the ilium element detector is an instrument for detecting the ilium element content in living organisms.

 The element of 敕 is harmful to the body, and the element of 鐕 is beneficial to the body. According to public test results, the content of ilium in edible organisms ranges from a few ten thousandths to four ten thousandths, which is not a big difference.

 Because it is easier to detect chlorine than iridium, the chlorine element detector is much cheaper than the iridium element detector. Therefore, Xia Qing only has a chemical element detector, but not only does she not have an element detector, she has never even seen one.

Now that she heard Luo Pei use the word "move" and had to teach her how to use it, Xia Qing knew that the Yi element detector was a sophisticated and complex instrument, and it was not small.

When she arrived at the laboratory on the second underground floor and saw a detector that was as big as the ice cream freezer in the small supermarket at the school gate when she was in school, Xia Qing stopped thinking about the exchange.

Such a large laboratory instrument may cost more than a mountain. Besides, after giving her such a precision instrument, it would definitely take a lot of effort for Team Qinglong to get another one.

"Brother Luo, I thought that the iridium element detector was similar to the ilium element detector, but I didn't expect it to be so big. I don't want to change it. Can I use this instrument to detect the ilium element content of several plants? The detection reagents consumed are: I pay for it."

Luo Pei laughed at Xia Qing's unexpected behavior, "Stop talking nonsense and take out the plants you want to test."

Xia Qing took out a cluster of Chinese toon buds, a few evolved perilla trees and a segment of spinach root from the basket, "That's all."

 Luo Pei, while testing the ilium content of three plants, explained to her the operating procedures and precautions for using the ilium detector.

 The test results of the three plants were displayed on the screen forty-five minutes later. Xia Qing and Luo Pei were both stunned.

 (End of this chapter)

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