Chapter 79 Don’t you feel pain?

She has evolved the ability to accelerate wound healing?

The protective suit exchanged from the Qinglong Team was too protective and helped her withstand most of the damage, so she didn't hurt her muscles or bones?

  Or is it because she eats green light food, so her body's recovery ability is enhanced?

Although the reason is not yet clear, Xia Qing is very happy that she no longer has to endure extreme pain. She put on her clothes and protective clothing and started the first task she had to do every day, patrolling the territory and cleaning up bugs.

 Under sunlight, the content of chlorine elements in the air decreases, and the probability of plant chlorination is greatly reduced.

One night passed, and the crops in the territory no longer evolved. From a distance, no big tree in the buffer forest suddenly grew taller or changed color or twisted strangely. The situation was normal.

The sheep boss is grazing in his exclusive pasture and is no longer lame. It seems that the first possibility can be ruled out. He has not evolved the ability to accelerate wound healing.

Because he was too tired to listen to the weather forecast last night, Xia Qing was not sure whether he could collect the rainproof cloth today. She turned on the intercom to ask about the weather.

 The surrounding lords also got up and were communicating about the losses in their respective territories in this rain.

The second rain in the tenth year of the natural disaster lasted for fifty hours, with a rainfall of 100 milliliters. The two red-level rains did not last more than an hour, so they would not cause major casualties or property in the safety zone. loss.

  But for territories outside the safe zone, the losses will be huge.

Territory No. 4 lost most of its crops, injured three people, and killed two. Territory No. 5 did not report losses, injured six people, and died one. Territory No. 6 lost a quarter of its crops, and injured five people and killed three.

 No one in other territories said anything, but there are capable people in their territories, and the casualties should not exceed 4,563 territories.

 The highest crop losses in Territory 3 were yellow potatoes, which reached 40%, followed by freshly cut sweet potato vines, which reached 25%. One person and one sheep were injured, but none were killed.

Xia Qing helped the sheep boss clean up the snakes and insects around the pasture, rubbed the sheep boss's head hard, and said in a gentle voice that could squeeze out water, "Boss, eat slowly, I will go home to eat."

Of course, the sheep boss who was eating would not pay attention to his younger brother. Xia Qing was pulling up weeds and walking towards the fish pond when he heard Zhao Ze asking with a cry, "Blue Star really doesn't leave any way for ordinary people to survive. Xia Qing, how are you doing there?"

Xia Qing poured half of the evolved insects he caught into the fish pond, looked at the boiling water and replied, "More than one-third of the crops were lost, and I was also injured. I was too tired yesterday and didn't listen to the weather forecast. What will happen next?" Will it rain again for a few days?”

It doesn’t take much thinking to know that the casualties reported in each territory must be true, but the crop losses must be exaggerated. Of course, Xia Qing would not report his losses honestly to avoid being jealous.

"The weather forecast says it will be sunny for the next five days." Zhao Ze expressed envy and jealousy. "Level 4 ability users are really powerful. One person can guard so much farmland and save two-thirds of the crops. How is it like us? These ordinary people, working so hard, can’t even hold on to half of it.”

The last piece of insect residue was swallowed by the fish in the fish pond, and the water surface returned to calm. Xia Qing's voice was so cold that it could drop ice slag, "Whether you can save food and vegetables has nothing to do with whether you are a person with abilities. I want to prevent the second It took two months to prepare for the rain. How long have you been preparing for? In order to protect the crops, I invited seven people to help me patrol and watch at night. How about you? "

Zhao Ze heard that Xia Qing was angry and did not dare to say anything.

Qi Fu said in a hoarse voice, "Xia Qing is right. I also prepared for two months to save most of the things in the field. Zhao Ze, if you don't want to starve to death or give up your territory, just work hard and . Blue Star has evolved, but the land will not lie as before. You will get as much as you work. Is the third brother here? I want to exchange the green light vegetables for the wound medicine and the detoxification medicine."

 Zhang San's voice was still lazy, "What level is the exchange?"

Qi Fu, Zhao Ze, and Kuang Qingwei immediately reported the green light materials they could produce and the status of the wounded in the territory, and exchanged symptomatic drugs with Zhang San.

Tang Huai also begged Zhang San to give him some medicine. Zhang San ignored him and instead asked Xia Qing, "Does Xia Qing need any medicine for injuries?"

Xia Qing pressed the button, "The common medicine I exchanged before has not been used up yet, thank you third brother."

Everyone... Other lords had to beg Zhang San if they wanted to change the medicine; when it came to Xia Qing, it was the other way around. Zhang San took the initiative to change the medicine to Xia Qing, but Xia Qing didn't want it.

Several lords secretly made up their minds to grow the green light spinach seeds they exchanged with Xia Qing, and then exchange supplies with Zhang San!

Tang Huai, who was lying on the bed and groaning, pressed the button, "Xia Qing, were you injured by the aggressive zombie vine?"

Xia Qing replied, "Yes."

“How many times have you been whipped, and what kind of medicine have you used?”

Xia Qing didn't have time to count the number of whip wounds on her body, but the wounds should be treated as mild as possible, lest anyone want to steal her food while she was injured and unable to protect her territory, "More than a dozen whips were used by me from a safe place." Painkillers and anti-inflammatories brought from the area.”

I bother!

Tang Huai, who was whipped three times and given special painkillers and anti-swelling drugs, was lying on the bed groaning. He didn't believe that Xia Qing was using ordinary medicine. She must have been using the special medicine given to her by Hu Feng!

Tang Huai suppressed his anger and asked again, "What are you doing now?"

Xia Qing, who was testing the poisonous elements content of the captured snakes, answered very simply, "Inspect the territory and clean up the poisonous plants."

Kuang Qingwei pressed the button in disbelief, "Sister Xia Qing, don't you feel pain? Or are the zombie potatoes in your territory weak in attack?"

There was a worker in his territory who was beaten to death with potato stalks!

Xia Qing pressed the button, "The thick bamboos I used to build the shed were all broken by the potato seedlings, so they are not weak. Of course I am in pain, but I can bear it. If the weeds are not cleaned up, they will be seeded."

The general level of weeds with no attack power will grow rapidly in the rain. After the rain ends and the sun comes out, the growth rate will slow down and the seeds will mature. The seeds will mature in just a few days and fall into the soil to wait for the next rain. , and then the plant slowly withers.

 So the weeds must be cleared before their seeds mature. If it is not cleaned up, the density of weeds will become larger and larger. As the density increases, the chance of evolving aggressive weeds will also increase.

Xia Qing could hold it back, but Qi Fu, whose arm was cut off, couldn't hold it back anymore, "Xia Qing, shall I ask your sister-in-law to take care of you for a few days?"

Qi Fu's daughter-in-law Yuan Yan lived with him in the territory. When Xia Qing was working in the safe zone, she saw Yuan Yan delivering food to Qi Fu. Yuan Yan was about the same age as Qi Fu and had several scars on her face burned by acid rain. , looks very fierce.

 After the natural disaster, everyone armed themselves with their strongest side. Of course Xia Qing would not judge people by their appearance. It was just because she was used to hiding and being silent that she had never dealt with Yuan Yan.

Xia Qing was about to press the button to refuse when she heard Zhang San say, "Xia Qing, I'll send specialized medical staff to take care of you. Just give her a few spinach leaves."

 Spinach is so delicious? still…

Xia Qing pressed the button, "Thank you, Third Brother, and Brother Qi for your concern. I will trouble you again when I really can't hold it any longer."

Tang Huai asked, "It's fake. How can you endure being whipped more than a dozen times?!"

Before Xia Qing could answer, Hu Xiufeng choked, "Xia Qing is an evolved person, and his physical recovery ability is certainly better than that of an ordinary person like you."

Tang Huai, pretending to be an ordinary person, scolded Hu Huifeng, "Have the potatoes sprouted in your territory? As a lord, you can't even grow potatoes, and you still have the nerve to criticize me!"

 (End of this chapter)

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