Chapter 78 Spinach Explosion

What does it mean that the house leaks and it rains all night? This is!

 “I’ll be there soon.”

Xia Qing came out of the house, and within the scope of the strong beam of light above her head, she saw that on the low **** to the north of the river, the rainproof cloth of the rainproof shed where the spinach was grown had been torn, and three arched brackets were erected high, like three pointed poles. A **** to the sky.

grass! If you are immature early, you will be immature later. You have to rush it now.

Xia Qing cursed secretly, ordered himself to be steady and not to be irritable, and ran north with the sheep boss.

While passing by the river, Xia Qing continued to fly away at a few aquatic creatures that jumped up to attack, and rushed under the rainproof shelter in the low-slope planting area.

 Chen Zheng, who was in a hurry, was extremely apologetic, "Sister Qing, it's me who deserves to die. I accidentally touched the spinach when I was passing by this terraced field, and they exploded."

 It was indeed an "explosion", and this mess was all caused by spinach seed bombs.

No wonder Chen Zheng, Zhang San said that when the spinach seeds are ripe, the seeds will be ejected only after pulling off the leaves. This is what Xia Qing told Chen Zheng. But who would have thought that when the spinach in the territory matures, it will explode after just touching it. "Spinach seeds are supposed to mature in the past two days. Are you not injured?"

Chen Zheng’s head shook like a rattle, and his protective mask was tilted. “I’m fine, what should I do now?”

 Chen Zheng is the main member of the team and has never been responsible for logistics tasks. I really don’t know how to quickly clean up this mess.

Xia Qing immediately ordered, "Take the rainproof cloth over there and cover the spinach seedlings while I repair the shed."

 “Okay.” Chen Zheng immediately went to pick up the rainproof cloth.

After the two men repaired the rain-proof shed and cleaned up dozens of dead insects that had gotten into the rain-proof shed and caused damage, Chen Zheng felt even more ashamed, "Sister Qing, rest. I will inspect the shed above first, and then Come back and pick up spinach seeds.”

When Chen Zheng went to inspect the high-slope rain-proof shed, Xia Qing picked up the sprayer, went outside the low-slope rain-proof shed and sprayed pesticides all around, driving away the evolved insects that had gathered to eat the seeds, and began to pick up the mud that fell outside the shed. Spinach seeds on the ground and in the grass.

 If you don’t pick it up now, it will be even harder to pick it up after it rains.

Pick up what is in the mud; dig out what is shot into the weed stems; dig out what is stuck in the bark or cracks of stones...

After Chen Zheng came back from inspecting the rain-proof shelter on the high slope, he picked up the seeds with Xia Qing. Dajiang, who came from the patrol, also stayed behind to pick up seeds.

The three of them worked together and finally picked up everything they could before the next burst of rain and insects destroyed the seeds.

 The seeds scattered in the shed are too busy to pick up now, so they are covered first.

The sky gradually got brighter, and by eleven o'clock, the sun, which had been absent for what seemed like a century, finally returned, breaking through the clouds and shining down thousands of feet of light.

 The second heavy rain in the tenth year of the natural disaster finally ended after fifty hours. The exhausted lords collapsed on the ground, some were numb, some were crying, some were laughing, some were crying and laughing at the same time.

Xia Qing is the numb one, tired and painful.

 After Dajiang and the others confirmed that no plants had evolved aggressively, they wanted to help Xia Qing clean up the exploded spinach field. But these three people had already helped her a lot, so Xia Qing asked them to go back and rest.

Limping back to the cabin with the sheep boss, Xia Qing trembled and took off the protective masks of himself and the sheep boss, added food and water to the sheep boss, took out the nutrient solution and directly drank two painkillers and swallowed them. An hour after the alarm, I lay down and stopped moving.

The sheep boss finished eating the hay and lost the strength to chew the cud. He fell asleep with his head on Xia Qing's lap.

An hour later, Xia Qing was half-resurrected. She dragged her body achingly to open the vent of the rain shelter, letting the plants that had been suffocating for two whole days breathe fresh air.

It had just rained, and the content of the element chloride in the air was still higher than usual. However, Xia Qing had to open the vents because she did not have the equipment to add oxygen to the rain shelter. Keeping it closed for too long would be detrimental to the growth of the plants.

 Then, Xia Qing took a small book and counted the damage caused by the second rain. In this rain, Territory No. 3 lost 300 wheat plants, 240 mung beans, 220 cotton plants, 50 sweet potato cuttings, 40 yellow potato plants, 6 green sweet potatoes, 5 yellow pumpkin plants, and 2 yellow light plants. Eggplant, 2 yellow light cucumbers and 1 yellow light tomato.

Eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes evolved because the spinach explosion blew up the rainproof cloth, and these plants were bitten by evolved insects that ran into the rainproof shelter.

The reason why so many potatoes were lost was because the four aggressive carnivorous potato plants destroyed more than 20 normal potato seedlings.

Even though a quarter of the sweet potato cuttings were lost, it was within Xia Qing’s expectation. The losses of other crops were not serious. Xia Qing breathed a sigh of relief and dragged his tired body to pick up spinach seeds.

Fortunately, she had followed Zhang Sanjiao’s method and surrounded the spinach field with four layers of rainproof cloth, leaving only the upper space so that the spinach could receive sunlight and air and grow normally. Therefore, in this spinach seed explosion, all the seeds sprayed around were blocked by the rainproof cloth, and only the upper air was attacked by the spinach seeds, otherwise it would be even more unimaginable.

 It’s not difficult to pick it up.

Xia Qing took off the rainproof cloth covering the spinach terraces and breathed a sigh of relief after testing and found that all the spinach seedlings were still green.

 The spinach seedlings after the explosion have a green light, which means that all the spinach seeds have a green light. However, I don’t know whether the seeds will be affected after the spray comes into contact with the rain.

Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be the case, because the shell of spinach seeds is very hard, and if it is only in contact for a short time, the elements should not be able to penetrate into the hard shell and affect the germ of the seeds.

Green light seeds cost 20 points each, which is equivalent to the points she earned from working on the safe zone construction team for four days, so she must pick them up and not waste any of them.

There are spinach seeds in the soil in the spinach terraces. The soil is shoveled into bags and taken home, dried in the sun and then picked up. Any spinach seeds stuck on the rainproof cloth or shot into the brackets of the rainproof shelter are picked up one by one.

More than an hour later, Xia Qing put a large bag of soil on the back of the sheep boss and carried a large bag himself. Then, one person and one sheep limped back to their home covered with weeds.

Xia Qing first carried two bags of soil to the living room on the second floor of the small building, poured them out and dried them on the sunny balcony. The balcony on the second floor has glass windows, so outside birds or insects cannot escape and eat the seeds.

 The exhausted Xia Qing picked the last two strawberries, one for her and one for the sheep boss.

The strawberries were so delicious, Xia Qing felt like she had strength again.

She endured the pain and carefully checked the inside and outside of her home and the nearby warehouse. After confirming that no snakes, insects, rats or ants had damaged the walls and roof and climbed in, she ignored the chewed-up solar panels on the roof and began to Make a fire and cook.

 Today’s dinner is cornmeal, spinach porridge and compressed rations.

She eats the spinach leaves and young stems that have been sieved by spraying seeds. The old stems and roots are chopped, mixed with compressed rations, and used as concentrate for the sheep boss.

  After having eaten enough, one man and one sheep lay down to sleep.

 Apply medicine to a whiplash? No energy to go up.

bath? I don’t even have the energy to wash it.

When Xia Qing opened his eyes again, it was already six o'clock the next morning, and the sheep boss was no longer in the house.

 The seventh-level auditory evolver actually didn't hear when the sheep boss got up. This reminded Xia Qing: if someone or an evolved animal had attacked her last night, she would have died eight hundred times.

 Such a thing must not happen a second time.

Xia Qing sat up and put on her clothes, and found that the whip wounds on her body from the dancing potato seedlings were no longer so painful.

Dancing Potato Vine's whip-swinging power is not weaker than that of a Level 3 Power Evolved Person. It stands to reason that she would have to endure the pain for a week even if she took medicine for such a serious injury. How could it be possible that she could be relieved so much by taking only two painkillers? ?

 (End of this chapter)

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