In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 57: Mountain usage rights certificate

Go to the basement to get back the agreement and contract. After repeated deliberation, Xia Qing proposed three things that needed to be modified:

 First, the lease period of the mountain was changed from five years to two years. After the two-year lease expires, if both parties are still willing, they can negotiate to renew the lease; if the two parties cannot reach an agreement, the lease contract does not need to be renewed.

The second is the additional clause: During the period when the Qinglong Team rents the mountain as a training base, the materials harvested from the mountain belong to the Qinglong Team. But if what is harvested is green light food, Xia Qing has the right to know and the right to first purchase.

Third, the lease area is further clarified: the area leased to Qinglong Station is the other areas that belong to No. 49 Mountain as indicated on the certificate of use rights, except for 1.5 kilometers north of the No. 1, 3, and 4 territories. Xia Qing shall bear the responsibility and consequences of cleaning up dangerously evolved organisms in non-leased areas.

Xia Qing’s reason is to ensure that his territory is not subject to surveillance and sniper rifle threats from people in the mountains. In addition to being protected from surveillance and threats, Xia Qing also had two unspoken reasons: First, because this area may be a place where pollution-free spring water flows through, and there may be planting areas; second, she needs an evolutionary forest as a Your own training base.

 She needs to become stronger.

Twenty-five days later, when Xia Qing was nibbling on the freshly picked cucumbers, admiring the jujube buds and the fluffy green apples no bigger than the belly of a thumb, she received a message from Luo Pei: Shan had been bought, and Yang Jin wanted to I'll come over at eight o'clock to sign the contract with you, okay?

 You bought it so quickly? Xia Qing wanted to say that it was a sensitive moment when he just bought the mountain. Yang Jin, the shining golden Buddha, came to No. 3. Aren't you afraid of being discovered?

But turning around, Xia Qing remembered that they had dug a tunnel to transport supplies from Territory 1 to Territory 3, and then replied with a cucumber in his mouth: Okay, the cucumbers in my field are edible. I will give them to Brother Luo and Brother Luo at night. Team Yang took it over to try it.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Qing picked up the slingshot and smashed the head of an evolved locust that was flapping its wings and rushed towards the peanut seedlings in the terraced fields in the planting area. The bite ability of the evolved locust has also been strengthened. If you don't care, it will take a few minutes. He would break through the insect-proof net she had put up and get in.

After Xia Qing knocked down the locust, the sheep boss ran faster than a few birds grabbing for food, and trampled the locust's body with his hoof.

"Boss, good job!" Xia Qing jumped down the two-step field with a cucumber in her mouth and walked over. She stuffed the leftover cucumber head into the sheep boss's mouth as a reward, and picked up the headless evolved locust from under its hooves. Stuffed into the grass bag hanging around its neck, "This time I didn't crush the bugs into mud, there is a reward. The cucumber will be eaten by the boss, and the locusts will be fed to the fish."

The sheep boss squinted his eyes, cracked cucumbers amidst the chirping of birds, and slowly walked down the hillside to feed the fish in the fish pond.

Xia Qing picked up the steel **** he had just shot out, wiped them clean and stuffed them into the bullet bag. When you run out of steel balls, you have to exchange them with points, and you can't throw away any that you can pick up.

 It is very difficult and time-consuming to retrieve the steel **** that are hit at high speed, unless you are an advanced vision or smell evolver.

 The eyes of vision evolvers can capture fast-moving objects, and the noses of smell evolvers can capture various smells. Xia Qing is not only an advanced visual evolver, but also an auditory evolver who can capture sounds. So this matter is nothing to her.

 At the appointed time, Xia Qing carried five cucumbers and went to sign the first and second contracts in her life with high spirits.

  How does it feel to meet the two heads of the Qinglong Team at Huisan Base in the same room at the same time? Luo Pei can move freely, and Xia Qing is happy; Yang Jin has become more handsome, and Xia Qing can't help but want to stuff him with all the delicious food...

Xia Qing controlled her emotions and handed over the basket, "Team Yang, Brother Luo."

Yang Jin took the basket calmly, while Luo Pei's face turned red and he smiled.

 Don’t think blindly. Luo Pei blushed not because of shyness or excitement, but because the synthetic poison had not faded away. Xia Qing's face has always been dark red, so she always blushes when facing any situation or anyone.

Luo Pei looked at the juicy cucumbers in the basket and asked, "Why did you bring so many?"

"I have planted nineteen cucumbers. When the melon seedlings grow up, one melon can grow from each leaf. However, there are fewer green lights. Only these few can be eaten today." Xia Qing mentioned her vegetable garden. Call it a pride. Looking at Xia Qing, whose face was full of smiles because of the harvest from farming, Yang Jin also had a smile in his eyes and explained to Xia Qing why Xie Yu didn't come over, "Xie Yu has long wanted to come over and say thank you in person, but One of the three of us needs to be stationed in the safe area, so he still failed to come this time. This is a small gift he asked me to prepare for you. "

If Yang Jin and Luo Pei are the magic soldiers of the Qinglong Team, then Xie Yu is the brains of the Qinglong Team. Without any one of the three of them, the Qinglong Team would not be able to reach its current size. Although the spring water is very important, Xia Qing really never thought that she would need to ask the three heads of the Qinglong Team to come together to sign a contract with her.

Xia Qing took over a dozen kilograms of small gifts from the second master of the Qinglong Team with both hands, "Thank you, Captain, that's so kind."

Luo Pei saw Xia Qing took it, and then explained what was in the box, "There are two hundred rounds of ammunition in it. You can use it when practicing shooting."

 It’s so useful! This little gift was so thoughtful and valuable that Xia Qing couldn't even say anything when he asked Yang Jin to take two cucumbers back to Xie Yu as a thank you gift.

 Fortunately, she was well prepared for tonight.

Xia Qing took out a small bucket of mountain spring water and two bags of tea leaves from his backpack, "Captain Yang, please bring this bag of tea leaves and water back to Captain Xie for me. Brother Luo, can you make tea? This tea still tastes good." , I’ll make some for you and Captain Yang to try.”

"Of course. You and Yang Jin sit down and I'll make the tea." Luo Pei took over the task of making tea with a look of anticipation on his face. "I haven't had tea made with mountain spring water in a long time."

 After the spring water is boiled, the aroma of tea soon spreads. This was the scent of tea that Yang Jin had never smelled before. He asked Xia Qing, "Have you found tea trees in your territory?"

Xia Qing shook his head, "I exchanged this with another lord. The man said it was a rare and good tea. I don't know how to taste tea, but I think it smells good and tastes good."

It should have been given to her by Zhang San in exchange. No wonder the fragrance is so pure. Yang Jin saw that Xia Qing was living a good life, and his eyebrows softened, "What did you exchange for, the green light cucumber?"

This was an open exchange in the Lord's channel, and Xia Qing did not hide it, "Green light cucumbers, spinach leaves and leeks."

Yang Jin vaguely reminded Xia Qing, "Zhang San from No. 7 is a person who pays great attention to the taste of food. He is willing to exchange such good tea with you because he thinks your green vegetables are worth the price. Your vegetables are directly used Watered by spring water?"

Xia Qing shook his head, "It's during the seed soaking and seedling stages, but it changes to normal water after it grows up. Captain Yang, is there any risk if I exchange green light vegetables with other lords?"

The smile in Yang Jin's eyes became more obvious, "If the content of all kinds of green vegetables you grow is lower than that of other lords, there is a risk of exposure. However, you can safely trade with the Qinglong Team."

 What does it mean to be an iron rooster who knows how to negotiate? This is!

Xia Qing nodded expressionlessly, "I understand."

Luo Pei couldn't help but laugh, "Ajin, please take out the land use right certificate and the two contracts."

Dear book friends, tomorrow, November 1st, this book will be put on the shelves and will be added to V. Tomorrow, there will be tens of thousands of copies. I hope to see you all continue reading.

 The results are finally going to be released, and I am anxiously looking forward to it.

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