Chapter 56 Vermicompost

“Sister Qing!” Sun Zhe’s voice immediately regained its vitality and he shouted before lowering his voice, “Sister Qing, are you back too?!”

"No, I'm still in the territory." Xia Qing didn't ask why he used the word "ye", and continued, "Are you free now? I have something to tell you."

 “I’m free, of course I’m free.”

Xia Qing heard Sun Zhe leave the original place quickly, and the noisy background sound on the phone became quieter, "Sister Qing, tell me, no one can hear you here. You can make calls in the territory. Did you switch to a satellite phone? "

"Well, for the convenience of contact, I went on several missions with the team and exchanged my points for one. This is what I came to you for..." Xia Qing told Sun Zhe about the need for organic fertilizers for farming in the territory, " Qi Fu said that your dad knows how to make vermicomposts, so I’ll tell you. Of course, whether you do it or not depends on your own plans.”

Sun Zhe was so excited that he was breathing loudly and tapping the receiver of his mobile phone. Xia Qing heard it very clearly, "Sister Qing, does anyone really know how to buy vermicomposts?"

"There are only three lords I can contact, and they all have demand for organic fertilizer, including Qi Fu. I can't guarantee the others. At least I need to buy at least a thousand jins myself." Xia Qing only said that the real farmland nearby Of the three lords, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 7 were directly excluded by her.

Sun Zhe controlled his excitement and replied neatly, "Thank you, sister. I will go back and tell my dad right now. The planting center in our safe zone raises earthworms to make poop. My dad applied for the job, but he was not accepted because he was disabled. . Sister, do you think it’s better for us to get vermicompost in a safe area, or out in the territory?”

Xia Qing was surprised, "Hasn't all the land been collected? Our base has cleared out new territory?"

Sun Zhe then realized that Xia Qing was not well-informed in the territory, and quickly explained, "There is no new territory developed, it is still the two hundred yuan at the beginning of the year. However, some lords have died, and some have come back, and now thirty yuan is empty. No one dares to claim the land. My father wants to claim it, but my mother doesn’t agree.”

Xia Qing answered seriously, "If you raise too many earthworms, the smell will be strong, which will definitely attract carnivorous evolved animals. Therefore, raising them in a safe zone is less dangerous than raising them in a territory, but in contrast, raising more earthworms in a territory will produce more than in a safe area. It’s up to you to decide if it’s higher. If you go out to the territory, it’s best to choose one that’s closer to the safe zone. The closer it is, the safer it is.”

Sun Zhe and his family are ordinary people, and the risk of leaving the safe zone is very high, but raising earthworms to make **** may be the only way their family can survive at present. Sun Zhe thanked her sincerely, "I understand, thank you very much, sister. If you are short of people to work over there, just call me. I will be on call. Everyone misses you."

You have done me a great favor by getting the vermicompost out. Xia Qing told Sun Zhe, "I'm still busy right now, so don't tell anyone about my contact with you."

 Hang up the phone, Xia Qing took a deep breath of the grassy and earthy air, lay on the grass and looked at the blue sky.

The familiar and noisy background sound on the other end of the phone instantly pulled Xia Qing back into the crowded and suffocating safe zone. It didn’t matter what others thought of Xia Qing, she would never give up her territory and go back.


 “Dong dong dong!”

Xia Qing heard the anxious cry and running sound of the sheep boss, turned around and saw it running towards him, and quickly jumped up to prove that he was fine, "Boss, don't panic, I'm not poisoned or injured, I'm fine, just lie down and rest for a while" Son. Look, I’m up and I can still dance.”

The sheep boss was angry when he found out that Xia Qing was fine. He took a few steps back, showed his spiral horns, and yelled with a smoky voice, "Moo!"

Xia Qing sighed, "Boss, you've been riding a waterwheel for so long, aren't you tired?"

The sheep boss rushed up regardless, Xia Qing turned around and ran, "Come on, let's go to the open space, I will accompany you until we have enough." One person and one sheep ran to the open space where nothing was planted. Xia Qing didn't need to be clever. It's a head-to-head competition with the sheep boss. Then, of course, he was overthrown by the sheep boss.

An hour later, Xia Qing collapsed on the ground, panting and asked, "Boss, I suspect that you are an evolved sheep with both strength and endurance."

 Endurance evolution is an evolution in which the endurance ability is several times higher than that of ordinary people (sheep). For example, an ordinary person will be tired after running at full strength for five minutes, a person with a level 2 endurance evolution will be tired in ten minutes, and a person with a level 5 endurance evolution will be tired in 35 minutes. If a person with strong physical fitness is coupled with the blessing of endurance evolution, it will be difficult to deal with him. Xue Jinchang, the core member of the Dongyang team, is a level 5 endurance evolver, and his strength is truly powerful.

 The sheep boss also has very strong endurance.

 After teaching Xia Qing a lesson, the sheep boss got hungry, so he shook off the dirt on his body and went to eat grass. Xia Qing also patted the soil and stood up, following behind the sheep boss, "Boss, how did you live as a sheep in the evolutionary forest before?"

The longer they get along, the more Xia Qing discovers that the sheep boss is afraid of being alone, so it must have had companions before meeting him. "Whether your companions are still there, bring them back to the territory. We have water, grass and safety here." "You can't just enjoy yourself and forget about your brothers."

Xia Qing drooled at the thought of owning a flock of sheep. No, she had to quickly prepare the cumin used to welcome the sheep.

 In Territory No. 3, in addition to the evolved perilla on the high **** and a grassland with green and yellow lights beside the spring, there are also three grasses with mixed yellow and green lights. Xia Qing tasted each type of grass and found that the taste was very bad, so these three pieces of grass became the exclusive pasture of the sheep boss.

But not anymore, because Xia Qing raises fish. She will cut the grass, boil it, chop it, and feed it to the fish. Whether the fish likes to eat or not is completely out of her consideration. If you like to eat, just eat. If you don't like to eat, then you will be hungry. If you are hungry for a long time, you will eat.

Five days later, Xia Qing's cucumbers bloomed for the first time, and they could no longer spray camphor tree sap to drive away insects. Xia Qing set up a fine and strong insect-proof net for the vegetable garden in the planting zone on the hillside. The protective net can keep out some evolved pests with poor biting ability, such as cabbage caterpillars, cabbage borers, diamondback moths, aphids, and spotted leafminers.

 After cutting off the breeding channels of pests in plant plants and shallow soil in this way, there is no need to spray crops frequently. Instead, you only need to regularly spray pesticides on insect-proof nets to drive away rodent-evolved insects.

To cover the insect-proof net, you need to build a greenhouse first, and then flip the insect-proof net over the bracket and tighten it. Xia Qing has never seen this kind of planting technique in the safe zone. If Qi Fu hadn't taken the initiative to say it, she would never have thought of it.

As for why such useful things are not used in the planting centers in the safe zone, Xia Qing thinks it is because there are fewer pests in the safe zone. There are twice as many pests in her territory as there are in the planting center.

After covering the vegetables with a protective net, Xia Qing only needs to patrol regularly every day to kill rodent insects that are close to the protective net and prevent them from having the opportunity to bite through the protective net. Fortunately, most rodents are active during the day. Xia Qing is not the only one responsible for patrolling and cleaning up insects. The birds in her territory also like to squat on the big trees and rocks next to the vegetable insect-proof net, waiting to catch insects. .

 Because they are attracted by vegetables, the density of various insects outside the insect-proof net is higher than elsewhere.

Since setting up the insect-proof net, Xia Qing has found that there are more birds in her territory. In addition to the original four black and white evolved giant magpies and a few crows, there are also a group of sparrows, a few extremely beautiful long-tailed red-billed blue magpies, and several species of various colors and calls that Xia Qing cannot name. Nice little bird to listen to. After having them, Xia Qing truly realized what it is like to sing the songs of birds and smell the fragrance of flowers.

 It is a pity that except for the four black and white evolved giant magpies, no other birds have built nests in territory three, otherwise Xia Qing would have eaten the eggs.

While Xia Qing was wandering around the hillside exterminating pests, Luo Pei sent her a message saying that the mountain's sales agreement and rental contract had been drawn up, and asked Xia Qing to go over and see if there were any changes that needed to be made.

Xia Qing has been thinking about buying a mountain, renting a mountain, and hiring people to guard the mountain these days, and now she has figured it out. She also felt that holding Mountain No. 49 in her own hands would be more beneficial to her than holding it in the hands of the Azure Dragon Team.

 (End of this chapter)

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