In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 58: Mountains are actually quite worthless.

 Finally we have reached the critical stage!

Xia Qing secretly rubbed her palms on her legs hidden under the table, and then solemnly took the certificate of use rights and the two contracts of Mountain No. 49 with both hands.

 The certificate's material, size and seal are exactly the same as her lordship certificate, so it is authentic at first glance. The precise longitude, latitude and area are marked on the certificates. The difference is that her land use rights for Territory No. 3 and the high **** use rights certificates have no expiration date. The use rights for Mountain No. 49 are for one hundred years; the area of ​​her territory is Seven thousand five hundred acres, the surface area of ​​Mountain No. 49 is 180,000 acres; the name on the two certificates of land use rights is hers, and Mountain No. 49 belongs to the Qinglong Team.

 According to the precise longitude and latitude, Mount No. 49 is twelve kilometers long from east to west, ten kilometers wide from north to south, and has a plane area of ​​120 square kilometers, or 180,000 acres. The main peak of Mountain No. 49 is nearly two thousand meters high, and the surface area of ​​the mountain is many times greater than the flat area.

 She will soon be the master of this mountain for a hundred years. Before she is one hundred and twenty-five years old, the mountain will belong to her?

Although she was holding the certificate, Xia Qing still couldn't feel any sense of reality. She handed the right of use certificate back to Yang Jin and asked, "Team Yang, it took a lot of effort for you to buy this mountain, how many points did it cost? "

Yang Jin smiled, "We exchanged materials for transactions, which converted into points are 1.1 million."

 How much? ! !

Xia Qing's eyes widened instantly.

Yang Jin raised his hand to add tea to Xia Qing across the small table. After the slow sound of running water called back the cute little girl opposite, who was shaken out of her wits, Yang Jin continued speaking unhurriedly, "Three hundred thousand of these points are The fact that the base is difficult for the Qinglong team has nothing to do with you, so the actual price of Hill 49 is 800,000."

 Eight hundred not a lot...

At this moment, Xia Qing finally had an extremely heavy sense of reality about the fact that she was about to own a mountain: She was about to be well-off, but she was about to be in debt of 800,000.

Yang Jin understood her expression and helped her analyze, "Eight hundred thousand points per hundred years, which is eight thousand points a year, is already very cheap."

 Is it cheap? Xia Qing, who used to only earn five points a day in the construction team, nodded numbly, "Thank you, Captain Yang, for reminding me. Shall we sign the contract now?"

Yang Jin smiled and said, "Brother Luo, please use your mobile phone to record the video."

Xia Qing also requested that the signing of the contract be videotaped.

 Because she was the weaker party in this transaction, she must have video evidence that in addition to the contract, the Azure Dragon Team sold the mountain to her. Otherwise, if the Qinglong team turns around and refuses to admit it later, even if she holds up the sales contract to sue, everyone in the base will think that the contract was forged by her.

With video evidence, it will be different. As long as she releases the video, the three leaders of the Blue Dragon Team will be ruined.

In the video recording, Xia Qing signed two copies of the sales contract and sublease contract, then exchanged contracts with Yang Jin, signed them respectively, and then held the contract and showed it to the mobile phone camera.

Her side signed and had her fingerprints pressed, while the Qinglong team's side signed and had their official seals signed by Yang Jin, Xie Yu and Luo Pei. After the contract was signed, Luo Pei recorded the video into a USB flash drive and handed it to Xia Qing.

After the contract was signed, Xia Qing began to discuss business with Yang Jin in order to earn points, "Can Team Yang price the edible food purchased from my territory according to the market price in the safe zone?"

Yang Jin agreed, "Okay."

 “If you need spring water, how do you price it?” Spring water is very popular, and there is no public transaction price on the market. Xia Qing knew that Yang Jin had exchanged two boxes of pollution-free spring water from Huo Fenghuang at Huiyi Base in order to treat Luo Pei.

 Since it can be traded, there is a price that can be used as a reference. “You can refer to the public sale price of spring water from Huiyi Base Fire Team, what do you think?”

Yang Jin's answer was indeed consistent with Xia Qing's expectation. She nodded and continued to ask, "Team Yang, is the quality of my spring water better or that of Team Agni?"

Yang Jin replied directly, "Yours."

 The quality of spring water is mainly determined by two factors: one is the content of phosphorus and radioactive elements in the spring water, and the second is the content of iodine and other elements beneficial to the human body. The lower the former and the higher the latter, the better the spring water is at cultivating plants and treating poisonous substances.

Xia Qing offered a price that he could accept, "The quality of my spring water is good, so it should be higher than the price of the spring water of Liehuo. But I don't have the strength of Team Agni, and I need the assistance of Team Qinglong to keep the secret of the spring water. Therefore, the price of my spring water It’s 20% lower than the one from the Fire Team, and it’s only traded to the Azure Dragon Team at this stage, is that okay?”

Seeing Yang Jin staring at her with his beautiful seductive eyes, Xia Qing tightened her face and resolutely resisted the temptation, "This is the price, it can't be lower!"

No matter how low it is, it will take her years and months to pay off the 800,000 points she owes the Azure Dragon Team.

 Beauty is indeed tempting, but beauty cannot bring her a point or a grain of food. Between beauty and points, Xia Qing certainly chose the latter without hesitation.

Yang Jin, who planned to trade with Xia Qing at Team Agni's price, smiled happily, "The current price of Team Agni's spring water is 180 points per liter, your price is 144?"

"Okay." Xia Qing lowered his eyelids, and with his head that was a little dizzy from the beauty, he couldn't figure out how much 800,000 divided by 144 was.

Yang Jin helped her clarify her doubts, "If all 800,000 yuan is calculated in spring water, the current price is 5,555 liters of spring water."

 Five thousand five hundred and fifty-five liters? Xia Qing quickly calculated in her head.

Fifty-five hundred and fifty-five liters, which is the amount of water produced by her spring for about 28 days, one-third of the amount of water that saves Luopei Spring, and is the amount of water produced by a mountain...

 So, the poison on Luo Pei needs three No. 49 Mountains to detoxify him!

 So, the three guns, 900 rounds of ammunition, eight green lantern seedlings and ten security guards that Yang Jin traded to her last time were worth three mountains!

With such a comparison, Xia Qing suddenly felt that the mountain was actually quite worthless. Eight hundred thousand...was not considered a huge debt...

 Her waist straightened again, her shoulders relaxed, and her face showed a relaxed expression.

The smile in Yang Jin's eyes grew thicker and thicker, and he continued to discuss the deal, "After Brother Luo leaves Territory No. 3, can Team Qinglong exchange 300 liters of spring water with you on the first of every month? If someone else in the team is killed and synthesized Poison, let’s talk about water consumption then.”

Xia Qing's spring can produce three hundred liters of water a day, and Yang Jin exchanges it for three hundred liters a month. This amount is completely acceptable to Xia Qing, "Okay. If it is detoxified, the maximum water consumption cannot exceed Brother Luo's this time."

 Not everyone is worthy of being dealt such a heavy hand by his opponent at any cost. Yang Jin nodded, "Of course, it will not exceed Brother Luo's water consumption. If the vegetables, grains, vegetable seeds and grain seeds grown in your territory are exchanged, I hope you can include the Qinglong Team as a tradable object. "

"Okay." Xia Qing agreed. At present, she wanted to keep her vest tight, and trading with the Qinglong Team was the best choice.

It’s now on the shelves. Sister Qing, who owes 800,000 yuan in debt, needs to pay back the debt. She needs everyone to subscribe and donate money to support it.

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