In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 386: Miss Xia, do you want to buy a copy?

 After sending Daya away, Xia Qing, the sheep boss and Sick Wolf stood by the chicken pen and looked at the 22 chickens inside. Although 11 of these chickens were fostered by Zhang San, Xia Qing was still extremely happy.

“Boss, we have green light fertilizer. Let’s sprinkle some on your pasture next year to make the pasture grow more vigorously.”

The sheep boss squinted his eyes and stared at the many chickens in the chicken pen. He seemed to be checking something, with a serious look on his face.

"Second brother, we have 19 hens. I'll boil an egg for you tonight." Ten chickens at their peak laying period can produce at least six or seven eggs a day. Those nine old hens will occasionally lay eggs. One or two... This much is not only enough for Xia Qing and the sick wolf, but also the sister of the broken-leg wolf who is recovering in the wolf cave can also eat one or two occasionally if she behaves well.

Xia Qing happily stared at the very conspicuous white-feathered hen, "I will eat the eggs laid by Xiaobai. I am the main fighting force of our territory and need to maintain peak condition at all times."

 The sick wolf grinned and laughed.

 The more chickens you have, the more grain and vegetables you need to consume.

Xia Qing just exchanged 400 kilograms of green light rice with Yang Jin. This fall, she also harvested 200 kilograms of mung beans and 750 kilograms of corn. In order to encircle the wall, she asked Kuang Qingwei to help her sell a bag of corn, and now she has more than 600 kilograms left. This food is enough for Xia Qing, Sheep Boss, Sick Wolf Lao Er and Green Lantern Chicken.

Now that the weather is getting colder, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, and pumpkins have stopped bearing fruit, so it’s time to pull out the seedlings. Currently, among the vegetables still growing in greenhouses, only Chinese cabbage and sweet potato have a relatively large number of leaves. Other varieties only have a few or a dozen plants and need to be planted.

In July, Xia Qing planted a total of 250 cabbage seeds, of which 100 green cabbage seeds were exchanged with Zhang San, and 150 yellow cabbage seeds were exchanged with the Ministry of Territorial Management. All green cabbage seeds are planted in terraced fields, while half of yellow cabbage seeds are planted in terraced fields and half in vegetable greenhouses.

The yellow cabbage seeds that Xia Qing exchanged are only stable for two generations. The third rain this year was very severe. Only 10 yellow cabbage plants planted in the vegetable greenhouses on the cultivated land have survived and successfully wrapped their cores. The terraces are maintained with pollution-free spring water, and the situation is slightly better. There are still 35 green cabbage plants and 40 yellow cabbage plants left.

The tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and pumpkins in the vegetable storage room are all Xia Qing's own food, and she is reluctant to feed them to the chickens.

 So, greenhouses for growing vegetables and raising chickens should be built as soon as possible.

 After eating and feeding the chickens, Xia Qing picked cotton while thinking that she had finished sowing wheat and rapeseed and it was time to put the construction of a greenhouse on the agenda.

 The bolls on the cotton plant, those on the bottom fruit branches first crack and mature, and then gradually move upward. Now, the cotton bolls on the top fruit branches are beginning to ripen and crack, revealing soft, pale yellow cotton.

Xia Qing has already plowed wheat and rapeseed, so she is not in a hurry to plow the cotton field. She plans to wait until the cotton bolls mature, then pull out the cotton plants, dry them and take them home to use as firewood.

After picking the cotton in the shed, Xia Qing went to pick the black cotton from the deserted village. There was no other farm work this afternoon.

Xia Qing asked the sheep to carry the cotton home. She walked around the territory with a shovel, looking for soil suitable for building the greenhouse walls.

 The lords are at about the same pace, and they are all considering building a greenhouse.

Zhao’s mother asked, “Where do you plan to build the greenhouse? Is it better to build it next to the buffer forest? It’s windy in winter, and the buffer forest can block the wind.”

 Zhu Li from Territory No. 6 replied, "Lao Kuang is leading people to build the thorn wall. We also plan to build it on the south side of the river, as close to the hillside as possible."

Shi's mother responded, "We don't have a hillside in our territory, so we plan to make the earthen wall of the greenhouse thicker. Is Xiao Qi here? How thick do you plan to build the earthen wall?" Qi Fu is probably also busy. The person on the line is Yuan Yan. "Yesterday the broadcast said that 80 centimeters is enough. There is no wall protection around our territory. The wind in winter will definitely be stronger than in the safe area, and the temperature will be a few degrees lower. So we plan to build a one meter thick wall, and the northern gable wall will be 3.5 meters high. "

"Then we will build a 1.1-meter-thick wall. We will work harder now and worry less in the winter." After Shi Mu settled down, she asked Xia Qing, "Qing, what about you?"

Xia Qing replied, "I will build it according to the dimensions given by Sister-in-law Qi."

“Xia Qingna has the best location, with mountains to the northwest and northeast winds blowing in winter.” After Zhu Li was envious, she added, “When you build the greenhouse wall, should you use pure soil or bricks and soil?”

 This is a professional question. Yuan Yan answered, "We want to use bricks on the outside and soil on the inside. This will prevent rain and the greenhouse can be used for two more years."

Zhao’s mother asked, “Wouldn’t the method mentioned on yesterday’s broadcast of covering the earthen walls with greenhouse plastic film or rainproof cloth work?”

Yuan Yan was not sure, "I guess it will work. I just want to use the broken bricks dug out from the ruins to leave plastic film and rainproof cloth."

Shi's mother replied, "You're right, it's good to save money. I have two pieces of rainproof cloth that were damaged by potato seedlings and sunflower seeds. They can be used just right."

“That’s good. The rainproof cloth is definitely warmer than the brick wall.” Yuan Yan replied.

Planting expert Li Si went online, "Plastic films and tarpaulins are not breathable, and the earthen walls covered with them need to be disinfected regularly, otherwise a large number of bacteria and harmful insects will breed."

 Hearing that Li Si was online, everyone was stunned for a few seconds.

 Evolutionary bacteria, although invisible to small eyes, are creatures more terrifying than large evolutionary beasts and are difficult to guard against. Mother Zhao hurriedly asked, "Fourth Sister, look at the conditions here, how often should we disinfect them?"

Li Si answered very rigorously, "There is no fixed value. It must be comprehensively considered based on the environmental conditions and test results in the greenhouse."

 This is a very Li Si-style answer. Zhao’s mother couldn’t understand it, so she simply built a brick wall instead.

Xia Qing began to count silently: 1, 2, 3…

Xiao Liu, the assistant of Territory No. 9, immediately went online, "Dear lords, growing vegetables and food in a greenhouse is very different from open-air planting technology. Our territory has a "Greenhouse Plant Cultivation Guide" with exclusive patented technology. As long as you follow the instructions in the guide If you ask for planting, you can definitely increase your yield. Each guide only costs 600 points.”

coming! Xia Qing snapped his fingers and continued digging the hole with the shovel, looking for clay.

Seeing that the others were silent, Zhu Li began to cry, "Assistant Liu, it's not that we don't want to buy. Although we have just harvested grain, we still need to buy compost powder, encircle thorn walls, and build a greenhouse. The points are really not enough."

Assistant Xiao Liu responded politely, "Ms. Zhu, I will report the situation you mentioned to the lord. If the price drops, I will notify you online. Miss Xia, do you want to buy a copy?"

Xia Qing frowned. She was so poor that she could only sell grain. Didn’t Territory No. 9 hear about it? Assistant Liu specifically asked her what she meant?

Xia Qing stood in a pit more than one meter deep and replied coldly, "Assistant Liu, I have to sell food to get the points for the wall. Now I don't even have the points to buy compost powder, let alone buy it from your territory. Guide." (End of chapter)

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