Even if he could afford it, Xia Qing wouldn't buy it. Because the mung bean cultivation guide in her hand was bought from Territory No. 9. Although it was somewhat useful, the cultivation conditions required by it were very harsh, so it was not very helpful in increasing production.

 So at the Lords Alliance meeting, everyone has decided that they will no longer buy the "Guide" for Territory No. 9 unless the price is lower than 100 points.

 The lords of the Lords Alliance do not buy it, but the lords who are not short of points will still get one.

Tang Zhengbo was online. Xia Qing heard his voice with more strength than the previous few days, "Assistant Liu, buy a copy of Territory No. 12."

Hu Hufeng also came online, "Assistant Liu, buy a copy of Territory No. 1."

Assistant Xiao Liu was very happy and said, "Okay, I will send someone to the road sign in twenty minutes. Please check it with the lords."

 Zhou Zhaoping, the assistant of Territory No. 8, also came online, "Assistant Liu, buy a copy of Territory No. 8."

Assistant Xiao Liu responded immediately, "Okay, I will deliver it to you under the street sign in twenty minutes. Assistant Zhou, can the compost bacterial powder in your territory be delivered on time?"

 Zhou Zhaoping responded calmly, “Four days later, that is, at 10 a.m. on November 15, the delivery truck started delivering goods.”

Xia Qing stopped. Territory No. 8 actually has a special delivery vehicle. I don’t know whether it is fuel or electric.

 “Ah, ah—”

Territory No. 2 suddenly heard a beast-like roar from a human out of control. Xia Qing immediately stood up. The second sick wolf who was digging a hole with his claws and the old sheep who was lying down and chewing cud also stood up and looked to the south together. .

“Territory No. 2, what happened?” Tan Junjie asked on the intercom.

Tang Huai replied angrily, "Someone in the territory has lost control of his emotions and is injecting soothing medicine."

 The soothing effect came quickly, and after two minutes, the roaring stopped.

Tan Junjie continued to ask, "Is anyone injured in Territory No. 2?"

“Only one person lost control and no one was injured.”

 “Received, report any situation in a timely manner.”

Hushi Feng opened the door and said, "Territory No. 2, don't show off. If it doesn't work, let the refugees leave as soon as possible and leave a way for others to survive."

It has been more than ten days since the refugees entered the territory. During this short period of time, there has been no rain, and the atmospheric humidity has not increased significantly. There are actually refugees who are going crazy out of control. This can only show that the refugees in the second territory have been in an extremely tight state, causing their bodies to The resistance decreases and the poisonous elements in the body soar.

Tang Huai actually did not quarrel with Hu Feng, "You are right. If we can't raise enough food, I will apply to reduce the number of refugees employed in Territory No. 2."

Tang Huai stopped quarreling and swearing. Everyone was not used to it, and Huo Feng was even more not used to it. They didn't know how to continue talking.

Xia Qing frowned slightly as she listened to the intermittent noisy and crying sounds in Territory No. 2.

The Sufeng team asked Tang Huai to recruit more than a hundred refugees but did not provide food. What bad idea was they holding back? Could it be that he wanted Tang Zhengbo to provide food to feed the refugees?

Tang Huai asked in the lord channel, "Captain Tan, can I take the evolved refugee refugees in the territory to form a team and go to the evolutionary forest to find food?" Tan Junjie solemnly warned, "You have to explain to the refugees in the territory that once they walk out, Territory No. 2 will no longer be protected by the Lords Law. Before you leave the territory, the inspection team needs to confirm in person that the refugees are voluntary and not forced. "

Tang Huai responded, "Understood."

 The refugees in Territory No. 2 are leaving the territory.

Xia Qing immediately called Qi Fu and asked him to inform everyone that an emergency meeting of the lords would be held in Territory No. 5 at 6 p.m.

In the past two days, the construction trucks hired by the Territory Alliance were excavating thornwood from Mountain No. 50 and transporting it to the territory one by one. The southern walls of No. 4, 5, and 6 and the western wall of Territory No. 10 have been built. Coupled with the serious and responsible patrolling of the platoon, the uneasiness of the lords due to the arrival of refugees has decreased a lot.

Zhao Ze was worried about letting his mother cross the northern isolation zone alone. He waited until Xia Qing came over before letting his mother go with Xia Qing.

In the eyes of the Zhao family's mother and son, Xia Qing is a very, very powerful person, so seeing Xia Qing not panicking at all made Zhao's mother feel at ease. The two chatted about farming and building greenhouses, and walked towards Territory No. 5 together.

After the meeting started, the convener Xia Qing spoke first, "We have called everyone here today. First, we will see how long it will take to get the thornwood. Second, we will discuss how to deal with the refugee crisis. Third, we need to talk to you about the matter of taking soil from outside the territory to build the greenhouse. Let’s discuss it.”

 After saying that, Xia Qing looked at Shi Zhong and said, "Uncle Shi, how many more days do we need to pull the thornwood?"

 Different from Territory No. 4, Territory 5, and Territory 6, which only need to be surrounded by two walls in the north and south, Territory No. 10, which is surrounded by four walls, requires a large amount of wood.

So most of the wood recently pulled out from the thornwood forest on No. 50 Mountain was sent to Territory No. 10. The people who were watching at the No. 50 Mountain Evolutionary Forest have been spending time in the past two days.

Shi Zhong replied, "If we don't add more vehicles, it will take five days to dig out the thornwood forest on Mountain No. 50 with just the few vehicles we have now. This afternoon, people from Territory No. 17 went to Mountain No. 50 to look for wood. I've also taken a liking to that forest, and I think I'll start working on it tomorrow. Xiaodu said those people are vicious and look very difficult to deal with."

They are not the only ones who can think of building fences with thornwood. The evolutionary forest is an ownerless area and anyone can cut it down.

Qi Fu asked the well-informed Kuang Qingwei, "Who is the lord of Territory No. 17?"

Kuang Qingwei really knew, "The first lord of No. 17 died in the second rainstorm. The current lord is called Wen Nengjie. He is an ordinary person. I have dealt with him when I opened a shop in the safe zone."

"Before the natural disaster, Wen Nengjie was raising pigs and running a slaughterhouse. After the natural disaster, he took the people in the factory and fled into the safe zone. He contracted the work of collecting and burning corpses in the western district of the outer city. Anyone who tried to steal business from him was jailed. He was killed. Therefore, people in Xicheng District call him Dead Man, who is definitely a ruthless person. But as long as there is no conflict with him, he is still reasonable and often buys things from my store. "

Before Xia Qing could speak, Qi Fu's phone rang. He took out his phone and saw that it was Tan Junjie. He immediately answered the call, "Team Tan?"

Tan Junjie asked, "Qi Fu, is Lord No. 10 in your territory?"

Qi Fu nodded immediately, "Yes, Brother Shi is here with me, are you looking for him?"

Tan Junjie was silent for two seconds and asked, "Are you discussing the thorn wall? I'll ask the agent from Territory No. 15 to come over. Is it convenient for you?"

Qi Fu signaled everyone to be quiet, then clicked on the external playback function of his mobile phone, and then asked, "Team Tan, do you want people from Territory No. 15 to come over to discuss the thorn wall?"

"Yes." Tan Junjie explained, "The lord of Territory No. 15 is my daughter Tan Qi. The territory is currently represented by my retired comrade Yue Haiying." (End of this chapter)

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