After chatting with Yang Jin, Xia Qing learned that her idol attributed the good quality of animals and plants of No. 3 to the quality of the soil.

In this case, she could present the last green light plant, "I also have dried Chinese toon buds. There is a green Chinese toon tree in the territory. The element content is 2.4‰ and the element content is 1. It is delicious after being boiled with water and scrambled eggs. Yes, I’ll send you the eggs as well?”

 Zhang San was still weak, "I can't stand the smell of toon buds, are there any green light chestnuts?"


 As expected of an idol, he is really picky.

Green Lantern chestnuts have low activity and cannot be used to propagate chestnut seedlings. In Xia Qing, their only value is food. But in the hands of idols, it is definitely not the only one.

Because Xia Qing harvested a total of 332 kilograms of green chestnuts this year, and the idol exchange took away 292 kilograms two months ago, it is impossible to eat them all so quickly.

No matter what the idol did with the green light chestnuts, once he opened his mouth, Xia Qing immediately reported the actual number, "I still have 24 kilograms, can I send them all to you?"

 Zhang San's voice sounded very kind, "No need. Just give me ten pounds. If you catch another chicken, I'll ask Ji Li to get it."

 The idol wants to eat chestnut chicken. Chestnuts are fine, but chicken is a bit difficult.

Xia Qing discussed with Zhang San, "Third brother, there are only two roosters left in my territory. If there is one less, I am afraid that the eggs will not be fertilized enough to hatch. Can I use my green light rooster in exchange for one in your territory?" ?”

 Zhang San asked, “Don’t you have ten hens?”

“There are not ten of them. Four died during the ultrasonic flight to drive away the birds, and there are still six left. They are all in the peak egg-laying period now, and we can pick up three or four eggs every day.” Therefore, we cannot kill and eat the roosters. We can only eat roosters.

Xia Qing asked, "Third brother, how do you raise chickens in winter? I want to build a greenhouse to raise chickens so that they can lay eggs in winter."

 With delicious food, Zhang San is very easy to talk to, "I don't pay attention to raising chickens. Let Daya go over and talk to you."

  When Daya appeared outside the north gate of Territory No. 3 carrying a large cage containing fifteen chickens, Xia Qing was directly stunned by the generosity of the third brother.

 She guessed that Daya would bring chickens, but she didn't expect there would be so many. Is the third brother going to replace all her chickens?

Daya handed the heavy chicken cage to Xia Qing, looked at the newly built fence and iron gate in Territory 3, and said, "Your iron mesh wall is high and dense enough, so chickens can be raised freely. This gate is also wide enough. You don’t have to take the chicken out of the cage, just lift it in.”

Xia Qing, who was holding the chicken cage, opened the north gate with his face, invited Daya to enter the territory No. 3, and asked curiously, "Brother Ya, how many chickens do you raise in the territory?"

Daya responded cheerfully, "More than a hundred. We have a lot of people in our territory, and if there are less, there won't be enough food. Nine of the hens in the cage were hatched last year and the year before last. Now they can lay an egg in two or three days, and the eggs they lay can be returned home." You, third brother, only eat meat; the two roosters were hatched this spring and are used in exchange for your roosters. When third brother wants to eat chickens, I will come and catch them."

“There are also three pullets that were hatched this spring. The third brother uses these three chickens as payment for you to help him raise chickens.”

"Look at the pure white hen in the cage. It is an advanced evolved green lantern chicken hatched this spring. Its bones have been strengthened, and its beak and claws are very powerful. The third brother said that he would exchange this chicken for 10 kilograms of chestnuts. , do you think it’s okay?”

 Four pullets at their peak egg-laying period, and one of them is an advanced evolutionary green light chicken? ! Highly evolved animal meat has a better effect on promoting body evolution than green light plants.

A newly hatched green light hen is worth two thousand points, so the price of this advanced evolved green light chicken that is laying eggs is definitely more than four thousand, which is more than enough to exchange for her ten kilograms of chestnuts.

"Of course." Xia Qing smiled brightly, "Brother Ya, it won't be easy to raise this chicken, right?"

"It's really not easy. It was hatched in an experimental shed that was isolated from the elements, and then released after being raised." Daya also felt that his third brother was too generous this time, "Seriously. Third brother asked me to catch him When I saw this chicken, I thought my ears had evolved the ability to hear voices.”

Although the idol didn't say it clearly, Xia Qing knew exactly why he did this. He asked Daya to send fifteen chickens, including an advanced evolved hen, as a reward for Xia Qing's willingness to promote high-quality spinach seeds.

 But the third brother didn’t say anything, and Xia Qing didn’t mention it either. The right is an ordinary transaction.

When they arrived at the chicken pen, Xia Qing pointed to the black-feathered rooster inside to discuss with Daya, "Brother Ya, look at this black rooster. Its level of evolution is higher than that of ordinary chickens. Can I give you a rooster?" Hen, keep this rooster?"

Daya stared at the black-feathered rooster with interest, "When these green light chicks were hatched in the spring, we tested them one by one. We thought there were only three evolved chickens in this batch, but we didn't expect that one was missing. How is its combat effectiveness?" "

The black-feathered rooster in the chicken pen didn't know that its life was hanging by a thread. It blew its feathers and howled sharply at the chicken cage that Xia Qing brought back, or more precisely at the two roosters in the cage.

Xia Qing replied, "It's the most powerful rooster here. The red-light black-maned goose I originally raised couldn't beat it. Shall we put these two roosters in and try?"

The two roosters brought by Daya have brightly colored feathers and are bigger than the ones raised by Xia Qing.

After being put into the chicken pen, the two roosters quickly got in touch with Xia Qing's two. The chicken feathers were flying in the chicken coop and they were squealing constantly.

The sheep boss heard the sound and walked out of the yard, staring at Daya with squinted eyes.

Daya was so scared to see it. Xia Qing rubbed the head of the sheep boss and whispered softly, "Boss, look, we have fifteen more chickens. These are all sent by Brother Ya." . These chickens lay eggs that can be used to cook many kinds of food.”

The sheep boss who doesn't eat eggs stopped looking at the short, weak human and turned his big head to stare at the roosters fighting in the chicken pen.

Soon, the black-feathered rooster quickly defeated the two new roosters that entered the chicken pen. He flapped his wings and raised his head, proudly declaring his victory.

Daya understood clearly, "Although the combat power of this black chicken has not reached the level of advanced evolution, it is indeed higher than that of ordinary chickens. You keep this one, and I will catch the other one first. Your hens are all laying eggs." , I won’t catch him, because you owe Third Brother a rooster.”

“Thank you Brother Ya. After the chicks are hatched next year, I will return two roosters to Third Brother.” Xia Qing was very happy to be able to keep the black-feathered rooster.

 She grabbed a handful of shriveled corn kernels and sprinkled them into the chicken trough. Then, while the chickens were pecking, she caught a rooster she had raised for half a year and handed it to Daya.

 Then, Xia Qing put the thirteen hens in the cage into the chicken pen.

As soon as the highly evolved white-feathered hen came out of the coop, she pounced and quickly pecked at the corn kernels on the ground. She was indeed much faster than the black-feathered rooster. (End of chapter)

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