Chapter 341 Harvest

After sending Chang Li and Hu Hufeng away from Territory No. 3, Xia Qing returned home and gently carried the alpha wolf lying on the table in the living room back to the sheep shed, placed it on a dry and comfortable straw mat, and combed its fur. , let it lie down comfortably.

 A hero who is injured should be treated like this.

After the alpha wolf closed his eyes and rested, Xia Qing took a closer look at the new wolf with a broken leg next to him.

 The more she looked at it, the more she felt like she was going back in time.

Because this wolf, regardless of its appearance, injuries, or wild and fierce eyes, is very similar to the wolf with a broken leg when it first came to her territory for treatment three months ago.

However, the Broken Leg Wolf is a male wolf and this is a female wolf, so this wolf is smaller than the Broken Leg Wolf.

 No matter how fierce the wolf's eyes are, it can't scare Xia Qing, because she is no longer the same person she was three months ago.

Xia Qing asked cheerfully, "Is the wolf that carried you here your brother or your father?"

The female wolf with an injured hind leg stared at Xia Qing with fierce and alert eyes. The anesthesia hadn't worn off yet, and she couldn't roar, slap her paws, or bar her teeth.

"I guess that's your brother. He looks so unreliable with his broken leg that no other female wolf can take a liking to him."

After Xia Qing finished gossiping about the relationship between the two wolves, she went back to the house and cleaned the living room on the first floor. Then she took out the shivering rabbit hiding in the cage in the tool room and put the cage and the cage into the chicken coop.

  If this timid rabbit doesn’t find some companions, Xia Qing is afraid that it will be scared to death by wolves sooner or later.

  The green lantern chicken in the chicken pen was also scared by the wolves yesterday morning and did not dare to make a sound, but now it has long been eating and drinking normally.

However, today the hens laid one less egg than yesterday, and Xia Qing put this account on the head of the broken waist wolf. There was no need to ask Broken Waist Wolf to pay special compensation, because the value of the pigeon-egg-sized stone it exchanged for protective clothing was enough to make up for Xia Qing's losses.

After putting the rabbit cage into the chicken coop, Xia Qing was not in a hurry to exchange for dog protective clothing. He took out the corn from the underground storage room and dried it on the concrete floor under the eaves where it could get the sun.

It is safer to dry corn under the eaves of the verandah with a cover closed than to dry it on the roof. Because the little swallows that build nests under the eaves have a strong sense of territory, the area where corn is dried is within the swallows' territory, and other birds will be driven away by them when they come over.

 So, the swallows that guard the territory can guard the corn for Xia Qing.

After telling the sheep boss and the sick wolf to take care of the two anesthetized wolves and corn, Xia Qing was about to go to work in the fields when she heard the beep of Didi.

Turning on her phone, Xia Qing saw a red squirrel that liked freeloading squatting on the ruins of a nearby house, eagerly looking at the corn that Xia Qing had dried.

Xia Qing didn't even have time to rest, let alone deal with a squirrel that wanted to eat for free. The green rice in the field was ripe and had to be harvested and threshed this afternoon.

This work is not tiring, because Xia Qing only has 97 green-light rice plants, and the yellow-light rice plants were planted late and have not yet matured.

Although there are only 97 rice plants, each rice seedling tillers out more than three to six rice stalks. One tiller is an ear of rice, and one ear of rice can grow dozens of grains of rice. Every grain of these rice is a treasure.

The green light rice seedlings were exchanged by Zhang San to Xia Qing. The variety is the same as the forty kilograms of yellow light rice seeds that Zhang San later exchanged with Xia Qing. They are two-crop rice seeds.

 Two-crop rice means that this kind of rice can be planted in spring and autumn and harvested twice a year.

So, if the 97 rice plants are stored smoothly and all are used for seedling cultivation next year, and no natural disasters occur, she will be able to harvest about 800 kilograms of green light rice next June. In addition to the second crop, this time next year... Even if she is as picky as an idol, she will not be hungry if she only eats green light rice.

Xia Qing, who was full of energy, did not feel tired at all. She cut off all the ears of rice and took them home to dry next to the corn. She took a sip of water and checked the condition of the two injured wolves.

The alpha wolf and the sheep boss were both asleep and even snoring. The broken-leg wolf and his sister were still staring at Xia Qing wildly. The sick wolf was lying next to the corn, not letting the animals on the trees and the ruins of houses in the distance Birds peck at the corn.

Xia Qing gently scratched the chin of the sick wolf, gave it a piece of dried meat, then pulled the rice off the ears of rice, dried it next to the corn, and went to pick mung pods in the field.

 The weather is getting cooler and crops are maturing faster. What should be harvested must be collected as soon as possible.

As soon as Xia Qing left the village, she saw a red squirrel squatting on the roadside, wagging its big tail, rubbing its little paws and looking at Xia Qing eagerly.

Xia Qing hehe, "Want to eat for free? Pecans or corn? I only slept for three hours from last night to now, treated several wolves, and ran 60 miles to get the pecans. I planted three corns. It only takes a month to harvest, so you don’t get a share. You can find what you want to eat in the evolutionary forest.”

The red squirrel made a fuss around Xia Qing a few more times, and when it found out that Xia Qing wouldn't give it any fruit, it cursed and ran off to collect it. Many fruits are ripe in the evolutionary forest, and it is also very busy.

 Xia Qing was carrying her baggage and bending down to pick the green pea pods, when she deeply realized the benefits of the physical injury treatment potion that Zhang San exchanged for her.

If she hadn't taken two medicinal baths, she wouldn't have been able to recover so quickly with today's running intensity. She would have to lie down and rest for an hour after finishing treating the wolf.

 Now, Xia Qing can use the time to relieve physical fatigue to harvest crops, and Xia Qing feels happy. After picking all the mature mung bean pods, Xia Qing decided to harvest the alfalfa because it was still early.

Although the smell of alfalfa after setting seeds is much less than when it blooms, Xia Qing decided to ask everyone how to harvest alfalfa out of caution. The green alfalfa everyone planted was exchanged with Zhao Ze and belongs to the same evolutionary species. Their experience is very valuable to Xia Qing.

 “Aunt Zhao, are you there?”

Xia Qing first asked the newly appointed lord of the neighboring territory.

Zhao's mother quickly responded, "Here, Qing, what are you busy with? I haven't heard your voice all morning."

You won’t believe it. I went to the wolf den in the morning and brought back six bags of green light pecans.

Xia Qing was thinking in her heart, but her words were very calm, "I took advantage of the good weather and just picked the ripe mung bean pods. It looks like the alfalfa seeds are ripe. Have you harvested the alfalfa?"

Green alfalfa is the most valuable native plant in Territory No. 4, and Mother Zhao must attach great importance to it.

Before Zhao's mother could answer, Tang Huai went online with gloating, "Xia Qing, you didn't turn on the intercom in the morning, so you don't know. The alfalfa seeds are so smelly that Zhao Ze and the others were so disgusted that they couldn't eat at noon."


Xia Qing silently counted, one, two...

"Tang Huai." Before Xia Qing could count to three, Tang Huai spoke up, "What did I tell you?"

"Dad, I remember it." Tang Huai changed his subject and asked kindly and politely, "Aunt Zhao, I have evolutionary lemons here, yellow light ones. Cut them and boil them in water to release the lemon fragrance, which absorbs and eliminates the odor. Drinking lemon water can also stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, and increase appetite. "Would you like to switch?"

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