Chapter 342: Food grabber

After Zhao’s mother exchanged corn for two lemons, the lords including Xia Qing also exchanged a few more before returning to the topic.

Zhao's mother told Xia Qing, "Qing, you must wear protective masks and gloves when harvesting alfalfa. The alfalfa seeds will emit a stench as soon as they are pulled from the tree. It is dozens of times worse than the smell of rotten corpses. I Several people vomited and some even fainted from the smell. The smell was so evil that it stuck to their skin and couldn’t be washed away.”

  The rotten smell of biological corpses was everyone’s nightmare in the first year of the natural disaster. The smell was so unpleasant that later people would use the putrid smell of corpses as a reference when describing the unpleasantness of the smell.

Hearing Mother Zhao’s comparison, Xia Qing immediately understood how scary the smell of alfalfa was. Ordinary people can be stunned by the stink, but if an evolved olfactory person smells it, he may even want to die.

After Xia Qing thanked him, he heard Qi Fu say, "I found that the smell of alfalfa seeds can drive away most birds."

Li Si gave a professional evaluation, "Birds are animals with insensitive sense of smell, and the evolution of the olfactory center of evolved birds is not obvious. Birds of the order Greniformes, Parrots, and Passerines that like to eat food have the smallest olfactory bulbs, and alfalfa seeds are even They can all be driven away, and it’s worth studying. Aunt Zhao, can alfalfa seeds be exchanged?”

"Okay." Zhao's mother quickly reached a deal with Li Si. At the price of 20 points for a seed, the transaction price was reduced to 30 points for a bag of compost bacterial powder.

 After they finished the exchange, the lords began to discuss the use of smelly seeds that can repel birds.

 It is not needed for drying corn, because the birds attracted when drying corn in this territory are driven away by the evolved cats in territory 7 and the evolved sea eagles in territory 8, which are free of charge.

Xia Qing, the third lord who cannot use sea eagles and cats, will not dry the smelly seeds on the roof with her corn. She is afraid that the smell will make her unable to return home.

It’s amazing that alfalfa can evolve this kind of self-protection method.

However, no matter how smelly it is, the alfalfa seeds must be harvested.

Xia Qing checked the protective mask. After confirming that it was ok, he cut off all the seed-bearing branches of the 18 alfalfa plants in his field and dried them in the open space in the greenhouse.

 This is the experience taught by Shi Zhong just now. If you collect and dry the alfalfa plants together, they will not emit a smell during the drying process. As for whether there is any smell when the alfalfa seeds are rolled out after drying, we will tell at that time. The goal now is to clear the land first so that it can be fertilized, plowed, and planted with the next crop.

After putting away the alfalfa, Xia Qing finished her work for the day. In order to reward herself for working hard all day, Xia Qing decided to dig up a green light sweet potato and eat it.

Before Xia Qing could decide which sweet potato to dig, she heard the patrol team patrolling through the northern isolation zone, and Tan Junjie's walkie-talkie rang.

"Captain Tan, there are intruders snatching food in the western outer territory of the safe zone. Please notify the lord and step up patrols. In half an hour, three reinforcement squads will arrive in territories 1 to 10 within an hour for reinforcements. There are a total of 1 to 10 areas in the northern area. Eight reinforced classes will be added, under the unified command of Captain Tan.”

"Received." Tan Junjie asked calmly, "Is the intruder a human or an animal? Have you caught it?"

 “Humans, a special operations team has been sent to pursue them.”

Hearing the news, everyone in Tan Junjie's team was silent. Xia Qing, who was holding the extremely smelly alfalfa seeds, had a solemn expression on his face.

There are seven people in the investigation team responsible for Territories 1 to 10. One intensive class has at least 10 people, and three intensive classes have at least 30 people. In order to protect the territory, the military headquarters deployed four times more troops.

 What does this mean?

 It shows that the human team that invaded the territory to **** food this time was very powerful and the number of people was quite large. Xia Qing stopped caring about peeling sweet potatoes and rushed home immediately. He took out enough grenades and bullets from the underground storage room and fully armed himself to protect the territory.

When passing the sheep shed, Xia Qing found that the heads of the alpha wolf and the wolf with a broken leg and its sister were raised, and he knew that the anesthetic on them had worn off.

She turned back to the house, took out a potion from the refrigerator to detoxify snakes, poured it into a clean basin, and brought it in front of the wolf. "My Lady, please drink this potion. This potion is to detoxify snakes."

The alpha wolf lowered his head and drank the medicine. Xia Qing poured some more non-polluted spring water, added anti-inflammatory medicine, pointed at the wolf sister who was growling with a broken leg and said to the alpha wolf, "This is the medicine for that wolf, Queen." Sir let it drink."

After placing the water basin, Xia Qing told his companions, "There may be intruders snatching the food in the territory. I'm going to patrol and protect our greenhouse. Boss, second brother, don't leave home and protect the Queen and the girl with the broken leg." . Don’t worry, there is surveillance at home, and I will be back right away if there is any situation.”

When Xia Qing returned to Gaopo, she heard Tan Junjie make an announcement on the lord channel: "Now is the maturity period of crops. Please keep the intercoms open 24 hours a day in each territory and speed up harvesting crops. Lords, please reply after receiving it."

 “Territory No. 1 received.” Luo Pei’s gentle voice sounded.

“Territory No. 2 received.” Tang Huai followed.

Xia Qing followed up and said, "Territory No. 3 received."

As soon as Territory No. 10 responded in turn, Tang Huai immediately asked, "Captain Tan, I heard that the lords and platoons of Western No. 158 and 159 were killed and their food was taken away. Is it true? Where did the intruders come from? "

  After hearing what Tang Huai said, the lord channel exploded immediately.

Xia Qing clenched her fists, her anger soaring. As a lord, you can deeply understand how hard it is to farm, and you can also understand the joy of harvesting food.

  At this harvest time, intruders broke in, killed and took away the food!

If they dare to come to his territory, Xia Qing will never let them die comfortably and happily. During the years of natural disasters, human beings who brutally kill innocent fellow humans are scum that must be eliminated.

Tan Junjie answered Tang Huai's question seriously and calmly, "I have not received a specific notice and I don't know if there are any casualties in the Western Territory. Lords, please rest assured that all members of the Sixth Danger Investigation Team and reinforcements will arrive soon and will do their best to ensure The territory is safe. Lords, please don’t leave the territory and contact us in time if there is any situation.”

Luo Pei's gentle voice sounded, "Captain Tan, Team Qinglong has applied to defend the northern isolation zone adjacent to Mountain No. 49. We will ensure that no one is allowed to pass through Mountain No. 49 and enter the territory."

 "Received. Thank you Qinglong Team for assisting in defense."

Hearing Tan Junjie's response, Xia Qing's heavy heart felt better. Because there will definitely be wolves coming tonight to deliver prey to the alpha wolf and the Broken Leg Wolf sister. If the northern isolation zone is full of people and the prey cannot be delivered, she will have to use her reserve meat to feed the wolves.

  Hearing that the Qinglong team was assisting in the defense, several lords close to Mount No. 49 felt more at ease.

Zhao Ze asked uncomfortably, "The intruder must be very capable if he can kill people from two territories and the patrol team. Why don't such people need food in exchange for points and insist on killing people? How much hardship have we all endured to survive?" It’s the tenth year of the natural disaster.”

 Thanks to my favorite book friends, Manbao, Xiaoye Hongfeng, Dayu'er, and Daqingshan Grassland for the reward. Thank you all for your subscription support. Today's second update is sent.

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