Chapter 340: Wolf Pack Team Doctor—Xia Qing

“The level of synthetic poison in its blood is very low. If we can get two pairs of symptomatic antidotes, we can detoxify it.”

Wang Shunhong, the team doctor of the Qinglong team, tested the blood of the first wolf and compared it with Brother Luo's condition. Looking at the condition of this wolf, he felt that this wolf was too lucky.

Team Yang is arriving with the key antidote herbal medicine. Team Yang spent more than a month and traveled thousands of miles to find the medicine in order to detoxify Brother Luo. If Brother Luo could use this medicine within 24 hours of being poisoned, he wouldn't have to endure the pain for more than half a year.

 After checking the trauma on the wolf's leg, Chang Li asked Team Doctor Wang for advice, "Should the antidote be taken internally or externally? Can the wound on the wolf's leg be sutured now?"

"Taking it internally can be sutured." Wang Shunhong looked at the alpha wolf lying calmly on the board after anesthesia and sighed, "The evolved wolves are so smart. Although they don't know how to detoxify, they know that bleeding can remove it. Miss Xia, then Can you show me the snake?"

"Of course, you can just call me Xia Qing." Xia Qing immediately went to the second floor, took out the snakes from the refrigerator, and handed them to Team Doctor Wang, "There is only this one. I think what the wolves are saying, head The wolf should have been bitten by this kind of snake."

Hushi Feng and Chang Li, who had never seen the snake-killer with their own eyes, also came over and stared at the snake-killer for a closer look.

Chang Li corrected Xia Qing's statement, "Snake-killing snakes are very rare, and the level of venom synthesized by killing in the body of the wolf is also very low. This was the snake that bit it."

Hu Xiufeng also speculated, "It is estimated that after the first wolf fell, the wolves didn't know which wound on his body was bitten by the snake, so they simply tore open all the wounds on his legs."

"It's possible." Wang Shunhong asked Chang Li to suture the trauma on the wolf's leg first. He returned to Territory No. 1 and prepared the antidote according to the poisoning condition of the wolf. When the captain arrived with the most important medicine, he It can be added to the antidote and used by the alpha wolf.

 After poisoning, the earlier the medication is taken, the lower the damage to the body.

Jing Kuan escorted Wang Shunhong back, while Hu Feng stayed behind to protect Chang Li. It's impossible to leave someone to protect him. The team doctor is a very important member of the team. There are both wolves and sheep in Xia Qing's territory. If one of them goes crazy and hurts Chang Li, the Qinglong team will suffer heavy losses.

Xia Qing also stayed in the house, stroking the wolf's neck comfortingly and watching carefully how Chang Li sutured the wound. Chang Li knew that Xia Qing wanted to learn, so he explained while sewing.

 They both taught and learned very seriously. Hu Xiu Feng looked at the alpha wolf and then at Xia Qing. He couldn't ask anything because he was full. He was almost suffocated.

Last night, Hu Hufeng saw with his own eyes a giant wolf carrying Xia Qing out of Territory No. 3. Then this morning, through the camera, he saw Xia Qing rolling and crawling back from the north with a group of wolves who were helping her carry goods.

 In addition to a few sacks, she also brought back three injured wolves, which must have gone to Hill 60.

  In the battle at No. 60 Mountain last night, who won the fight between the bear and the wolf? Has Xia Qing evolved the ability to speak animal language? How else did she communicate with the wolves?

If she really evolved the ability to communicate with beasts, then she would really be invincible!

Aware that the human standing next to him was getting more and more agitated, the alpha wolf who was lying quietly turned his only moving eye and stared at him.

Hushi Feng stepped back, fearing that he would be smelled of wolf, so his little Lao Wu wouldn't let him get close when he returned.


Xia Qing felt her phone vibrate, took it out, took a look, and stood up, "Captain Hu, Sister Li, Captain Yang is here, I'll go pick him up."

Hushi Feng stood up and said, "Shall I go?"

That won't work. Xia Qing still has to take Yang Jin to dig weeds in the spring cave. "Captain Hu is here to protect Sister Li. Captain Yang and I have something to discuss. Boss, second brother, you guys stay too, Don't let the wolf in the sheepshed make trouble."

Xia Qing turned off the surveillance in the territory and rushed to the north isolation zone to meet Yang Jin and took him into the low-slope greenhouse. "What did those two grasses look like when they were planted? What are they like now? Team Yang, which one should you dig?" ?”

"No need to dig. I asked the team doctor. Two leaves are enough." Yang Jin used a sharp narrow-edged dagger to quickly cut off two leaves of weed grass and put them into the prepared box. He turned to ask Xia Qing, "Based on your experience, does this incision need to be medicated?"

 Because the spring cave is very small, this is the closest Yang Jin has ever been to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing stared at the two drops of transparent juice flowing out of the incision of the colorless and transparent weed grass for a while, then shook his head, "No, the grass juice has already protected the incision. Besides, I don't know what kind of sterilization method should be used for this kind of grass." "Xia Qing turned her head and realized that she was a little close to Yang Jin. This face was very impressive when viewed from a distance, but even more confusing when viewed up close.

The three scars on Yang Jin's face have scabbed over, but his face and ears are red. Xia Qing did not suffer from peach blossom madness, and would not be arrogant enough to think that Captain Yang, who had rejected all the women in the base, was shy because he was close to her.

Captain Yang's face is so red, he must be tired from driving all the way.

Xia Qing, who has just run sixty miles with a heavy load, knows best the physical condition after running. "It's been a hard work, Captain Yang, do you want to drink some water?"

Yang Jin cleared his slightly hoarse voice and replied, "Okay."

 Unexpectedly, Xia Qing took him to the hut next to the farmland. The house was empty, and the wolf should be nursing his wounds in her home.

Xia Qing poured a cup of spring water and handed it to Yang Jin, "Sister Li is stitching up the wolf's wound at home. I won't be able to entertain you with spring water when I get back."

Yang Jin took it and drank it in one gulp.

After receiving the notice, Team Doctor Wang rushed over with the prepared antidote. After adding two tablets of weeping grass juice, he handed it to Xia Qing, "These two medicines are taken orally, and one is waiting for the wolf to be anesthetized." Take it after the strength is gone, and take one pill 12 hours later. I will take a blood test tomorrow to see if you need to continue taking the medicine.”

 After Xia Qing asked about the storage conditions of the medicine, she turned to look at Yang Jin.

Yang Jin was very sensible, "You go back and detoxify the wolf first. I have other things to do. We will discuss the price of the medicine when I have time."

The antidote not only uses weeping grass, but also other herbs that the Qinglong team finally collected, and the price is not cheap.

After Xia Qing sent away Dr. Wang and Yang Jin, he immediately rushed home to put the medicine in the refrigerator and continued to stay at the table that served as an operating table to learn how to suture serious wounds.

After the suturing was completed, Xia Qing was only worried about one question, "Sister Li, can the hair on the wolf's legs still grow back?"

"It can grow part of it." Chang Li took off her surgical gloves. "If you want it to recover better, you can exchange it with Territory No. 7 for medicine to eliminate scars and treat skin damage."

 Medicine to treat skin damage? She had it, and the physical injury treatment medicine her idol prepared for her worked. "Sister Li, how many days will it take for the wound on her leg to heal?"

Chang Li disinfected her hands, "This is an advanced evolutionary wolf. If you don't exercise strenuously, it can heal in five to seven days. However, it will take at least a month to restore muscle strength. I can't judge the extent of recovery yet."

"I will definitely recover completely." Xia Qing was confident that her skin could be healed before she could soak up the medicine. The medicine she spent 800,000 yuan in exchange for was very effective.

Chang Li watched Xia Qing smooth the fur of the brown-gray female wolf, and her hands felt a little itchy. However, she did not dare to take action rashly, because the evolved wolf has a high IQ and is very vindictive. "The wolf in the yard has both hind legs broken?"

Xia Qing took Chang Li to the yard and asked her to check the injury on the other wolf's leg. "Yes, it should have been broken by a bear."

Chang Li watched it from a distance and concluded, "I'll put it in professional protective gear. You are very experienced in taking care of such a wolf. It can recover in a month."

After finishing speaking, Chang Li couldn't help but laugh, "Xia Qing, your current role is very similar to mine. I am the team doctor of the Qinglong team, and you are the team doctor of the Wolf Pack."

 Xia Qing…

After Chang Li took care of the wolf's leg injury, Xia Qing gave her ten pecans. Of course, Team Doctor Wang and Hu Feng also gave them.

If Yang Jin hadn't come and gone in such a hurry, Xia Qing would have wanted to give him a few as well.

 Thanks to book friends Dayu'er and Favorite Manbao for the reward. Thank you all for your subscription and support. Today's second update will be sent.

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