Chapter 339 Can I use a weed to kill the weed?

Seeing that the first wolf had closed his eyes and rested, Xia Qing took out a bottle of special nutrient solution and discussed with the broken waist wolf standing next to him, "Brother Handsome Wolf, can you find a few companions to help me carry supplies back to the territory? I'll use this Premium nutrient solution exchange.”

 A bottle of special nutrient solution is worth 3,000 points. If you set up a mission in the safe area to recruit power evolvers to transport supplies, you can easily recruit it.

The savvy wolf took the special nutrient solution from Xia Qing's hand and quickly brought three big wolves over.

These three wolves all took a medicinal bath in Territory No. 3 yesterday. They should be the "direct descendants" of the first wolf. The giant wolf that carried Xia Qing here yesterday is also among them. Although these wolves are very wild, the way they look at Xia Qing is much "kinder" than other wolves on the mountain.

Those wolves were lying behind trees or rocks, quietly observing Xia Qing. If it weren't for the shock of a wolf, Xia Qing would have been torn to pieces and chewed by those wolves.

 The Broken Waist Wolf is indeed very reliable.

Xia Qing, who has a sheep companion, knows very well how to pack supplies so that the animals can carry them conveniently and safely. Three big wolves helped her carry six large bags of pecans, and she only had to carry the supplies and snake skins she had brought.

 After stuffing a whole python skin, the total weight of the supplies Xia Qing carried was less than 200. For Xia Qing, it was easy.

She put on her backpack and called to the sick wolf and the sleeping alpha wolf, "My Queen, my second son, will you follow me back to the territory for treatment?"

The sick wolf limped to Xia Qing's side, and the first wolf slowly stood up and walked over. To Xia Qing's surprise, the broken-legged wolf actually came out of the cave carrying the wolf with two broken hind legs. , joined the wolf team carrying pecans.

 The front legs of the sick wolf are swollen. Although he walks with a limp, it is not a big problem and he can persevere. Although the alpha wolf is neither lame nor limp, his condition is very bad.

Xia Qing discussed with the alpha wolf, "My Lady Queen, you have an injury on your leg and cannot walk a long way. Let someone with a broken waist carry you there, or should I carry you back?"

The wolf didn't seem to hear Xia Qing's words. He raised his head and held his chest out, taking steady steps and leading the team forward.

It has its persistence and pride. Xia Qing stopped trying to persuade him and said hello to the broken-backed wolf standing at the entrance of the cave, and followed the wolves away from No. 60 Mountain.

Seven wolves and one human are heading south, and their destination is human territory.

After walking for a while, Xia Qing discovered a terrible fact: it was not the "sick" alpha wolf and the lame sick wolf that she thought was slowing down the entire team, but the only human being in the entire team - herself.

  When the wolves walking in front looked back at her again and again, Xia Qing, who was dripping with sweat, saw clear contempt in their eyes.

 At the beginning, Xia Qing complained that she only had two legs. After more than two hours of following the wolves at full speed, she didn't even have the energy to complain.

 Because the wolves have not been moving at full speed in order to take care of her, a human who is moving at full speed. But this speed is really Xia Qing's limit.

Even though she was walking along the animal path that wolves often walked, the various evolved creatures on both sides couldn't attack her. But walking among various colors and weird-shaped plants, stepping on slippery rocks and sticky mud, following a group of evolved wolves living in the evolutionary forest, running over mountains and ridges, jumping over bottomless fields Crossing the ravine and crossing the swamp on the rocks near the crocodile's mouth were also great challenges for Xia Qing.

 What the hell, that's a four to five meter long crocodile with a big mouth. Are you kidding me?

What the hell, what the **** are those evolved plants with jagged petals on both sides of the beast's path? Why do they remain motionless when a pack of wolves passes by, but start giggling when the wolves pass by?

What's the matter, these seven wolves were either injured or carrying heavy loads, and they actually had to run all the way!

If it hadn't been for the supplement of a bottle of special nutrient solution, Xia Qing would have been unable to hold on.

Xia Qing planned to travel through the 60-mile evolutionary forest in five hours, but the wolves made him rush there in two and a half hours.

After entering his own territory, the clay figurine Xia Qing lay on his back in the buffer forest, panting, waiting for rescue. After arriving at Mountain No. 49, Xia Qing used his mobile phone to notify the Beard Feng team and ask them to return to Territory No. 1 to avoid encounters and conflicts with the wolves. Therefore, the only people in Territory Three who can provide rescue to Xia Qing are her companions.

After a while, the snow-white sheep boss appeared next to Xia Qing with sweet footsteps and looked down at her.

Exhausted, Xia Qing struggled to sit up, panting, "Boss, I brought back a lot of supplies, look."

 The sheep boss squinted at Xia Qing's small backpack and turned around.

Xia Qing put his backpack on his companion and called to the sick wolf who was also resting next to him, "Second brother, let's go home."

When Xia Qing returned home, the wolves were already resting in the sheep shed. Six large bags of pecans were still hanging on the bodies of three big wolves. Although they were dissatisfied, one wolf was too frightened to bite the bags.

Xia Qing went into the sheep shed and untied the ropes from the three wolves, unloaded the bags, and asked the sheep boss to carry the bags to the roof of the shelf warehouse.

The weather is fine today, but the corn harvested by Xia Qing is still stored in the underground storage room, and the green bean pods picked are drying on the balcony on the second floor, so the roof of the warehouse is still empty.

Xia Qing washed the mud on her feet and hands at the door, then put the bag containing the python into the underground storage room, put the sealed bag containing the dead snake and python's internal organs into the refrigerator, and then dragged her body that was about to fall apart into the second floor. In the bathroom, take off your protective clothing and soaked clothes and take a shower.

 The cold water hits the burning shoulders, it’s so comfortable!

Although this trip was hard, I was rewarded with a hard-evolved python skin and six large bags of pecans. It was so worth it.

Taken out a pecan and put it into the iodine element detector. After confirming that the iodine element in the pecan was also at a normal level, Xia Qing called Yang Jin directly.

At the Qinglong Team station in the safe zone, Yang Jin picked up the phone and took a look, quickly finished the task at hand, closed the door, took a deep breath, and answered the phone, "Xia Qing, are you looking for me?"

 Xia Qing…

This question is asking, if I don’t call you on your phone, who else can I call?

"Yes. Captain Yang, is it convenient for you to talk now?" After receiving a confirmed reply, Xia Qing sent the picture of the snake, briefly explained the current situation of the wolf to him, and then asked, "This kind of snake poison, Can Dr. Wang do the detoxification? Do you think the price is one million points?"

 Xia Qing did not want to find Zhang San to detoxify unless he had to. Xia Qing's territory had both the weed grass and the non-polluted spring water needed to detoxify and synthesize the poison, but they were secrets that he did not want to expose to the outside world.

Luo Peizhong was poisoned by poison, and Team Qinglong must have a specific prescription for detoxifying it. Team doctor Wang has been taking care of Luo Pei, and he should be able to detoxify the wolf. Chang Li, another team doctor of the Qinglong team, was able to sew up the scratched skin on the four legs of the alpha wolf.

If Team Doctor Wang is not sure, Xia Qing will find Zhang San again. However, this requires revealing to her idol the secret of whether she has polluted spring water. Zhang San is too powerful and a scientific researcher, so Xia Qing is unsure.

Ten years of natural disasters have made Xia Qing fully understand the evil of human nature. In the face of rare resources, Xia Qing, who does not have enough strength, dare not completely trust anyone.

 So, the fewer people who know the secrets of spring water, the better.

Yang Jin didn't mention the points, "Brother Luo was also poisoned by this kind of snake-killing poison. The detoxification formula and herbal medicine No. 1 territory are available. Whether team doctor Wang can detoxify, he must first check the poisoning of the alpha wolf. I will set off now. "Send" the grass.

Xia Qing really didn't know that the first wolf and Luo Pei were poisoned by the same synthetic poison, which was a blessing among misfortunes.

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