“Boy, did you dig this up?” Xia Qing took out a bunch of herbs from the pocket of the protective suit he took off for the sick wolf. Looking at the shape of this herb leaf, it looked very similar to the one Zhang San asked the wolves to find last time, so he excitedly held it up to the sick wolf and asked.

 Why are you excited? Because Zhang San said that there are ten thousand strains of this herb!

  Maybe the water is a bit hot. The sick wolf soaking in the tub stuck out his tongue and laughed. He looked not as smart as the sheep.

Xia Qing simply stopped asking, tested the water temperature, and went out to call Zhang San, "Third brother, the wolf infected with the parasite is back, and he brought a bunch of herbs with him. Do you want more?"

"Yes." Zhang San was very interested in the return of the wolf, "Just one?"

"Just one." Xia Qing asked again, "I picked up forty pounds of torreya berries, with an elemental content of 2.6 parts per thousand. Do you want the core and pulp?"

"Yes." Zhang San became more interested in food, "I want all the pulp of the torreya, and I want to keep a quarter of the core?"

"Okay." Xia Qing readily agreed, and ran to the bathroom to discuss with Sick Wolf and Boss Sheep, "Boss, Second Brother, I'll go to the North Isolation Zone to deliver things. If you two don't want to take a bath, just come out and drink some water. Then lie down on the hay under the eaves and dry your hair. Don’t get water everywhere in the house, do you understand?”

The sheep boss pretended not to hear, used his front hooves to pull the rice bowl that was floating far away on the water, and continued to eat grass. The second sick wolf looked at Xia Qing and continued to laugh, without any reaction.

The sheep boss is a stubborn guy and Xia Qing has given up, but the simple and obedient sick wolf boss can still be saved. Xia Qing squatted beside the second child's bathtub, making movements while telling it, "Second child, if you understand what I say from now on, nod your head if you understand it, and shake your head if you don't understand it."

Sick Wolf Laoer retracted his tongue, closed his mouth and looked at Xia Qing calmly. Then, under Xia Qing's expectant eyes, he opened his mouth again and continued to laugh.

Xia Qing...forget it, this guy just came back today and is in a good mood. He can't help but laugh. Let's teach him another day.

"I'm going out for a while, you guys take care of your home." Xia Qing left the bathroom, carried the torreya fruits harvested today, and rushed to the northern isolation zone.

Xia Qing's eyes lit up when she saw that Daya was the only person who came to pick up supplies, and he was carrying a big bag.

Surveillance cameras? Herbal medicine?

Daya came over and said cheerfully, "Third brother asked me to come over to see how you plan to install surveillance, so I brought the camera with me."

Xia Qing immediately asked Daya to enter the territory, "I want to install cameras on the two greenhouses in the buffer forest, the five greenhouses south of the reservoir, the three acres of land south of the two greenhouses on the east side, and near my house. Brother Ya, look at me. How many do you need to install?”

Xia Qing originally planned to add only one acre of cultivated land next year, but she calculated that one acre was not enough for her to sow.

She now has three and a half kilograms of M-11 green light wheat from the first harvest that can be used as seeds, five kilograms of M-14 green light wheat seeds that she exchanged with Zhang San for black peanuts, and forty kilograms of M-14 green light wheat seeds that she exchanged with Zhang San for chestnuts. -14 yellow light wheat seeds and forty kilograms of D-21 yellow light rice seeds, as well as 97 green light rice seeds in her own field, plus half a kilogram of rapeseed seeds awarded to her by the Territory Management Department. With these seeds alone, she It requires more than five acres of arable land to plant. In addition to wheat, rice and rapeseed, she will also plant mung beans, cotton, potatoes, sunflowers and sweet potatoes next spring, so at least she will need to add three acres of cultivated land.

"These three areas are not big, four is enough." Daya stood on the high **** and looked down for a while, then took a brand new camera from his backpack and explained to Xia Qing, "This is made of new materials The camera is not only waterproof but also has high hardness and cannot be bitten by rodents. ”

Although Xia Qing was not responsible for installing and debugging monitoring equipment when she was in the construction team, she also learned the principles and installation of these things, so she was considered knowledgeable. She could tell at a glance that the one Daya took out was not only different in material, but also in style. It was also more than twice as big as the one used in the safe zone.

"This is the first batch of new material military cameras. Not only can they not be bought outside, but even the army cannot distribute them. Because our territory is a top priority, the headquarters specially sent fifteen of them. If you don't want it, Third brother will never trade it."

Daya pointed out the scarcity of these cameras and let Xia Qing understand that the third brother valued her as a trading partner, and then he explained the functions of the new cameras incessantly, "Look, this is an integrated design of an embedded dual-track gimbal. , high-speed laser pan-tilt integrated monitoring, the upper and lower lenses can independently control rotation, support fixed-point cruise, electronic zoom, true 360-degree monitoring without blind spots, high-definition night vision, full color day and night, with moving object tracking and alarm functions..."

“Can we scan faces to identify strange intruders?”

When Daya met someone who knew what he was talking about, Daya became more and more happy and said, "Of course it can. In addition to humans, it can also identify large animals. The wolves and sheep in your territory can be entered into the system and set to be within the monitoring range." Trigger alarm. Once unregistered strange humans and large animals enter, an early warning will be triggered.”

This is so thoughtful. Xia Qing quickly asked, "Brother Ya, we don't have LAN coverage here. How are the cameras and my mobile phone connected? What is the effective distance?"

Daya Lehehe said, “This camera can be used even without a network connection, because it can be directly connected to high-altitude communication satellites and can be remotely controlled by a mobile phone. As long as you do not leave China, you can check your territory through the camera anytime and anywhere.”

Xia Qing was worried when she heard about the direct connection to satellites, "So, do we still have to pay communication fees for each camera?"

  Different from cheap mobile phone data packages in the safe zone LAN, using mobile phones for communication in territories and evolutionary forests without LAN coverage is very expensive.

Xia Qing’s basic monthly fee for a satellite communication phone is 200 points. The more calls she makes and the more messages she sends, the more data charges go up. Now with the addition of four cameras that require traffic, the traffic points must be in the thousands every month.

  Another point has been made! Daya happily opened the cover at the bottom of the camera and showed Xia Qing the data card in the card slot. "This is a special supply for the military. The data card has been prepared. The data in the card is enough for you to use for a year."

Xia Qing felt relieved, "The military is still thoughtful. Our territory should be connected to the local area network in a year."

Daya told Xia Qing some good news by the way, "It won't take a year. If our base can still operate stably in the second half of the year, we should install a ground mobile communication base station by the end of the year."

 This is great news! With the ground base station, their territory can become a local area network, making it cheaper and more convenient for Xia Qing to communicate with people nearby. (End of chapter)

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