Chapter 301 Feast

 Xia Qing, who had the right time, location, people and no one to occupy, decided to retreat and form a team tomorrow to gather the people and people to inspect and pick again.

Seeing Xia Qing climbing up, the crows and evolved eagles waiting for a feast gave up and swooped over, flashing their wings and pecking at Xia Qing, forcing Xia Qing to go under the torreya tree.

 On the slippery slope, Xia Qing tightened the climbing rope with her left hand and drew the gun with her right hand.


The gun with the silencer was not loud, but it was still accurate. One shot killed the leading evolved crow.

Xia Qing turned his pistol and found that the leading evolved eagle had already hidden in the woods. With this movement, he must be a speed evolver.

After the flock of birds was repulsed, Xia Qing climbed up quickly by pulling on the rope, but heard a clicking sound.

 Looking up, Xia Qing couldn't help but curse.

A crow was hiding behind the tree where the climbing rope was tied and pecking at the climbing rope. Only a few dark tail feathers were left trembling, making it impossible for Xia Qing's weapons to attack it.

With this intelligence, he must be a brain-evolved crow.

Depend on!

It's really weird. In the six months since he started farming, Xia Qing has seen more brain-evolved animals than he had seen during the previous ten years of missions combined!

You must climb up before the crow pecks the rope, otherwise you will be in trouble!

As Xia Qing climbed up quickly, she saw a familiar red light flying through the bushes and rushing towards the big tree at the top of the slope. Xia Qing thought and immediately pointed the gun at the big tree.

The lightning-fast red squirrel actually did what Xia Qing expected, knocking away the brain-evolving crow that was hiding behind the tree and pecking at the climbing rope!


Brain Evolution Crow was shot in the head by sniper Xia Qing as soon as he was exposed among the branches. Then, Xia Qing climbed to the top of the **** at an extremely fast speed, and began to snipe at the evolved eagles and crows that were flying and fleeing in the woods on the slope.

The feast that was about to be put on the table by evolved animals just now became the predators of this feast in the blink of an eye.

A crow jumping between branches was entangled in a vine with lavender leaves, and slowly flew to the ground. This vine was the second hunter to successfully capture prey in this feast.

Other crows were frightened and flew out of the woods, but were killed one by one by Xia Qing.

 The hunt is over.

  After Xia Qing remembered the appearance and location of the other hunter, he started looking for the red squirrel. But the little guy was very timid and fast, and now he didn't know where he was running.

Xia Qing refilled the pistol with bullets, put away the climbing rope and put it into his backpack to retreat, when he suddenly heard a sound fifty meters away to the north.

 Brush, brush, brush, answer, answer... This is the sound of large animals passing through the bushes and shaking water drops! There is no sound of hooves trampling on rocks, this is a predator!

Xia Qing's muscles tensed up, and when she listened carefully, she heard a familiar slight and rhythmic sound.

 The only large animal that can make such a sound is a wolf walking in shoes! Xia Qing was excited and asked in a low voice, "Broken waist, dick?"


 Answer, answer, answer…

 Half a minute later, a wet wolf head emerged from the bushes and looked at Xia Qing with clear, rust-colored eyes.

 The second sick wolf who left the territory the day before yesterday is back!

Xia Qing wiped off the drops of water that had just dripped on the outside of the protective mask, smiling brightly, "Second brother!"

The sick wolf emerged from the bushes, walked up to Xia Qing, and rubbed Xia Qing's equally dirty protective suit with the protective suit stained with grass clippings and mud.

Xia Qing rubbed its head and asked, "Where have you been in the past two days? What did you eat? Are you upset?" The sick wolf dug into the pocket of Xia Qing's protective suit.

"Are you hungry?" Xia Qing took out a piece of dried meat from his pocket, tore open the package and handed the dried meat over.

 The sick wolf swallowed the dried meat in one bite.

Xia Qing touched its belly and found that it was indeed flat. It seemed that it had not eaten since it left.

Xia Qing directly took out today's portion of the special nutrient solution and said, "I squeezed it this morning. It's an advantage for you. Open your mouth."

The sick wolf opened its mouth, revealing its soft pink tongue and sharp fangs. It drank every drop of the freshly squeezed spinach juice that Xia Qing squeezed into its mouth, and then poured it into Xia Qing's backpack.

 “Want to drink water?”

Xia Qing put down his backpack and poured the water from the water bottle into a small plastic bag. The sick wolf quickly drank most of the bottle.

 A sick wolf who was thirsty and hungry, after eating dried meat, drinking super nutrient solution and non-polluted spring water, he came back to life with full blood and began to wag his tail.

Xia Qing, who had a companion, decided to go down to test the content of the torreya tree for the phosphorus element. The birds were killed by her, and her companion also came. She had the right time, the right place, and the right people, so she could take action.

After re-tying the climbing rope to the big tree and spraying repellent on the sick wolf, Xia Qing told his companions, "Second brother, stay here and don't let any animals damage the climbing rope. I'll go down and test a tree." In the case of trees, food may be harvested.”

 The sick wolf rubbed Xia Qing's leg and stood guard next to the big tree.

Xia Qing grabbed the climbing rope and quickly descended along the original path. This time there were no evolved eagles, crows, or squirrels, only a few mice and snakes hiding in holes staring at her.

Xia Qing carefully avoided the purple vines next to it and arrived under the torreya tree. After squeezing out the juice from the leaves and testing to confirm that it was a green light, she just kept going and picked all the three-year-old fruits on the tree before returning to the hillside. superior.

 After arriving on the hillside, Xia Qing turned around and showed the sick wolf his big backpack, "Look! I got a big bag of Green Lantern Torreya Fruits!"

Xia Qing quickly sealed the bag containing the torreya fruits with a sealing machine, and comforted the nervous sick wolf, "Don't be afraid, this is the smell of anesthetics. If you don't come into direct contact, you won't be affected by the drug. Let's go back to the territory." , Boss misses you so much.”

 Evolve the carcasses of eagles and crows? They were all on the **** and difficult to pick up, so Xia Qing simply gave up. With this big bag of torreya fruits, this trip would make enough money.

When he came here, he was alone, and his head was full of revenge. When he returned with a companion, Xia Qing felt much more relaxed. As he walked, he told Sick Wolf how many things had happened in the past three days, "Thankfully you didn't I walked back yesterday, otherwise I would have run into the Jiangxiong team. They have two evolved dogs. If you are not in good health, you may not be able to defeat them. "

Sick Wolf followed Xia Qing quietly, not knowing whether he understood or not.

 Chen Cheng from the Bearded Front Team was stunned when he saw the wet wolf following Xia Qing, "Sister Qing, this?"

Xia Qing simply explained, "Well, my second brother is back. I'm sorry to trouble you this morning."

"No trouble." After having the experience of slapping the wolf on the leg last time, Chen Cheng did not dare to approach the seemingly obedient wolf next to Xia Qing, fearing that any action or words would make it unhappy again. Ran.

After Chen Cheng left, Xia Qing took the sick wolf down to the buffer forest and saw the sheep boss running over.

 Seeing the wolf coming back, the eldest sheep was even more excited than Xia Qing. He rubbed against the second eldest brother until his white fur was covered with mud.

Xia Qing originally planned to wash only wolves, but this time he also had to wash sheep.

However, Xia Qing is happy.

Let alone washing, even if the Queen, the Broken Leg Wolf and the Broken Waist Wolf all came back covered in mud, she would still be clean!

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