In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 300: Brain evolution crow and torreya tree

Although most of the leaves on the chestnut tree have fallen, dozens of large chestnut **** are exposed on the branches, but these are baits for wasps to catch birds. Xia Qing does not intend to collect them, lest this group of evolved wasps with stronger attack power fight her desperately. .

Having determined that the chestnut forest had not been destroyed by migratory birds and thunder and lightning, Xia Qing planned to retreat and catch the animal that left hoof prints on the path. She had just taken two steps back when she heard movement in the tree. This movement was very familiar to Xia Qing. It was the sound of squirrels crawling on the tree.

Every morning Xia Qing would hear this sound, and then a little guy would appear on her window sill, drinking water and eating the food Xia Qing put on the windowsill.

Xia Qing turned her head and saw her cute guide mouse squatting on a branch not far away, swaying its big tail, rubbing its little paws, and looking at her eagerly.

 Looking at this posture, it seems that you want to have **** for nothing. The goal of free prostitution is also very clear, I hope I can pick chestnuts for it.

Xia Qing was amused by it, "Your little appearance is not good enough. If you turn into white hair and grow nine tails, I may be fooled by you and do stupid things."

 After saying that, Xia Qing stopped paying attention to this freeloader and began to follow the footprints left by the beasts on the beast's path. The red squirrel was so angry that it jumped up and down on the tree, and even picked a few leaves and threw them at Xia Qing.

Leaves fluttered and fell leisurely on the animal path. Xia Qing was too lazy to pay attention and followed the footprints all the way forward. After tracking for five hundred meters, Xia Qing had to stop.

 Further forward, it no longer belongs to the third area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain, but the training ground of the Qinglong Team. Xia Qing listened carefully. There was no sound of large animal activity within three hundred meters ahead. This animal with cloven hooves was lucky to survive today.

After giving up tracking the prey, Xia Qing simply walked back along the hillside, searching for edible plants in the valley below.

From south to north, the altitude of No. 49 Mountain increases, and the height from the hillside to the valley gradually increases. The position occupied by Xia Qing should be 300 meters from the valley bottom, and the **** is extremely steep. Standing on the hillside and looking down, the meandering stream at the bottom of the valley looks like an evolved centipede crawling among the vegetation.

There had just been a thunderstorm last night and the hillside was slippery. Xia Qing did not plan to enter the valley to conduct a carpet search. He only used his excellent visual evolution ability to look down from the hillside.

 After walking more than fifty meters, Xia Qing stopped. On the hillside on her side, there is a tree more than four meters high. The leaves that can be observed in the crown part of the tree are strip-shaped and arranged in two rows on both sides of the branches. There are many oval-shaped green fruits hanging on the top of the branches.

Torreya tree!

The fruit of the torreya tree needs to grow for three years: in the first year, it will produce fluff, in the second year, it will bloom and bear fruit, and in the third year, it will mature. It is precisely because the same tree has one-year, two-year, and three-year fruits growing at the same time, so the torreya tree is also called a descendant tree by the locals.

  When the torreya fruit matures in the third year, the outer skin of the fruit will split, and it can be picked after splitting. Torreya nut core is a nut with a hint of aroma. It is not only rich in nutrients, but also tastes quite good. Because there are few edible torreya trees in Huisan Base, the price of torreya fruits is higher than that of pine nuts!

 If the team can find one when they go out on a collection mission, they will be happy for several days.

Xia Qing has found eight torreya trees in the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain, of which only one is edible, and it is a yellow one. Moreover, the largest fruit on the yellow torreya tree is only a two-year-old fruit and cannot be picked until next year. The fruit on the torreya tree she had just discovered in Valley No. 1 actually had a lot of cracked fruits. If it was edible, Xia Qing felt that she would not be happy for two weeks, even for this four-meter-tall torreya tree. Tree.

Xia Qing first picked up a stone and threw it on the torreya tree and various trees along the way. She found that these trees did not attack, and no animals jumped out or flew up, indicating that the risk here was not high. She decided to go down and test the tree. The content of the phosphorus element in the tree.

 After raising his hand to confirm that the air toxin detector he was wearing showed a green light, and after confirming that there were no large animals within two hundred meters, he quickly sprayed insect repellent on the trunk of a large tree on the top of the slope, and then tied the rope to the trunk. Although the climbing rope is very strong, it cannot withstand the bites of rodents. It is safe to spray insect repellent.

Then she applied some insect repellent on herself. She couldn't do it without spraying the insect repellent. The hillside was slippery and steep, and the vegetation was dense. Xia Qing had to focus on her steps and didn't want to be distracted by all kinds of evolved insects.

 After checking that there was no problem with the equipment, Xia Qing pulled the rope and started to go down the slope, heading towards the torreya tree more than 20 meters below. Although her feet were slippery and the vegetation was dense, this was not the first time Xia Qing had worked under such conditions. With the climbing rope, she quickly descended fifteen meters, and she could reach the torreya tree five meters further down.

A red squirrel followed Xia Qing not far or near, jumping up and down excitedly on the branches to cheer Xia Qing on.

 Why are you excited and not angry? Because when he's angry, this little guy's tail stands straight up, and when he's excited, his big tail is fluffy and swaying back and forth.

 Seeing it like this, Xia Qing stopped immediately.

The fruit is right in front of you, but the red squirrel doesn't pick it himself, but goes crazy next to him. Of course, it's because he doesn't dare to pick it.

That torreya tree should have caused the red squirrel to suffer, or the red squirrel should have suffered when seeing other animals.

How does this torreya tree protect itself?

When Xia Qing was in the safe zone, she encountered edible torreya trees while participating in a collection mission. After the torreya tree evolved, the pulp contained toxins and could no longer be eaten.

The venom of torreya pulp can be absorbed by the surface skin of animals, blocking nerve conduction in the animal body and the effect is very fast. The blocking time varies according to the concentration of the venom.

 Simply put, it is the evolved torreya pulp, which has the effect of external anesthetics and is also one of the sources of external anesthetics for medical treatment after natural disasters.

It is said that the lower the torreya tree’s torreya tree’s pyrolysis element content, the higher the venom concentration and the stronger the anesthetic effect. The fact that red squirrels dare not pick it by themselves indicates that the venom concentration of this tree is not low, and it is very likely that it is an edible plant.

After descending another two meters and seeing the torreya tree through the dense shrubs around him, Xia Qing cut off a leaping snake with a knife and stopped again.

 Because she heard at least two eagles and more than thirty crows landing not far from her. Looking more closely, Xia Qing could still see a few small squirrels hiding in leaves or bushes. You can even see the small heads of mice or snakes in small holes on the hillsides.

 All animals are waiting quietly. What are they waiting for?

 Of course I’m waiting for her.

What's more, before she even started to act, a clear chain of prey had already been formed: when she touched the torreya fruit and fell down to the bottom of the valley, snakes, mice and squirrels would pounce to take advantage; when the small animals made a fuss, Hawks and crows will swoop down to fight over hedgehogs, mice and squirrels. The beaks and talons of the two eagles were very sharp, and they stared at me with murderous eyes. This shows that they not only eat mice and snakes, but also Xia Qing is their target.

The carrion-eating crow squatted next to the eagle. After the eagle finished its meal, it would peck out all the scraps of meat from Xia Qing's body. Within a few hours, Xia Qing was left with only a skeleton.

Perhaps not even the skeleton is left, because some rodent evolutions can even chew bones.

In other words, in the eyes of these animals, she, the human Xia Qing, is the feast of this feast. (End of chapter)

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