In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 303: What are its evolutionary capabilities?

Daya instructed Xia Qing to install the mobile APP and connect it to the camera. Then he chose a big tree on a high **** and asked Xia Qing to install the camera on the big tree. As luck would have it, he chose the large green-lit chun tree on the high slope.

 In the entire high slope, Xia Qing's favorite tree is this tree, because it has the lowest content of the element chlorine among all the big trees, so it also has the highest safety factor. By installing cameras on large chun trees, not only high-slope and low-slope terrace planting greenhouses, but also high-slope green light orchards are included in the scope of camera surveillance.

After installing the high-slope camera, the two went to the east and west sides of the greenhouse south of the reservoir and installed two surveillance cameras.

 In fact, the monitoring range of this new camera is 300 meters in radius. For the sheds south of Xia Qing’s reservoir, one camera is enough. But Daya said it was a good intention to pretend to be two, and Xia Qing certainly did not object, because the more cameras, the safer the territory.

 Next, it’s time to install the home camera. Xia Qing reminded, "Brother Ya, a wolf in my territory is back. You'll see it when you get home. As long as you don't get close to it or take out a weapon, it won't attack you."

Daya has seen the wolves in Xia Qing's territory a long time ago, and he has no psychological burden at all. "I heard from the third brother, which one came back, the one with a broken leg, the one with a broken waist, or the one infected with parasites?"

It's okay for her to bark like this, but why does Xia Qing feel like all the wolves she knows are doing badly when Daya barks? Xia Qing led the way and explained, "The one infected with parasites is back to continue to recover. However, although it is not yet agile, it can already run and jump, and has fighting ability."

 So, the second child is not miserable.

After listening to Xia Qing’s story about how she met a sick wolf in the evolutionary forest, Daya asked, “What is the evolutionary ability of this wolf?”

Xia Qing paused for two seconds, "...I haven't seen it yet."

Daya happily went back to make up for it, "That may be a balanced evolution of the whole series."

 The sick wolf and the sheep boss had finished their baths and were drying their fur on the hay under the eaves. After eating a full stomach and washing his fur, the sick wolf lying on the hay felt comfortable and sleepy.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer, the sick wolf opened his eyes and stood up, looking at the courtyard door cautiously.

"Hey." The old sheep yelled, lying on the grass and continuing to chew the cud. He used his actions to tell the sick wolf not to be nervous, Xia Qing was here.

 But when the sick wolf saw Daya following Xia Qing, he immediately looked fiercely and prepared to attack and tear the human into pieces.

 Under Xia Qing's care, the sick wolf has gained some flesh on his body. He just took a bath and his hair is fluffy. His posture is quite intimidating.

Daya, who was not nervous at first, felt his heart pounding when he saw it. He retracted his legs as he stepped into the yard and whispered to Xia Qing, "This wolf is much better. It looks much more fierce than last time."

"It was frightened by the wolf howling from the loudspeaker last time, so after returning to human territory, it became more vigilant than before. Brother Ya, wait here, I will let him go back to the house." After Xia Qing explained, Enter the hospital to comfort the sick wolf.

Daya looked at the evolution wolf who looked fierce towards him, but he listened to Xia Qing's words and followed the evolution sheep into the house. He couldn't help but look at Xia Qing more highly.

Humours who can tame adult evolved wild wolves must be unique.

After the wolf and sheep entered the house, Daya quickly selected a location to install the camera. "You can saw off the trees between the back of the house and the farmland greenhouse, and the farmland camera can monitor the area behind the house. Here again Bury a wooden stake more than three meters high and hang the camera, and the entire yard and the large area of ​​ruins to the south will be included in the surveillance area. "

"Okay, I'll dig it out later." Trees are in danger of evolving in the rain, so Xia Qing cleared all the big trees near her home. To maximize the use of the camera, it cannot be mounted on the wall. Bury the stump. Because there was a wolf in the house, it was not convenient for Daya to go in, so he explained to Xia Qing in the yard, "This is the camera with the highest security level now. The data collected are all encrypted. If anyone wants to steal the data, they will be discovered." And get an alert on your phone right away..."

Daya lowered his voice, "You can't completely rely on the early warning function. You can use it for a few days. After you have the basic video, I will edit a few videos for you, and then install the anti-hacker program for you..."

Daya could understand Xia Qing at first, but couldn't understand what he said later. But Xia Qing felt that the image of the man in front of him, who was shorter than himself, had more than doubled in height as he spoke, "Brother Ya, I didn't expect you to have such ability!"

“I was making a living from this before the natural disaster.” Daya explained simply, talking about the price of the camera, “One camera is 20,000 yuan, four cameras total 80,000 yuan. How many kilograms of green light torreya fruits you just picked?”

  The camera that Daya brought over was an ordinary camera that can be purchased in a hundred safe areas. But you get what you pay for. The cameras in the safe area are made of ordinary materials, which cannot prevent the destruction of evolved animals. They cannot be used in the territory. Are the materials that Daya brought new materials or specially supplied by the military? Xia Qing wants 20,000 yuan or 30,000 yuan.

Xia Qing then took out the green lantern torreya fruit from her backpack and said, "40 kilograms."

Daya quickly calculated, "Generally, 5 kilograms of torreya fruit will produce one kilogram of dried fruit, and the third brother will need two kilograms. Including the pulp, the total is 1,760 points. Let's round it up, and you can give me 78,200 points for the camera."

After Xia Qing transferred the points to Daya, there were still more than 31,000 points left from selling fish, which was enough to fence the territory. Xia Qing was very satisfied.

Daya pointed to the cardboard box containing the camera that he placed on the ground, and indicated to Xia Qing that there was something inside with his eyes. Xia Qing understood, nodded vigorously, and clasped his fists again.

Although there are only two people in the territory, Xia Qing and Daya, who knows if there are top hearing evolvers in the nearby territory? Medicines used to treat physical injuries cannot be disclosed to the outside world and must be done with caution.

"I'm leaving. If there is any problem with the camera, you can come to me at any time." Daya was about to leave when he heard the clucking of the hens in the chicken coop.

Xia Qing asked Daya to wait a moment, "The chicken I exchanged with Third Brother a few months ago started laying eggs yesterday. Brother Ya will wait a moment and bring two eggs back to Third Brother for a taste."

 Green light food is the third brother’s favorite. Although there is no shortage of eggs in Territory No. 7, Daya happily accepted the "thank you gift" from Lord No. 3 and warned, "Feed the green lantern chickens as much edible grass and filtered water as possible, otherwise they will consume too much terrestrial elements for a long time. The quality of the chicken will decrease.”

"Okay, thank you Brother Ya." Xia Qing thanked him.

Her green lantern chickens are indeed semi-free range. They eat wild insects of unknown quality and peck at all kinds of weeds. However, Xia Qing feeds wheat bran mixed with vegetable leaves and non-polluted natural spring water every day, and even uses hay when it rains. Stone protects them, so Xia Qing doesn't have to worry about quality deterioration.

 Yi stones and pollution-free spring water are the foundation for her to farm and raise chickens.

After sending Daya out of the territory, Xia Qing found a pine tree more than four meters high and carried it home. He dug a hole and buried it in the southeast corner of the yard, and installed the last camera on it.

After opening the surveillance software, Xia Qing entered the faces and figures of herself, the sheep boss, and the sick wolf into the software system, and emphasized the important role of the camera with her two companions, telling them not to destroy it before discussing with them, " Boss, second brother, you two go catch some bugs and feed them to the fish, and I’ll clean up the tree behind our house, how about that?”

After the two companions left the house, Xia Qing immediately opened the mobile phone software and watched them appear in the screen with a small basket in their mouths. As expected, the camera did not alarm. Xia Qing clicked on the intelligent recognition, and the names of "Sheep Boss" and "Wolf Boss" set by Xia Qing immediately appeared above the heads of the two companions on the camera.

Twenty thousand cameras each are indeed much smarter than two hundred cameras in a safe area. With these four cameras in the territory, Xia Qing felt much more at ease when leaving the territory to go to the evolutionary forest. (End of chapter)

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