Before the hailstorm, Xia Qing and Zhong Tao traded many times to evolve the white-haired chicken vine. Everyone knew that there was a chicken vine in No. 3 territory. Xia Qing pressed the button and responded, "Yes, it is the evolved white-haired chicken vine. Is this herb helpful in treating Uncle Shi's disease?"

Zhang San responded, "It depends on the evolution level. After the rain comes, I will send you some chicken **** vines."

"Okay." After Xia Qing agreed, just as Li Si was waiting for Li Si to exchange chicken **** vines with her, a curved lightning suddenly lit up in the sky, followed by rumbling thunder, and then It was a strong wind mixed with raindrops.

 The third rain in the tenth year of natural disasters has begun.

Shi Zhong’s judgment was very accurate. The rain started to fall very quickly, and it made a huge sound when it hit the rainproof cloth. Even if it was partially weakened by the protective mask, it was still unsettling when it reached the ears.

Xia Qing checked the drainage ditch in the rain and returned to the hut.

Hushi Feng put away the detector with a serious look on his face, "Orange level, the density of chlorine elements is still rising, and red chlorine rain may arrive soon."

When the red rain arrives, there must be someone in the greenhouse, and the previously formulated rest rotation method cannot be implemented. Everyone in Huzi Feng's team looked at Lord No. 3 Xia Qing.

Xia Qing immediately came up with a plan, "Seven sheds, one person is assigned to guard each shed, and I keep an eye on the corn shed. Three people patrol outside to eliminate dangerous and evolved creatures. There is no need to go to the village where I live, the sheep boss and the three wolves They are all in the village, they all wear protective masks, they can hear our conversations, and they will sound the alarm if there is danger.”

"Okay." Hu Hufeng immediately ordered, "Da Jiang, Chen Zheng, and Er Yong, you three are patrolling outside. I will go to the Gaopo shed, and the remaining people will each occupy a shed."

There is spinach that Luo Pei eats every day in the Gaopo greenhouse, and Huo Feng looks at it in person to feel relieved.

Xia Qing finally reminded, “Be careful of sunflowers, safety first.”

 “Understood.” Everyone put on protective masks and ran into the heavy rain.

Xia Qing rushed to the corn shed and turned on fifteen lights one by one. In the second inspection during the rainy night, we relied solely on night vision goggles and headlights to check the condition of the crops, which had great disadvantages.

 So Xia Qing exchanged crops with Zhong Tao for a batch of lighting lamps. Each lamp is equipped with a rechargeable battery, which can illuminate for ten hours on a single charge. The movement of insects is restricted in the rain, and the transparency of the rainproof cloth is not high. Turning on the lights will not attract a large number of insect-like insects.

With the lighting, Xia Qing can clearly see every corner and every corn plant in the greenhouse.

“The level has been raised to red.” Husband Feng’s voice came from the headset-type intercom.

“Lords, now is the red rain period. Please be vigilant. If there is a dangerous situation that cannot be handled, report it to the group immediately.” Tan Junjie’s serious announcement came from the lord’s intercom.

During this tense moment, even Zhao Ze, who liked to complain the most, didn't say much. Each lord stared closely at the crops in his territory, secretly praying that the red rain would end soon.

 Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes…

The violent red-level rain was carried by the strong wind and slapped the earth. The content of the rain in the air and in the rain-soaked soil increased rapidly. Although the crops in the territory are protected by rainproof cloth and are not directly washed by rain, the extremely active excess chlorine elements in the air enter the greenhouse through various gaps. The content of chlorine elements in the air in the greenhouse continues to increase, gradually becoming the same as outside. .

 In the microscopic world that humans cannot see, the fierce battle between plants and elements has begun.

The first person to report the evolution of radish was the team member guarding the vegetable greenhouse. "Two white radish plants in the vegetable shed on the farmland evolved into radish and grew rapidly. They have been eliminated."

 “Two cabbage plants evolved and have been cleared.”

Husband Feng immediately ordered, "Er Yong, immediately support the vegetable greenhouse." "Copy that." Er Yong, the speed evolver who was patrolling outside, quickly rushed to the vegetable greenhouse.

 When the red rain lasts for fifty minutes, each shed will report the evolution of the rain.

 “Two corn plants have evolved and have been cleared.”

In the corn shed, Xia Qing, who was digging out the 20th corn plant and quickly raising it, didn't even care about the sprouting grass under her feet. She quickly returned to the half-meter-high field ridge and looked around to find that she was 20 meters to the east and 40 meters to the west. Two corn plants are rising at the same time!

She quickly ran to the east, cut off the corn and threw it on the high mountain. Then she quickly ran to the west and cleared the roots of the corn that had grown to two and a half meters. Then, while running eastward, she broke the growing corn in her hand into several sections, stuffed it into a sealed bag, sealed it, and threw it on Gaolong. She quickly dug up the roots of the growing corn in the east.

  Three palm-high yellow shoots have sprouted from the corn root that she had chopped off a few seconds ago. After removing the buds and roots and stuffing them into a sealed bag, Xia Qing quickly returned to the high ridge and found that three more corn plants had evolved in different directions!

  She ran to the nearest one, "The number of evolved plants in the corn shed has increased and we are in urgent need of support."

Corn is different from other dwarf crops. If it is raised one meter high, it can touch the rainproof cloth on the top of the greenhouse. Once the upward growth is blocked, the corn can only grow horizontally, which is likely to cause the plants around it to grow.

 Chen Zheng immediately replied, "I'll be there soon."

 “Hey!” Boss Yang and Chen Zheng responded at the same time.

The Bearded Front Team, who were busy in their respective battlefields, heard the voice of Boss Sheep and paused in unison, then continued their work.

Xia Qing replied to Boss Yang in a soft voice while working, "Boss, I don't need your help in the fields. You take care of the home, take care of the second brother and your friends."

“Eh—” the sheep boss responded. Xia Qing had been hanging out with it for half a year, and understood that it was telling him not to panic, so it immediately came to support him.

  Although Xia Qing was calling the name of the boss of Territory No. 3, Big Yang, in vain, Big Yang took it seriously and assumed the responsibility of the leader. If there is a danger that can be dealt with in the territory, he will rush up. If there is a danger that cannot be dealt with, he will flee with Xia Qing.

Soon, Dajiang, who was patrolling the territory, called out, "Sister Qing, the sheep boss has run out of the village and is running towards the corn greenhouse."


Xia Qing quickly dug up corn roots and called to the sheep boss, "Boss, watch your steps and don't fall down. Don't follow the boss out, wait at home. Those with broken waists, don't let the wolf out of the sheep shed."


Dajiang had just cut off a half-meter-long evolved centipede. He was so shocked by Xia Qing's words that he slipped and fell down, smashing the two centipedes into flat pieces.

Night vision goggles make up for the sheep boss’s poor night vision, and hard training in running improves its speed. It quickly crossed the river lying on the ground and ran towards the corn shed.

 Chen Zheng, who was clearing the evolved corns, asked, "Sister Qing, can the boss tell which corn plants have evolved?"

“No, but it can take out all the evolved corn.”

 When cleaning up evolved crops, it is necessary to remove their roots from the native soil as soon as possible to avoid affecting other crops. The root system of corn is very developed. After it is dug out, the roots will grab a large pile of soil and continue to grow. Faced with this situation, one must either throw the corn out of the greenhouse quickly, or seal it to isolate it from the elements.

Now there are more and more evolved corns, and neither method is as efficient as the help of the sheep boss.

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