The scene of so many wolves and sheep huddled together is really nostalgic.

Xia Qing smiled and was about to speak when he saw the ears of the three wolves turning at the same time. A bright light flashed, followed by a muffled thunder.

 Two rain clouds met over this territory, and the rain was about to arrive. Perhaps it was because he was not wearing a Yi stone. Among the three wolves and one sheep, the wolf with the broken leg reacted the most to thunder.

Xia Qing went back to the house and brought out a set of dog protective clothing and three protective masks. He waved to the sheep boss and said, "Boss, come here. The rain will start soon. Put on the protective clothing."

Although the bags of the Sheep Boss, the Sick Wolf and the Broken Wolf all contain stones that can isolate the poisonous elements, they cannot isolate the poisonous gases released by the dangerous evolved plants. Although the big trees near the house have been cleared by Xia Qing, and the possibility of the newly emerged weeds evolving into dangerous weeds is very low, since there are protective equipment at home, of course they must be armed, just in case.

Animals have very keen senses. Even the little ants are aware of the dangers of Blue Star's rain. The sheep boss obediently asked Xia Qing to put on protective clothing and a protective mask, then raised his head and chest, and squawked back and forth in front of the three wolves.

Xia Qing rolled her eyes at it and waved to the sick wolf, "Second brother, come here."

Sick Wolf slowly walked up to Xia Qing and squatted down.

Xia Qing put an old dog protective mask on it, "This is the protective mask that was damaged by the sheep boss during the last ultrasonic attack. I have repaired it, and the filter element has been replaced with a new one. It can isolate toxic gases. Don't worry." I’m afraid, I’ll get used to it after a while.”

Although the sick wolf had never worn a protective mask, it wagged its tail happily after Xia Qing put it on.

Xia Qing raised her eyebrows, "Have you seen this kind of mask? When?"

"Woo." The sick wolf was wearing a protective mask and his voice was not loud. Xia Qing didn't understand what it was saying. The brain-evolved wolf stared at the sick wolf's flexible tail, thoughtfully.

Xia Qing picked up two more protective masks and said, "Those with broken waists and broken legs, you two come here too. I have washed the protective masks you wore last time and replaced the filters, so you two should wear them too."

During the last ultrasonic attack, both injured wolves had worn protective masks. They were no strangers to this, but their impressions were not good either. The Broken-Waist Wolf slowly walked up to Xia Qing and squatted down. With a howl, he called over to the Broken-leg Wolf who was grinning and staring behind him.

Xia Qing put on protective masks for them, then put on a protective mask himself, turned on the headset-type walkie-talkie, and said very seriously, "The rain is coming, and my human companions and I have to protect the territory. The boss, the second, the broken waist , Those who have broken legs, take care of your home, and call me if you need anything."

 “Mea.” The sheep boss responded.

Of the three wolves and one sheep, Xia Qing only turned on the walkie-talkie of the sheep boss because he was familiar with protective masks and knew to lower his volume after wearing the mask.

As for the wolves that would howl when in danger, Xia Qing did not dare to open them for fear that his sensitive ears would be deafened.

Xia Qing went back to the house and put on the weapons, air toxin detector and poison gas adsorbent, then picked up the prepared large backpack and rushed to the hut by the farmland.

Hushi Feng’s team has all arrived, and the lights are on in the hut, which is bustling.

Guan Tong took the large basket carried by Xia Qing and said, "Sister Qing, didn't we agree not to prepare food?"

Xia Qing explained, "The wolves have just sent two prey, which weigh a hundred kilograms in total. The wolves have eaten part of it, and I don't have time to process the rest. If I don't eat it, it will go bad."

Xia Qing was not sure whether the black wolf would bring more prey during the raining process, so he reserved the meat that the wolf wanted to eat and put it in the storage room.

 Guan Tong carrying a basket on his back...

 Nothing to say, he is envious!

Chen Cheng asked curiously, "Sister Qing, what did the wolves catch?" Xia Qing replied, "A yellow-light wild boar, and the other one is a yellow-light sheep or a deer."


 Envy, I want to raise wolves, I want to join Territory No. 3!

 Looking at Xia Qing taking out two pig legs in a sealed bag, Speed ​​Evolution team member Er Yong asked, "Sister Qing, do you still have the head of the prey?"

"Keep it." Xia Qing doesn't know how to handle the heads of prey. She exchanged all the green light prey to Territory No. 7. In the past few days, she simply skinned and cooked the yellow light prey.

Hu Hufeng discussed with Xia Qing, "We can put the pig legs aside for a while. Pig brains are easy to damage. How about letting Er Yong stew the pig heads for us tonight? His father is the chef in the safe zone canteen. Er Yong and his father I learned a lot and my craftsmanship is pretty good.”

Er Yong, a round-headed man, really looks like a cook when he smiles, "I'm far behind my dad these days, but I'm better than the average person. Sister Qing will go get the pig head, and I'll go back and get the seasoning." "

Xia Qing was overjoyed as she didn't expect to catch the chef, "You don't have to go back to get the seasonings, I brought them all here."

Xia Qing went home and said hello to the three wolves and one sheep in the sheep shed. When he went to the basement to change the sealed prey head and walked out, he heard another dull thunder. This time the thunder and lightning were not far apart, indicating that the rain was coming soon.

Kuang Qingwei’s voice sounded on the Lord’s intercom, “Brothers and sisters, get up and work.”

“Get up, everyone, please be careful and we will all be safe.” Qi Fu responded.

Xia Qing pressed the button and responded to his ally, "Okay."

“Yes, we will definitely survive the rainy season safely this time.” Zhao Ze, who hired three evolvers from Territory No. 1, was full of confidence.

Shi Zhong reminded, "The rain will definitely not stop soon. It's best for everyone to check the drainage ditch again to see if there are any areas that have been opened by animals."

 According to the situation in previous years, the rain in the first few hours will not be too heavy, and the level is relatively safe blue or yellow. When Xia Qing raised her head and looked up at the dark night sky, she heard Tang Huai ask, "Shi Zhong, how do you know the rain won't stop?"

 Shi Zhong replied, "I have rheumatoid arthritis, and now the joints all over my body have started to hurt. It can't be wrong."

Rheumatoid arthritis will hurt when it rains. It’s very accurate.

Xia Qing also became nervous. He put the pig's head into the shed and started to check the drainage ditches of the greenhouse with his team.

Zhang San’s feeble voice sounded on the Lord’s intercom, “Shi Zhong, what medicine are you taking now?”

"Evolved Panax Notoginseng Powder and Ground Bug Powder, Third Brother, do you have any medicine to treat rheumatoid arthritis?" Shi Zhong's voice was filled with urgency. His disease was so torturous that his son wanted to give him enough points to buy medicine. , often taking risks to go on missions and collect herbs.

Xia Qing often went on missions with Shi Du. Shi Du would pay attention to and pick herbs every time, but not all of them were sold when he returned to the mission hall. Xia Qing guessed that he had patients at home who needed regular medication.

From the instructional video of how to quickly retract the rainproof cloth that he sent last time, Xia Qing found that the joints of Shi Du's hands were swollen, so he knew that Shi Du was collecting medicine for his father. She thought Shizhong was poisoned, but she didn't expect it to be a chronic disease like rheumatoid arthritis.

 Zhang San responded, "There is no cure for this type of immune system disease. My medicine can alleviate your symptoms, but the price is also much higher. Xia Qing, I remember that there is chicken vine in your territory?"

˜Thank you to Dayu’er for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription support. The third rainstorm is about to begin.

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