After Qi Fu and his wife left, the sun set like the western mountains and it was about to get dark.

Xia Qing stuffed the four sunflowers pointed out by Yuan Yan and the four sunflowers he had discovered before into the basket. When he passed the chicken coop, he also lifted the chicken coop up.

 “Chichi, chichi!”

The black-feathered rooster in the cage crows dissatisfiedly and pecks at the bamboo cage with its beak.

 Does this mean she came too late?

Xia Qing explained, "I just made an alliance with someone, so I was delayed for a while. I will take you back today, and it will be four days before you come out again. Come on, let's go home."

 The poultry in the cage—except for the red lantern goose—are all treasures. It depends on whether Xia Qing can try the 128 ways to eat eggs this winter, and they must be protected.

 After returning home, Xia Qing carried the chicken coop into the sheep shed and put it into the large chicken coop she had taken the time to build in the past few days. This chicken coop occupies a quarter of the sheep shed. There is a layer of soil under the cage, and a food trough and water tank are placed outside the cage.

 After checking the stability of the cage, Xia Qing stuffed a small piece of Yi stone into the small hole on the top of the cage.

 She has four stones in total: three the size of pigeon eggs and one the size of a walnut. In order to preserve food and cope with the rain, three pieces as big as pigeon eggs were cut into small pieces and used.

In other words, in order to deal with the rain, Xia Qing used a total of Yishi worth more than 600,000 points.

However, Xia Qing was not distressed.

Every material should have its value, and the three broken stones were all used by her on the edge of the knife. Besides, after it rains, the stones installed on the greenhouses and chicken coops can be recovered, stuffed into protective shells and sealed, and then taken out for use next time it rains.

 The shelf life of Yishi is as long as three months.

 After returning home and having a simple and energy-rich meal, Xia Qing placed eight sunflowers on the table and observed them carefully.

If we insist on saying that these sunflower plants have something in common, it is that they all have many large and small "tumors" on their short and dense roots. However, Xia Qing didn't dig out other sunflowers to look at, so he didn't know if this was a normal phenomenon.

 She put on gloves and a protective mask, carefully cut open a root nodule of the green sunflower with a dagger, and found that it was actually empty inside.

Xia Qing cut open the large tumors at the roots of seven other sunflowers. Without exception, they were all empty. Xia Qing didn't know if this was normal for sunflowers, but the root nodules of peanuts and pumpkins were solid.

She took a photo of the root nodule, recorded the characteristics in her notebook, and then called Boss Sheep, "Boss, this is a green light plant, would you like to try it?"

 The sheep boss came over and smelled it, then turned back to the tatami.


Xia Qing called to the sick wolf again, "Second brother, do you think there's anything wrong with this sunflower?"

 The sick wolf was lying on the tatami, looking at Xia Qing with its clear eyes, without moving.


Xia Qing felt that the look in its eyes was exactly the same as when she saw the sheep boss going crazy. Xia Qing didn't want to find out what it meant, so she got up and sealed the sunflower plant into the cellar.

If these eight sunflowers have the same problem, it means that she and Yuan Yan have the same "ability", and Yuan Yan's "ability" is stronger than hers.

This possibility is very high, because Yuan Yan could sense something was wrong before the potato evolved into a dangerous and aggressive attack, while Xia Qing did not. This may also be because she did not observe the potato seedlings carefully at that time. Since the dancing potato seedling incident, Xia Qing has been wary of the seeds brought out from the safe area and observed more carefully, so she noticed something was wrong with the sunflower.

 She and Yuan Yan may not have the same "ability", which would be better. She has different abilities from her allies, and the effect of patrolling farmland will be better if they work together.

Xia Qing is really happy to be able to form an alliance with Territory No. 5. Now that she has allies, as well as three powerful trading partners, No. 1, No. 7, and the Wolf Pack, her chances of surviving with high quality are getting higher and higher.

  After saying hello to Sick Wolf and Boss Sheep, Xia Qing went upstairs to sleep while humming a little tune. She will get up at 12:30 tonight, fully equipped to face the third rain.

 As a result, Xia Qing was woken up by the sound trap before twelve o'clock. The triggered trap is located by the stream in the northeast of the territory.

She put on her night vision goggles and got up, carefully lifted the blackout curtains and looked north, meeting a pair of eyes with a faint green light.

These eyes were too familiar to her. Xia Qing put the gun back in his waist and went downstairs fully armed.

 There was only the sheep boss on the tatami, and the sick wolf must have gone out to check the situation. Xia Qing said hello to the sheep boss, and within a few steps of leaving the village, he caught up with the sick wolf that was slowly heading north. "Second brother, I just took a look, it's your companions here."

The sick wolf imitated the way the sheep boss behaved, and rubbed Xia Qing's leg with its thin body to show affection.

 One person and one wolf arrived at the stream and saw three wolves walking slowly.

 The wolf with a waist injury in the brain evolves in front, and the wolf with a broken leg and the black wolf in the back. The three wolves' bellies were all bulging, and they must have been full. The two behind them each had a prey in their mouths.

 The Brain Evolution wolf walked slowly because the injury on its waist was not healed yet. The black wolf followed him obediently, and the broken-legged wolf was impatient, shaking his head as he walked, and jumping around a few times from time to time.

Seeing Xia Qing finally coming over, the Broken Leg Wolf immediately jumped over and showed her the prey in its mouth.

 Another unknown animal. Xia Qing asked in a soft voice, "Broken leg, where did you grab this from in the middle of the night? Don't your cheeks and teeth hurt after you walked so far with it in your mouth?"

Thinking that he was being praised, the broken-leg wolf placed the prey in front of Xia Qing, turned around and ran back to the brain-evolved wolf. The sick wolf also followed slowly, sniffed and said hello to the three wolves.

The broken-waisted wolf stopped two meters in front of Xia Qing, raised its head, and looked at her quietly. Xia Qing took off his protective mask and looked at the weak yet powerful wolf quietly.

The rain is coming, and the air humidity is rising. Because Xia Qing is wearing a stone, she can't tell whether the content of the element in the air has increased by breathing. She only feels very quiet at the moment. Even if the wind was blowing, even if there was running water next to her, even if there were many nocturnal insects buzzing around, and even if she could hear the heavy breathing of the wolf, she still felt very quiet.

 This is a very wonderful feeling.

Xia Qing asked calmly, "Broken waist, are you planning to hide from the rain in my and Boss Yang's territory?"

The Brain Evolution Wolf whined, and the black wolf standing behind placed the prey in front of Xia Qing. This is a normal wolf and does not need Xia Qing's praise.

Xia Qing mentioned two prey that weighed more than a hundred kilograms in total and nodded in agreement, "Okay. The rain is coming soon. Come home with me. You go slowly, and I will go back to process and store the prey."

 After returning home, Xia Qing first dismantled the chicken coop in the sheep shed, carried it into the tool room and reassembled it. He also laid two rolls of straw mats in the sheep shed before returning to the house to deal with the two yellow lantern prey.

 After she took care of the prey and left the house, she found three wolves and a sheep nesting in the sheep shed, looking up at her. Each wolf became more serious than the other, and the sheep boss still chewed cud with a face that needed a beating.

That black wolf left at some point.

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