Chapter 216 Territory Alliance

 In the end, Xia Qing decided not to leave a tree alive. Because there are sunflowers in every territory, if you pay more attention to the territory channels and broadcasts, you will know how the sunflowers behave like monsters. During the seventy hours of torment, she had too much to do, and there was no need to leave herself with hidden dangers.

After Xia Qing bent down and pulled out the first sunflower, the mobile phone in her pocket rang. The caller was not Zhang San or Luo Pei, but Qi Fu.

Qi Fu asked, "Is it convenient now? Your sister-in-law and I will send you some freshly shaved ginger."

 After Qi Fu woke up from his injury, he indeed promised to give half of the green lantern **** in his territory to Xia Qing as a thank you gift. However, if they just send **** and come alone, Xia Qing feels that they must have other things to do and it is not convenient to say on the phone, "When you are free, I will wait for you and your sister-in-law in the northern isolation zone."

 After pulling out the remaining three sunflowers, Xia Qing asked the sheep boss and the sick wolf to go home first. She went to the northern isolation zone to meet Qi and Fu.

The couple quickly rushed to the northern isolation zone of Territory No. 3, handed the **** to Xia Qing, and explained, "Originally we planned to harvest it at the end of October, but the rain was too heavy this time, and we were afraid that the **** wouldn't survive that time, so I'll dig some up first and send you a few pounds."

Unlike other plants, **** has three harvest periods during its growth: **** harvested from late June to early July is called mother ginger, those harvested from September to early October are called young ginger, and those harvested from late October to November are called young ginger. Old ginger.

  Ginger harvested at different times has different moisture and spiciness. Ginger that is left as seed is old ginger.

Xia Qing took the **** bag weighing ten kilograms, invited them into his territory, and took the initiative to start a conversation, "Brother Qi, sister-in-law, are you almost prepared in your territory?"

The couple followed Xia Qing down the hillside. Yuan Yan replied, "I have prepared everything I can think of. We came here to see the oil sunflower in your field. Sister, you asked Li Si about the oil sunflower last time. Do you think something is wrong?"

Unexpectedly, they were also after sunflowers. Xia Qing replied, "I tested it with a detector and found that the content of the chlorine element in some oil sunflowers is close to 15 parts per thousand. I am afraid that they will evolve aggressively in the rain."

After finishing speaking, Xia Qing added with a smile, "I was also frightened by the dancing potato vines last time."

Hearing this reason, Qi and Fu exchanged glances. Yuan Yan approached Xia Qing and lowered her voice, "If you can trust me, take us to the place where you plant sunflowers before it gets dark." ”

  Could it be that Yuan Yan has also "evolved" an "ability" similar to her own? Xia Qing's mind was racing, and she nodded calmly, "Sister-in-law, Brother Qi, they're right over here."

When walking towards the terraces, Qi Fu explained, "Your sister-in-law's family contracted thousands of acres of land before the natural disaster. She has been working in the fields with her family since she was a child, and she is more knowledgeable than me."

“No wonder you came out to farm. It turns out that both of you are experts.” Xia Qing invited them into the high-slope terraced greenhouse.

Yuan Yan was wandering around the sunflower field, while Qi Fu was observing Xia Qing's greenhouse, "You have a good idea. Next year I will also build terraces and build a greenhouse like this, which will provide good drainage and a high roof."

Xia Qing explained, "These terraces have been there for a long time. I found that the soil here is good, so I cleared them out and planted them."

Qi Fu sighed, "The people who farmed here before the natural disaster must be old farmers."

If it weren't for the old farmer, he wouldn't be so careful, and he wouldn't be able to make the fields so neat.

Yuan Yan in the field pointed to a sunflower and discussed with Xia Qing, "Sister, should you pull out this sunflower? Something might happen to it in the rain."

To the lord, every seedling in the field is a treasure, and it is very unreasonable to let people pull out the seedlings. Qi Fu explained, "Before the second rain, your sister-in-law noticed something was wrong with a few potato seedlings. Later, those potato seedlings turned into dancing potato seedlings. This time she looked at the several oil sunflower plants in our field, which were more beautiful than the others. There was something wrong with the potatoes last time, so we pulled them all.”

Xia Qing neatly pulled out the sunflower that Yuan Yan found and thanked her sincerely, "Thank you sister-in-law. If aggressive killing really happens, this one will not be the only one that will be lost."

Seeing that Xia Qing thought clearly and was willing to trust them, Yuan Yan smiled. The scars on her face caused by acid rain distorted with her smile, and her face looked a little fierce. "We are neighbors, and we should help each other."

After clearing away the two sunflowers in the terraced fields, Qi Fu and his wife followed Xia Qing down to see the sunflowers in the vegetable greenhouse on the farmland. When passing the sweet potato terraces, Xia Qing took the initiative to explain, "These are the sweet potatoes that I cut and live. There is also a terraced field below where many are planted. When the sweet potatoes are harvested, I will send you a bag."

The couple then looked at the plants in the terraces, and their eyes lit up.

Xia Qing once mentioned using sweet potato vine cuttings to propagate sweet potatoes in the Lord Channel, but she said that only more than 20 trees survived. Everyone knew that she must have said less, but she did not expect that she actually said less than ten times!

Looking at this large area and the color of the sweet potato leaves, there must be more than twenty green light sweet potatoes here!

Qi Fu's lips almost reached the back of his head, "Then we won't be polite to you. We will follow the rules and exchange food for you."

Xia Qing kept in mind the trading rules Yang Jin said and nodded in agreement.

The couple followed Xia Qing across the stone bridge and entered the vegetable shed on the farmland. They discovered that there was something wrong with two more sunflowers. One of them turned out to be a green sunflower with a red rope tied to it.

Xia Qing, who had only two green sunflowers, pulled them out without hesitation.

 After checking the sunflowers, the couple will return to their territory.

They took the initiative to come over to help, and Xia Qing accepted the offer, so of course he wouldn't let them go back empty-handed. She picked a basket of vegetables for them to take with them, "I know brother Qi and sister-in-law must have planted a lot of vegetables. These are green ones and can be dried and eaten in the winter."

Yuan Yan was not polite to Xia Qing. She directly took the basket and handed it to her husband, and then discussed with Xia Qing, "Sister, do you think we could discuss it with Brother Luo and pay points to store the grain from the autumn harvest in his territory?"

Compared to the lord management department located in the safe zone, Yuan Yan and his wife trusted the Qinglong team and Luo Pei more.

"That's what I plan to do. Let's mention it to Brother Luo privately when we have time." Xia Qing didn't want to expose the food storage room in the territory, so she planned to store the food and seeds in Territory No. 1 so that she could justifiably refuse to report to him. Zhong Tao bought food.

Hearing that Xia Qing thought the same as them, Yuan Yan was even more happy, "If Brother Luo is willing to help, we can just give more points. The grain and seeds can be saved for planting next year, and we won't have to worry about anything."

Xia Qing nodded, lowered her voice and warned, "Sister-in-law, don't tell anyone about what you can tell is wrong with the crops."

Yuan Yan used rough and dry hands to hold Xia Qing's hand firmly, "Except for you, we didn't talk to anyone."

Yuan Yan is not a talkative person, so after saying this sentence, she did not go on, but Xia Qing already understood what they meant.

 Yuan Yan and Qi Fu chose to tell Xia Qing the secret of their evolutionary abilities, showing enough sincerity. Xia Qing couldn't tell her that she also had similar abilities. Because she has already exposed her three-line evolution ability, she cannot do more. However, Xia Qing accepted the sincerity of Territory No. 5.

Xia Qing held hands with Yuan Yan, her red face was dyed red by the setting sun, and she sincerely extended an invitation:

“We are all here to farm. We can’t form a team to take on tasks and earn points, but we can form an alliance. From now on, Territory 3 and Territory 5 are an alliance. We can help each other. Does that make sense to my sister-in-law?”

Yuan Yan also blushed with excitement, "Okay! We are not a team, we are a territorial alliance. We will cultivate the fields together and survive together."

Qi Fu, who was carrying the basket, was so excited that he burst into tears. He squeezed the handle of the basket and said, "Yes, let's make an alliance and live without worrying about food and drink."

Huisan Base, a territorial alliance strong enough to compete with the base management department and the team alliance, was established just before the worst rain in the tenth year of the natural disaster.

   Thanks to book friends Shi Licorice and 4900 for the reward. Thank you all for your subscription and support. Here is today’s update.

  (End of this chapter)

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