Chapter 215 Installing Yishi

Xia Qing carried the rainproof cloth back to the hut next to the farmland.

With more and more farm tools and supplies, Xia Qing simply built a house next to the hut using the cleared bricks and stones. The outside room was a living room and storage room, and the inside room was a lounge. A small half of the space in the lounge was used to store supplies, and the other half contained three wooden beds for the Bearded Peak team who came to stay on night duty to rest.

 She cut the tarps into appropriate sizes in the hut and put them into each greenhouse. Then start checking the bamboo sheets, bamboo poles and iron frames of the greenhouse. If there are any cracks, replace them immediately, and if they are not strong, tie them tightly, and put a bundle of replacement materials in each shed to ensure that the rainproof shed can be repaired within three minutes after aggressive predatory plants damage it in the rain.

After inspecting the greenhouse, Xia Qing cleaned the drainage ditches around the greenhouse again to ensure that no matter how hard it rained, the rainwater would not wash out the drainage ditches and flow into the greenhouse, causing crops to grow.

 After finishing all the farm work, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still thirteen hours before the rain started.

Xia Qing still has three unfinished projects: sending stones to sick wolves, installing stones in greenhouses, and pulling out sunflowers.

 After it started to rain, she would definitely not be able to deliver medicine to the injured wolf on time. This was an unexpected situation caused by the weather, and she had to explain it to the VIP guests living in the cave in advance.

When Xia Qing rushed to the abandoned cave with a spray gun on her back, she found that the black wolf and the broken-leg wolf were not there, except for the brain-evolved wolf.

Those two guys, are you so relieved?

After the wounded wolf finished drinking the potion, Xia Qing asked, "Broken waist, your lady Queen hasn't come back yet? It's going to rain for the third time tonight, what are you three planning?"

 The Brain Evolution Wolf looked at Xia Qing quietly, thoughtfully.

Why didn’t Blue Star allow humans to evolve the ability to communicate with animals? Xia Qing sighed, "I'll spray the cave with potion first to prevent insects and remove the smell. During the rain, you try to move around in the cave as much as possible and don't run outside."

When the brain-evolved wolf lay unable to move in the sheep shed, Xia Qing cleaned the sheep shed every day, so it was very familiar with this process. He squatted at the entrance of the cave and watched Xia Qing work.

Xia Qing went in this time and discovered that there was an upward, straight circular exit at the innermost part of the cave. It should have been when humans built the wild boar breeding center, using machines to drill the ventilation holes, and it was through this ventilation hole that the first wolf came in and out.

It is indeed an evolved wolf, its jumping ability is really good.

 The vents were not sealed when the humans evacuated. When it rains, this vent will definitely fill the cave with water, and the interior of the cave will be polluted by the rain.

Xia Qing finished spraying the potion, climbed to the top of the cave, found a few big rocks to block the entrance of the cave, called the Brain Evolution Wolf into the cave, avoided the camera at the entrance of the cave, and took out a bag of the same style as the Sheep Boss. Tell it in a low voice, "Hang this up. Don't take it off when it rains. Return it to me after it rains."

The boss of the sheep often wears such a hanging bag, and the alpha wolf also has one, so he recognizes it. It lay down obediently, stretched out its head and let Xia Qing put it on.

Xia Qing has been very careful in the face of this evolved wolf that is not easy to deal with due to its waist injury, but is very smart. Smart guys have many eyes, so she has to be on guard at all times.

If it weren’t for being too narrow-minded, would it be possible for him to think of lying down?

If the wolf was standing or squatting, its teeth and sharp front claws would pose a threat to Xia Qing, but if it was lying down, the danger would be much less. Xia Qing only had to be prepared to be bitten by it.

The wolf that can think of this is definitely smart. Xia Qing even suspected that it was more thoughtful than the alpha wolf.

If this guy partners with Yang Jin, he will definitely be able to sweep away the invincible Blue Star players. Xia Qing quickly put the bag on it, then took out a small piece of stone from his pocket to show it, and told it in a very low voice, "You guys gave me this stone in exchange, you must know Its usefulness, I put it in my backpack. Broken waist, you will survive this rain safely. If there is any danger, go to the territory to find me and the sheep boss."

 After saying that, Xia Qing stuffed the Yishi into the hidden pocket of the backpack, and warned worriedly, "Don't take off the backpack, and don't let other humans discover the existence of the Yishi, otherwise you will be in danger."

 After saying that, Xia Qing left the cave and returned to his territory.

To be honest, she felt bad for giving the brain evolution wolf a small piece of stone. But there's nothing I can do about feeling distressed. The guy's injuries haven't healed yet, and his ability to withstand the rain is poor. If it goes crazy in the red rain, all the hundreds of thousands of points Xia Qing spent on this wolf will be in vain. .

 So she had to come up with this small piece of stone.

 Leaving the abandoned cave and returning to the territory, Xia Qing looked at the large white clouds gathering in the western sky. Although the rain had not arrived yet, Xia Qing already felt oppressed.

She entered the greenhouse and stuffed a small piece of cut stone into the small hole in the greenhouse support in the center of the high-slope green light terrace.

The stone in the Green Lantern Terrace is twice as big as the one on the Brain Evolved Wolf. Xia Qing calculated that the protective ball formed by the Yi stone releasing Yi elements could cover more than 600 spinach plants in the terraces.

With the protection of this stone, as long as the rainproof cloth of the terraced greenhouse is not torn and the spinach is not directly exposed to the rain, the evolution will not occur.

 After installing the stones on the spinach terraces, Xia Qing installed the second cut stone in the sweet potato terraces where the green light sweet potatoes are densest. Sweet potatoes are her favorite food, and she must keep enough green sweet potatoes to ensure that she can plant at least three terraces next year.

The third small piece of Yi stone was installed on a bracket in the green light rice field by Xia Qing.

 The products produced by Zhang San must be high-quality. Xia Qing and Zhang San exchanged one hundred rice plants, and now ninety-five of them are still alive. These rice plants, both in terms of growth and leaf color, are better than the rice seedlings she bought from the safety zone. They are the rice plants that Xia Qing wants to save for planting. Each plant is a treasure and must be protected.

Whether the remaining crops can survive the third rain depends on their fate. Even if more than half of these crops were lost in the rain, the surviving portion would produce enough food for Xia Qing.

After installing the stones, Xia Qing came to the small shed not far from the southeast where the cotton was grown. The cotton plants nearby were smashed into bare branches in the hail and were cleared away by Xia Qing. One of the sunflowers that originally grew in the shed was also killed by hail, and now there are four sunflowers growing there.

It’s five o’clock in the afternoon, and the flowers of two sunflowers in bloom are facing the west. The flower heads of the two sunflowers that had passed their flowering period no longer followed the sun, but were facing the direction where Xia Qing was standing now.

 She looked at the four yellow sunflowers quietly with a serious look on her face.

 Sick Wolf stood next to Xia Qing, also staring at Sunflower. The sheep boss got impatient and nudged Xia Qing with his head.

  It’s late, it’s time to collect the chickens and go home to cook.

Xia Qing, who was deep in thought, was pushed so hard by the sheep boss that he almost fell to the ground. After standing firm, Xia Qing continued to stare at the sunflower.

Should they all be pulled out or should one be left alone to see how it fares in the rain?

 (End of this chapter)

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