In the Tenth Year After the Natural Disaster, Follow me to Farm

Chapter 220: The first burst of red rain ends

The sheep boss opened the door and entered the corn shed. Xia Qing quickly stepped forward and took off its protective mask, stuffed two pieces of compressed rations into its bag, and coaxed softly, "Boss came at the right time. No." If you help us, our territory will be over. Take these corns lying on the ridges and throw them out of the shed, be careful not to get caught in the rain. "

 After saying that, Xia Qing gathered a few stalks of corn on the field and hurried to the door of the greenhouse and threw them out as a demonstration to the sheep boss.


The sheep boss understood. He picked up two corn plants still growing with soil clods at their roots. He quickly ran to the shed entrance and threw them farther than Xia Qing.

Xia Qing, who was running, heard the noise and praised wildly without looking back, "Boss is great, much better than me. He is worthy of being the sheep that created a new era of Blue Star Evolution Sheep. It all depends on you."

The praised sheep boss threw corn stalks out wildly. Chen Zheng, who had never seen this world before, was shocked for two seconds and quickly entered the battle.

The red rain lasted for one and a half hours. The crops inside the shed and the animals and plants outside the shed continued to evolve or go crazy. Humans were so busy that they wished they could regenerate eight hands.

"One hour and fifty minutes, the red rain is over." Tan Junjie's announcement sounded in the Lord's channel.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to stop working. Because the chemical elements in the air will not drop rapidly because the red rain stops, the crops in the shed are still growing.

 Outside the shed? Don't care! !

Xia Qing has lost count of how many stalks of corn she has cleared. The corn that was taken out by the sheep boss is still rising rapidly, blocking the entrance to the shed. The sheep boss got angry and went out, kicking and kicking him in a circle before he made room and continued to throw it out.

An hour and a half after the red rain stopped, the crops in the greenhouse finally stabilized and no longer evolved, and the weeds growing in the greenhouse were almost cleared. It was raining at a blue level outside the shed, and the sky was already clear.

 Everyone in the territory collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, their hands and feet were trembling, and they were breathing heavily. The sheep boss turned into a ball of mud and lay beside Xia Qing, shaking his head constantly.

Xia Qing took a breath and climbed up, wiped the mud off the sheep boss's face and mouth, and began to count the losses in the first burst of red rain. During the one hour and fifty minutes of red rain, two hundred and eighty corn plants were growing in the corn sheds. Listening to the losses reported from each shed, Xia Qing felt heartbroken.

 Fortunately, no plant evolution occurred in the high-slope spinach terraces, sweet potato terraces and green light rice in the cultivated land that she protected with stones.

 Completely clean up the cleared plants, and patrol the territory to clean up a group of dangerous evolved organisms. Xia Qing pressed the button, "The situation has stabilized, everyone can rest."

Husband Feng replied, "Now we will carry out the original plan. Xia Qing will go home to rest and come back at five o'clock in the afternoon. If it rains red during this period, I will call you to inform you."

The third rain will continue for 70 hours, and now it is the fifth hour. The eleven of them need to take three shifts to rest, maintain the best fighting condition, and deal with dangers that may arise at any time.

Xia Qing, whose body was covered with mud and grass blades, returned to the village with his dirty sheep, stepping on grass that was half a man tall.

 Cleaning up weeds? Can't care now.

After returning home, after Xia Qing confirmed that there was no toxin in the air, he first took off the protective masks of the three wolves, then took the sheep boss to the bathroom to wash away the mud on his body, took off his protective clothing, and placed it in the sheep boss's bathtub. Pour warm water into it and let it take a comfortable bath.

Xia Qing went to the bathroom on the second floor to take a quick shower, changed out of her sweat-soaked clothes, and started cooking, feeding the wolves, sheep, and chickens.

The sheep, who had worked hard all night, ate green grass mixed with spinach leaves and wheat bran concentrate, the sick wolf ate boiled offal, the chickens ate minced vegetables plus wheat bran, and the fish ate insects caught by Xia Qing. The big bucket containing the green light and yellow light fish was placed by Xia Qing next to the chicken coop, protected by Yi Shi, and passed through the first red rain safely.

 Snake in the box? Can't care.

Xia Qing ate tea soup and fragrant five-spice green lantern dried meat, plus fifteen milliliters of freshly squeezed spinach juice.

 The two wolves in the sheep shed still have round bellies and do not need to eat. Xia Qing estimated that the two wolves would not eat until the rain stopped completely.

When I was ready to rest after eating, Xia Qing heard Zhao Ze ask, "How about the situation of everyone's territory, my corn lost more than 500 plants, and only white radish left." The red rain has been falling for nearly two hours. If it rains tomorrow, we will suffer even greater losses." Unlike Zhao Ze's pessimistic complaints, Qi Fu always sees the positive side of things.

Tang Huai asked, "Zhao Ze, is it raining in your vegetable shed?"

 If it hadn’t rained, the damage would not have been so great.

Zhao Ze was annoyed, "The rainproof cloth for vegetables and a corn shed was torn a while ago, and my mother said there was no need to replace it with new ones..."

In the middle of Zhao Ze's words, Xia Qing heard Zhao's mother yelling, "I mean it's strong, are you strong? You losers, why do you blame me for not doing your job well?"

 As a lord, Zhao Ze’s leadership and execution skills are so poor that he really deserves to be scolded. After hearing Zhao Ze being scolded, everyone felt a lot more comfortable.

Kuang Qingwei asked, "Are you all okay? Two more people lost control and were injured here. It's really difficult. The safety zone must be in chaos."

 Many ordinary people’s protective masks in the safety zone are old and broken. If it rains at the red level for one hour and fifty minutes, thousands of people will definitely lose control.

In addition to those who lose control and attack their companions indiscriminately, there are also many who fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble. The current safe zone is no different from purgatory.

Xia Qing couldn't care about the safety zone, he could only care about himself and his allies. After asking on his cell phone that no one in Territory No. 5 was seriously injured, Xia Qing put on protective masks for the sheep boss and the wolves before going upstairs to rest.

In the lord channel, Shi Du asked Zhang San for help, "Third brother, are you there? Can I go over and get the medicine now? My dad is in severe pain all over. Do you think I can exchange it with green light mung beans or green light cotton?"

Zhang San is not short of green vegetables now, and the two items Shidu proposed are the best supplies in Territory No. 10.

“Sure, five kilograms each.” Zhang San responded, “Xia Qing, send me two kilograms of white-haired chicken vines from your territory.”

Xia Qing pressed the button and responded, "Okay, right away."

Hu Hufeng’s phone call came, “You rest at home, I’ll go and see you off.”

 “Sorry for the trouble, Captain Hu.” Xia Qing thanked him, turned off the intercom and went upstairs.

From the lord channel, Li Si's voice came, "Xia Qing, can I exchange chicken **** vines? What supplies do you need?"

Xia Qing, who had turned off the intercom, couldn't hear her. Hu Hufeng replied on her behalf, "Fourth sister, Xia Qing has been clearing up the corn all night. I asked her to go back and rest. I will tell her when she comes out."

 “Thank you.” Li Si replied calmly.

Tang Huai immediately went online and said, "Madman, you can do it."

Hushi Feng pressed the intercom and said, "You idiot, straighten your tongue and speak. If I'm happy, I might be able to let you go into Territory No. 1 to dig for worms."

Tang Huai snorted coldly, "It's like you have the final say in Territory No. 1."

Tang Zhengbo said, "Tang Huai, has Territory No. 2 been cleared?"

"Not yet, I'm leading people to clean up." Tang Huai replied honestly.

Tan Junjie said seriously, "Please report the dangerous evolution of animals in each territory."

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