During a natural disaster year, attention must be paid to any abnormality, otherwise it may cause a great crisis and even lead to loss of life.

Xia Qing moved the wrong sunflower out of the vegetable greenhouse and planted it in a small shed away from the greenhouse. There used to be a goldenrod plant growing in this shed, but it died after the main stem was broken during the hailstorm last month.

Five days after this sunflower was moved out of the greenhouse, the growth rate of the sunflowers around it caught up with other plants in a few days. This shows that Xia Qing's feeling is right. The slow growth of that patch of sunflowers was caused by that strange sunflower.

 As for how it caused harm, Xia Qing couldn't figure it out.

In the next few days, Xia Qing carefully inspected the sunflower field and found three more strange sunflowers, and moved them to the shed. Because the soil she transplanted was large enough, the roots of the sunflowers were not damaged, so although the four sunflowers withered for two days, they all recovered and continued to grow.

 After calming down, they still gave Xia Qing the feeling that something was wrong. Moreover, this kind of something wrong is extraordinary.

After getting to know Hushu Feng, Xia Qing once asked him for advice. When they teamed up to dig bamboo shoots in the evolutionary forest in early April, Husband Feng based his judgment on how the bamboo with the green bamboo shoots was an aggressive evolutionary plant.

Hush Feng’s judgment is based on the external characteristics of dangerously evolved creatures and the surrounding environment. For example, the green lantern bamboo leaves are sparser than other bamboos, the main stems of the surrounding bamboos have scars cut or punctured by bamboo leaves, and there are no animal bite marks on the green lantern bamboo shoots.

The reason why Xia Qing felt that her feeling this time was extraordinary was because the four sunflowers she found, in addition to making the surrounding sunflowers grow slower, had various indicators and characteristics, including gray-green leaves, long The main stem is covered with fine hairs and is no different from other yellow sunflowers.

Xia Qing didn't want to tell anyone about this inexplicable feeling because she didn't know if it was the result of some kind of ability evolution.

 If not, it’s easy to handle.

If so, Xia Qing would have transformed from a third-line ability evolver into a fourth-line ability evolver. In the ten years since the natural disaster, Xia Qing has never heard of a four-series ability evolver, which both makes her happy and uneasy.

Therefore, Xia Qing decided to hide this matter tightly, even from his closest companion, Boss Yang.

After finishing the plan and completing tonight's training, Xia Qing greeted the sheep boss and the sick wolf, "Boss, second brother, I'm going to bed, and the territory will be handed over to you two tonight. You keep a good watch, and I will get up tomorrow morning to You make delicious food.”

 “Hey.” The sheep boss responded when he heard that there was something delicious.

 The sick wolf looked up at Xia Qing, its thin head tilted, and it could be seen that it was in a good mood.

 The sheep boss has no ability to see at night, so the main force keeping vigil at night is actually the sick wolf.

 Evolved wolves are animals that sleep during the day and are active at night. Even when sleeping, they are very alert and will wake up at the slightest movement.

Since the sick wolf recovered its sight and could move slowly, it took the initiative to take on the task of keeping watch. No disturbance in the territory could escape its ears.

 After the great evolution of Blue Star creatures, not only human beings’ various abilities have evolved, but wolves have also evolved. Wild wolves, which are already better than humans in terms of vision, hearing, smell, running speed and other abilities, are still better than humans after evolution. Although Xia Qing is a level seven hearing ability evolver, her hearing is still not as good as that of ordinary evolved wolves.

 In the past half month, there have been two incidents of wild rabbits sneaking into her territory at night, destroying the insect-proof net and trying to get into the greenhouse to eat vegetables. Because they did not touch the trap, they were not noticed by Xia Qing who was sleeping, but they were all discovered by the sick wolf. Xia Qing discovered the traces of the hare because she heard the sick wolf open the door and go out, but did not hear the sound of it returning after it was convenient. She followed him out to check.

Xia Qing was sure that if the sick wolf hadn't been so weak, it would have been able to catch the hare and chew it. Since then, Xia Qing has handed over the task of keeping vigil to Sick Wolf.

With Sick Wolf keeping vigil at night, Xia Qing slept more soundly.

 The next day, the first thing Xia Qing did after getting up at the same time as the sun was to open the window and check what was on the windowsill.

After releasing the red squirrel wearing the locator, Xia Qing placed pollution-free spring water, a few grains of grain, and a bunch of tobacco on the window sill, hoping that the little guy would not go to other territories to steal things and be caught again.

Just ten minutes ago, Xia Qing heard the sound of rustling outside the window. She checked the mobile phone software and found that a small red dot representing a red squirrel appeared on the windowsill two meters away from the phone. This was the first time the red squirrel appeared after it was released. This was the first time he appeared so close to Xia Qing.

 After opening the window to check, Xia Qing found that the little guy not only drank water, but also took away a ball of red tobacco. For a while, Xia Qing was not sure which one was more attractive to red squirrels: red lamp tobacco or pollution-free spring water.

After going downstairs to wash up, Xia Qing told the boss Sheep and Sick Wolf, then left home with a big backpack and a chicken coop.

 After putting the chickens and geese into the new chicken coop, Xia Qing left the territory and rushed to the abandoned cave in District 3 to deliver medicine to the injured wolf.

On the way, she took out her mobile phone to check the location of the red squirrel and found that the little guy ran away early in the morning. The arrow in the direction it left this time pointed to No. 50 Mountain in the northwest. She wondered if it was looking for it. Chestnut.

 After arriving in the cave, Xia Qing fed the medicine to the brain-evolved wolf, and the broken-leg wolf picked up a prey that looked very similar to yesterday's prey in front of Xia Qing.

This one is bigger than the one yesterday, so it must be its mother. Xia Qing praised seriously, "Broken leg, you are so capable. This kind of animal can run very fast at first glance. You caught the child yesterday and the mother today, which is quite powerful. But if you keep catching it like this, we will still have food next year." ”

 The broken-leg wolf dropped the prey and turned around to drink water. It couldn't feel Xia Qing's concerns at all, and it couldn't understand them.

Xia Qing found out that the prey was yellow again, and he even thought that the wolf with broken legs was caught by its nest. She explained seriously, "It's going to rain for the third time in two days. Do you understand the rain? It's the kind of rain that causes plants to grow wildly and animals to go crazy."

 The wolf with the broken leg was not interested. After drinking the water, he went back to the cave to rest. The black wolf who was responsible for protecting the injured wolf was catching insects and playing nearby. Only the brain-evolved wolf listened carefully to Xia Qing's words.

Xia Qing stuffed the sealed prey into her backpack and continued chatting with it, "The Queen has been away for so long and she hasn't come back yet. How are you going to escape this rain?"

 The Brain Evolution Wolf stared at Xia Qing, thoughtfully.

 Language barrier and inability to communicate. Xia Qing sighed, picked up the heavy backpack and returned to the territory. After packing up the prey and eating breakfast, Xia Qing started busy non-stop.

 The first thing she planned to do in response to the rain was to collect peanuts.

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