By the end of August, the peanut leaves turn yellow and the lower leaves begin to fall off, which means the peanuts are mature and ready for harvest.

Although the mini-tiller in Xia Qing's garage is equipped with a harvester, she still carries baskets, water basins, large buckets, and shovels to harvest peanuts.

Because the peanut terraces are on a high slope, there are only more than 200 peanut trees in the field, and green light peanuts are still aggressive. In this case, the harvester is not as useful as a shovel.

Xia Qing first used a shovel to loosen the soil at the roots of the peanuts, then lifted the peanut seedlings up and shook them. The peanuts left the soil where they had grown for five months, and the ephemeral yellow peanut pods hanging under the fruit needles were exposed. come out.

"One, two, three, um..." Xia Qing, who was counting the number of peanut pods, found that the peanuts on two fruit needles had fallen off. She dug out the two peanuts from the soil and continued counting, "Six, seven, eight...twenty-five!"

One peanut plant actually produced sixteen mature ephemeral pods, six tender pods with a slightly lighter color and three pods that have not grown into small pods. This was more than what was mentioned in the agricultural product planting books she collected.

 A bumper harvest, an absolute bumper harvest!

Xia Qing pulled off the peanut pods, put the mature ones in one basket, the tender and small ones in another basket, put the peanut seedlings aside, and then dug out the second one.

After harvesting the 170 yellow-light peanuts, Xia Qing took a shovel and turned to the green-light peanuts that were growing sparsely in the field.

These thirty-five plants are all hard-core. Xia Qing is not afraid of leaf vein needles. She is afraid of annoying the peanut seedlings. They will attack indiscriminately and **** the peanuts that have finally grown into sieves.

Xia Qing specifically asked Luo Pei for advice on how to collect green light peanuts.

If you do not want to save seeds, you can directly burn the peanut seedlings with fire before harvesting; if you need to save seeds, you must first cut off the part of the peanut seedlings above the ground, and then quickly dig out the peanut roots from the soil and shake off the soil bubbles. into highly concentrated salt water.

Wait until the salt water has killed the peanut roots, then pick off the peanut pods and rinse them with clean water.

 The time to fight for strength and speed has arrived.

Xia Qing poured half of the basin of purified water and a handful of coarse salt into the wash basin, put clean water into the wash basin next to it, and then threw a bug to Peanut.

While the peanuts were eating bugs, Xia Qing swung the knife with his right hand and chopped off the peanut seedlings that were harder than ordinary wood with a "click" sound.

The chopped upper stems and leaves of the peanut seedlings gradually lost their vitality and let go of the insects. Just when the roots of the peanuts released their power and the thick vein needles of the roots were drilled out from the fracture, Xia Qing quickly shoveled the roots out of the soil with a large shovel, and then clamped the roots with specially made long iron pliers. Shake off the soil and throw it into salt water.

When I first put it in, the aggressive leaf-vein needles growing out of the peanut roots were still making a clanging sound in the iron basin. After more than ten seconds, the peanut root stopped responding.

Xia Qing immediately picked off the peanut pods, threw them into the clean water bucket next to them, rinsed off the salt water, and put them into the basket.

 Then, Xia Qing went to dig up the peanut pods that fell in the soil. The roots and seedlings that can launch attacks have been removed, and there is no danger in digging through the soil to find peanuts.

 After harvesting the first green light peanut, Xia Qing counted it and found that it had twenty-six pods, and all of them were plump. They really grew up eating insects.

Xia Qing shared her joy with her companions, "Look, he's really big."

 The sheep boss and the sick wolf were not interested in the peanuts in Xia Qing's hands, and both stared at the peanut roots in the water basin.

Xia Qing took the dead peanut roots out of the salt water and put them in a sealed bag to prevent the peanut roots from coming into contact with the soil and resurgence, and then started to harvest the second plant.

Thirty-five green-light peanut plants harvested a total of 875 peanut pods. Most of the pods had two peanut beans, and a few had three or one beans. A total of 1,650 green-light peanuts were harvested.

Xia Qing plans to eat a few of these green light peanuts for a taste, then dry the rest and save seeds. Most of the yellow-light peanuts are planted and the rest are eaten.     The "small half", of course, refers to the slightly tender half of the basket.

Xia Qing took off his gloves and protective mask, wiped the sweat from his face, and drank a few sips of water. Although there were not many peanuts, the harvesting process was still very physically demanding.

Xia Qing peeled a young peanut, threw two plump peanuts into his mouth, fed the pods to the sheep boss, and happily sent a message to Zhang San:

Third brother, my peanuts have been harvested. Although the peanut skin is black, the taste is okay. Can I send you some yellow light peanuts to cook and eat?

The reason why I told Zhang San was because last month, when Zhang San got up in the middle of the night to perform an operation on the Broken Waist Wolf, Xia Qing told him that after harvesting the yellow peanuts in his territory, he would give him half of them to fry. eat.

Now that the peanuts have been harvested, Xia Qing must keep his promise.

While waiting for Zhang San’s reply, Xia Qing habitually opened the positioning software and was surprised to find that the red squirrel actually stopped fifteen meters away from herself.

 Little guy, are you here to watch me harvest peanuts?

Xia Qing observed with the corner of his eye and quickly caught the little guy hiding in the tree, staring at the peanut basket with his round black eyes.

 Obviously, red squirrels recognize this nut.

An idea flashed in Xia Qing's head: Could it be that this little guy got the evolved peanuts and evolved soybeans in Territory No. 3?

This possibility is really high.

First, the red squirrel's nest is in the big pine tree in Area 3. That area was not included in the cleanup range last winter, so it did not move; second, although Xia Qing did not know how big the squirrel's territory was, the area in Area 3 The terraces are not far from the red squirrel's nest and should belong to its territory; thirdly, squirrels have the habit of storing nuts for the winter, and they will hide the nuts in different places to avoid being eaten all at once.

 So, it may have hidden the peanuts and soybeans on the hillside and left them uneaten.

Xia Qing took two peanuts, walked out of the greenhouse and placed them on the rocks. He called to the red squirrel who had fled far away, "Try it. It tastes good. If you like it, I will give you some more."

After putting down the peanuts, Xia Qing received a call from Zhang San, "You said the peanut skin is black, do you mean the hemp skin outside, or the thin skin wrapping the peanut kernels?"

Xia Qing replied, "It's the thin skin wrapping the peanut kernels."

 Zhang San was silent for a few seconds, "Have you never eaten black peanuts before the natural disaster?"

  ? ? ?

Xia Qing’s face was filled with questions, “Were there black peanuts before the natural disaster?”

Xia Qing was only fifteen years old when the natural disaster occurred. Her daily life consisted of carrying her schoolbag to and from school and interest classes. Other than that, she didn’t worry about anything. She really didn’t know that peanuts were black.

Zhang San responded, "Black-skinned peanuts are also called selenium-rich peanuts. Our territory has selenium-rich soil. It's not surprising that some people planted selenium-rich peanuts before the natural disaster. How much did you harvest?"

Selenium-rich peanuts? Xia Qing's eyes lit up, "Thirty-five green-light plants and one hundred and seventy yellow-light plants. I plan to save the green-light peanuts for seeds, and will I send you half of the yellow-light ones?"

Although Zhang San is petty, he never takes other people’s things for free. He wanted the selenium-rich peanuts and directly offered the price, "Two hundred green light peanuts and four hundred yellow light peanuts. I will exchange them for five kilograms of green light wheat seeds."

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