Other lords asked a lot of questions, but when Li Si caught Xia Qing who only asked one question, no one found it strange. Because before Li Si was arrested, she was very interested in Xia Qing, or in other words, the things grown in Xia Qing's territory.

Xia Qing replied calmly, "Because among the seeds I got from the agricultural products fair, apart from corn, the sunflower plants grew the strongest and tallest."

The stronger and taller the plant, the more difficult it will be to deal with after evolution. Xia Qing’s answer is impeccable.

Before Li Si could ask further questions, Zhang San spoke lazily, "Captain Tan, has there been a surprise inspection of Territory No. 9 this month?"


Tan Junjie replied seriously, "Not yet."

“Okay.” Zhang San’s tone was obviously filled with joy, “Please let me know before Captain Tan goes.”

very good. Zhang San still dislikes Li Si as before. With Zhang San watching, Li Si can't do anything illegal, and the lords can farm their fields and deal with the rain with peace of mind.

Li Si coldly proposed the terms of exchange, "Third brother, can I exchange fifteen grams of the No. 3 special hemostatic medicine you made? When third brother comes over, he can take away any plants grown in my greenhouse that he likes."

 Would Zhang San agree to not deal with Territory No. 7 and No. 9?

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the cautious Zhang San to speak.

 Zhang San asked weakly, "How many plants?"

Li Si, who had no idea about points, went offline. Xiao Liu, the assistant of Territory No. 9, came online and answered gently and professionally, "Lord Zhang, our lord is in an emergency and asked me to discuss the exchange with you. Can you see three plants?"

Xia Qing, who was petting the sheep, complained to the sheep boss, "Li Si must have been pulled down by Assistant Liu."

 Zhang San responded lazily, “Fifteen plants.”

 Knowing Zhang San's temper, assistant Xiao Liu did not bargain, "Okay, thank you Lord Zhang. Do you think it would be convenient for us to go over and get the medicine now?"

In such a hurry to get medicine, someone in Territory No. 9 must have suffered an injury that cannot be cured by ordinary hemostatic drugs. Who is this guy? John Doe? Xia Qing narrowed her eyes, turned her hand to the sparse wolf hair, and continued to stroke it.

Zhang San responded, "Send fifteen of the plants with black flowers in the middle area of ​​your easternmost greenhouse that grow well, with their roots and soil."

Assistant Xiao Liu paused for a few seconds before answering gently, "Okay. Thank you Lord Zhang, we will dig now and deliver it to the No. 7 Territory road sign in fifteen minutes."

Through these few seconds of pause, Xia Qing felt the reluctance of assistant Xiao Liu. It must be that the black-flowered plant that Zhang San wanted was precious.

 What plant has black flowers and is very valuable? Xia Qing thought about it carefully, and it really reminded her of two evolutionary plants that had been hung on the task bulletin board in the safe zone's task hall, offering bounties for finding them:

  Skeleton grass and black bat flower.

 If it is these two, it is no wonder that Xiao Liu is reluctant to part with it. However, this also reflects the preciousness of Zhang San’s special hemostatic medicine.

The No. 3 special hemostatic medicine that Li Si wants to exchange for should not be the kind of hemostatic medicine that Xia Qing and the other lords used green light plants or animals to exchange with Zhang San.

Xia Qing took out a small book, carefully wrote down this clue, and then began to plan what to do in the next three days to avoid missing important things. Halfway through writing, Xia Qing received a call from Luo Pei, "Xia Qing, is there anything wrong with the sunflowers in your territory?"

Luo Pei was recuperating in Territory No. 1 and rarely came to Territory No. 3. He didn't know the situation on Xia Qing's side.

Xia Qing replied, "I have tested and found that the chlorine element content of many sunflower plants is more than 10 parts per thousand. I am afraid that they will evolve chlorine when it rains for a long time."

The dividing line between yellow light and red light plants is the element content of 15% per thousand. Above this is red light, and below it to 5% per thousand is yellow light.

 If it rains for seventy hours, the content of the nitrogen element in the atmosphere will definitely increase. After the roots, stems and leaves of plants absorb excessive amounts of the nitrogen element, once the internal balance is destroyed, they will not be able to expel the excess nitrogen element from the body as quickly as possible. At that time, green light plants may turn into yellow lights, and yellow light plants may turn into red lights.

Although the red light plant may not necessarily evolve to death, it is more likely to evolve to death than the green light and yellow light. Moreover, even if the red-light crops grown in greenhouses do not evolve, they have lost their edible value and must be removed. Otherwise, when the plants bloom, the pollen of the red light plants will be pollinated by the yellow and green light plants, which will reduce the quality of the seeds.

The only exception is cotton, because cotton is not grown for food.

Luo Pei understood Xia Qing's concerns and replied, "The members of the planting team in my territory also mentioned this. They plan to uproot all the sunflowers with a content of alkaline elements higher than 13 parts per thousand in the few days before the rain. ”

"This is a good idea, I'll just unplug it." Xia Qing responded.

Luo Pei asked again, "Are you going to use Yishi? Do you want me to explain it to Hu Feng in advance?"

Husband Feng's team didn't know that Xia Qing had Yi stones, and Xia Qing didn't intend to let them know, "I'm just going to use two small pieces of Yi stones to protect the green light spinach and green light rice. I have already set up greenhouses in these two fields. There are holes cut into the brackets, so they shouldn’t be discovered.”

 After hanging up the phone, Xia Qing drew a horizontal line under the plan of "uprooting dangerous sunflowers" that he had already written.

 The reason she told Li Si was only superficial; the answer she gave to Luo Pei was only part of the reason. Xia Qing doesn't want anyone to know the real reason why she pays attention to Sunflower.

 The reason why he asked Li Si about the possibility of sunflower evolution was because Xia Qing found that something was very wrong with several sunflowers in his field.

At the agricultural products fair, Xia Qing exchanged points for 200 yellow sunflower seeds, which were planted in the terraces and cultivated fields in the territory. A total of 120 sunflowers were planted: 90 in the terraces and 30 in the greenhouses on the cultivated land at the foot of the hillside.

Xia Qing was very lucky. Among the 120 sunflowers, two green sunflowers appeared, one in the terraces and one in the farmland greenhouse.

Like other green light plants, Xia Qing tied very conspicuous red strings on these two sunflowers. He took great care of them every day, whether it was deworming, fertilizing or weeding.

  Half a month ago, Xia Qing discovered that the green sunflower in the farmland and several sunflowers around it were growing slower and lower than other plants.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be done, because green light plants need more and better fertilizers and water than other plants, so they should grow more vigorously.

After careful inspection, Xia Qing discovered that there was a yellow sunflower in the field, which felt a little wrong to her.

Xia Qing suspected that it was "weak", which caused the body's balance to become imbalanced, and turned into a red light plant. However, after testing, it was found that the content of the element in this sunflower was only 7% per thousand, which was far from being a red light plant.

Even though it was a yellow plant, and although it looked fine on the surface, Xia Qing felt that there was something indescribably wrong with it.

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