The height of the corn plant exceeds 1.6 meters. When it is well grown, it is already taller than a human head. It is the tallest among the crops grown in the territory, and it is also one of the most difficult to detect when it has evolved.

 Having known for a long time that the third rainstorm was coming, of course everyone would prepare in advance. Shi Zhong replied, "I piled a half-meter-high earthen pole in the corn shed."

Kuang Qingwei replied, "Brother Shi, this is a good idea, why didn't I think of it! I made more than twenty high stools, put them in the corn shed when it rained, and stood on the high stools to observe the situation in the corn field."

Compared with high stools, Tulong is more convenient for walking back and forth. Xia Qing and Qi Fu also built Tulong in advance.

Tang Huai suddenly said, "Xia Qing, you won't be able to survive seventy hours by yourself. How about I go over and help you? One hundred points a day will do."

 Everybody...? ? ?

Xia Qing refused flatly, "I have hired people to help me guard the territory."

What Tang Huai wanted to say was cut off by his father, "Tang Huai, come back and work when you have nothing to do when it rains."

"Okay, Dad." Tang Huai responded. He also knew that Xia Qing would not agree, but he was curious about what happened to the crazy sheep and sick wolves in Territory No. 3, and wanted to go and have a look.

Zhao Ze heard that Tang Huai had stopped making trouble and asked in a low voice, "Brother Luo, if my territory is too busy, can you ask people from your territory to come and help?"

 This is also a matter of concern to Territories No. 5, 6, and 10, and they all listened with their ears pricked up.

Luo Peiwen replied, "During the rain, most of the main members of the Qinglong Team have to be stationed in the safe zone, so I don't have enough manpower here. Each territory can only send two or three people to help. Ordinary team members have 50 points a day, and ordinary evolution team members have one day." One hundred points, and more than 200 points per day for advanced evolution members. Weapons consumed in fighting against evolved creatures also need to be charged."

 This employment price is quite high in the safe zone, but the difficulty of protecting the territory is different from protecting the safe zone. There are more uncertainties and dangers in the territory, so the high price is reasonable.

 For lords who cultivate at least ten acres of crops, this point is nothing. Zhao Ze was the first to answer, "Thank you, Brother Luo, for being willing to help in such a dangerous time. I would like to ask three ordinary evolution team members to help."

After Qi Fu, Kuang Qingwei and Shi Quan also reported their number of employees, Tang Huai couldn't help it anymore, "Captain Luo, didn't you open more than a thousand acres of wasteland? You sent so many people here, you still have enough." ?”

Hushi Feng immediately choked back, "As long as there are no unethical and smoking rats released in the rain, our manpower will be enough."


Tang Huai, who was holding a big smoking iron pot with his wickedness on his head...

Luo Peiwen responded, “Although we have opened a lot of land, most of it is still empty, so we don’t need many manpower.”

Tang Zhengbo communicated with Luo Pei, "Is Captain Luo planning to plant winter wheat?"

Luo Pei responded, “Yes, but we haven’t gotten good wheat seeds yet.”

Tang Zhengbo heard the news and said, "Me too. I plan to grow more wheat to contribute to the base. I have been busy looking for high-quality wheat seeds."

After the two lords who cultivated thousands or hundreds of acres of farmland finished their exchange, the small lords who cultivated more than ten or dozens of acres of land continued their exchanges.

Kuang Qingwei asked, "Brother Qi, if you pull out the cotton with a few small cotton bolls and dry it in the sun, will the big cotton bolls below bloom?" Qi Fu was not sure, "It stands to reason that it should work, right?"

"You can unplug it." A long-lost, cold voice sounded in the Lord's channel.

Lord No. 9 Li Si, who was taken away for more than a month for illegally storing a large amount of banned chemicals in the territory, has returned to the territory!

Li Si is an expert in planting. The lords were surprised when they heard her voice, and immediately seized the opportunity to consult on how to deal with the rain.

Kuang Qingwei asked quickly, "Fourth sister, is it okay to pluck the cotton and put it in the shed? Or should I take it home and put it in the house?"

Li Si replied coldly, "Tear off the leaves after pulling them out, and place them in a place where they are not exposed to rain, where the roots are not in contact with the soil, and where ventilation is available to avoid accumulation of mold. After the rain, spread them out to dry and grow into cotton bolls. It will crack one after another.”

Kuang Qingwei immediately replied, "Okay, thank you Fourth Sister. The weather has been bad recently. Fourth Sister, please take care of yourself and drink more hot water."

Everyone rushed to ask a few questions. Although Li Si's voice was obviously tired, her answers were still professional. It seemed that more than a month of interrogation and detention had not caused any real harm to her.

As for how she spent this month, although everyone was curious, they all knew how to use their discretion and did not ask.

Xia Qing also asked, "Fourth sister, is it possible that the yellow light sunflower will evolve dangerously?"

Li Si calmly replied, "The seeds you brought out from the safe area are evolved dwarf oil sunflower seeds. The growth period is about seventy-five days. If you sow them after you get them back, the oil sunflower seedlings will now have passed the seedling stage and bud stage. Those that grow slowly are in the flowering stage, and those that grow vigorously enter the mature stage. The probability of evolution during the flowering stage is higher than that during the mature stage. "

"As for the probability of evolution, it depends on how well the greenhouse is isolated from the elements. In the red rain that lasted for more than an hour and a half in the eighth year of the natural disaster, the oil sunflowers in three bases in Huicheng underwent dangerous evolution, and the oil sunflower plants turned outward. Sunflower seeds were sprayed at high speed, causing a large number of casualties.”

 A sunflower that can spray sunflower seeds at high speed would become a machine gun...

The sudden red rain in the eighth year of the natural disaster, which caused a large number of casualties, was everyone's nightmare. Unexpectedly, in this nightmare, a disaster happened that they didn't know about.

Qi Fu asked without confidence, "Fourth Sister, after the past two years of cultivation and optimization, the stability of oil sunflower should have improved, right? Otherwise, the safe zone would not sell seeds for everyone to buy and plant, right?"

 Oil sunflower seeds were sold publicly by the lord management department at the agricultural products fair in July. Almost all lords purchased two hundred seeds according to the upper limit and planted them in their own territories.

Before hearing what Li Si said, they thought that the sunflowers that had already passed the flowering stage and entered the mature stage had a high chance of surviving the third rainstorm safely, but now they all regretted not planting them a few days later. Because the sunflower is in the flowering stage, even if it evolves, it cannot spray sunflower seeds.

  Why? Because the sunflower disk is in the flowering stage and has not yet grown seeds!

Li Si responded coldly to Qi Fu's inquiry, "I have not tested the quality of this batch of sunflower seeds, so I cannot answer your question."

As for why there was no testing, of course it was because a dangerous chemical incident occurred a few days after receiving the seeds, and then Li Si was arrested.

Just when everyone was uneasy, Li Si suddenly asked Xia Qing by name, "Xia Qing, why are you concerned about the possibility of the evolution of Youkuizhu?" (End of this chapter)

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