This morning, Broken Leg Wolf sent Xia Qing a yellow prey.

This is the first time Xia Qing has received yellow-light prey from a wolf pack. She guessed that the broken-leg wolf may not be as good at distinguishing between green-light and yellow-light animals as the alpha wolf, or it may be that the nearby green-light animals have been caught by the wolves. , so the Broken Leg Wolf can only catch the yellow light instead.

 Fortunately, Xia Qing has paid back the seventy kilograms of green light meat owed to Zhang San. Zhang San, the yellow light animal, will not eat it, and Xia Qing and Sick Wolf will not pick it. Part of the animal's internal organs was sealed and put in the storage room, and part of it was boiled and fed to the wolves. The cut meat was kept for two days, and the rest was sliced ​​and roasted into jerky by Xia Qing.

With the establishment of a standard storage room, the shelf life of dried meat has also been extended, so Xia Qing processed the prey that the sick wolf couldn't finish into dried meat and stored it. After the sick wolf recovers and leaves the territory, if she wants to capture green light prey, she can only rely on probability and luck.

It would be great if wolves could talk. Xia Qingte wanted to learn from the wolf how to identify green light prey.

The prey sent by the Broken Leg Wolf was not big. It should be a cub born this summer. It looked like both a deer and a sheep. Xia Qing couldn't tell which animal it evolved from.

 No matter what it is, as long as it is edible.

Xia Qing brought up the sealed fresh meat from the underground storage room and was about to chop it into mincemeat when she heard Zhao Ze's mother in Territory No. 4 talking, "Shi's family, are you all eating sesame oil now? I can't even bear to cook." Put the oil."

  Shi Mu explained, “We don’t grow sesame seeds, and we don’t have sesame oil. I mean the dumplings taste better with sesame oil.”

"Yes, it would be more delicious if there were eggs. If our chick hadn't died, it would have laid eggs next month." Mother Zhao still felt heartbroken when she mentioned the yellow light hen that was killed by the ultrasound. .

 In the territory, Zhao’s mother often complained to her son that Zhang San was stingy. He raised many chickens and didn’t know how many to sell to the neighbors so that everyone could eat eggs. But she only dared to complain in private, but she didn't dare to say a word in the Lord's channel.

Xia Qing felt happy listening to Zhao's mother complaining. The batch of yellow-light chicks that Zhao Ze and Qi Fu received hatched one month earlier than her green-light chicks, which meant that if nothing unexpected happened, she would be able to eat eggs in late October.

 How can you eat eggs if you have them?

 Steamed eggs, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, scrambled eggs with cucumber, scrambled eggs with shallots, dumplings stuffed with egg and pumpkin, dumplings stuffed with leek and egg…

The more he thought about it, the more excited Xia Qing became. The sound of mincing meat was heard in the living room. The sick wolf lying on the tatami raised his paws and pressed his ears.

 Chop the minced meat filling and yellow light ginger, add the squeezed out green light pumpkin, pepper oil, salt, soy sauce and sesame oil and stir evenly. The aroma of the dumpling filling will attract the sick wolf to the kitchen door.

Xia Qing, who was making dough, saw it standing on the ground looking at him eagerly, so he took out a small piece of unseasoned barbecued meat from the iron box, tore open the sealed bag and handed it over, "Are you hungry? Let's chew on this to grind our teeth for a while. , your meat is already cooked, it will be ready soon.”

  Wild wolves in the evolutionary forest can only eat one meal at most a day. When there are few prey, it is normal to eat one meal every three or four days. When the two injured wolves were recuperating in Xia Qing's territory, the first wolf gave them prey once a day, which was already a very preferential treatment.

After this sick wolf entered Xia Qing's territory, because of its weak intestines and stomach, Xia Qing changed it to eat less and more meals, three times a day. It adapted well to the current way of eating, working with Xia Qing and the sheep boss. Have a meal.

 The sick wolf who got the dried meat shook his tail and returned to the tatami to eat the meat. Before Xia Qing's eyes could recover from the wolf's actions, the sheep boss had already arrived at the kitchen door, waiting to be fed with his big eyes open.

 Life is not easy, Xia Qing sighed.

She took a piece of freshly peeled pumpkin skin and fed it to the sheep boss, "Go ahead and grind your teeth. I'll mix the ingredients for you later." After the sheep boss happily returned to the living room with the pumpkin skin in his mouth, Xia Qing began to roll out the dumpling wrappers. ,Make dumplings.

 After the dumplings were wrapped, it became dark. Xia Qing first dried the cooked offal in the wolf's rice bowl, then went to the terrace to pinch a handful of spinach leaves. When he came back, he took the chicken coop back and put it in the sheep shed.

 After returning to the house, Xia Qing added firewood to cook dumplings and washed the spinach. She divided the spinach leaves into three parts and placed them in the sheep's concentrate, the sick wolf's boiled meat and her own dumplings.

 After the dumplings were cooked, Xia Qing listened to the news broadcast and ate the fragrant meat dumplings, feeling bubbling with happiness.

 Xia Qing's bubble of happiness burst when she heard the weather forecast from Huisan Base.

 The third heavy rain this year will arrive in three days and last about 70 hours. Due to the high density of clouds, no less than three red-level showers are expected, each lasting more than an hour.

  Red level rain lasts for more than one hour, which is a disaster level. After three disasters, the territory that humans have worked hard to open up and cultivate for half a year is still in human hands after three disasters?

 She has no control over other people's affairs, but Territory No. 3 must belong to her!

Xia Qing drank the dumpling soup in one gulp, cleared the table, spread out his notebook, and listened carefully to today's farming knowledge broadcast.

 Today’s farming knowledge is about how the lords responded to the third rain. In addition to basic precautions such as drainage and fastening of rainproof cloth, announcer Wang Chuqi reminded in her comfortable and hopeful voice, "Cotton has entered the late growth stage. If it does not encounter red-level rain for more than one and a half hours, there is a possibility of evolution." The risk is not great, but the rain that lasts for more than three days may cause a large number of spades to appear. In order to deal with the crisis, the lords..."

 After the broadcast, Xia Qing turned off the radio and turned on the walkie-talkie.

 The Lord's channel was filled with heavy emotions.

Zhao Ze complained, "Seventy hours, doesn't this cost lives?! This land really can't be planted in a day."

Kuang Qingwei asked, "How many hours did it last for the third rain last year?"

Shi Zhong replied, "Last year's time was not short. We were in a safe zone at that time. When it rained, we closed the door and hid at home. I really didn't pay attention to the specific number of hours."

Luo Pei replied, "The duration of the third rainstorm last year was 67.4 hours. There were two red rainstorms, and the longest one lasted 1.6 hours. After the rainstorm, the official number of casualties reported by Huisan Base was 420 people."

The specific number of casualties is definitely higher than what was officially reported. How many people will die in this year's three bursts of red rain? There was silence in the Lord's channel.

Tan Junjie issued a serious and calm announcement, "Please follow the key points mentioned in the broadcast and be prepared to deal with the rain. During the rain, if there is a dangerous situation in Territory 1 to 10 that the lord cannot handle, please contact us immediately Get in touch with the investigation team.”

"Copy that." Zhao Ze responded and began to brace himself to ask everyone how to deal with the rain. "Everyone, how do you plan to guard the corn shed?" (End of this chapter)

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