After returning to the territory, Xia Qing first sprayed deodorant and insecticide on the edge of the territory, and then checked the various traps he had set up, but still felt uneasy.

 Just in case, she decided not to sleep tonight to protect her territory.

 At this time, it was more important to ensure nutrition and energy, so Xia Qing decided to dig a potato and eat it to her fullest.

Xia Qing planted six kilograms of potato seeds in March, and a total of 102 pieces sprouted. After being lost due to rain and other reasons, there are now only 60 plants left, ten of which are tied with red strings.

 Most of the crops tied with red ropes in Territory 3 have green lights, with the exception of these ten yellow-light potato seedlings. Although they are yellow lights, they have the lowest content of plutonium among the sixty potatoes. Xia Qing plans to keep these ten potatoes as seeds and continue to plant them next year.

Although the possibility of dangerous and aggressive potato evolution in the rain is high, Xia Qing is still unwilling to give up planting. One is because potatoes are delicious, and the other is that her shooting skills have improved now. If she encounters dancing potato vines again, she is sure to kill them with one shot.

Harvesting potatoes was like digging for treasure. Xia Qing was excited. She chose a tree with the wimpiest leaves, chopped off the potato vines with a knife, and dug carefully.

Because he was afraid of hurting the potatoes, Xia Qing placed the shovel thirty centimeters away from the roots of the potato seedlings. After the first shovel of soil was shoveled out, Xia Qing replaced it with a palm-sized seedling transplanting shovel and dug bit by bit.

 Xia Qing couldn't help but cheer when he saw the first potato. The sheep boss outside the shed heard the noise and got in. Xia Qing raised the first potato of the big harvest to the sheep boss, "Boss, look at it, potatoes!"

The sheep boss raised his nose and sniffed, squinting his eyes to show his disgust.

The sheep boss didn’t like Chachi, so she ate them all! Xia Qing put the fist-sized potatoes next to him and continued digging. There were cheers in the shed, "This one must be half a catty."

“It’s much larger than the potato seeds I planted, at least three taels.”

One potato seedling grew a total of nine large and small potatoes. Xia Qing didn't know whether the yield was high or low, but she was already very satisfied.

Put the potatoes carefully into the basket and let the sheep carry it. When passing by the chicken shed, Xia Qing picked up the chicken that had already got into the cage, and returned it home in pairs, one person and one sheep.

 Back home, Xia Qing put the chickens into the sheep shed originally built for the sheep boss. The floor and walls of the sheep shed are hardened with cement. Once the iron door is locked, there is no need to worry about evolved animals coming to steal the chickens in the middle of the night.

 Back in the house, Xia Qing weighed the potatoes first. Nine potatoes total eight and a half kilograms, which means that her sixty seedlings may yield five hundred kilograms of potatoes.

 Five hundred catties!

Xia Qing hummed a little tune and steamed the rice. He washed two potatoes and cut them open. First, he took the potato juice and tested the content of the element. The element content in the sap of potato seedlings is the same: 8 parts per thousand, yellow light, and edible.

Xia Qing happily peeled the potatoes and shredded them, added a small sun-dried red pepper and stir-fried for a few times to add the vinegar. The hot and sour smell in the kitchen made Xia Qing sneeze.

The smell wafted into the living room, and Boss Yang was so stimulated that he sneezed, "Hey!!"

 Lao Yang didn't like it, but Xia Qing enjoyed the smell of fireworks. After frying the shredded potatoes and steaming the rice, Xia Qing mixed a pot of fine ingredients for the sheep boss, "Boss, let's start the meal!"

 One person and one sheep ate at two tables. Xia Qing sat at the table and took a bite of shredded potatoes, squinting her eyes happily. Hot and sour shredded potatoes are one of those dishes that can be fried deliciously even if you don’t have any cooking skills.

 Her fried shredded potatoes are so delicious!

 She will grow more potatoes next year and eat them every day.

 If you want to eat potatoes every day, you must find a way to store fresh potatoes for a long time. After eating, Xia Qing kept thinking about potato storage while washing the dishes.

 According to the communication situation among the lord group, the potatoes saved in her territory should be the most in the three, four, five, six and ten territories. Because when the potato seedlings in other territories evolved dangerously, the rain shelters were destroyed.

 So, among these lords, Xia Qing may be the only one who needs to store potatoes. In this case, asking in the group how to store potatoes is just to make others jealous and create trouble for yourself. Xia Qing turns to two people for help: idol Zhang San and teacher Luo Pei.

Xia Qing decided to find Luo Pei this time, because the Qinglong team had turned the No. 1 territory into a thousand-acre planting area, and they must have a way to store vegetables.

Xia Qing plans to pay points and store his potatoes in the storage room of Territory No. 1, so that he can eat them as he pleases.

As soon as Xia Qing made up her mind, she received news from Luo Pei. The situation detection on Mountain No. 55 has yielded results. It was a large-scale fight between wolves, snakes and bears. Now the fight is over and will not affect Mountain No. 49.

Xia Qing couldn't imagine what a wolf, snake, and bear would be like, let alone why these three species were fighting.

 Fighting for territory? Grab resources? Which group won?

Xia Qing certainly hopes that the wolves will win, because then no wolves will escape to territory three and compete with her for territory.

  After completing the routine training at night, Xia Qing carefully inspected the territory again and checked all the sound traps before returning home. He put on protective clothing and lay on the bed with his eyes closed to rest.

 At midnight, the sound of Mr. Sheep walking around and opening the security door could be heard downstairs: "Click, creak - bang."

Although the sheep boss doesn’t eat at night, he can chew cud and needs convenience. Its time is very fixed, and Xia Qing is used to it.

Just when she was half asleep and half awake, she suddenly heard a crisp "ding" sound, and something touched the thread of the sound trap outside the courtyard!

Xia Qing woke up immediately, opened her eyes, grabbed the gun, got up, ran to the living room window on the second floor and opened the blackout bed curtain, and heard the wolf's low call.


Finally, Xia Qing felt like a boulder had fallen to the ground.


The sheep boss who had just finished relieving himself in the yard responded excitedly. He ran over and pushed the door bolt of the yard with one hoof to push the wooden door open. Xia Qing was too late to stop him.

Because he didn't know how many wolves were coming, Xia Qing took two guns, more than 200 rounds of ammunition, and three knives before going downstairs and leaving the house. After seeing the situation outside the courtyard clearly, Xia Qing was stunned.

What's happening here?

 In the dark night, the snow-white sheep boss was caressing a wolf with a notch on the outside of its left ear. Xia Qing had already expected the intimate scene between the sheep and the wolf. Although it was more eye-catching than the spicy and sour potato shreds at night, it didn't surprise her.

 The four green wolf eyes behind the wolf did not surprise her, because she had already guessed that the wolf would bring a team over to seize the territory.

But why are the two wolves at the back still carrying two more wolves?

What are you carrying? Are you embarrassed? Are you embarrassed?

One person faced six green wolf eyes. Xia Qing, who was holding her weapon tightly, took a step forward very calmly. Once the wolves started to attack, she would immediately occupy the commanding heights here and use her gun to block and kill the wolves.

   Thanks to two book friends, Dayu'er and 8084, for their tips. Thank you all for your subscription, comments, monthly votes and support.

Good morning

  (End of this chapter)

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